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CATALOG 22007 - Volume XLVII, No.7
Our 47th. Year
ALBITE- Farsky dul, Sobotin, Moravia, Czech Republic
Old stuff with excellent, white to transparent albite crystals to several millimeters
richly scattered on rock matrix, some with minor epidote, tourmaline or other
species. Good micro potential as well with small twins and numerous habits evident.
Rich samples from a fairly obscure locality for the feldspar specialists among
you, 5cm to 10cm @ just 12.50, 20.00 and 35.00 each.
ALLORIITE- Monte Cavallucio, Campagnano, Lazio Italy
This rare species forms minute colorless to pale violet tabular to stout prismatic
micro hexagonal crystals in vugs, typically associated with sanidine, andradite,
"biotite" etc. IMA# 2006-020, and named for well known amateur mineralogist
and collector Roberto Allori (b. 1933) who found the mineral. Formula: (Na,Ca,K)26[Ca4Cl4][Si,Al)48O96](SO4)6Cl2,
a new member of the cancrinite group and analog of afghanite. Author's material,
only a few small samples (~1cm-1.5cm) available @ 150.00 each, with a copy of
Allori's signed label as well!.
CALCITE (3 generations)- Herja, Baia Mare, Maramures, Romania
A specimen acquired circa 1975, carried to Tucson some twenty years later, then
subsequently lost in the warehouse until now, comprised of a black, crystallized
core of sphalerite upon which three different generations/habits of white calcite
perch! The largest is an elongated rhomb about 4cm long, with a secondary dusting
of white drusy calcite encapsulating the original crystal. Overlaying that grouping,
and widely scattered across the entire specimen, are wafer-like calcite crystals
to 1.3cm offering the final generation of growth on the specimen! A very attractive
piece and generously sized, overall about 15 x 10 cm @ just 395.00. One only
from this classic locality!
CHUKHROVITE-(Nd)- Kara-Oba, Betpakdala Desert, Kazakhstan
This rare species occurs here as tiny colorless grains to 0.3mm, embedded in
1.8cm probe mounts and accomapnied by SEM images, X-ray spectra and full analytical
chemistry! Formula: Ca3(Nd,Y)Al2(SO4)F13*12H2O, IMA #2004-023, the Nd-dominant
analogue of chukhrovite-(Y) and chukhrovite-(Ce). Author's studied material,
type locality, of course, at 175.00 per documented sample.
COQUANDITE with VALENTINITE- Pereta Mine, Grosseto, Tuscany, Italy
White, somewhat fibrous masses of this unusual species occurring as small fracture
fillings among radiating stibnite masses. Some associations may include reddish-stained
valentinite to 1mm and possibly other species, occasionally with resulting micro
potential. Matrix specimens from 3cm to 5cm @ 20.00, 30.00 and 45.00 each, depending
on coverage and size.
CORNWALLITE- Centennial Eureka Mine, Juab Co., Utah
Excellent, dark emerald green botryoidal groups and balls of cornwallite nicely
scattered in vuggy rock matrix, occasionally with other species. Good micro
material, SEM-verified, sizes from 2cm to 3cm @ 10.00 and 20.00 each, depending
on quality.
CUPRITE with MALACHITE etc.- Continental Pit, Butte, Silve Bow
Co Montana
Older material from the 100'-200' Bench of this famous locality, here as deep
reddish, metallic streamers sparingly running through massive malachite/rock
matrix. Typically reported associations may include micro molybdenite, azurite,
chrysocolla etc. Colorful, chunky specimens, ranging in size from 5cm to 8cm
across @ just 25.00 and 35.00 each.
EPIDOTE- Jumbo Copper Mine, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska
Lustrous, dark green epidote crystals to 1.5cm richly scattered on matrix, occasionally
with small terminated quartz crystals. The epidotes havve sharp, glassy prism
faces and many show good terminations as well. Old material described in a 1977
MinRec article, these from the H. Rozenbroek collection acquired in 1979, several
miles away from the other well-known epidote locality on Green Monster Mountain.
Overall group sizes average about 4.5cm @ 65.00 each from this classic. locality
that ceased mining operations in 1918!
GALENA- Black Pine Mine, Granite Co., Montana
Rich, silvery-grey masses of heavy, metallic galena richly scattered on and
often comprising matrix, occasionally with sphalerite, pyrite, tetrahedrite-(Zn),
quartz, or other phases. Rarely offered from this famous locality, specimens
from 2.5cm to 5cm @ 15.00, 25.00 and 35.00 each.
GREENOCKITE on PYRITE- Sweet Home Mine, Park Co., Colorado
This unusual cadmium mineral occurs as microscopic coatings on pyrite, resulting
in a somewhat greenish cast, typically well-scattered on quartz/tetrahedrite
ore, occasionally with micro galena and/or sphalerite as well, rarely with minor
lower grade rhodochrosite or fluorite. Described in September, 2004 Mineral
News article, these are from the Watercourse Vein, now closed and backfilled.
Only a few samples on hand, sizes from about 2.5cm to nearly 8cm across @ 35.00,
50.00, 85.00 and 125.00 each, depending on associations.
HARMUNITE (IMA #2012-045)- Jabel Harmun, Palestinian Autonomy, Israel
This rare mineral was uncovered in the Judea Desert near the West Bank, occurring
as minute dark grains to 0.4mm, here isolated in polished probe mounts, often
with larnite, magnesioferrite or possibly other species, all pinpointed in excellent
SEM backscatter images. Formula: CaFe2O4, IMA #2012-045, type locality and holotype
specimens with full analytical chemistry, only a few on hand @ 295.00 each.
KOSNARITE- Mt. Mica, Paris, Maine
Pale to medium blue vitreous aggregates of this relatively rare species sparsely
scattered in pegmatite matrix. A potassium-zirconium phosphate, these specimens
are the last of the original and only find by teh late Gene Bearss in a single
boulder in July, 1989. Only a few small 2mm to 6mm specimens available @ 45.00
and 75.00 each.
LATIUMITE- I Cappuccini, Albano, Roma, Lazio, Italy
Well-formed micro crystals consisting of rather elongated, monoclinic glassy
colorless crystals perched in metamorphosed limestone ejecta matrix, most with
good micro potential. Type locality material, with specimens ranging from about
2cm to 3cm across at just 25.00 and 35.00 each, depending on coverage, and all
specimens with one or more arrows.
LEUCOPHANITE etc.- Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada
Excellent micro crystals of greyish, orthorhombic leucophanite, either as tiny
singles or mounted speicmens that are perched on the edges of aegirine spears,
sometimes associated with other species. An uncommon beryllium-rich silicate,
these are available as small (1 to 3mm) unmounted singles at just 12.50 AND
17.50 each, or as carefully mounted micro-boxed samples @ 25.00 each. Old stuff
from a prolific locality!
LEVYNE-Ca- Beech Creek, Grant Co., Oregon
Excellent platy white micro crystals of this zeolite cross-hatching and coating
the walls of vuggy, brownish olivine basalt. Rich pieces, good hand specimens
with micro potential as well, matrix sizes from 2cm to 6cm @ 12.50, 20.00, 30.00
and 45.00 each, collected in the late 1970's.
LEVYNE-Na- Ikitsuki-jima Is., Hirado, Nagasaki Japan
An interesting, analytically-confirmed Na-dominant zeolite from his desirable
locality, here as well formed thin, lamellar hexagonal crystals to a few millimeters,
most quite colorless and transparent to somewhat translucent, in groups perched
within vuggy volcanic rock. All have micro potential and can be further trimmed
if desired, specimens from about 2.5cm to nearly 4cm @ 20.00, 30.00 and 45.00
each. The locality has also yielded a few Ca-dominant specimens as well, slightly
smaller sizes at similar prices; inquire!
LITHIOPHOSPHATE- Tanco Mine, Bernic Lake, Manitoba, Canada
This rare species occurs as glassy crystalline aggregates, either as relative
pure fragments without matrix averaging 1cm @ 35.00 each, or as matrix specimens
with "lepidolite" and other phases, 2cm to 3.5cm @ 50.00 and 75.00
each. Prolific locality material from very old stock!
MEIONITE- Cava San Vito, Mt. Somma, Vesuvio, Italy
Excellent elongated translucent to greyish white crystals and aggregates of
meionite to 5mm tall richly scattered in large exposed vugs of volcanic ejecta.
Monte Somma is the type locality for the mineral, and these are fine examples
of the occurrence. Generous sizes from 4cm to 7cm @ 25.00, 40.00 and 60.00 ea.
MILLERITE- Meikle Mine, Elko Co., Nevada
Best known for its outrageous barite crystals, the Meikle produced many interesting
species, millerite being one of the more aesthetic ones. The mineral occurs
as tiny, metallic needles upstanding while scattered on matrix, occasionally
with pyrite. We have a few thumbnails available, most acquired in 2005 from
the 41-20 heading of the Griffin ore body, at 150.00; one only! List alternates.
NICKELALUMITE w/ VOLBORTHITE- Kara-Chagyr, Fergana Valley, Kyrgyzstan
This uncommon mineral occurs as very pale blue-green to green spherules up to
2mm in diameter scattered on matrix, occasionally with bright green, glassy,
platy micro crystal aggregates of volborthite, some possibly with a thin brownish
crust of rusakovite. From teh 2003 find at this obscure locality, an interesting
micro assemblage formed by oxidation of sulfides reacting with Al and K in shale
with nitrate from bat guano. Good material for this rarity, only a few specimens
available, sizes from about 8mm to 2.5cm @ 75.00 and 150.00 each. Rare, and
with decent micro potential as well!
OBSIDIAN (Mahogany)- Glass Buttes, Lake Co., Oregon
Another surprise discovery from our move: several large crates of mahogany obsidian,
a natural volcanic glass with deep brown swirls richly scattered through dark,
nearly black, pure glassy masses that are otherwise weathered on the surface.
Likely acquired in my "lapidary days" in the late 1960's, these are
excellent, solid chunks that range from about 8x6 cm to 20x10 cm, very reasonably
priced at just 10.00, 20.00, 30.00 and 40.00 each. Great for cutting or knapping,
of course.
PETALITE- Tanco Mine, Bernic Lake, Manitoba, Canada
Greyish white, massive petalite comprising matrix, these ex-E.W. Heinrich, noted
geologist and mineralogist. Only a few specimens on hand, sizes about 4x3 cm
@ 35.00 each. List alternates!
PHARMACOSIDERITE- Gold Hill Mine, Tooele Co., Utah
Rich brown to olive green, splendant micro cubes of pharmacosiderite well scattered
on matrix, occasionally with scorodite, quartz, arsenopyrite or other phases.
Excellent for the species and locality, and these can also yield fine micros
from the well-covered matrix specimens. Sizes range from about 2.5cm to 8cm
samples @ 10.00, 20.00, 45.00 and 75.00 each, all quite rich and relatively
attractive for the species!
POITEVINITE- Bonaparte River, Kamloops, B.C., Canada
Minute brown powdery masses of poitevinite scattered in and on pale blue chalcanthite
and rock matrix. A moderately rare mineral, offered in capsules as powdery masses
to small nodules reaching 0.7cm @ 25.00, 40.00 and 55.00 each.
POLYAKOVITE-(Ce)- Miass, Ilmeny Mts, Chelyabinsk, Russia
This rare species occurs as brownish black, conchoidal fractured masses of nearly
pure matrial. Formula: (REE,Ca)4(Mg,Fe)(Cr, Fe)2(Ti,Nb)2Si4O22, here from the
type locality. Tiny, pure fragment in a vial @ 75.00 each, a single 1cm pure
mass @ 295.00 (one only!).
PYROPHYLLITE- Hickory, Catawba Co., (?) North Carolina
Old material from this prolific state, first acquired in 1957 and offered here
as excellent, radiating masses of beige to golden-hued radiating pyrophyllite
comprising matrix. The locality is suspect, I think, as there are many pyrophyylite
localities in North Carolina, but none in Catawba County. The material closely
resembles those from Troy (Montgomery Co.,) or Snow Camp (Alamance Co.,), but
we are unable to confirm either despite the strong resemblance. Specimens range
from about 4cm to 6cm across, priced inexpensively at just 10.00 and 15.00 each.
QUARTZ var: AMETHYST "Grape Agate"- Mamuju, Sulawesi
Barat Province, Indonesia
A few more of these fascinating specimens from the 2016 discovery of these extraordinarily
attractive specimens that have been called chalcedony as well as "grape
agate". These are actually tiny radiating amethyst crystals forming wonderful
balls and botryoids of pale purple color completely scattered on and about the
samples, looking much like small bunches of miniature grapes (and hence, the
name)! Quite attractive and a unique habit from an obscure locality, specimens
range from about 6cm to monster 28cm across with varying heights and depths,
priced very reasonably at just 35.00, 50.00, 85.00, 150.00, 300.00, 550.00 and
850.00 each, depending on size and aesthetics. Very nice, weird stuff, priced
by others into the thousands!!
RETGERSITE with MORENOSITE- Nickel Mine, Bolivia, Churchill Co.
A handful of samples comprised primarily of pale green masses of admixed morenosite
and other secondary nickel minerals with small, thin seams and masses of pale
bluish retgersite as well. Unusual material, specimen sizes from about 2.5cm
to larger 10cm samples @ 15.00, 25.00, 40.00, 65.00, and 95.00 each.
STILBITE-Ca- Desert Creek Canyon, Lyon Co., Nevada
An uncommon locality for an otherwise prolific zeolite, stilbite occurs here
as small (5mm) densely packed and richly scattered upstanding crystals in nicely
exposed seams running through volcanic rock matrix. Rarely offered from this
obscure locality, initially found over 20 years ago. Only two large specimens
available, hefty sizes about 14 x7 cm @ just 45.00 each plus shipping.
TASHELGITE- Tashelga R, Gornnaya Shoria, Siberia, Russia
This rare species occurs as transparent, pale blue prismatic micro crystals
to 1mm, most well-formed and included in calcite or forming aggregates with
tiny black spinel crystals embedded in calcite. This is a new structural type,
IMA #2010-017, formula: CaMgFe2+Al9O16(OH), monoclinic. From the type locality
in the Tashelginskoe Fe occurrence within the Kemerovo Oblast, we have only
a few specimens averaging about 1cm across, all with arrows, at 95.00 each.
Don't miss these!
VIVIANITE- Mt. Cleveland Mine, Luina, Tasmania
Strange, slender glassy prisms of deep blue-grey vivianite without matrix, some
showing odd curved and twisted habits. Very unusual for the species, from an
obscure locality and quite unique. Collected over 25 years ago, these weird
singles range from about 1.5cm to nearly 3.5cm long(!!), priced at 15.00, 25.00,
and 40.00 each.
WELOGANITE- Francon Quarry, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Typical "pagoda-shaped" hexagonal prismatic crystals of weloganite,
having highly stepped and perpendicularly striated prism faces. This strontium
zirconium carbonate occurs as translucent yellow crystals up to 1 cm, most smaller,
some with a white powdery coating. Old material, nicely crystallized, only a
few on hand, 3.5cm to 6cm matrix sizes @ 40.00 and 50.00 each, one larger 8cm
specimen with larger crystal @ 95.00.
WINDHOEKITE- Aris Quarry, Windhoek District, Namibia
This relatively new mineral occurs here at the type locality as excellent, micro
needles in radiating sprays perched in vugs in rock matrix, all with a golden
brown hue and very attractive under the scope. We analyzed a large number of
tuperssuatsiate samples we had in stock (all visually indistinguishable from
this species!) and found only five (5) specimens that were this new, Ca-dominant
member. We can offer the samples of analyzed needles, several adhered to our
SEM stub and accompanied by their numbered confirming chemical analysis @ 125.00
per sample stub. If you plan to purchase the mineral elsewhere, be sure to have
its specific chemical analysis included, as there is no apparent difference
in X-Ray pattern or physical appearance between this species and the more common
tuperssuatsiatite. Caveat emptor!
DIAMOND -- The Ultimate Gemstone - Editor: G. Stabler
We have a few mint copies of this 2017 Lithographie Extra Lapis English publication,
filled with over 150 pages of excellent color photographs of diamonds, as well
as discussions of geology, mineralogy, localities and other interesting stories
about the mineral, each chapter written by a different expert. Softcover, perfect
bound, and cheaper than the publisher's price, available from us for just 35.00
each plus postage!
American Mineral Treasures- Editors: G. Stabler & W. Wilson
A monster of a book, measuring about 13" x 9.5" with over 350 pages,
filled with full color throughout of some of the best minerals ever found from
U.S. localities. More than just a "coffee-table" book, each chapter
is written bya recognized expert for the locality, cover such great deposits
as Bisbee, Ray, California gold and benitoite localities, Viburnum Trend, Illinois
fluorites, Elmwood, Sweet Home, and a host of others! Now out of print, it is
often used as the "bible" for American collectors, outlining what
specimens have to be in a truely great American mineral collection. The mineral
photographs are large and superb, as are the locality write-ups, and we have
seen the book selling on average at 350.00 and for as much as $600 elsewhere!
Our price for a new copy is just 200.00 plus shipping! Only a couple to offer!
MINERAL NEWS - Still just $30 a year for 12 color issues! Order a subscription
from us today!
CATALOG 22006 - Volume XLVII, No. 6
ANTIGORITE var. PICROLITE- Buck Creek, Clay Co., North Carolina
Twisted stalks of fibrous green, grey, and brown antigorite vaguely resembling
petrified celery or driftwood, all relatively pure and without rock matrix.
A neat habit, quite interesting, Ex-E. Wm. Heinrich Collection. Sizes from 5cm
to 8cm long @ 15.00 and 30.00 each.
ARAGONITE var. TARNOWITZITE- Tsumeb, Oshikoto Region, Namibia
Subtranslucent to opaque white, pseudohexagonal crystals of this Pb-rich aragonite
occur randomly scattered across this piece in both singles and clusters of up
to a few crystals. Some are nicely euhedral with a silky to somewhat vitreous
luster and a pale, bluish-white (SW) fluorescence (and more yellowish-green
under LW), surrounded by fluorescent (red SW) calcite. Minor secondary copper
minerals are also associated, with nearly black tennantite matrix on some. Old
material, specimen sizes average about 6cm across @ 75.00 each.
ARTROEITE- Somma-Vesuvius Complex, Campania, Italy
This uncommon anhydrous lead-aluminofluoride occurs here as xcellent, colorless
to pale greyish micro crystals and radiating sheaf-like aggregates nicely scattered
on volcanic rock matrix, quite superior to the type locality material. Matrix
sizes range from about 1cm to 2.5cm and are offered at just 40.00 and 55.00
each, all with good micro potential as well!
AURORITE- Aurora Mine, Treasure Hill, Hamilton Nevada
Greyish black masses of this ususual species richly scattered in calcite matrix.
often with other admixed phases including argentian-todorokite, cryptomelance,
etc. Type locality material collected many years ago (see Am. Min. Vol. 52,
No.9 & 10, pg 1581). Matrix sizes from about 1cm to 5cm across @ 10.00,
20.00. 40.00. 60.00 each.
CALCIOARAVAIPAITE- Vesiuvius Crater, Naples, Campania, Italy
This rare lead-calcium-alumino-fluoride occurs here as minute white globs and
balls lightly scattered in vesicular basalt matrix. From the second world locality,
these were found in the post-1944 eruption lavas with other fumarolic minerals
which were documented in 2005 in Rivista Mineralogica. Only a few small thumbnail
specimens available @ 125.00 each. List alternates!
CALCITE- Cumberland (Cumbria), England
Some years ago, we acquired a large lot of small calcite crystals from Cumberland
from museum holding that were individually housed in a cotton-filled, 3.5cm
glass vials, corked at the top, of course. We just uncovered them again, and
offer three different samples, sizes range from just over 1cm to nearly 2.4cm,
each lot of three (3) for just 25.00 per lot. A steal for this classic material!
Limit one lot per order, please.
CANCRINITE- French River, Ontario, Canada
Surprisingly rich masses of deep yellow cancrinite largely comprising matrix,
these showing excellent color and typical, somewhat greasy luster. Some may
have minor nepheline and/or feldspar as well, but these are excellent reference
samples for the mineral, overall sizes ranging from about 3cm to 5cm across
@ just 10.00 and 20.00 each. Other localities available - inquire!
CHRYSOCOLLA- Lumbumbashi, Haut-Katanga, Dem Rep Congo
Very colorful and attractive, bright blue botryoidal chryscolla richly covering
matrix, occasionally overlaying minor malachite seams. Possibly from the L'Etoile
du Congo Mine, but our source did not supply the mine name with this shipment.
The specimens are all quite pretty, sizes ranging from about 4cm to large 12cm
across specimens, competetively priced at just 20.00, 40.00 and 100.00 each.
Nice stuff!
FERRINATRITE- Sierra Gorda, Antofagasta, Chile
Ferrinatrite occurs as greyish white to pale purple, small vitreous masses in
matrix, altering to rich earthy yellow copiapite crusts and possibly other secondary
minerals. Modest coverage for this uncommon unusual mineral, samples from 2cm
to 4cm @ 30.00, 45.00, and 65.00 each.
FOSHAGITE- Crestmore Quarry, Riverside Co., California
Dull white masses of somewhat fibrous foshagite sparsely scattered on greenish
vesuvianite matrix, often with pale blue massive calcite. Type locality material
collected many years ago, named for the well known mineralogist/geologist William
Foshag in 1925 who headed the geology department at the Smithsonian for many
years. Specimens from about 2.5cm to 6cm @ 15.00, 25.00, 40.00 and 65.00 each.
GYPSUM variety SATIN SPAR- Cedar Mt, nr. Lonetree, Sweetwater
Co,. Wyoming
This heretofore unreported locality offers excellent "satin spar"
gypsum, here as clean, excellent white elongated specimens without matrix, extracted
in 1972. Very fine satin luster provides the basis for this varietal name. From
a new (old) locality for the mineral, specimens range from about 5-6cm tall
@ 15.00, 12-15cm tall @ 35.00 and 40.00 each. An upcoming Mineral News article
(Nov. 2020) will add the occurrence to Mindat.org!
JAMESONITE in CALCITE- Herja Mine, Baia Mare, Maramures, Romania
A hand-picked group of relatively large, attractive specimens of saddle-shaped
calcite crystals, stacked together to form one or more larger 'crystal' balls.
The calcite, while lustrous, is completely opaque and greyish black from included
fibrous jamesonite crystals, which are also exposed on portions of some specimens.
From a prolific locality, these measure from 3.5cm singles to 7cm groups @ 45.00,
75.00, 125.00 and 200.00 each.
MEDAITE- Fianell Mine, Graubuenden, Switzerland
When found, this was only the third locality for this unusual vanadopentasilicate,
here occurring as reddish bands richly interlayered with black submetallic manganese
ores, and recently X-ray confirmed! Specimen sizes average 2.5cm @ 55.00 each.
MEIONITE- Buena Vista Hills, Pershing Co., Nevada
From an uncommon locality for this scapolite group end-member, meionite occurs
here as greyish crystalline aggregates richly scattered in and largely comprising
matrix. Old Cureton material from many years ago, and the only known occurrence
in the state! Sizes range from 2cm to 5cm across @ just 8.50, 15.00 and 25.00
MEJILLONESITE (IMA 2010-068)- Cerro Mejillones, Antofagasta, Chile
This realtively new and rare phosphate species occurs as tiny, clear orthorhombic
crystals lighly scattered on matrix, here from the type locality. We sat on
this material for a long time awaiting approval to sell it, finally approved
a few years ago. Formula: HNaMg2(HPO4)(PO4)(OH)*H2O; type locality material,
of course, matrix specimens from 2.5cm to nearly 5cm across @ 95.00, 145.00
and 195.00 each for the best!
MONTICELLITE- Crestmore Quarry, Riverside Co., California
This ubiquitious mineral occurs here as brownish spots and masses well scattered
in pale bluish white calcite matrix. One of the lesser-collected species from
this famous locality, specimens from about 2.5cm to 7cm @ 15.00, 25.00 and 35.00
PHARMACOALUMITE- Emma Luisa Mine, Guanaco, Antofagast Chile
This uncommon mineral occurs here as clear to white masses lightly scattered
on matrix, typically associated with excellent, turquiose-blue ceruleite, this
gold mine being the type locality for the latter. An attractive combination
for an otherwise unremarkable mineral, small specimens from 7mm to 2cm @ 15.00,
25.00 and 35.00 each.
PHARMACOLITE on REALGAR- Getchell Mine, Humboldt Co., Nevada
Discovered on old material buried in our warehouse, these are excellent, elongated,
prismatic micro crystals to 1mm or more of transparent to translucent, greyish
white pharmacolite lightly scattered over brilliant red, micro crystallized
realgar. Fine micro material, likely from the Middle Pit area at this prolific
locality, specimen sizes averaging about 3cm across @ just 25.00 each. Nice!
PLATTNERITE on CALCITE- Buena Terra Mine, Santa Eulalia, Mexico
From the 2003 find on the 4th level of the mine, these are rather handsome,
tan to brownish, sharply pointed scalenohedral calcite groups with small, black
plattnerite crystals randomly filling voids around the bases of the many calcites
on each sample. Moderately attractive for the calcites, individuals up to 2cm
or so, with nice groups from 4cm to a monster 12cm across @ 25.00, 50.00 and
85.00 each.
QUARTZ variety SMOKY- Piz Cavardiras, Graubunden, Switzerland
There is no smoky quartz finer than that from the Swiss Alps, here as transparent,
pale brown single crystals without matrix, acquired from a strahler in 1998.
These single crystals are typically 3cm tall, no matrix, and all with sharp
faces and excellent single terminations. High quality thumbnails, Ex-Jensen
Collection @ 85.00 each. Many other Swiss locality quartz TNs available - please
RASTSVETAEVITE- Evelslogchorr, Khibiny, Russia
This relatively RARE SPECIES occurs here as thin, pale red to pinkish monomineralic
fragments without matrix. Formula: Na27K8Ca12Fe3Zr6Si52O144(O,OH,H2O)6Cl2, IMA
#2000-028, a member of the eudialyte group. Only a few tiny samples from under
1mm to nearly 2mm long available @ 45.00, 75.00 and 95.00 each.
REALGAR- Nishinomaki Mine, Gumma Prefecture, Japan
From the type locality for wakabayashilite, we have a few dull red druses of
crystalline realgar with modest coverage on one side of a grey, friable matrix,
sometimes in thin seams running across the length of the sample. Occasionally
associated with minor amounts of yellowish pararealgar, these are old specimens
ranging in size from 1cm to 4cm @ just 8.50, 20.00, and 40.00 each. Despite
their modest appearance that cannot compete with Getchell or China's production,
these are great older locality reference specimens!
ROXBYITE- Olympic Dam Dep., Roxby Downs, SA, Australia
Submicroscopic inclusions of this rare species in chalcocite/rock matrix. Type
locality material, a member of the chalcocite-digenite group of copper sulfides.
Old Cureton material, sizes from 6 mm slivers to 2 cm chunks with cut faces
@ 25.00, 50.00 and 125.00 each, ideal for thin section or polished section work!
SARABAUITE- Sarabau Mine, nr. Bau, Sarawak, Borneo
Deep red crystalline masses of sarabauite richly scattered in white calcite
matrix, some associated with creamy wollastonite and minor native arsenic. A
unique occurrence at this, the type locality; makes great cabochons, too!. Matrix
sizes from 2cm to 6cm @ 8.00, 15.00, 25.00, 35.00 and 50.00 each. Museum specimens
available to 10x5cm @ 85.00 to 100.00. Compare our price!
SAZHINITE-(Ce)- Aris Quarries, Windhoek, Khomas Reg. Namibia
This moderately rare hydrated Na-Ce-silicate occurs as greyish white, micro
glassy crystals, appearing in typical "broadsword" habit in vugs,
often with broze-brown tuperssuatsiaite and occasionally other species. Fairly
large matrix specimens, superior to the Russian type material, these will yield
good micromount when trimmed. Specimen sizes from 2cm up to 6cm @ 60.00, 85.00
and 125.00 each, depending on quality and associations.
SCHODERITE with METASCHODERITE- Van-Nav-San Claim, Gibellini Dist.,
From the type locality for both species, we have a small lot of rich, orange-yellow
crusts and masses of micro schoderite/mataschoderite richly scattered on matrix.
Old material collected nearly 55 years ago, specimens range from about 2cm up
to nearly 7cm across @ 15.00, 25.00, 40.00 and 65.00 each.
SCHOLZITE- Reaphook Hill, nr. Blinman, S.A., Australia
Classic, elongated water-clear needles of scholzite crystals richly scattered
and protruding from matrix, these among the best we've seen. From an old lot
recently uncovered, fine display pieces and micro's as well, matrix sizes from
about 2.5cm to 6cm across @ only 20.00, 35.00, 50.00 and 75.00 each.
STOLZITE on HUBNERITE etc.- Black Pine Mine, Granite Co., Montana
This moderately rare mineral occurs here as micro, greyish to yellowish- orange
tabular crystals sparsely scattered at the edges of thick hubnerite aggregates
frozen in quartz matrix, typically with other secondary minerals from this prolific
locality. Some specimens may show dipyramidal forms as well. One of the more
difficult species to obtain from the Black Pine, but not terribly attractive
without magnification. Recently featured in Mineral News (Vol. 36, No. 10) and
only a few are on hand, sizes ranging from TNs to about 4cm across @ 75.00,
100.00 and 125.00 priced according to quality.
TAMARUGITE- Volcano, Lipari Isl., Italy
This uncommon mineral occurs here as minute, colorless white masses and fibrous
aggregates and densely packed masses, occasionally with intergrown natroalunite
comprising matrix. Old Cureton material, quite rich, as masses from 1.5cm to
nearly 4cm @ 15.00, 30.00 and 55.00 each.
TRIPUHYITE on CHALCEDONY- McDermitt Mine, Humboldt Co., Nevada
This iron antimony oxide mineral occurs as bright lemon-green masses and crusts
on a white, fluorescent (SW-UV) chalcedony/quartz matrix. Nice looking material
as far as ugly, crusty minerals go, and excellent both for the locality and
for the species. Originally offered in 2006 from old Cureton stock, we have
since acquired a few more specimens from an old stock, sizes from about 2cm
to nearly 4cm across @ 15.00, 30.00 and 50.00 each.
ULLMANITE- Sachendorf, Siegerland, Germany
Greyish massive ullmanite largely comprising matrix, here from an excellent
older locality! An uncommon NiSbS mineral and member of the cobaltite group,
rich samples from about 1.5cm to 2.5cm across @ 15.00 and 25.00 each.
YAROSHEVSKITE (IMA #2012-003)- Yadovitaya Fumerole, Tolbachik,
Kam. Russia
One of the rarest of teh many new species from this prolific Kamchatka volcano,
the specimen is 1.2mm grain mounted on a 1cm probe mount in a circular sealed
disc, and accompanied by a large SEM backscatter image identifying several elongated
yaroshevskite crystals growing on platy euchlorine crystal matrix. Formula:
Cu9O2[VO4]4Cl2 - orthorhombic, IMA # 2012-003. Type locality, of course, elegantly
documented with two analyses and only one sample available @ 450.00. List alternates!
BLACK PINE MINE COLLECTIONS- nr. Philipsburg, Granite Co., Montana
We have many both common and also unusual minerals from this prolific mine!
All typically have excellent micro potential and are often with multiple associations
as well. Special offer: 12 different Black Pine Mine minerals, average sizes
in the 2cm to 3.5cm size range @ just 125.00 per collection of a dozen different!
ZIRCON - Sri Lanka
Known for their high refractive index and dispersion, transparent faceted zircons
are brilliant, attractive gems. We have several small lots of clear to medium
blue well cut stones parceled out in 4 carat commercial lots averaging nine
stones per lot at just 100.00 per lot, a significant savings over single stone
prices. Although probably heat treated at the source, these are gemmy and attractive
assortments, limit one lot per order, please. A few individual ovals about 0.7cts
each, are available @ 25.00 per stone.
Mineral News Subscriptions and Bound Annual Volumes
We have perfect-bound copies & prisitine single issues of Mineral News for
the years of 2006 through 2019. If you are not a subscriber, or would like to
upgrade your library of back issues, we recommended these perfect-bound, soft
cover sets, now available at only 35.00 for each year. Shipping per annual issue
is free in the USA with any mineral order, or an additional 18.00 for any foreign
delivery address. A limited number of bound sets are on hand! Annual subscriptions
(12 color issues) are still just 30.00 per year, and single issues are 6.00,
More items from a recently acquired mineralogical library:
USGS Folios - The U.S. Geological Survey began preparing large geological atlases
for the United Sates over a hundred years ago, typically produced ny the mining
districts of the areas in question. We have a number of Library Editions (never
folded and with cloth binding strip) of these informative publications. These
editions are large-format (19" x 22") reports, containing descriptive
text, topographic maps and depending on the area, areal geologic maps, economic
geology maps, mine maps, illustrations etc. Listed below are some of the folios
of some of the famous mineral-producing districts we have on hand. All are somewhat
yellowed (all over 100 years old!) but are in generally good condition for their
age. First come, first serve, and shipping will be added to the prices noted
- please inquire!
LED UV Flashlight w/ Charger- 365nm
Repeat of a complete sell-out of earlier inventory: While many minerals fluoresce
better under SW than LW
ultraviolet, we weres amazed by the brilliant response of these Convoy-S2+ (6
watt) units! You will see remarkably bright, unexpected results, far better
than we have found with significantly more costly, higher wattage LW units.
These have reawakened our interest in fluorescent minerals, and these will not
disappoint! The S-2+ (6 watt) unit is a hand-held, metal flashlight-style patented
device, and it comes with two rechargeable lithium batteries, as well as a plug-in
charger. Don't be confused by the cheap knockoffs, ordinary flashlights and
other junk on the market, as these are the genuine, tested S2+ UV units manufactured
for Way Too Cool, the UV specialists! We have validated the superb 365nm output
with our in-house Raman spectrometer, and you cannot get a better UV device
for the price at just 69.00 per set, plus shipping.
These will hold nearly 500 mounts in convenient slide-out drawers (sorry, not
a TN cabinet) at just $61.95 each, FOB our warehouse. Please inquire for shipping
costs to your specific delivery address!
CATALOG 22005 - Volume XLVII, No. 5
Our 47th. Year
ARSENIC- Kusa Mine, nr. Bau, Sarawak, Borneo
Rich greyish black botryoidal masses of native arsneic richly scattered and
comprising matrix, some with minor stibnite and residual white calcite. The
largest are actually quite attractive pieces from this great locality. Sizes
from 2cm to superb 10cm museum pieces @ 10.00, 35.00, 60.00, 85.00, and 150.00
ARSENTSUMEBITE- Black Pine Mine, Granite Co., Montana
Small but colorful chartreuse-green micros of arsentsumebite lightly scattered
on quartz or in vugs, occasionally with brochantite, mimetite or possibly other
phases. Uncommon at the locality, this arsenate analog of tsumebite was further
described in the Mineral News article of June, 2012 (the color issue is available
@ 6.00 per copy, postpaid). Only a few specimens on hand, most collected in
the late 1970s, sizes range from about 1.5cm to 5cm across with a few slightly
larger, @ 30.00, 45.00, 75.00, 100.00 and 150.00 each, depending on quality
and coverage, not necessarily size.
BELENDORFFITE- Moschellandsberg, Obermoschel, Germany
A fairly rare mineral (Cu7Hg6) found here in the Rheinland-Palantinate type
locality, offered as a very tiny grain mounted in a 2.5cm probe mount and accompanied
by an SEM backscatter image and quantitative chemistry. The mineral is the dimorph
of kolymite and was approved in 1992 but is rarely seen in most systematyic
collections, occurring only in Germany (here at the type locality) and in the
Rudabanya area of Hungary. One only elegantly documented specimen @ 245.00.
CALCITE- San Antonio Mine, Santa Eulalia, Chihuahua, Mexico
From an old hoard of attractive specimens acquired in 1956, these are excellent,
white to translucent platy crystals, stubby rhombs and other weird forms intergrown
into handsome, cauliflower-like groups of calcite without discernable matrix.
Still wrapped in newspaper from the early 1960s when they last went into storage,
we recently uncovered a couple of flats of these attractive specimens. We note
that most are mildly fluorescent (green) under both SW and LW UV as well, sizes
from about 4cm to 12 cm groups, nicely priced at just 10.00, 20.00, 35.00, 50.00
and 75.00 each, depending on size and aesthetics.
COLUSITE with PYRITE- Leonard Mine, Butte, Silver Bow Co., Montana
A pair of monster specimens recently uncovered in the warehouse, comprised of
richly scattered metallic colusite intergrown with granular pyrite comprising
matrix. Old Cureton specimens with trace quartz as well, comprising these large
and typical ore specimens. Sizes are 13x8x7 cm @ 175.00, and a larger 16x9x7cm
@ 225.00. Heavy ore material, useful as boat anchors if necessary.
CORUNDUM variety RUBY- Los Archipelago, Guinea
This west African nation, formerly French Guinea, has produced much in the way
of diamonds and precious metals, but its outlying islands provide the most interesting
species in the syenites and pegmatites. These corundums are rather crudely formed
bipyramidal crystals without matrix, dark brownish red in color, some showing
basal pinacoids with chatoyant luster, others with crude pyramidal terminations.
Sizes range from about 1cm to 2.5cm, priced at just 8.50, 12.50 and 15.00 each.
Limit three (3) per customer, please.
DIAMOND- Orange River, Free State, Rep So Africa
Excellent, very clean and clear pale yellow and lustrous flattened diamond macle
twins without natrix, showing fine triangular outline in each gemmy stone! Great
locality material and ex-David New's diamond inventory, sizes average about
3mm on edge @ just 30.00 each. Excellent micro diamonds with great form!
FERNANDINITE- Sunday Mine, San Miguel Co., Colorado
This rare vanadium mineral occurs as very richly scattered olive green powdery
aggregates fully covering matrix, occasionally with other admixed phases. Colorful
specimens for a rarity, sizes from about 1.5cm to 6cm @ 12.50, 20.00, 35.00,
50.00 and 75.00 each.
GLAUBERITE- Bertram Siding, Imperial Co., California
Sharp flattened crystals of greyish glauberite comprising matrix, these with
classic, doubly terminated monoclinic habit so well known for the species. These
were collected on November 19, 1961, and were recently uncovered in a neatly
wrapped flat, crystals from about 2cm to nearly 4cm across at just 8.50, 12.50
and 15.00 each.
HARADAITE- Gambatesa Mine, Genova, Liguria, Italy
Minute, emerald green crystalline platey aggregates of haradaite that have been
hand-separated under a binocular microscope. A rare mineral, available as a
tiny matrix-free pure mass in a capsule @ 35.00 each.
HEMATITE (micaceous)- Champion Mine, Marquette Co., Michigan
An interesting occurence of splendant, silvery grey foliated hematite scattered
in/on quartz matrix, unusual for its oddly micaceous habit and high luster.
Hefty specimens of good size from this classic iron mining district, ranging
from about 4cm to heavy 10cm specimens @ just 10.00, 20.00, 35.00 and 55.00
HEMIMORPHITE- Santa Eulalia, Aquiles Serdan, Mexico
Old stock from our early days of buying Mexican material in the 1970s, we have
uncovered a flat of attractive, bladed crystals (to 1cm) of glassy, translucent
to transparent hemimorphite on limonitic matrix, many with small white dolomite
rhombs that help distinguish them from Mapimi material (which is also on hand).
Inexpensive and moderately attractive material from 40 years ago, matrix sizes
from about 3cm to 6cm across @ 7.50, 15.00, 25.00 and 40.00, depending on quality,
and all with good hemimorphite crystals evident!
HENDRICKSITE - Shuster Park, Franklin, Sussex Co., New Jersey
Rich, coppery-brown micaceous masses and aggregates of hendricksite richly scattered
in matrix, most associated with yellow-brown andradite and possibly other species.
From the type locality of Franklin, these were collected in 1980 from was then
Shuster Park, when the Fire Department (across the street) was plowing everything
under to level the area, yielding this one-time uncommon sublocality find. Rich
specimens and relatively large, sizes from 5cm to 8cm @ 20.00, 30.00, and 45.00
each; a few to 12cm(!!) @ 75.00 each, all ex-Rosenbroek Collection.
HENRYMEYERITE with PRIDERITE- Eveslogchoor Mt., Khibiny, Kola,
A pair of rare minerals, here intimately intergrown in an 4mm analyzed natrolite
fragment, embedded and microprobed in a standard 2.5cm mount. The minerals are
accompanied by two backscatter SEM images plus the detailed quantitative microprobe
data and converted empirical formulae. From one of the most prolific areas in
the Khibiny Massif in the Murmansk Oblast, only one superbly documented sample
on hand @ 225.00.
HEULANDITE- Teigarhorn, Berufjord, Iceland
An attractive specimen of Icelandic heulandite, originally from the Natural
History Museum in Reykjavik, passing through several collections before reaching
us some years ago via the John Durkos Collection. The specimen shows numerous
heulandite druses under pearly white crystals to 1.5 cm perched on a basalt
matrix with a cut base, enabling the specimen to stand upright and display well.
A classic locality, attractive, 8x5 cm @ 125.00. One only, with several labels!
JASONSMITHITE (IMA 2019-121)- Foote Lithium Mine, Cleveland Co.,
North Carolina
This NEW SPECIES occurs as tiny, very pale orange-brown, elongated, glassy micro
crystals in vugs in a white quartz/spodumene matrix, occasionally with other
species. Formula: Mn2+ZnAl(PO4)4(OH)(H2O)2*3.5H2O - monoclinic, IMA # 2019-121.
All are accompanied by a signed Jason Smith label, and most of the higher priced
specimens will have multiple arrows highlighting the species. Note: 30x or higher
recommended, priced according to coverage, not matrix size, specimens from 1.5cm
to 3.5cm @ 500.00 and 750.00 each, among the best of species! Type locality,
of course, only a few available.
JEPPEITE- Walgidee Hills, Noonkanbah, W.A., Australia
Small black aggregates of this rare species richly scattered in a 2 ml vial.
This is from the original descriptive work on the locality, supplied as pure,
separated material originally provided by the famous geochemist and textbook
author, the late Brian Mason, who also had two minerals named after him during
his tenure as curator at both the American Museum of Natural History and at
the Smithsonian. A rare oxide mineral from an excellent locality with superb
provenance, offered @ just 45.00 per vial of pure material.
JIXIANITE- Anderson-Apache Mine, Hidalgo Co., New Mexico
This rare mineral, described in 1979 from China, occurs here as crimson red,
micro druses comprised of minute octahedra scattered on matrix, potentially
associated with green cuprotungstite, bromargyrite, brightly fluorescent scheelite
etc. The occurrence was described in the October 2004 issue of Mineral News.
Now considered possibly as an ill-defined member of the elsmoreite group of
minerals requiring structure work,these are from one of the very few reported
localities in the world and he only U.S. locality, all are pedestal mounted
specimens in a micro box and make interesting and colorful MMs at just 55.00
KAYROBERTSONITE (IMA 2015-029)- Foote Lithium Mine, Cleveland
Co., North Carolina
This relatively new species occurs as somewhat wispy, snow-white needle-like
clusters of tinyt micro crystals on matrix, some of the better samples with
mangangordonite, both species from the type locality. Formula: [MnAl2(PO4)2(OH2)(H2O)9]*2H2O,
triclinic, IMA 2015-029. The mineral, named after the late Kay Robertson, was
originally thought to be the Al-analog of strunzite, later determined to be
the (OH)-analogue of nordgauite after extensive study. Author's material, of
course, specimens from 1.5cm to 3.5cm @ 200.00 and 350.00 each, depending on
richness and associations.
LITIODIONITE- Vesuvius, Campania, Italy
A tiny fragment of this rare CuNaKSi4O10 species in a stoppered vial, old material
ex-Cureton, once known as lithiodionite and renamed in 2014. Only a few small,
very pale blue masses on hand @ 55.00 each.
MAGNESIOCHROMITE- Red Pit Mine, Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania
Black, sunmetallic masses and grains of magnesiochromite are disseminated in
a light green antigorite/rock matrix. A well documented PA occurrence for this
relatively uncommon spinel group mineral. Generously sized samples from 4cm
to 7cm across @ just 15.00, 25.00 and 40.00 each.
NEYITE- BC Mo Mine, Kisault, British Col., Canada
From the type locality for the species, we have a few small specimens of this
uncommon Ag-Cu-Pb-Bi-sulfosalt mineral, here as steely-grey, metallic masses
scattered in white quartz matrix. Old Cureton material, small fragmnets about
5mm @ 25.00, and a pair of very rich 2.5cm thumbnails @ 125.00 each. List alternates!
PARADAMITE with LEGRANDITE- Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico
Excellent golden yellow triclinic crystals of the rare mineral paradamite forming
four globular balls on limonitic matrix, associated with superb, glassy flattened
sprays of legrandite crystals as well! The specimen was pictured in Mineralogical
Record [figure 118, page 80 of V.34 No. 5 (2003)], ex-Marty Zinn, ex-Martin
Jenesen Collection. An outstanding thumbnail specimen about 3cm tall @ 3500.00.
One only, probably the best I have ever seen!
PYRITE pseudo @ PYRRHOTITE- Hecla Rosebud Mine, Pershing Co.,
Collected in 1997 and 1998, these are excellent, flattened pyrrhotite crystals
that have been replaced by pyrite (and to a lesser extent, marcasite), forming
attractive and quite distinctive pseudomorphs from this excellent locality.
Some appear almost rosette-like, while a few will have tiny white barites perched
on the flattened platy crystals. These are from several locations within the
mine: 22 Stope, #2 Decline, 42 Stope, 4596 ft level etc, all precise location
in the mine will be supplied with each specimen. Superb thumbnails, ex-Martin
Jenesen Collection, XRD-confirmed, all in the 2.5cm size range @ 30.00, 35.00
and 45.00 each, depending on aesthetics and associations.
QUARTZ pseudo @ CALCITE- Rattlesnake Butte, Jackson Co., South
These are excellent, well-formed scalenohedral calcites from 3cm and getting
progressively larger, all in attractive and interesting divergent groups largely
replaced by pale greyish-white sandy quartz. Old material first described in
1922 in American Mineralogist, early work on the specimens showed about 15 different
species make up the sands, with approximately 37% residual calcite remaining
in these weird crystal groups. The location is now part of a National Natural
Landmark and is closed to collecting. Neat specimens from about 4cm to 8cm across
@ just 15.00, 25.00, 35.00 and 45.00 each.
ROSSMANITE- Lastovicky, Moravia, Czech Republic
This relatively rare member of the tourmaline group occurs as small, pale tan-pink
to nearly clear elongated crystal aggregates, some with minor matrix. Material
from one of the authors, this relatively new tourmaline is small but moderately
appealing. Formula: [](LiAl2)Al6(Si6O18)(BO3)3(OH)4. Small crystal sections
from about 4mm up to 1cm @ 45.00, 75.00 and 125.00 each.
SALEEITE- Lake Boga Quarry, Victoria, Australia
Yellow-green, somewhat flattened tiny (1mm) platy aggregates of this unusual
uranium mineral sparsely scattered on granitic matrix. Brightly fluorescent
material from an excellent locality acquired about 25 years ago, matrix sizes
from 2.5cm to 6cm across @ 20.00, 30.00, 45.00 and 65.00 each.
SAMPLEITE- North Parkes Mine, Goonumbla, NSW, Australia
From the Endeavour 26 Open Cut at the locality, these are exceptionally bright,
electric blue flattened sampleite aggregates in small sprays to 5mm across scattered
on rock matrix. Coverage is light but the material is superb for the species,
some of the most colorful we've seen. Marvelous locality material, specimen
sizes from 3cm to 6cm across, priced according to richness, at 15.00, 25.00,
and 45.00 each. Neat!
SATIMOLITE- Satimola-Salistock, Kazakhstan
Snow-white rounded masses and aggregates of satimolite to several millimeters
scattered in clay-polyhalite rock matrix. Holotype material from the author,
available as small fragments from 0.5 to 1.2cm @ 40.00, 55.00 and 75.00, or
as a few 2cm to 3cm better matrix samples @ 100.00 and 150.00 each.
SCAPOLITE (purple!)- Templeton, Quebec, Canada
Lavender pieces of massive scapolite, the coloring being fairly unusual in this
otherwise common mineral. Old Ward's Natural Science stock, rich and solid masses
with vibrant color, sizes ranging from 2.5cm to 5cm @ only 10,00, 20.00 and
30.00 each.
SCHLOSSMACHERITE on CERULEITE- Mina El Guanaco, Antofagasta, Chile
Pale green, micro aggregates of rather lean schlossmacherite lightly scattered
on excellent, turquoise-blue massive ceruleite matrix, occasionally with minute
drusy crystals of mansfieldite as well. Good association pieces from a classic
area, sizes range from 1.5cm to 2.5cm @ 20.00, 30.00 each, a few larger to 5cm
@ 45.00 and 65.00 each. Attractive for the ceruleite association!
SILVER (Native) etc.- Black Pine Mine, Granite Co., Montana
Native silver confirmed as coming from the Black Pine mine has ever been particularly
attractive, typically noted as "seen rarely as paper thin fracture fillings"
by Dave Waisman in the Mineralogical Record article back in 1992 (Vol. 23, No.
6). The locality update published in 2012 in Mineral News (Vol. 28, No. 6) also
made no mention of additional silver specimens from the locality. However, we
have recently acquired an old collection of Black Pine material rich in native
silver as well as other species previously unreported from the locality, all
to appear in a future issue of Mineral News. This material, collected in 1979-1984,
revealed a fair number of native silver samples. True to form, many depict thin,
filmy masses of tarnished native silver on matrix, typically with chrysocolla,
malachite and other species, as well as a few richer specimens that showed bright,
tiny arborescent native silvers on tetrahedrite-group samples and occasionally
with other uncommon associations. We have reference samples of differing qualities
ranging in size from small TNs to nearly 6cm, priced at just 15.00, 30.00, 50.00,
and 75.00, with a few higher as well; please inquire, but don't miss this native
element rarity from this complex, mineral-rich locality that is now part of
the Montana Environmental Custodial Trust! An article about the silvers appears
in the August issue of Mineral News.
TACHARANITE- Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos, Quebec, Canada
Pure white masses of tacharanite well scattered over crystalline pectolite matrix.
From an old find, these are quite rich for both species, and sizes range from
about 3cm up to nearly 6cm across @ only 20.00, 35.00 and 55.00 each.
TENORITE- Irish Mag Shaft, C&A Mine, Bisbee, Arizona
From the famous Calumet and Arizona Mine in Bisbee, we have obtained a small
lot of very old tenorite specimnes. These as pure and solid, black shard-like
masses of this copper oxide mineral completely comprising matrix. Similar to
Harvard's illustrated specimen on MinDat, these are exceptionally rich, classic
specimens from teh Irish Mag Shaft, ex-A.E. Seaman Mineral Museum, sizes ranging
from about 2.5cm to 5cm across @ 10.00, 25.00 and 45.00 each;
THORUTITE- Buckwheat Dump, Franklin, Sussex Co. New Jersey
A rare mineral at Franklin, here as tiny brownish black, somewhat resinous masses
and rods sparsely scattered in dolomitic matrix. From an older find, ex-Rumrill
collection, specimens mounted in standard TN boxes from 0.5cm to 2cm across
@ just 20.00, 35.00 and 50.00 each.
TREMOLITE- ACTINOLITE- Paakkila Mine, Tuusniemi, N. Savonia, Finland
A tall, columnar example of greyish tremolite as flattened, elongated rods,
showing associated actinolite that has altered to a fibrous, brownish asbestiform
surface, with minor talc and vermiculite at the base of the specimen. Ex-Rosenbroek
and originally labelled simply as actinolite due to the fibrous nature of portions
of the piece, the specimen is 17x7cm @ 75.00; the best we have seen from this
uncommon locality!
VAESITE- Castelluccio di Moscheda, Modena, Italy
This rare nickel sulfide minerals occurs as extremely small (<1mm) black
masses sparsely scattered in matrix, some associated with minor millerite sprays,
and all specimens with a pinpointing arrow. Collected circa 1980 and recently
uncovered in our warehouse, specimens from about 2cm to 4cm across @ 45.00,
60.00 and 85.00, depending on quality.
WULFENITE- Ahumada Mine, Los Lamentos, Chi., Mexico
From the classic finds of the 1960's, we have located an old hoard of superb,
wulfenite specimens, here as thick, tabular butterscotch-orange to dark brown
tabular crystals either free standing or perched on contrasting white and red-brown
matrix. Attractive material no longer available, a wide range of sizes and qualities
are on hand, most are neat and inexpensive TN's and miniatures from 1.5cm to
3.5cm samples @ 10.00, 15.00, 20.00 and 30.00 each. We also have a few larger
matrix specimens available up to 1250.00, so please inquire!
While our supply lasts, we can offer all seven (7) of the much-sought-after
MR Arizona issues, beginning with the first one in 1980 through the most recent
in 2020! Most of these issues are long out of print, and they are the acknowledged
"must haves" for Arizona collectors, wulfenite enthusiasts and aesthetic
collectors! Classic localities like Bisbee, the 79 Mine, and a host of others
are gloriously detailed in full color, and if purchased separately (assuming
you could find them!), they would cost nearly $250 at today's prices. We offer
a set of all seven in new, original and unused editions @ just 175.00 plus 15.00
Priority Mail shipping in the U.S.; foreign orders, please inquire for shipping
rates to your location. Don't miss this excellent collection!
MINING HISTORY- Franklin & Ogdensburg, Sussex Co., New Jersey
The full title of this monumental set of books is "Mine Hill in Franklin
and Sterling Hill in Ogdensburg, Sussex County, New Jersey: Mining History,
1765-1900", authored by the late Dr. Pete Dunn, formerly of the Department
of Mineral Sciences, Smithsonian Institution. This is a seven (7) volume set
of 11 inch x 8.5 inch, perfect bound softcover books that recount, in amazing
detail, the shenanigans and sometimes legitimate undertakings of the complex
mining history of this prolific mining district. The series is over 1100 pages
long, filled with direct quotes from historic documents, maps, magnificent line
drawings of mining and smelting scenes and equipment, details of legal cases,
bibliographies and more! A perfect companion to Dr. Dunn's mineralogical treatise
on the deposit (also available from us in the deluxe hardcover editions). We
have seen sets for as much as $300 on Amazon, and we will also include with
each purchased set, Dr. Dunn's 108 page softcover-bound "Prospectuses of
19th Century Mining Companies at Franklin and Sterling Hill, New Jersey",
at no additional charge. Our price for all eight (8) books: just 150.00 plus
shipping! Only a few full sets left!
DENTAL PICKS- An assortment of five (5) different steel dental picks, ideal for careful cleaning of mineral sppecimens that removes debris, mud-filled pockets, surface crud and other materials that render field collected specimens as unattractive before proper preparation. All are new, unused and in variety of point types and angles to get into the most difficult spots. While our supply lasts: five (5) different for just 12.50, includes soft plastic cases.
NEW DIGITAL SCALES- Repeat of a sellout! Small, compact digit scales that are highly accurate, measuring in grams, ounces, carats, and several other common weighing units, ideal for weighing gemstones, minerals, coins etc.. The unit has a steel weighing platform and back-lit LED display, with a capacity of up to 500g (that's over a pound for you metric luddites) with 0.1g accuracy! It is powered by two AAA batteries and these are just 20.00 each, batteries included! Limited stock!
Various Localities Worldwide - We again offer a "flat of the month" special, consisting of 20 specimens from various localities, valued at least double our price of 125.00 per flat. All of the 20 specimens are in the 3.5cm to 6cm size range, and we note samples from many US. localities. Limit one per customer please, 20 specimens, all individually labeled from a variety of collections @ 125.00 plus shipping!
Gosiutichthys Parvus- nr. Fontenelle Reservoir, Lincoln Co Wyoming
These are Eocene fossil fish, presented here as relatively complete dark brown
skeletal remains on a pale tan matrix from the Green River formation with sharp,
excellent contrast. These small schooling fish are 45-50 million years old,
typically 5cm to 6cm long, and matrix sizes range from about 12cm to nearly
20cm across, single fish @ 45.00, a few with two or more evident @ 60.00 each.
Some larger: inquire.
Knighta Alta- nr. Farson, Sweetwater Co., Wyoming
Another Eocene fossil fish, here as somewhat pasty grayish fossils with moderately
good definition on darker rock matrix. Most of these are partial multiples of
these extinct freshwater herring, with the fish ranging up to 8cm across. Matrix
sizes vary from about 10cm to 22cm across, priced at just 30.00, 40.00 and 50.00
each, depending on coverage and size.
Knighta Eocaena- nr. Green River, Sweetwater Co., Wyoming
Another, but less-common, species from this fossil-rich area, these fish a bit
larger in size (7cm-8cm long) but with less-pronounced definition on tan matrix,
many with multiple but partial fossil fish present. These were often the longest
of the extinct freshwater schooling herrings. Matrix sizes range from about
10cm to 18cm across @ just 35.00 and 40.00 each.
KIMBERLITE- Lake Ellen, Iron Co., Michigan
Interesting petrology samples of kimberlite, the most productive of diamond-bearing
host rocks, these from the first and best-known diatreme breccia kimberlite
depositis in the state. Typical mineral assemblages can include garnets, olivines,
clino- and ortho- pyroxenes enstatites, corundums, ilmenite etc. Micro diamonds
have been found in the deposit (none by us), but it is not an economically viable
prospect at this time. Specimens range from about 4x3cm to 7x5cm chunks @ 20.00,
35.00 and 50.00 each,
CATALOG 22004 - Volume XLVII, No. 4
Our 47th Year
AERINITE- Estopinan, Huesca, Aragon, Spain
Rich blue masses of aerinite well-scattered throughout rock matrix, perhaps
from the Soriana Quarry. The blue color of the mineral prompted its use in pigments
in many European murals, and Estopinan del Castillo is the type locality for
the species! A chemically complex carbonate-bearing silicate, specimens from
about 2cm to 3.5 cm @ just 12.50, 20.00 and 35.00 each. Excellent color!
AMBER with INSECTS- Danzig Region, Poland
Rich honey-orange transparent amber pieces, each with a tiny included winged
creature! Hand-selected from a large collection, these are lightly polished
and quite fascinating, each accompanied by its own color photograph of the included
insect! Sizes average 1.5cm to 3cm long, and are only 20.00, 25.00, 30.00 and
40.00 each, depending on size and the quality of the bug and the amber!
APACHITE- Christmas Mine, nr. Hayden, Arizona
Pale greenish blue to blue masses and radiating balls of scattered apachite
on typical Christmas Mine smectite matrix, uncouthly with other species such
as kinoite, flurapophyllite etc. Generously sized specimens from 2.5cm to 8cm
across, most with modest micro potential as well @ 20.00, 35.00, 50.00 each
and 95.00 for the largest one. A moderately rare species from this, the type
locality. Super!
BABINGTONITE- Lane Quarry, Westfield, Massachusetts
Interesting black babingtonite crystals and heavily etched aggregates nicely
scattered on drusy quartz crystals lining large exposed vugs and seams in matrix.
Classic eastern U.S. locality material, quite good, with matrix sizes from 3cm
to 8cm @ 20.00, 30.00, 45.00 and 60.00 each depending on size and coverage.
BARITE- Hecla Rosebud Mine, Pershing Co., Nevada
From the second find of very strange barites from this locality! Several years
ago, a small batch of white, opaque rhombohedral-appearing barites were found
here, and now, some superb, larger crystals! These, too, have the very odd rhombohedral
habit, but these are considerably larger (single crystals to nearly 3.5cm on
edge!) and are also in attractive, lustrous groups that look more like calcite!
A large variety of specimens available: single crystals from about 1.5cm to
3.5cm @ 15.00, 25.00 and 40.00, attractive groups of smaller crystals from 4cm
to 7cm overall @ 35.00, 50.00 and 75.00 each. Nice!
BISMUTH- Vilaque River, La Paz Departmnet, Bolivia
Excellent water-worn stream pebbles of nearly pure native bismuth without matrix,
these hand-selected for size and quality. Some may have included rare phases
(ikunolite has been found, for example) but we have elected not to cut these
into polished sections for detailed study, offering them simply as "native
bismuth nuggets"! Sizes range from flattened 2.8cm placers up to large,
thick nearly 5cm stones @ 40.00, 60.00, 85.00 and 125.00
CHALCOSTIBITE- Rhar el Anz, nr. Casablanca, Morocco
Dark greyish black masses and elongated crystal aggregates of this uncommon
sulfosalt with minor matrix, many partially altered to (or pseudomorphed by)
azurite and/or malachite. Rich, old specimens, sizes from 1.5cm to 3.5cm @ 30.00,
45.00 and 75.00 each.
CINNABAR in CHALCEDONY- Buckskin Mountain, Humboldt Co., Nevada
Originally labeled as "Buckskin Peak Mine" in the National District,
this material is likely from the area at Buckskin Mountain near the Buckskin
National Mine mentioned in Mindat, although the local mineralogy is only listed
there under "Buckskin Mountain". NBMG Special Publication 13 lists
the "Buckskin Quicksilver Mine" a possible locality, but it, too,
is not noted in Mindat. Nonetheless, the material is classic red cinnabar, scattered
in a silicified rhyolitic "chalcedony" matrix, certainly useful as
reference material and as potential cabochon material as well. Lindgren noted
the Buckskin Peak locality in 1915 (USGS Bulletin 601), but he did not find
cinnabar as he did not visit the locality in his paper re: the National District.
In any case, hefty hand specimens of what is occasionally called "opalite",
chunks from 5cm to 12 cm across @ just 10.00, 20.00, 35.00 and 45.00.
FELSOBANYAITE- Clifton Hill, Brighton, Sussex, England
This former one-locality species is found here as chalky white masses richly
distributed through a bladed gypsum and clay rock. Rarely offered material from
an old locality, available from 2cm to nearly 8cm @ 20.00, 35.00, 50.00 and
85.00 for the largest!
GAGARINITE-(Y)- Katugino, Irkutsk Region, Russia
Old material from a Russian museum collection, here as dull rose colored masses
scattered in dull quartz matrix, occasionally with massive thomsenolite. Unattractive
material but quite good for the species, specimens from about 1.5cm to 3cm across
@ 35.00 and 50.00 each; a 5cm sample @ 125.00.
HYDROXYAPOPHYLLITE-(K)- Aris Quarry, Aris, Namibia
Minute, glassy pale yellow crystals of hydroxylapophyllite sparsely scattered
in vugs in matrix, better pieces associated with fibrous balls of tupersuatsiaite
and possibly other species. Good micro potential, sizes from 2 to 4.5cm @ 25.00,
40.00, and 55.00.
KAMPFITE- Esquire #1 Claim, Rush Creek, California
This moderately NEW SPECIES occurs as pale bluish grey grains and aggregates,
typically at the margins of larger sanbornite plates. Approximate formula: Ba6[(Si,Al)O2]8(CO3)2(Cl,O,H2O)2
- hexagonal. Named for Tony Kampf, retired curator at the LA County Museum.
Specimen sizes range from about 0.8cm to nearly 4cm @ 45.00, 60.00, 85.00 and
KESTERITE- Cligga Mine, St. Agnes, Cornwall, England
Metallic masses of kesterite sparsely scattered in rock matrix, occasionally
with other sulfides. Formerly known as "iso-stannite" from this locality,
we have a number of interesting matrix specimens, sizes from 1.5cm to nearly
8cm across @ 10.00, 20.00, 35.00, 50.00, 75.00 and 100.00 each, the larger specimens
showing some crude crystallization as well.
LINDQVISTITE- Jakobsberg Mine, Varmland, Sweden
Minute black plates of this moderately rare species scattered in and on matrix.
A submetallic Pb(Mn,Fe,Mg)Fe-oxide, priced according to size and richness, matrix
pieces from small fragments up to a superb 3cm specimen @ 45.00, 85.00, 150.00
and 200.00 each. Type locality material; please list alternates!
MACFALLITE with ORIENTITE- Manganese Mine, Copper Harbor, Michigan
From the type locality for macfallite, these manganese silicates occur as silky
intermixed fibrous aggregates in calcite matrix. Typical specimens contain pinkish
brown macfallite, associated with dark reddish brown orientite, often with dull
black braunite and more lustrous pyrolusite. An interesting and complex assemblage,
sizes from 1.5cm to 5cm @ 15.00, 30.00 and 50.00 each. Old material!
MAGNESIO-FOITITE- Berezovskoye Gold Deposit, Ural, Russia
From this famous locality, we have obtained a small lot of this new and rare
member of the tourmaline group, here as pale grayish to greenish blue micro
rods and needles to 5mm scattered in seams in matrix. Analytical studies have
shown the cores of the rods to be consistently magnesiofoitite, while some of
the peripheral rims of the needles quantify as dravite! A neat discovery, matrix
sizes from 2cm to 3.5cm @ 35.00, 50.00 and 65.00 ea.
MAKATITE- Aris Quarry, Aris, Namibia
Fine micro sprays of white, tufted crystal groups of makatite scattered in vugs
in matrix, some associated with other interesting species. Another species from
this prolific area, matrix sizes from 2cm to 4cm @ 25.00, 40.00 and 55.00 each
depending on quality.
OLIVENITE- Majuba Hill, Pershing Co., Nevada
From the finest U.S. occurrence, these are very dark green, elongated olivenite
crystals to 5mm long(!!) richly scattered on exposed seams on matrix. Excellent
for the species, these are hand-picked, wonderful small groups as matrix specimens
from 2.5cm to 8cm @ 10.00, 17.50, 25.00, 40.00 and 75.00 each, all with micro
potential as well. The classic U.S.locality for the species!
OSCARKEMPFFITE- 264 level, Colorado Vein, Animas Mi. Bolivia
This exceptionally rare silver mineral was described recently (IMA 2011-029,
published in 2016) from old material that had been collected circa 1930. It
occurs as small geryish-black, metallic inclusions in tetrahedrite/stannite
ore. We offer small, microprobed aggregates embedded in a quartered leucite
probe mount @ 450.00. List alternates!
PLUMBOJAROSITE (ARSENIAN)- Lomo de Toro Mine, Zimapan, Mexico
Earthy nodules of very pure yellow-brown arsenian-plumbojarosite richly filling
5cm tall stoppered vials. Old material from many years ago, similar to that
used for the intensive study of the thermal decomposition of the mineral published
in Canadinan Mineralogist (Vol. 47, No. 3) in 2009, confirming it as the arsenian-plumbojarosite
variety of the species. Under the SEM, the material is shown to have a minute,
platy habit, appearing powdery otherwise. Rarely available today from this rich
locality, each 5cm filled vial is just 15.00.
PODLESNOITE- Kirovskii Mine, Khibiny, Kola, Russia
This rare mineral occurs as excellent, water-clear, micro prismatic crystals
up to 3mm tall well scattered in radiating groups and clusters nicely perched
on matrix. Many are doubly terminated and highly vitreous, often sitting among
well formed natrolite crystals, some with minute but perfect clusters of ilmenite
as well. Formula: BaCa2(CO3)2F2, orthorhombic, IMA #2006-033. The mineral is
also nicely flurescent pinkish orange under SW UV, and is named for Aleksandr
Semenovich Podlesnyi (b.1948, now deceased), Russian amateur mineralogist and
professional miner. Type locality, of course, for this new structural type (space
group Cmcm) remotely related to carbonates of the aragonite group. Well crystallized,
fine micro's and fluorescent as well: what could be better for a new species?
Specimens range from about 2cm to 4cm across @ 125.00, 150.00 and 175.00 each,
depending on overall quality and size.
POLYHALITE- 18 mi NE of Carlsbad, Eddy Co., New Mexico
An old stash of this interesting species from a prolific district, here as deep
brownish red masses of polyhalite
comprising matrix, some intergrown with sylvite, halite and possibly other phases,
colored by microscopic inclusions of iron oxides, all showing vitreous luster
on good cleavage faces. Specimens range from about 2cm to 4cm @ only 10.00 20.00
and 30.00 each.
PYROMORPHITE (ARSENIAN)- 510'L, Chalk Mt Mine, Churchill Co.,
Collected many years ago from the 510' level at the Hanlase Drift, these are
micro greenish-brown to dark brown, barrel-shaped, arsenate-rich pyromorphite
crystals richly scattered on matrix. Noted by Castor and Ferdock in NBMG Special
Publication No.31, this was the only arsenic-rich pyromorphite reported in the
state. Matrix sizes vary from about 1.5cm to 4cm across, all with good coverage
and micro potential as well, @ 8.50, 12.50 and 20.00 each.
QUARTZ variety THUNDEREGG- Richardson Ranch, Madras, Jefferson
Co., Oregon
Wonderful geological curiosities from a famous locality, thundereggs typically
have a dark brownish, silified exterior, with a wide range of agate/chalcedony
interiors of varying colors, all taking an excellent polish for those so-inclined.
These are UNOPENED, complete rounded nodules, ranging in size from about about
5cm to 9cm in diameter, and weighing anywhere from about 180g to 800g, priced
at only 8.50, 15.00, 25.00 and 35.00 each depending on size. The locality is
no longe available for field collecting, so get these while you can. We can
offer custom opening via our own diamond saws (no polishing) that will leave
smooth faces on each half at just 5.00 extra per unopened specimen, and you
will get both halves.
RAITE with ZORITE- Lovozero, Kola Peninsula, Russia
This uncommon mineral occurs here as light brown to tan needle-like crystal
aggregates scattered in matrix, often associated with pinkish zorite and possibly
other minerals. Likely from the (at the time) undisclosed type locality on Mt.
Karnasurt, we have a few of these older samples on hand, sizes from about 2cm
to nearly 4cm across @ 40.00, 55.00, 75.00 and 95.00 each, depending on coverage.
RASVUMITE- Coyote Peak, Humboldt Co., California
Small masses of coppery-red plates and aggregates of rasvumite sparsely scattered
in matrix, these from the type locality for coyoteite and other strange species.
Only a few verified samples available, matrix sizes from about 2.5cm to 5cm
across @ 40.00, 60.00 and 85.00 each.
SENARMONTITE- Djebel Hammimat Mine, Constantine, Algeria
An old Michigan College of Mines sample, comprised of numerous, small embedded
octahedral fragments of this uncommon mineral scattered in matrix. Originally
labeled simply as "Constantine, Algeria" back when first curated (circa
1897-1926) at the college, the locality is now well documented and part of the
Oumel Bouahi Province that overlays the older "Constantine" name.
The specimen measures about 4.5x4x4 cm, accompanied by two old labels, @ 65.00.
Type locality; one only!
SILLIMANITE- Norwich, New London Co., Connecticut
A rather large and ugly specimen comprised of massive quartz and sillimanite,
with a few vuggy areas that might offer trimming and micro potential if so inclined.
The piece is a hefty 12x7cm and is accompanied by an old Michigan College of
Mines label, offered at 45.00. One only.
STIBIOCLAUDETITE- Tsumeb Mine, Otavi Mts., Namibia
This rare species was originally found on a single specimen from Tsumeb, the
type locality, and we have a small portion of the type material! The mineral
forms colorless, transparent elongated crystals, and this is a very tiny crystal
section (~0.35mm) mounted on an adhesive 1cm slide and stored in a protective
case. Formula: AsSbO3, monoclinic, IMA #2007-028. The sample is accompanied
by an SEM image and semi-quantitative EDS chemistry for two spots on the sample,
confirming its identity. Author's material, of course, a great rarity for the
systematic or Tsumeb collector @ 395.00. One only!
STILBITE with HEULANDITE- Ferrante Quarry, Bernardsville, New
Stilbite occurs here as rather colorful, small honey-golden orbs and sheaves
richly scattered on basalt matrix, typically with minor heulandite and/or calcite
occasionally evident at this Somerset County locality. Collected in 1981, ex-Rozenbroek
Collection, and all have good miccro potential as well, we have a few attractive
TNS @ 12.50 each, and one excellent cabinet specimen with rich, exposed seams
and vugs in a 11x9 cm basalt matrix @ 65.00.
TARBUTTITE- Broken Hill Mine, Kabwe District, Zambia
From the country formly known as Northern Rhodesia, we have specimens of this
zinc phosphate as clear, colorless to pale yellow, prismatic crystals with sharp
terminations. These tarbuttite crystals richly cover the dark vuggy matrix,
resulting in fairly attractive specimens. These will make great micros as well.
In sizes from 1.5 cm to 5 cm @ 15.00, 35.00, and 55.00 each, most with micro
potential as well.
TAVORITE- Bull Moose Mine, Custer, South Dakota
Pale green crusts of tavorite are sparsely scattered on matrix, some with rockbridgeite
and quartz, barbosalite, or other phosphate-rich material. Modest coverage but
from an excellent locality, specimens from about 2.5cm to 5cm @ just 15.00,
25.00 and 45.00 each.
TOPAZ- Hoydalen, Tordal, Telemark, Norway
Rather nondescript white topaz in massive form, here from the quarries at this
interesting Norwegian locality. Now closed to collecting, the pegmatites produced
over 45 different species, and these samples were from the collection of the
late Claus Hedegaard. Strictly locality reference material that you can use
to fool your friends who know topaz when they see it, specimens from about 3cm
to 5cm across at just 10.00, 15.00 and 20.00 ea.
ZIRCON- Eureka Tunnel, St. Peter's Dome, Colorado
Fluorescent (bright yellow) crystals of red-brown zircon (2-5mm) are peppered
throughout a quartz pegmatite matrix. Faces of the typical tetragonal form are
often largely intact and scattered about. Specimen sizes from 3cm to 6cm @ 10.00,
15.00 and 20.00.
Atlas Der Krystallformen- by Victor Goldschmidt
This is the nine-volume reprint of Goldschmidt's landmark work of 1913 that
depicts over 23,600 crystal drawings in superb detail, arranged alphabetically
by mineral name. These have excellent locality data in addition to the crystal
drawings, particularly for old, European areas! The originals sell for many
thousands of dollars when they appear on the market, and the perfect-bound reprint
volumes are very difficult to locate as well, as there were only 300 sets produced!
We have several partial sets, and one complete, 9-volume set in excellent condition,
and it includes the small spiral-bound German-English translation book, all
together requiring about a foot of shelf space @ 450.00 plus shipping. Don't
miss this one!
Stashed away for nearly 40 years, we have several, like-new copies of the classic
MR Gold issue, each protected in a soft plastic folder. The issue pictures and
describes superb gold specimens from Harvard, from great European localities,
pieces from the F. John Barlow Collection, California golds, gold mining memorabilia
and more! You can find the issue for sale from MR @ $50, and from others at
prices up to $85 or more, but you can't beat our offer: just 25.00 per issue
with any mineral purchase! Get this one from us while you can!
The Mineralogy of Arizona - 3rd Edition by Anthony, Williams,
Bideaux and Grant
Over 500 pages and many color photographs with descriptions of all Arizona minerals
known in the state (this edition published in 1995). The authors are among the
greatest mineralogists of Arizona, and each species is noted from all recorded
localities in Arizona, sorted by mineral, then by county, then by occurrence,
elegantly referenced throughout and with a superb bibliography at the end. This
new, soft cover book is offered below list price at just 30.00; hardcover available
@ 40.00.
MINERALS OF MEXICO- William D. Panczner
This well-known hardcover work has been the go-to paper reference for Mexican
mineral localities since its publication in 1987. It notes more than 4500 Mexican
localities for more than 600 different species. Easily used because of its alphabetical
arrangement by mineral species, it also includes a detailed appendix of Mexican
states and counties and a comprehensive index. Mexico's most important mining
districts like Santa Eulalia, Naica, Mapimi etc. also have special descriptions
of history and mineralogy beyond the mineral listings. Maps and some color pictures
are included in the more than 450 pages of the book. With color dust jacket,
excellent condition @ just 55.00, seen elsewhere up to many hundreds of dollars!
ZEOLITES OF THE WORLD- by Rudy Tschernich
Long out of print, this authoritative work is filled with detailed locality
information, physical descriptions, images and chemical analyses of the ubiquitous
zeolite group and its many members. Excellent crystal drawings, SEM images and
a remarkable compilation of data makes this an indispensible work for mineral
collectors, particularly for its country by country description of occurrences
by individual zeolite species and chemical suffixes. This 563 page hardcover
work is difficult to find, and we also include the author's five page addendum
from his 1995 update! A must-have monster book in like-new condition, first
come-first served, at 165.00 plus shipping. Signed by the author to the previous
owner. Don't miss it, one only!
It has become a near-standard procedure in the gem trade to treat stones by
heating, molecular deposition or other means. These large faceted stones are
no exception, showing a fairly bright, yellow to yellow-green hue due to heat
treatment, available in various shapes and sizes from ovals to pears and others.
Stone sizes are fairly large, ranging from about 8cts to 23cts each at just
2.00 per carat, and all are quite gemmy and transparent! We'll try to match
your preferred weight range and shape, but please suggest alternative shapes
within a range of weights, if possible! Or, just pick a dollar amount, and we
will come as close as possible when selecting from the available inventory.
Great prices and wonderfully clean cut gemstones
CATALOG 22003 - Volume XLVII, No. 3
ALGODONITE- Mohawk Mine, Keeweenaw Co., Michigan
These are available wither as rough ore chunks or as excellent polished slices
from the Mohawk Fissure that produced this material some years ago, here as
rich, warm bronzy metallic masses of this copper arsenide well scattered in
matrix, typically with admixed domeykite as well and "mohawkite" as
well. Specimens range in size from about 3cm to 6cm across, priced at just 10.00,
20.00 and 35.00 each, with large polished slabs in the 14cm to 19cm (!!) size
range @ 120.00 to 150.00 each. One polished end cut, 19cm across, @ 200.00.
ANTIMONY- Arechuybo, Chihuahua, Mexico
Silvery metallic masses of nearly pure native antimony comprising matrix, some
with yellowish minor secondary alteration products such as valentinite, acquired
circa mid-1960s. Specimens from about 2cm to nearly 4cm across @ just 15.00,
30.00 and 45.00 each. An inexpensive native element for your collection!
BAHIANITE- Garimpo de Morro, Paramirim, Bahia, Brazil
Pebbles of stream-rounded crystalline bahianite, without matrix. A rare aluminum
antimonite, bahianite from the type locality occurs as smooth vitreous darkish
brown nuggets, typically with an iron oxide coloring agent, sizes about 0.5
cm to nearly 1.2 cm across @ 20.00, 30.00 and 40.00 each.
BRANNERITE var. ABSITE- Crocker's Well, South Australia, Australia
Rich brown masses of the rare earth mineral brannerite are available in matrix
pieces that range from 7.5mm to 1.2cm across. Fewer than a dozen remain on a
first come first serve basis, offered @ 20.00 and 30.00 each.
CALCITE- San Antonio Mine, Santa Eulalia, Chihuahua, Mexico
From an old hoard of attractive specimens acquired in 1956, these are excellent,
white to translucent platy crystals, stubby rhombs and other weird forms intergrown
into handsome, cauliflower-like groups of calcite without discernable matrix.
Still wrapped in newspaper from the early 1960s when they last went into storage,
we recently uncovered a couple of flats of these attractive specimens. We note
that most are mildly fluorescent under both SW and LW UV as well, sizes from
about 4cm to 12 cm groups, nicely priced at just 10.00, 20.00, 35.00, 50.00
and 75.00 each, depending on size and aesthetics.
CONICHALCITE- Gold Hill Mine, Tooele Co., Utah
Attractive and colorful, rich green botryoidal conichalcite scattered on limonitic
gossan matrix, some with attractive blue chrysocolla, some with tiny, occasional
"sputniks" of paler green cuprian austinite overlaying the conichalcite
balls. These are quite good for the locality, collected about 25 years ago from
the Glory Hole. All samples make nice additions to your cabinet and will yield
decent micromounts as well. We have choice, cleaned specimens ranging from about
2.5cm to 7cm @ just 7.50, 12.50, 20.00, 30.00 and 45.00 each. Nice stuff!
DIAMOND- Panna, Madhya State, India
Small but very clean pale champagne colored diamonds in many odd forms, most
as somewhat elongated and distorted dodecahedral lozenges. Wonderful micros
from a relatively obscure locality, sizes from about 2mm to 4mm long @ 20.00,
25.00 and 30.00 each.
DOLOMITE var: TERUELITE- Salobral, Teruel, Aragon, Spain
Sharp black pseudo-octahedral crystals of unusual Fe-rich dolomite (teruelite)
nicely scattered and embedded in matrix, mentioned from this locality (and hence,
the name) as early as 1845. Acquired nearly 50 years ago from the the collection
of the late G.Fred Lincks, these are the classic examples of this uncommon variety,
with crystals up to 7mm, often in multiples, in matrix sizes of 4cm to 6cm,
priced according to quality and coverage @ just 20.00 and 30.00 each.
ERAZOITE (IMA 2014-061)- Chilena Mine, Guanaco, Chile
This exceptionally rare copper-tin-sulfide occurs as minute metallic masses
in greyish-white barite matrix. IMA approved in 2014 (#2014-061), we have two
very small martix samples, both portions of the holotype! Overall size average
about 1.5mm, magnification required, but rarely offered @ 495.00 each. List
FLUORAPOPHYLLITE-(K)- Jalgaon District, Maharashtra, India
About 20 years ago, we purchased over 14,000lbs of crated zeolites. In the ensuing
years, crates were opened, material sold, and we kept a small stash of exceptional
pieces for "a rainy day". While the supply of zeolites has not waned
significantly, the prices for fine speicmens has skyrocketed. We are offering
a few large, decorator-sized specimens of water-clear fluorapophyllite-(K) on
minor matrix, all with full coverage, little if any associated species, and
just really attractive, glassy show pieces that average from 25cm to 30cm long
and half as wide, each for just 495.00 per specimen. First come, first served
on these old, hand-selected specimens screened out from our large purchase years
FLUORITE- Blanchard Mine, Socorro Co., New Mexico
Pale blue to bluish green transparent to translucent fluorite cubes to 1+cm
scattered on matrix, occasionally with quartz, minor barite etc. Very nicely
fluorescent specimens, better LW than SW, ex-Jack Baum (johnbaumite) Collection,
former NJ Zinc Chief Geologist and Franklin Mineral Museum curator. Hand specimens
average about 8cm across @ just 25.00 each!
GEIKIELITE- Maxwell Q., nr. Wakefield, Quebec, Canada
This uncommon mineral occurs here as small black grains liberally scattered
in dull greenish grey serpentine-like rock matrix. These Gatineau County samples
are accompanied by a National Mineral Collection label from the Geological Survey
of Canada, sizes from about 3cm to 6cm across @ 40.00 and 85.00 each.
HOWLITE- Sterling Mine, Tick Canyon, Lane, California
Greyish white botryoidal masses and chalky aggregates of howlite comprising
these nodular specimens. Often dyed and sold as spiderwebbed turquoise to unsuspecting
tourists, we have a small supply of older material, sizes averaging 2cm to 5cm
@ 5.00, 10.00 and 20.00 each.
JORDANITE var: GUITERMANITE- Zuni Mine, Silverton, San Juan Co.,
Rich, metallic grey masses of "guitermanite" impregnate the matrix
of this old material from the type locality for "guitermanite". The
material is well documented after many conflicting identifications, and it is
now considered identical to jordanite, a Pb-As-Sb sulfide, likely with admixed
baumhauerite or other phases. Old material, overall matrix sizes from 1.5cm
to 3cm @ 10.00, 20.00 and 35.00 each.
LANTHANITE-(Nd)- Curitiba, Parana, Brazil
Glossy flattened aggregates of pinkish platy lanthanite-(Nd) with tan mudstone
matrix. Excellent, type locality material from small fragments in capsule @
15.00, and matrix pieces from 0.5cm to nearly 1.5cm @ 20.00, 30.00 and 45.00
each, depending on size and richness.
LAUBMANNITE- Leveaniemi Mine, Svappavaara, Sweden
Laubmannite from Arkansas is considered to be a mixture of kidwellite, dufrenite,
and beraunite. However, Paul Moore (1970) noted material from both Germany and
Sweden has been confirmed as true laubmannite, but it remains unsubmitted to
the IMA. Dark green masses and divegent sprays of laubmannite are richly scattered
over an altering magnetite matrix, usually associated with micro strengite.
Matrix sizes from 2.5 cm to 4 cm @ 15.00, 25.00 and 35.00 each.
LUCASITE-(Ce)- Mt. Koashva, Khibiny, Kola Pen., Russia
A rarely offered REE mineral from one of the few verified world localities for
the species! It occurs here as honey brown to brownish orange spherules to 0.7mm
across, scattered among voids on microcline or aegirine, occasionally as inclusions
in water-clear natrolite. Only a few small TN's on hand with arrows @ 95.00,
one 3.5cm specimen @ 150.00.
LULZACITE- St. Aubindes Chateaux, Loire, France
This rare species occurs as a glassy, somewhat greenish grey masses scattered
in siderite matrix, occasionally with minor pyrite etc. Formula: Sr2Fe(Fe,Mg)2Al4(PO4)4(OH)10
- triclinic. Type locality material, these from the National Museum and far
larger and richer than those available in prior years, sizes ranging from about
3cm to 4cm @ 75.00, 100.00, and 150.00 each, depending on coverage.
MAGNESIO-FOITITE- Mitomi-Mura, Yamanashi-Ken, Honshu, Japan
This rare tourmaline species occurs as extremely small, needle-like greyish
crystals sparsely scattered in exposed seams in matrix, occasionally with minor
pinkish-purple dumortierite. From the type locality in the Kyonasawa area, this
is a relatively new tourmaline first desacribed from this, the type locality,
in 1998. We have tiny matrix specimens in a capsule @ 35.00 each, and a few
4cm samples with several areas of coverage @ 150.00 each, with Japanese label!
MELANOCERITE-(Ce)- Cardiff Township, Ontario, Canada
Essentially cerium silicate, melanocerite-(Ce) is found in this uranium-rich
area as dark red to brownish black resinous masses richly distributed through
a carbonate rock and quartz matrix. While this one won't be gracing the covers
of any mineral magazines, these are representative and reasonably priced, from
3cm to 7cm across @ 20.00, 35.00, and 50.00 each. Old Cureton specimens from
many years ago!
NEWBERYITE- Skipton Caves, Ballarat, Victoria, Australia
From the classic locality so well-known for this oddity, these are rich, brownish
to translucent glassy rosettes of densely intergrown, tabular newberyite crystals
comprising matrix. Specimens obtained many years ago, available as 1.5cm to
nearly 3cm groups @ just 15.00, 25.00 and 35.00 each.
NORMANDITE- Poudrette Quarry, MSH, Quebec, Canada
First published in 1997 but previously known as UK-59 beforehand, normandite
from this Mont St. Hilaire type locality occurs as small, tan fibrous sprays
and masses thinly scattered through syenite rock, oocasionally with eudialyte,
villiaumite, etc. Rarely offered material, sizes from about 1.5cm to 6cm @ 30.00,
60.00, and 95.00 each, many with micro potential. Scarce!
OPAL- Quilpie Shire, Queensland, Australia
An old lot of "boulder opal" offers thin seams of colorful opal scattered
through dark brown layered matrix, opal colors from milky to showing modest
fire in the better samples. Matrix sizes range from about 3cm to 8cm across,
priced according to coverage at just 10.00, 20.00, 35.00 and 55.00 each.
PARAFRANSOLETITE- Tip Top Mine, Custer Co., South Dakota
This extremely rare mineral occurs here as minute colorless to white crystalline
aggregates perched on a dark mitridatite bed, overlaying massive beryl. The
specimen is from the private collection of M.C. Jensen who was credited with
discovering the mineral. Superb for the species, in Jensen's own TN box from
his graduate days at the South Dakota School of Mines under Bill Roberts, one
only, superb for the species, at 1200.00. One only, of course.
PARALSTONITE (Type)- Minerva #1, Cave in Rock, Hardin Co. Illinois
A portion of the type specimen (!!!) originally provided by the author from
his described material published in 1979! The specimen is a small (4mm tall)
crystallized fragment gifted to Martin Jensen from whom the piece originates.
Author's label included with this historic piece, mounted in a standard TN box
@ 850.00. A must-have for the serious Illinois or systematic collector! One
PENTLANDITE with PYRRHOTITE- Worthington Mine, Sudbury, Ontario,
Superb, rich ore samples from this classic locality comprised of intergrown
massive pentlandite and pyrrhotite, occasionally with minor rock matrix. Probe
work on this material would likely yield other interesting species, generous
matrix sizes from 3cm to 8cm across @ just 10.00, 20.00, 35.00 and 55.00 ea.
PYROAURITE- near Insch, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
A fairly uncommon carbonate mineral, pyroaurite is found at this neat off-beat
locality as translucent to opaque brownish crusts on serpentinite rock matrix,
possibly associated with micro hydromagnesite crystals. Old Cureton stock, sizes
from 2.5cm to 5cm @ 15.00, 25.00, and 40.00 each.
SILLIMANITE- Unspecified Locality in Maine
A hand-sized specimen of enlongated, massive sillimanite comprising matrix,
accompanied by a pair of Michigan College of Mines labels that suggest the piece
is circa 1897-1927 vintage. Sadly, no precise locality is noted on either label,
only "Maine". There is minor quartz and other non-descript associations
that perhaps a Maine specialist might recognize, overall size about 8x5cm @
40.00, with labels. One only
SPINEL var: PLEONASTE- That Nam Penh, Thailand
An obscure locality for these black, iron-rich spinel octahedral without matrix.
Good forms that are slightly waterworn due to alluvial action, and all are without
matrix. We have been unable to verify a more precise locality for these Fe-rich
spinels, sizes average about 1cm @ just 12.50 each.
STRONTIOJOAQUINITE- Mina Numero Uno, San Benito Co., California
This uncommon mineral occurs here as minute, somewhat blocky tan to yellowish
crystals sparsely scattered on pale blue crosstie matrix, typically with minor
neptunite and possibly other minerals. Strictly micro material, all specimens
with arrows, matrix sizes from about 3.5cm to 8cm across @ 45.00, 65.00 and
85.00. Old material!
TERNOVITE- Iron Mine, Kovdor, Kola Peninsula, Russia
From the second world occurrence for this rare species, we have a few tiny (1mm)
white, elongated fibrous crystals of ternovite, here showing exceptionally strong
pearly luster. Our first ternovites since 1999 and at a greatly reduced price
compared to the first find, here as tiny crystals in a capsule at just 75.00
TYRRELLITE- Eagle Claims, Saskatchewan, Canada
From the Hal Lake, Beaverlodge type locality, tyrrellite is found as small silvery
metallic grains scattered through an oxidizing umangite matrix, possibly associated
with chalcomenite and malachite. Representative older material, microprobe ID'ed.,
1cm to 4 cm @ 25.00, 40.00, 55.00, and 80.00.
ZIRKELITE- Palabora Open Pit, Phalaborwa, Rep So Africa
Small black glassy aggregates of this unusual species nicely scattered in matrix,
here from one of the more prolific occurrences for the species. Specimen sizes
range from about 1cm up to nearly 4cm @ 30.00, 55.00 and 95.00 each, depending
on size and coverage. One large 8cm specimen with excellent, curved, bronze-colored
phlogopite crystals @ 200.00.
ASSORTED- MINERALS - various localities
Several years ago, we purchased an exceptionally large collection of mainly
eastern U.S. minerals with occasionally other localities that had resided in
a N.Y. university holding for some time. We need room to for new arrivals and
are blowing out the collection in lots of twenty (20) specimens. Prolific localities
are represented, with no exact duplication in each collection, and no specimen
smaller than about 4cm, some up to 6cm overall. Expect mostly common minerals,
often ugly, but many collected in the 1940s, 1950s and later, all individually
labeled. Each lot of 20 is just 125.00 plus shipping, and we will try to provide
NO duplication among multiple lots purchased at the same time! A fast and economical
way to build a reference collection!
As featured in the March, 2020 issue of Mineral News, we have a modest supply
of the 1981 Australian mining stamps featuring gold mining scenes commemorating
the 1851 gold rush in New South Wales and Victoria. Four stamps were issued,
but ornate cancellations on colorful envelopes were initiated by a wide range
of postal facilities in the country, and we offer SIX DIFFERNT envelopes featuring
all four stamps but with different, ornate cancellations, all postmarked on
the first day of issue (FDC) of the stamps on May 20, 1981. Australian stamp
dealers sell these covers from $3 to $50 each, depending on the cancelling post
office, and our six different covers are valued at over $100 retail, all yours
for just 25.00 with a mineral order.
SHARK TOOTH- Khouribga Province, Morocco
Interesting fossil shark teeth, likely Otodus obliquus, an extinct, fiercely
predatory mackerel shark that roamed some 45 to 50 million years ago. These
interesting fossils are still embedded in a sandstone matrix, nicely exposed
and showing the typical triangular form with visible cuspids on each tooth.
Each tooth is about 3.5cm long, and overall matrix sizes average 5cm across
at just 15.00 each; neat!
STROMATOLITES- nr. Tipton, Sweetwater Co., Wyoming
Stomatolites are rocky, layered structures typically made by bacteria that secrete
sticky compounds that bind sediment grains that accumulates in thin layers responsible
for their banded appearance, often cut and polished for their interesting patterns.
The contributing creatures were Precambrian in age, about 1.7 billion years
ago, these from the Delaney Rim of the Green River Formation. Sizes average
5cm to 6cm across at just 15.00 each.
CATALOG 22002 - Volume XLVII, No. 2
Our 47th Year
Although our retail store has been closed due to Covid-19 concerns,
our mail, phone and email order processing is operational on a limited basis.
While many of us need to be hunkered down, it is a good time to study our mineral
collections, note what needs cataloging, or decide what new additions would
bring some brightness and excitement to our potentially stir-crazy existence.
Let us help - here are our latest offerings!
ACTINOLITE in TALC- Lake Wenatchee, Chelan Co., Washington
Thick, dark green prismatic crystals of actinolite to several centimeters long
nicely scattered in talc matrix, Collected in the 1960s by the late Ted Morley,
rather attractive and likely from the Wenatchee Ridge locality. Specimens from
2.5cm to 6cm @ 10.00, 20.00, 35.00 each
BITUMEN in GEODE- nr. Niota, Hancock Co., Illinois
A quartz geode half with the interior richly coated with tiny black petroleum-like
balls. "Bitumen" is used here as a generic name for natural hydrocarbon
(petroleum) substances that are virtually solid in form, not unlike asphaltum,
crude oil or pitch. The geode half has an apparent repair line running through
it, overall about 4.5cm across the opened face at 25.00. List alternates!
BORNITE coating PYRITE- 1400' L, Cole Shaft, Bisbee, Arizona
From material described in the February, 2020 Mineral News article, these are
small pyritohedrons fully coated by a thin film of greyish, metallic bornite.
Extracted from the 1400' level of the Cole shaft in the distant past, well-formed
pyrites from the locality are rarely encountered. Single crystals and groups
range from 4mm to 7mm across, all are matrix free and very sharp, and we offer
a suite of three different for just 10.00 per lot; we'll even include a copy
of the article for those of you who are not Mineral News subscribers!
CALCITE (FL & PHOS)- Wenshan, Yunnan, PR China
While there is no lack of Chinese calcite these days, we uncovered a small lot
of brilliantly fluorescent (SW and LW, blue-white) calcite specimens that also
show good phosphoresence after the UV light source is removed! The crystals
are frosty, white rhombs with the crystal edges turned upwards, giving these
closely intergrown specimens additional appeal, regardless of the excellent
fluorescent response. Only a few on hand, generous sizes about 7cm long, at
just 20.00 each.
COLEMANITE- Boraxo Pit, Death Valley, Inyo Co., California
Attractive, short prismatic monoclinic spear-shaped crystals of colemanite full
covering matrix, all showing excellent form in radiating and up-standing groups.
These are transparent to translucent and have a subtle, pleasing greyish-white
huer. Quite exceptional when compared to the more typical blocky white specimens,
these are very aesthetic and yet reasonably priced, sizes from about 2.5cm to
10cm across @ 8.00, 15.00, 25.00, 40.00 and 55.00. A few larger available -
inquire! One monster @ 750.00
COPPER- nr. Calumet, Houghton Co., Michigan
Crudely crystallized arborescent masses of native copper with little attached
matrix, these acquired in Calumet in 1959, well before the great miners' strike
of 1968 that shut down all operations. Examination under the scope occasionally
finds minor prehnite, epidote or other unidentified secondary phases tucked
among the copper or on its surface. Interesting natural "scuptures",
sizes from about 2.5cm to 7cm across @ 15.00, 25.00, 40.00 and 65.00 each. Neat,
older specimens!
CURITE- Shinkolobwe, Shaba, Zaire
A small but rich specimen comprised of bright orange curite masses essentially
covering all surfaces of this hot specimen. Old material, of course, and from
the type locality for the species. Overall size about 2.8cm across with little
apparent associations, one only @ 325.00. Also on hand, a giant, exceptionally
hot specimen, about 8x8x7cm with soddyite etc @ 3600.00!
DIAMOND- Bandama River, Hambol Region, Ivory Coast
Long known for diamond production, the ban on rough diamond export from the
Ivory Coast was lifted in 2014. We have several good crystals available, most
as pale tan, transparent dodecahedrons averaging about 1.14 carats each, matrix
free, of course, and quite attractive. Sizes are typically around 6x4mm @ just
145.00 each. Nice!
DRAVITE (Vanadium-rich!)- Merelani, Arusha, Tanzania
From the original find of colorful, bright green (!!) dravite tourmaline in
matrix from this prolific locality. Most of the dravites are transparent and
in the 5mm to 15mm size range with excellent color, although none are perfect
or particularly well-terminated. All are perched in a complex skarn matrix that
often shows much variable fluoresence due to phlogopite (yellow FL), diopside
(blue-white FL) and included quartz (green FL) in many samples, along with minute
pyrite and other phases. Surprisingly, about 20% of the better samples also
show massive yellow native sulfur (!!), also relatively new for Tanzania. Specimens
are priced based on overall size and quality of the dravite and its associations,
not on ovcerall size, ranging from about 2.5cm up to nearly 5cm @ 50.00, 75.00,
100.00 and 125.00 each.
EDGARITE- Mt. Kaskasnyunachorr, Khibiny, Kola Russia
This rare species occurs as minute (1mm) greysih metallic plates sparsely scattered
as epitactic overgrowths on pyrrhotite in greyish alkaline hornfels rock matrix.
A strange FeNb3S6 mineral from the TYPE LOCALITY, only a few surprisingly large
matrix specimens available averaging 2.5cm across @ 95.00 each, or as a mounted
2.5cm probe sample with complete chemical documentation and SEM images @ 185.00
(only one available!).
FLUELLITE- Tom's PO4 Quarry, Kapunda, S.A., Australia
Fairly rich specimens of sharp, rectangular transparent and colorless microcrystals
of fluellite are scattered across the limonitic phosphorite matrix. Possible
associates include minyulite, aldermanite, 'apatite', etc. Good micro material,
in sizes from 3cm to 5cm @ just 20.00, 30.00, 45.00.
GROUTITE- Talcville, St. Lawrence Co., New York
From the famous 2 1/2 Mine, (the second U.S. locality for the species as published
by Curt Segeler many years ago) these are excellent acicular, black groutite
crystals in vugs with white to colorless calcite matrix. Easily visible but
superb micro potential in these carefully mounted MM specimens @ just 20.00
GYPSUM variety SELENITE- White Sands, Otero Co., New Mexico
From the largest deposit of its type in the world, we have a small lot of 5cm
tall vials filled with sand from the famous "White Sands" gypsum deposit,
comprised of minute rounded grains of selenite resulting from prevaling SW winds
that form the White Sands dunes. An interesting oddity at just 5.00 per 5cm
vial, ex- H. Rosenbroeck Collection.
HEMATITE- Rio Marina, Isle de Elba, Italy
Brilliant steely-black plates and well formed crystals of hematite richly scattered
on and comprising matrix. An old classic locality made famous by Napolean's
exile, we have a modest sized lot of good quality specimens, sizes from about
2.5cm to 5cm @ 8.50, 15.00 and 25.00 each, priced according to quality.
ILMENITE- Colville Indian Reservation, Washington
Large tabular aggregates of brownish black ilmenite to several centimeters perched
in a quartz/feldspar matrix, first noted in 1918 by J.T. Pardee in USGS Bulletin
677 describing the Geology and Mineral Deposits of this reservation that spread
across the counties of Okanogan and Ferry. The precise locality was attributed
to the headwaters of Wilmont Creek which is in Ferry County. Interesting for
this obscure locality, specimens from about 4cm to 7cm, priced according to
quality, not overall size @ 20.00, 30.00 and 45.00 each.
LINZHIITE with NAQUITE- Zachatievskaya Station, Donetsk, Ukraine
A pair of rare minerals, both occurring in greyish to tin white micro metallic
grains, here embedded in a 2.5cm probe mount. The minerals were approved in
2010 after being named ferdisilicite and fersilite in 1969 without IMA approval.
Subsequently restudied and renamed, we have only one probe mount on hand, accompanied
by an SEM image and X-ray spectra for both species, including the chemical analyses,
at 325.00. List alternates!
MALACHITE on TETRAHEDRITE-(Zn)- Sweet Hoem Mine, Park Co., Colorado
An uncommon occurrence and association from this excellent locality, here in
older specimens collected by the miners circa 2004 and EDS confirmed. The malachite
forms tiny, bright green balls nicely scattered on metallic, arsenian tetrahedrite-(Zn),
a newly defined species, some associated with minor bornite, galena and/or quartz
crystals. Excellent micro material in these TNs, sizes from 1.3cm to 2.5cm @
20.00 and 35.00 each. Also on hand: a pair of quartz-rich malachite samples
with small rhodochrosite rhombs @ 65.00 each.
PYRITE- Eagle Mine, Gilman, Eagle Co., Colorado
From a classic Colorado locality, these bright, metallic pyrite specimens were
originally purchased in 1949 (!!). The specimens show excellent, intergrown
pyrite crystals to 1.2cm fully covering a thin matrix of either massive pyrite
or pyrite-invested rock. Excellent for both the locality and species, colorful
and bright, sizes from 4cm to 9cm across @ just 10.00, 20.00 and 40.00 each.
Nice and old, too!
QUARTZ epimorph with BARITE- Linxiang, Yueyang, Hunan, PR China
An attractive specimen consisting of bright white, drusy quartz crystals that
have overgrown a now-disolved tabular mineral that was likely barite plates
that reached up to 3cm in size. Adding to its charm, this cabinet specimen shows
numerous, small, golden, transparent barite crystals to 3mm randomly scattered
about the surface of the platy druses, and there are also a few larger greyish
calcites also tucked here and there about the specimen. Pleasing fluorescent
responses under both SW and LW UV are noted. A nice display piece, overall size
about 12x10cm @ 100.00. One only!
RHODONITE in GALENA- Proprietary Mine, Broken Hill, NSW, Australia
Excellent, deep red blocky crystals and masses of rhodonite richly scattered
in silvery-grey, metallic galena matrix. Old Cureton stock, quite colorful and
attractive for the species and association, priced according to quality. Sizes
from 3.5cm to 6cm across @ 20.00, 35.00 and 55.00 each.
ROCKBRIDGEITE etc.- Tip Top Mine, Fourmile, Custer Co., South
Dark greenish black radiaiting aggregates of rockbridgeite largely comprising
matrix, typically assocaited with other phosphate species from this famould
locality. Excellent reference specimens, sizes from about 2.5cm to 6cm across
@ just 8.00, 15.00 and 25.00 each.
SPHALERITE etc.- Eagle Mine, Gilman, Eagle Co., Colorado
This huge NJ Zinc-owned property was once the largest zinc and copper producer
in Colordo, ceasing operations by 1981 and now reclaimed. These black sphalerite
specimens show a multitude of tiny crystals, many intergrown and occasionally
with minor pyrite, siderite or other phases. Collected by the miners in 1960,
we have only a few of these older, representative samples from this famous locality,
overall sizes from about 3cm to 5cm across at just 8.00 and 12.50 each.
SPURRITE- Crestmore Quarry, Riverside Co., California
Large greyish masses of spurrite comprising matrix, often associated with merwinite
and other Ca-silicates from this prolific and well known locality. Specimen
sizes will range from 2.5cm to a monster 26x17cm(!!) @ 7.50, 15.00, 25.00, 40.00,
65.00, 85.00 and 150.00.
TENNANTITE-(Fe)- Trixie Mine, Tintic District, Utah
Micro crystals of the newly defined greyish metallic tennantite-(Fe) scattered
in quartz crystal vugs, most with minor chalcopyrite, pyrite and rarely enargite.
Analytical work (copy supplied) suggests much of this material has up to 4 wt%
silver as a constituent of the tennantite-(Fe). Good for the locality and interesting
micro material from our 2004 study of tennantite-tetrahedrite, publsihed in
Mineral News in 2004. Specimen sizes range from about 2cm to nearly 4cm @ 10.00,
15.00 and 25.00 each.
TOPAZ with FLUORITE etc.- Dassu, Skardu, Gilgit-Balkistan, Pakistan
Several colorless, transparent topaz crystals, the largest about 3x1.5cm perched
on pegmatitic matrix, showing several small pods of pale greenish fluorite,
mica nad several other unidentified minerals embedded in the feldspar matrix.
An interesting association piece that a previous owner had paid 1250.00, but
we offer it here for just 795.00, a real steal if you are fond of topaz specimens!
Overall size is 11x8x6cm!
ULEXITE- Boron, Kern Co., California
Excellent, polished cross sections of nature's "fiber optic" rock!
The ends of these fibrous sections have been lightly buffed so that light and
images are transmitted through the material when placed over a written page,
for example. Great for demonstrating the concepts of fiber optics, specimens
from about 3x2cm to 8x4cm @ 8.00, 15.00 and 25.00 each. Neat!
URANINITE w/ NATIVE GOLD- Shinkolobwe, Shaba, Zaire
A pure, crudely crystallized specimen of black, cubic uraninite comprising matrix,
ex-Rozenbroeck collection. Exceptionally hot specimen that will require an oversized
shipping box, uraninite size about 2.3cm across, solid, and with small, micro
masses of native gold scattered across one exposed crystal face. Originally
supplied by Gilbert Gauthier, the mine manager at Shinkolobwe, priced at 850.00.
One only!
VATERITE- Elmwood Mine, Smith Co., Tennessee
A great carbonate rarity from this prolific locality: vaterite occurs in greyish
white, somewhat chalky to chert-like fine-grained masses, admixed with minor
calcite as well. From a single pocket, XRD-confirmed material, a few specimens
from about 1cm to nearly 3cm @ 20.00, 35.00 and 65.00 each. Fragmented research
material available @ 25.00 per gram, 5 gram minimum!
VERMICULITE- Albanel, Quebec, Canada
Soft, dark brown micaceous plates of pure vermiculite without matrix, these
showing typical inelastic properties, and hence, different from most other micaceous
minerals. Pure stuff, plate sizes from 1cm to 2.5cm across @ only 5.00 and 8.50
each; bulk material (50g minimum) available @ 1.50 per gram; ex- Geological
Survey of Canada.
VIHORLATITE- Poruba, Vihorlat Mountains, Slovakia
This approved species occurs as tiny greyish metallic aggregates sparsely scattered
in buff colored rock matrix. Formula: Bi(Se,Te,S). Only a few specimens on hand,
matrix sizes from 1cm to nearly 3cm @ 45.00, 75.00 and 125.00 each.
WILLEMITE etc.- Sterling Mine, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co New Jersey
A large cabinet specimen comprised of massive, red willemite, associated with
typical calcite/franklinite. Expect brilliant fluorescence (SW UV intense green),
and subtle phosphoresce as well in this generously sized specimen. Overall about
12x8 cm, very heavy, at just 55.00.
YOFORTIERITE w/ POLYLITHIONITE- Mont Saint Hilaire, Quebec, Canada
From the original 1960's find, yofortierite occurs as pinkish hair-like fibers
intergrown with flaky polylithionite, with smaller amounts of other minerals,
but often with rather large, globular analcime crystals as well. Fairly rich,
colorful and well mixed material from a classic locality, many with micro potential
as well. Sizes from 1.5cm to nearly 6cm @ just 20.00, 35.00 and 60.00 each.
ZEMANNITE- Mina Bambollita, Moctezuma, Sonora, Mexico
From a recently obtained small lot, we have well crystallized specimens of this
zinc tellurite mineral. Zemannite is found here as very tiny hexagonal prismatic
brown microcrystals, as individuals or in aggregated sprays, rather sprasely
scattered in quartz-filled vugs, associated with tellurite, etc. Type locality
material, obtained many years ago from the author. Quite attractive under the
'scope, specimens available from approximately 2cm to nearly 5cm @ 35.00, 55.00,
and 75.00 each; a few with multiple pockets to 150.00 each.
Rock Forming Minerals- Deer, Howie & Zussman
The magnum opus of geochemistry/mineralogy as it pertains to rock forming minerals!
This is the complete, eleven (11) volume set of the classic work, not the Introduction
(1 volume) nor the old five (5) volume set, but rather the latest, complete
works entailing all nine volumes devoted to silicates, as well as the two volumes
devoted to non-silicates such as oxides, hydroxides and sulfides. This is a
NEW set, retailing for $1375, our net price: $1100 plus shipping. Requires about
18 inches of shelf space; one set only!
to 2.5cm, most in the larger end of this range, at just 65.00 for the lot! One Only!
Micraster Sea Urchin- Sakaraha, Madagascar
These are rather popular 3cm sea urchins, solid and lightly polished to show
their star-shaped features, some resembling a heart (and hence, their popularity).
They are about 165 million years old, Micraster being a genus of extinct echinoids.
We have a few of these on hand, inexpensively priced at just 7.50 each. Limit
one per customer, please.
We have a few small lots of faceted diamonds, all princess cut squares offered
as a collection of four different colored stones, including white, yellow, green
and blue! We suspect that the fancy colors are treated stones, as is the case
with most commercial goods, and we therefore offer them as such. These are good
commercial grade diamonds averaging 1-1.5mm each and handsomely presented in
glass-topped, 4cm white boxes @ just 85.00 per set. Limit one set per customer,
MORE BOOKS from Excalibur
We continue to liquidate a huge mineralogical library, including many old issues and full sets of popular periodicals, with over 150 crates of both modern and older volumes of classic works, coffee table books, a few paleontology works etc. We will list a few interesting titles in each catalog, just to whet your appetite to expand your research library. All are FOB our warehouse; check them out below!
Analytical Chemistry, Treadwell et al, 1927, hardcover, 597 pages, $12.00
Elements of Mining, Lewis, hardcover, 1940, 579 pages, $40.00
Geology of Southern California, Bulletin 170, 1954, softcover, 13 booklets & numerous maps $75.00
Gold Districts of California, Clark, Bulletin 193, 1970, hardcover, maps, 186 pages, $48.00
Karst in China, Chinese Acad. Sci., 1976, hardcover, 135 pages, $25.00
Mineral Forecast 2000, Steidle, 1952, Hardcover, 216 pages, $13.00
Ore Deposits of Western States, Lindgren, 1933, hardcover, 797 pages, $45.00
Pegmatite Investigations of the Black Hills, USGS PP 247, 1953, Softcover, maps, 228 pages, $40.00
Precious Metals in the U.S., Report to Director of the Mint, 1882, hardcover, 765 pages, $25.00
Periodicals also available, including: Mineralogical Record, Rocks
and Minerals, Lapidary Journal, Matrix, Mineral Digest, Mineral News, Rivisita
(Italy), Picking Table, Mining Artifact Collector & more!
CATALOG 22001 - Volume XLVII, No.1
Our 47th Year
AWARUITE variety JOSEPHINITE- Olmetta, Corsica, France
This not uncommon but difficult to recognize mineral occurs as very small metallic
specks and veinlets contrasting nicely with the dark green serpentinite rock
matrix. Add this off-beat locality to your reference collection! Each specimen
with at least one saw-cut face to reveal the awaruite, averaging 3cm to 5cm
@ 45.00 and 65.00 each.
BARITE- Dee North Mine, Elko Co., Nevada
Attractive, pale golden yellow transparent barite crystals to 2cm perched on
matrix, most showing excellent, elongated chisel-shaped habits. Attractive and
very reasonably priced groups from a 2001 find, sizes range from 2cm TNs to
5cm across @ 10.00, 20.00, 30.00 and 45.00 each, priced according to quality,
not size. Quite nice, and featured in Mineralogical Record (Vol. 33 #3) shortly
after its discovery!
BERTRANDITE- Governador Valadares, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Water-clear, micro tabular crystals of bertrandite richly scattered on minor
quartz matrix, either as relatively pure small groups suitable for micromounting,
or as excellent larger thumbnails associated with pale purple fluorapatite,
Small pure groups from about 8mm to 1.5cm @ 15.00, 20.00 and 25.00 each, or
with as TNs with the purple fluorapatite @ 40.00. One miniature, about 4x3,
@ 65.00, all acquired about 25 years ago from the late Luis Menezes.
BERYL var EMERALD w/ PYRITE- Chivor Mine, Boyaca Department, Colombia
A pair of interesting emerald specimens, here as translucent green hexagonal
crystals and sections to 1.5cm on matrix, associated with small pyrite crystals
typical for the locality. Each sample measures about 6x5cm to 8x5cm, and multiple
emeralds are on the surface of all of these small hand specimens @ 250.00 and
300.00 each. List alternates!
CHIYOKOITE (IMA 2019-054)- Fuka,Bicchu-cho, Okayama Prefecture,
This NEW SPECEIS occurs as tiny clusters of colorless to pale pink drusy hexagonal
crystals on calcite, typically associated with a snow-white, tacharanite-like
mineral. The approved formula is noted as: Ca3Si(CO3)[B(OH)4]O(OH)5*12H2O, hexagonal,
IMA #2019-054. Named in honor of Japanese mineralogist Chiyoko Henmi (1949-2018).
Matrix specimens from 1cm to 2.5cm, priced according to quality, not size, @
175.00 and 250.00 each. Type locality material; list alternates!
CORUNDUM- nr Franklin, Cowee Valley, Macon Co. North Carolina
A small lot of corundum crystals and aggregates, collected in August 1957 from
this famous area. Flattened platy sapphires in dark grey-blue, pinkish red,
crude ruby crystals, occasionally in small transparent red fragments, etc. included
in each lot of ~30 carats, averaging about 10 stones per lot. Old stuff but
not beautiful, ex-H.E. Moore Collection, at just 25.00 per lot of 30 carats!
CROCOITE- Adelaide Mine, Dundas, Tasmania, Australia
Brilliant, orange-red groups of crudely crystallized crocoite with minor limonitic
matrix, the crystals typically cross-hatching in chaotic groups. Far from pristine,
these specimens otherwise show excellent color, and many could also yield fine
micros if you have the nerve to try and trim them! Attractive as is, these older
specimens (acquired in 1959 from Filer's Minerals) are inexpensive by comparison,
with matrix specimens ranging from about 2cm to 5cm @ just 10.00, 20.00 and
40.00 each, a few slender and hollow (skeletal) single crystals without matrix
to 3+cm @ 30.00 each. Larger samples available - please inquire!
CURITE with SODDYITE etc.- Shinkolobwe, Shaba, Zaire
A largeand very hot specimen, ex-French School of Mines and acquired in 1964
from this prolific uranium-rich locality. The specimen sports numerous areas
of dense, orange curite associated with yellow soddyite, inluding lesser torbernite
and black heterogenite. Incredibly rich hand specimen, overall size about 8x7x7
cm @ 3600.00; one only, accompanied by the original label, and impossible to
find this quality material in today's market!
ELPIDITE w/ ARFVEDSONITE- Khan-Bogdinskii Massif, Gobi, Mongolia
Rich masses of vitreous orange brown elpidite are scattered through a pegmatite-like
matrix. The elpidite is mostly found as irregular crystalline masses, with an
occasional crystal face present, typically associated with nearly black arfvedsonite.
ice representative specimens from the distant Gobi Desert, in sizes from 2cm
to 5cm, reasonably priced at just 15.00, 25.00 and 40.00 each.
EVSEEVITE with POLYARSITE- Arsenatnaya fumerole, Tolbachik, Russia
These two NEW SPECEIS occur together from this prolific volcano, so all samples
offered will have both species present. The evseevite (Na2Mg(AsO4)F, orthorhombic,
IMA # 2019-064) presents as minute, colorless to pale pinkish acicular needles,
associated with bright blue microscopic polyarsite (Na7CaMgCu2(AsO4)F2Cl, monoclinic,
IMA # 2019-058) sparsely scattered on the matrix. Evseeite is named for Russian
mineralogist Aleksandr Andreevich Evseev (b. 1949), and polyarsite is named
for the many (poly) ordered species-defining metal cations and the two halide
anions. Tiny micro specimens mounted on adhevsive disks showing the two new
minerals @ 275.00 each. Type locality material!
FLUORAPOPHYLLITE-(K)- Jalgaon District, Maharashtra, India
About 15 years ago, we purchased over 14,000lbs of crated zeolites. In the ensuing
years, crates were opened, material sold, and we kept a small stash of exceptional
pieces for "a rainy day". While the supply of zeolites has not waned
significantly, the prices for fine speciens has skyrocketed. We are offering
a few large, decorator-sized specimens of water-clear, prismatic fluorapophyllite-(K)
crystals on minor matrix, all with full coverage, little if any associated species,
and just really attractive show pieces that average from 25cm to 30cm long and
half as wide, each for just 495.00 per specimen. First come, first served on
these old, hand-selected specimens screened out from our large purchase years
GALENA etc.- Elmwood Mine, Smith Co., Tennessee
A monster specimen comprised of a large, crystallized galena mass that measures
about 11x7x7cm, showing excellent stepped faces, embedded at the edge of a greyish
white, dolomitic limestone matrix that sports several small areas of a massive,
pale purple fluorite vein assemblage on the opposite end from the galena. Acquired
from a miner's stash over 20 years ago when these extraordinary samples were
simply called "leads" by the locals. A very heavy specimen that weighs
over 10 pounds(!!) and measures about 17x11x7cm @ 325.00. One only!
HYDROXYAPOPHYLLITE-K- Goose Creek Quarry, Leesburg, Virginia
From one of the more famous Loudon County quarries, these are exceptional, transparent
to translucent tabular hydroxyapophyllite-K crystals with little or no matrix,
these fairly old and collected from the type locality for both loudonite and
goosecreekite. Crystal sizes range from groups of 1cm singles forming 3cm specimens,
up to single tabular crystals to 4cm+. Inexpensively priced for the quality
of these excellent specimens, all mounted on clear leucite bases @ 30.00, 45.00
and 60.00 each.
KARPATITE- nr. Picacho Peak, San Benito Co., California
Excellent, elongated bright yellow needle-like crystals and aggregates of brilliantly
fluorescent (sky0-blue both SW and LW) karpatite scattered on matrix, occasionally
with minor quartz or other species. Some with micro potential and all quite
representative for this unusual hydrocarbon species. Ex- Jack Baum fluorescent
collection, matrix sizes from about 2cm to 5cm @ 20.00, 30.00 and 45.00 each,
a few larger to 10cm @ 75.00 and 100.00 each, depending on coverage!
KATIARSITE w/ BADALOVITE- Arsenatnaya fumerole, Tolbachik, Russia
A pair of rare species from this famous Kamchatka volcano! Katiarsite (IMA 2014-025)
occurs as colorless to white, tiny acicular crystals lightly scattered on white
sanidine matrix, associated with minute, pale bownish sheaves of badalovite
(IMA 2016-053) as well, occasionally with minor black hematite. Quite nice under
the scope with fine micromount potential. Only a few small specimens on hand,
sizes in the 5mm to 1cm size range, offered at 195.00 and 250.00 each, depending
on quality, not matrix size. Type locality, of course, for both species, and
author's studied material.
MACDONALDITE- Esquire Claims, Rush Creek, Fresno Co., California
Many sparkling tiny cleavage faces of satiny, needle-like macdonaldite are embedded
in a grey-white matrix in these samples from the type locality for this species.
This Macdonald did not have a farm, but rather was a well-known volcanologist
for whom the mineral was named in 1965. Old material, associated with a variety
of other Ba-rich silicates, specimens from 2cm to 4cm @ 15.00, 25.00, and 40.00.
NASTROPHITE- Iron Mine, Kovdor Massif, Kola, Russia
This extremely rare species occurs as white, somewhat pearly flattened masses
and crusty aggregates scattered on dolomite matrix, many associated with the
new species bakhchisaraitsevite. These rare, sodium-strontium phosphate specimens
are from the second locality for the species. Small, pure fragment in a capsule
@ 35.00 each.
NICKELSKUTTERUDITE- St. Andreasberg, Harz, Germany
This uncommon mineral occurs here in greyish metallic masses richly scattered
in and comprising matrix, some with small micro crystals of this chloanthite
variety as well! Old, classic material from an excellent locality, specimens
ranging from about 2cm to nearly 4cm across @ 35.00 and 55.00 each.
PLAGIONITE- Wolfsberg, Harz, Saxony, Germany
From very old material collected before 1840, we have a small selection of rare
palgionite specimens, comprised of lean, silvery grey, granular masses scattered
through dark rock matrix and minor quartz veins. Likely from the Graf Jost-Christain
Mine (the type locality), but only noted originally as "Wolfsberg".
Obtained in a museum exchange many years ago, only a few specimens on hand,
sizes from 1cm to 5cm across @ 25.00, 50.00 and 85.00 each; one 8x5cm specimen
@ 150.00.
PYRITE (Weird!!)- Bargers Quarry, Lexington, Virginia
Perhaps the most interesting pyrite crystals to be found: excellent octahedral
single crystals with off cube faces, some showing converging striations due
to twinning. We have a range of singles, priced according to crystal size from
1.5cm @ 150.00, 2.5cm @ 250.00, one complex and intergrown group about 3x3cm
@ 350.00, and one exceptional 4x6cm complex single @ 600.00. A classic eastern
U.S. locality in Rockbridge County, rarely available in this quality!
QUARTZ variety AMETHYST- Bochovice, Trebic, Vysocina Region, Czech
A rather strange specmen, here as alternating chevrons of white and amethystine
quartz forming a dense matrix for a handful of crystallized amethyst points
to 3cm, some with smoky edges on transparent faces. The piece is banged up and
therefore begs to have its edges polished to display the well-formed chevron
pattern, but it is an interesting specimen without resorting to glitzing it
up, acquired from a Czech geologist many years ago. A large and heavy specimen,
overall size about 11x8x7 cm @ 60.00. One only!
RANCIEITE- Mont Mirat, Lozere, Occitanie, France
Old BRGM material obtained from Dr. Paul Sainfeld many years ago, comprised
of brownish black, somewhat iridescent masses scattered in thin exposed veinlets
in limonitic ore matrix. Specimens range from about 2cm to 4cm across @ just
20.00, 30.00 and 45.00 each.
RANSOMITE w/ LAUSENITE etc.- United Verde Mine, Jerome, Arizona
Exceedingly rare and impossible to obtain today, these were collected by Carl
Lausen (lausenite) in 1928, immediately after the mine fire that likely formed
the mineral. Ransomite occurs as very sparse, pale blue crystalline masses scattered
through a friable matrix of lausenite aggregates, occasionally with orange-brown
butlerite and possibly other phases such as yellowish guildite(?). Type locality
material. We have only a few specimens available, these as tiny grains in a
2.5cm screw-top vial @ 45.00. Old, classic material!
TEALLITE with WURTZITE- Carguaicolla Mine, Potosi Dept., Bolivia
Broad, silvery metallic foliated masses of teallite scattered in matrix, some
specimens associated with red-brown, granular wurtzite or potentially with other
species. From one of the few sulfide deposits mined for tin, these were collected
in 1999 at the mine and only recently found again in the warehouse. Specimens
range from about 2cm to 4cm, dense and heavy, @ just 15.00, 30.00 and 45.00
TOPAZ- Schneckenstein Cliff, Saxony, Germany
From an old hoard of Ward's Natural Science specimen, the topaz on these speciemsn
occurs as tiny prismatic crystals scattered on a greissen matrix. The locality,
situated on Kielberg Mountain, is noted in many old mineralogical literature
classics, as well as mentions in Mineralogical Record several times. Impossible
to collect today, matrix sizes range from about 2.5cm to 5cm across, many suitable
for micromounting, offered at just 15.00, 25.00 and 40.00 each.
URANINITE w/ NATIVE GOLD- Shinkolobwe, Shaba, Zaire
A pure, crudely crystallized specimen of black, cubic uraninite comprising matrix,
ex-Rozenbroeck collection. Exceptionally hot specimen that will require an oversized
shipping box, uraninite size about 2.3cm across, solid, and with small, micro
masses of native gold scattered across one exposed crystal face. Originally
supplied by Gilbert Gauthier, the mine manager at Shinkolobwe, priced at 850.00.
One only!
VANADINITE- Western Union Mine, Cerbat, Arizona
Elongated crystals of orange-brown vanadinite richly scattered on pale beige
matrix, these showing an odd, sheaf-like habit. Coverage is quite good, and
crstals reach over 1cm on larger specimens; matrix sizes from 2.5cm to 8cm @
15.00, 30.00, 45.00 and 65.00 each. Excellent material from an older occurrence!
VANADINITE- Bad Bleiberg, Carinthia, Austria
An old 19th century vanadinite specimen, ex-Czech National Museum and accompanied
by their label as well as an older calligraphic label of unknown origin. The
piece displays a rich scattering of deep brownish-red micro hexagonal vanadinite
crystals on matrix, with multiple surfaces nicely covered. An old number label
is adhered to the rear of the specimen and corresponds to the caligraphic label.
Overall size is 8x4cm @ 250.00, exceptionally rare today from this old mining
WURTZITE-4H - Merelani, Arusha, Tanzania
From the 2012 find, these are deep red to red-brown, somewhat tabular aggregates
and cleavages of X-ray confirmed wurtzite, the dimorph of sphalerite. These
are matrix-free, pure and solid, and are highly unusual for the locality, and
the first (and only!) confirmed find of the mineral in Tanzania! XRD data shows
that these are the 4H polytype of the mineral! Sizes are small but pure with
a wonderful red dark color, ranging from about 5mm to nearly 20mm across @ 20.00,
40.00, 60.00 and 95.00 each. Exceptional find!
YURGENSONITE (IMA 2019-059)- Arsenatnaya fumerole, Tolbachik,
And yet another NEW SPECIES from this remarkably prolific Kamchatka volcano,
here as white to beige acicular micro crystals perched on sanidine matrix. Formula:
K2SnTiO2(AsO4)2, orthorhombic, IMA # 2019-059. The Sn-Ti ordered analog of katiarsite
(which see herein), and named for Russian mineralogist Georgiy Aleksandrovich
Yurgenson (b. 1935). Tiny micro mount on an adhesive stub @ 150.00 each.
ZINC (NATIVE)- Syrymbet, Aiyrtau, Kazakhstan
A rarely offer native element, here from an obscure placer deposit that produced
a small amount of "fines" when material was separated. A small number
of grains admixed in a capsule, offered at just 25.00 per lot, with only a few
available; ex-Cureton material!
Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada
A dozen different MM/TN samples, all in plastic boxes and temporarily mounted
therein, most from the Poudrette Quarry and collected over the last fifty (50)
years by a Mont Saint-Hilaire specialist. The dozen specimens will all be different,
all are individually labeled as to species present, and they are sure to please
anyone with a 'scope and a MSH interest. Will contain both common and uncommon
species, each lot of 12: a bargain at just 55.00 per lot plus shipping.
FORSTERITE var. PERIDOT- San Carlos, Gila Co., Arizona
A small but select lot of excellent, yellow-green forsterite variety peridot
cut as faceted calibrated octagons from this well-known Arizona locality. These
are eye clean, well-cut 7x5mm octagons and other assorted sahpes, competitively
priced at just 10.00 per stone, or a lot of 5 for just 40.00. Larger lots in
various shapes available @ just 20 stones for 125.00, averaging ~20 carats per
lot. Don't miss these!
We continue to liquidate a huge mineralogical library, including many old issues and full sets of popular periodicals, with over 150 crates of both modern and older volumes of classic works, coffee table books, a few paleontology works etc. We will list a few interesting titles in each catalog, just to whet your appetite to expand your research library. All are FOB our warehouse; check them out below!
Dana's System of Mineralogy - 7th Edition - 3 Volume Set
One of the most useful compilations of mineralogy ever published! Despite its
age, the data on mineral alterations and varieties alone is invaluable, presented
in classic crystal-chemistry arrangement (native elements, sulfides, oxides,
phosphates etc. in the first two volumes, with the third volume devoted exclusively
to quartz). We all waited patiently for completion of the silicates, but it
never came until the much-maligned 8th printed on "bible paper" in
a single book that was most disappointing! The set has nearly 2300 pages of
mineral descriptions and their occurrences, chemistry, alteration products and
more, still valid and often used today (at least by us!). Hard cover, dark blue
cloth cover, gold lettering, all in good condition, @ just 150.00 for the set!
Geology & Mineral Deposits of Clark Co., Nevada
A boxed set containing the Nevada Bureau of Mines & Geology publication
Bulletin 62, including the accompanying maps and plates that were produced by
the Mackay School of Mines in conjunction with the USGS in 1979. In the original
9x6" size, the encasing box has some wear but is otherwise in excellent
condition, and the contents of more than 200 pages describe and pinpoint in
great detail the geology and many of the superb mineral localities in the county.
One complete set only, offered below cost @ 55.00.
American Mineral Treasures - Edited by G. Staebler and W. Wilson
A monster hardcover book of 354 pages, handsomely illustrated throughout with
full color images of some of America's best specimens. The book features more
than 40 classic American mineral localities, released to commemorate the historic
exhibits at the 2008 Tucson Gem & Mineral Show. It contains hundreds of
images, historical overviews and insightful commentary. Some collectors have
used the book as their "bible", attempting to collect specimens from
all of the superbly documented localities therein. Long out of print and extremely
difficult to find today, copies sell for up to $600.00 on Amazon, but you can
get it from us for just 150.00 plus shipping! Our new book has one corner slightly
dented from shipping but otherwise is in perfect condition!
Minerals of Broken Hill - edited by H.K. Worner and R.W. Mitchell
Another large-format, hardcover work of mineralogical excellence, dealing with
the diverse and aesthetic mineralogy of Broken Hill in New South Wales, Australia.
The book has 259 pages and 170 full color images with abundant history, paragenesis
and descriptions of the complex deposits of this classic locality. This is a
used copy in fine condition, with dustcover and prior owner name inscribed on
inside flaps, only 75.00.
Glossary of Obsolete Mineral Names - by Peter Bayliss
One of the most useful books to employ when tracking down old mineral names
on old collection labels! An indispensible work with thousands of obscure minerals
listed alphabetically, along with what the proper name is today as well as a
reference to the name changing identification! Hardcover, black cloth with gold
print, 235 pages and over 30,000 discarded names properly identified! Get it
on Amazon for $120-, or from us @ 32.00!
Atlas Der Krystallformen- by Victor Goldschmidt
This is the nine-volume reprint of Goldschmidt's landmark work of 1913 that
depicts over 23,600 crystal drawings in superb detail, arranged alphabetically
by mineral name. These have excellent locality data in addition to the crystal
drawings, particularly for old, European areas! The originals sell for many
thousands of dollars when they appear on the market, and the perfect-bound reprint
volumes are very difficult to locate as well, as there were only 300 sets produced!
We have several partial sets, and one complete, 9-volume set in excellent condition,
and it includes the small spiral-bound German-English translation book, all
together requiring about a foot of shelf space @ 450.00 plus shipping. Don't
miss this one!
Blasting Cap Catalog- by Andy Martin
An excellent, softcover compilation of this fascinating subject, with over 165
illustrations of the highly collecible metal boxes (tins) that were used to
house the blasting caps used by miners to detonate nitroglycerine and high explosives.
Stapled binding, 70 pages, seen for as much as 150.00 elsewhere, our copy is
in good condition and reduced to just 65.00 plus shipping.
Some Copper Country Names and Places - by Clarence J. Monette
A small soft cover book detailing the town names (and hence, mining town names)
of the four major copper-producing counties in Michigan: Baraga, Houghton, Keweenaw
and Ontonagon, including much history of the particular places concisely presented
in this 160 page reference work. No pictures, available on-line for $48 or more
from you-know-who, our single copy is just 20.00. Long out of print!
EUREKA - The Journal of Mining Collectibles Volumes 1-42
A professionally-bound, hardcover four volume set of this fascinating journal,
complete from numbers 1 through 42. Dedicated to collectible mining lamps, blasting
cap tins and other mining artifacts, hundreds of illustrations and photographs,
early issues in black & white and color beginning in the year 2000. Rarely
offered as a nicely bound, large format (28x22 cm) set, we have seen similar
bound sets priced up to 750.00, our price: reduced to just 350.00, FOB our warehouse.
One only!
The Mineralogy of Arizona - 3rd Edition by Anthony, Williams,
Bideaux and Grant
Over 500 pages and many color photographs with descriptions of all Arizona minerals
known in the state (this edition published in 1995). The authors are among the
greatest mineralogists of Arizona, and each species is noted from all recorded
localities in Arizona, sorted by mineral, then by county, then by occurrence,
elegantly referenced throughout and with a superb bibliography at the end. This
new, soft cover book is offered below list price at just 30.00. One hardcover
on hand @ 45.00.
UV Light & Fluorescence by Warren, Bostwick, Gleason, Verbeek
This book on fluorescent minerals has over 200 pages of information on UV lamps,
useful "how to" information on setting up displays, hints on successful
fluorescent collecting, a solid discussion of the nature of fluorescence, several
tables and thirty-one excellent color plates by well-known experts in the field!
Soft cover, 5.5" x 8.5", last of our stock @ just 25.00.
The Encyclopedia of Gemstones and Minerals - by Martin Holden
This 300+ page softcover book is a descriptive work on some 400 minerals, the
most common to be found in nature and covering many collectible species, with
full color, eye-catching photographs from the British Museum in London filling
the pages, along with numerous crystal drawings and other illustrations. The
book is indexed and provides basic information about the chosen minerals, including
detailed descriptions accompanied by the photos. About 11.5" tall, just
20.00 plus shipping!
- by Petr Paulis et al
This is a two-volume softcover set written in Czech by Petr Paulis, Stanislav
Kopecky and Pavel Cerny that describes the uranium minerals of the Czech Republic
as well as the localities in which they are found. There is extensive detail
with individual mine diagrams of underground workings and ore body maps, as
well as and black/white images of mining buildings, headframes, mill sites and
specimens. The two volumes total just over 250 pages and are fully indexed with
an extensive bibliography. Color softcover wraps, 21x14cm format, only a few
produced and we have ONE set left @ 59.00 per set. Note: this set is Czech language
CATALOG 21908 - Volume XLVI,
No.8- Our 46th Year!
ANANDITE w/ GILLESPITE- Esquire #7, Big Creek, Fresno Co., California
Black micaceous aggregates of anandite scattered in matrix, associated with
minor red gillespite aggregates as well. Good association specimens, sizes from
1cm to 5cm @ 15.00, 25.00, 45.00, 60.00 and 75.00 each.
ANTHOPHYLLITE- Falun, Dalarna, Sweden
Dark greyish, flattened radiating aggregates intimately intergrown and embedded
in biotitic, shistose matrix. Better known for its sulfides, the Falun region
of Dalarna has produced over 100 different species to date, including seven
different type specimens. Represenative samples with typically rich anthophyllite
sprays, specimens from about 2.5cm to 10cm across at just 8.00, 15.00, 30.00,
45.00 and 65.00 each, the larger samples quite heavy!
ARAGONITE (Blue!)- Wenshan Mine, Yunnan Province, PR China
Attractive, pale blue botryoids, druses and/or stalactitic aggregates of aragonite
comprising matrix, these showing excellent color for the mineral. This area
was also the producer of the blue, botryoidal hemimorphite specimens that resembled
classic Kelly smithsonite seen some years ago. Very pleasing color and surprisingly
inexpensive, specimens average 4cm across at just 10.00 and 15.00 each!
BARITE- Dee North Mine, Elko Co., Nevada
Attractive, pale golden yellow transparent barite crystals to 2cm perched on
matrix, most showing excellent, elongated chisel-shaped habits. Attractive and
very reasonably priced groups from a 2001 find, sizes range from 2cm TNs to
5cm across @ 10.00, 20.00, 30.00 and 45.00 each, priced according to quality,
not size. Quite nice, and featured in Mineralogical Record (Vol. 33 #3) shortly
after its discovery!
BARRERITE- Kuiu Island, Alexander Archipelago, Alaska
Platy, white to slightly pinkish spear-shaped orthorhombic crystals and aggregates
of the uncommon zeolite barrerite, scattered on matrix, some associated with
minor quartz, heulandite and possibly other zeolites. This material is visually
similar to stilbite, and microprobe and X-ray work on the material has shown
it to be the rare zeolite barrerite, discovered here in 1984. These specimens
were originally collected by the former claim holder, Istvan Toth, the major
source of all Alaskan barrerite for many years, the locality often attributed
to Rocky Pass. Since the borough designations in Alaska are changing, we no
longer use "Sitka" as the borough in our labels. Sizes from about
3cm to 8cm across, priced lower than our last offering in 1998, at just @ 15.00,
25.00, 40.00 and 65.00 each, based on quality. Moderately attractive and likely
the finest barrerite occurrence in the world!
BOTTINOITE- Dornberg, Ramsbeck, Sauerland, Germany
Pale bluish green micro glassy aggregates of translucent bottinoite sparsely
scattered on matrix but showing moderately good tabular trigonal form. This
uncommon species (formula: NiSb2(OH)12.6H2O) and locality was noted as best
of species in Mineralogical Record back in 1998. Associations include dolomite,
chalcopyrite and/or quartz, only a few specimens on hand averaging 2.5cm 65.00
each, less expensive now than in 1994!
CALCITE- La Junta, Otero Co., Colorado
From an unusual locality, we uncovered an old hoard of calcite crystals on matrix,
offered in two distinctive habits. The first shows sharp rhombohedra to 1.5cm
richly scattered attractively on matrix, the second as somewhat flattened, tabular
stacked crystals. The rhombic samples range 4cm to 7cm across @ 10.00, 20.00
and 35.00; the mushroom shaped from 3.5cm to 5cm @ 15.00, 25.00 and 40.00 each.
Old stuff!
CHALCEDONY pseudo @ SPONGE- Bu Craa, Laayoune-Sakia El Hamra,
Weird chalcedony psedomorphs after fossil sponge colonies, here as greyish white,
knobby botryoidal aggregates replacing the larger sponges, and occasionally
with darker brownish nodules of smaller sponges growing with the larger ones.
These are also nicely fluorescent (orange, better LW than SW) and show no discernable
matrix from the phosphate mines that yielded these 100+ million year old fossil
replacements. Sizes range from about 3.5cm to 5cm across at just 15.00 and 25.00
each. Very neat stuff!
DANBURITE- Chapare Province, Bolivia
Individual single floaters of danburite crystals, doubly terminated with a grey,
frosty translucent color and luster. Specimens aveage about 2cm tall, are relatively
clean, and are priced at just 15.00 ecah. Only a few available from this older
DEFERNITE- Kombat Mine, Grootfontein, Namibia
Interesting specimens of deep red, platy defernite with nearly a metallic luster,
lightly scattered in a black hematite/hausmannite matrix. Quite different in
appearance from the type locality material, this defernite is passably attractive
despite its small size! A moderately unusual species, matrix from 1cm to nearly
4cm @ 20.00, 40.00, 60.00 and 95.00 each.
ELPIDITE w/ ARFVEDSONITE- Khan-Bogdinskii Massif, Gobi, Mongolia
Rich masses of vitreous orange brown elpidite are scattered through a pegmatite-like
matrix. The elpidite is mostly found as irregular crystalline masses, with an
occasional crystal face present, typically associated with nearly black arfvedsonite.
Nice representative specimens from the distant Gobi Desert, in sizes from 2cm
to 5cm, reasonalbly priced at just 15.00, 25.00, and 40.00 each.
GYPSUM (FL SW & LW)- Patillas Hill, Zaragoza, Aragon, Spain
Attractive, pale pinl massive gypsum from the alabaster quarries here, these
are quite compact and dense, showing brilliant red-orange fluorescence under
both SW and LW UV! Quite striking under the UV lamp, these are from the collection
of the late John L. Baum (johnbaumite), N.J. Zinc's chief geologist at Franklin
and a former curator at the Franklin Mineral Museum. Rich, solid specimens,
sizes range from about 3cm to 8cm across @ just 8.50, 20.00 and 40.00 each.
Brilliant FL material!
HAMBERGITE- San Pedro Mine, Ramona, California
Old specimens comprised of single crystals and sections of hambergite without
matrix, these typically a pale buff color and showing somewhat flattened prism
habit. Mildly fluorescent. Specimens from 6mm to nearly 20mm @ 35.00, 55.00
and 75.00 each, often used to confound SEM/EDS users because of its chemistry.
HAUSMANNITE- Langban, Varmland, Sweden
Old specimens, ex-Burminco and Cureton, showing greyish black micro crystals
and massive, disseminated aggregates of hausmannite nicely scattered in calcite
core matrix from this famous locality. The specimens measure about 3cm to 6cm
across @ 20.00, 30.00 and 45.00 each.
INGODITE- Tyrnyauz Deposit, Kabardino-Balkaria Russia
This rare bismuth-tellurium sulfide mineral was first described in 1980 from
Russia, and it occurs in a over a dozen countries, but few specimens have been
available due to paucity of confirmed samples. We have a pair of microprobed
specimens, complete with SEM backscatter images and chemistry, each as a small
grain mounted in a 2.5cm probe mount at 165.00 each. A nicely documented rarity!
JONESITE on CROSSITE- Gem Mine, San Benito Co., California
Excellent micro crystals of very tiny radiating flattened transparent jonesite
sparsely scattered on greyish blue crosstie matrix, some with minor natrolite.
Larger samples occasionally with minor crystallized neptunite or joaquinite
and/or other species. Matrix sizes from 1.5cm to 5cm @ 55.00, 75.00 and 90.00
each, depending on quality and associations, not size. Some samples with good
micro potential as well.
MALACHITE pseudo @ AZURITE- Sir Dominick Mine, Arkaroola, S.A.,
Dark green malachite richly covers these samples, here as wedge shaped to radiating
lath like pseudomorphs after azurite crystals. This material was described in
a 1980 article in Mineralogical Record (Vol. 11 No. 2, sadly in black and white).
Colorful stuff with moderately good psuedomorphic azurite habit, overall sizes
from 2cm to 4cm across @ 15.00, 25.00 and 40.00 each. Relatively inexpensive
and neat stuff!
OPAL (FL)- Velvet District, Pershing Co., Nevada
Opal is not widely known from Pershing County, and as far as we can tell, has
not been previously reported from the Velvet District. This material occurs
as opaque, pale tan to brown conchoidal masses, occasionally with minor white
banding, all mildly fluorescent (green, SWUV) as well. Collected in 1985 from
an unnamed prospect, specimens range from about 3cm to 7cm across @ just 7.50,
15.00 and 25.00 each. Unusual locality!
ORTHOCLASE var. ADULARIA- Furka Pass, Gom, Valais, Switzerland
A pair of superb thumbnails of glassy, colorless, tabular, monoclinic adularia
crystals without matrix, these quite attractive and damage-free. Acquired over
20 years ago in Switzerland, ex-Martin Jensen (jensenite) collection, and among
the nicest we have seen. Very competitively priced at just 65.00 each, and we
have a number of other well-crystallized feldspar TNs from other localities
in Switzerland - just ask!
PARATELLURITE- Mina Moctezuma, Moctezuma, Sonora, Mexico
Earthy yellow masses of paratellurite richly scattered over rock matrix, most
associated with minor native tellurium and possibly other species. Good species
representation, sizes from about 1.5cm to 3cm @ 15.00, 25.00, and 35.00 each.
PARKERITE- Talnakh Deposit, Noril'sk, Siberia, Russia
This rare Ni-Bi sulfide occurs as a well defined inclusions in galena and chalcopyrite,
often associated with a number of other species. An well documented and microprobed
specimen, this 2 cm ore sample is in a 2.5cm probe mount and is accompanied
by two SEM photos and full WDS quantitative chemistry. Only one available @
PETRUKITE- Asako Gun, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan
Submicroscopic veinlets and grains scattered in cassiterite/sulfide matrix.
Microprobed specimens in 1cm probe mounts, typically associated with clausthalite
as well @ 150.00 each, all showing multiple ore grains in each mount, ex-Cureton,
original ID confirmed by Cannon Microprobe.
PREHNITE with QUARTZ- Qiaojia, Zhaotong Pref., Yunnan, PR China
From a find about ten years ago, these are pale green botryoids of platy intergrown
prehnite crystals to 1cm across, richly scattered on matrix with some showing
well-crystallized quartz, a few with micro druses of dark babingtonite as well.
Interesting material that is moderately attractive, specimen sizes range 5cm
to 6cm across @ just 30.00 each.
SABINAITE- Poudrette Quarry, Mt. Ste. Hilaire, Canada
Tiny, water clear micro crystals of sabinaite sparsely scattered on albite matrix,
showing typical flattened and elongated tabular habits from this prolific locality.
Quite nice for the species with good micro potential and a range of associations,
matrix sizes from mounted micros to nearly 4cm across @ 25.00, 40.00 and a few
at 75.00 each.
SCAWTITE- Crestmore, Riverside Co., California
This uncommon mineral occurs here as minute tabular aggregates and crystals
sparsely scattered in veins with thaumasite in a diopside-wollastonite-spurrite
rock matrix. Very old material, specimens averaging about 4cm across @ just
30.00 each. The last of our Crestmore samples for this species!
STIBNITE with FLUORITE- Chiang-Mai Province, Thailand
Acquired over thirty years ago from an unnamed fluorite quarry, and mentioned
briefly in a 1987 MinRec note, this are weird stibnite specimens, typically
with small needle-like metallic crystals to several millimeters, lightly scattered
in exposed seams and vugs in dense rock matrix. Curiously, clear to grayish
fluorite, in minute balls, tiny crystals and occasionally massive, are scattered
about the specimnes, sometimes investing the stibnite as seen through the 'scope.
Old stuff uncovered in our warehouse, only a few specimens on hand, sizes ranging
from 5cm to 8cm @ just 55.00 and 75.00 each, more strangely unique than attractive.
TETRAHEDRITE (Zincian) & QUARTZ- Sweet Home Mine, Alma, Park
Co., Colorado
Known for its astounding rhodochrosites, this mine had produced some fine sulfide
minerals as well, these being greyish black zincian tetrahedrites perched among
slender, elongated quartz crystals. Analytical work has shown this material
to grade towards tennantite in some samples, and associations may also include
pyrite, sphalerite and other phases. These are reasonably attractive and quite
inexpensive, specimen sizes from about 3cm to 6cm @ 12.50, 20.00, 35.00 and
50.00 each, priced according to quality. (IMA proposal recently accepted may
designate this material as the newly defined tetrahedrite-(Zn), but we await
formal publication)
TOPAZ- Schneckenstein Cliff, Saxony, Germany
From an old hoard of Ward's Natural Science specimen, the topaz on these specimens
occurs as tiny prismatic crystals scattered on a greissen matrix. The locality,
situated on Kielberg Mountain, is noted in many old mineralogical literature
classics, as well as mentions in Mineralogical Record several times. Impossible
to collect today, matrix sizes range from about 2.5cm to 5cm across, many suitable
for micromounting, offered at just 15.00, 25.00 and 40.00 each.
TORBERNITE w/ SCHORL pseudos- Majuba Hill, Pershing Co., Nevada
Old material from a now-inaccessible part of this prolific mine, torbernite
occurs here as small, flatteded green platelets to several millimeters in size,
lightly scattered over a pale rhyolite porphyry matrix. Most specimens show
small black pods of schorl tourmaline that have replaced feldspar, an interesting
pseudomorph that is rarely offered. Specimens range in size from 2cm to 7cm
across, many with micro potential as well despite light coverage, at just 10.00,
20.00, 35.00 and 55.00 each. One 20x10cm sample @ 100.00. Mildly hot!
TREMOLITE (FL SW & LW)- Talcville, St. Lawrence Co., New York
Finely needled, rich aggregates of white to pale pinkish tremolite comprising
matrix, these showing good orange fluorescence under both SW and LW UV. From
the collection of the late John L. Baum (johnbaumite), chief geologist at N.J.
Zinc at Franklin and curator at the Franklin Mineral Museum. Generously sized
specimens from 4cm to 9cm across at just 10.00, 20.00 and 35.00 each.
TYCHITE- Searles Lake, San Bernardino Co., California
Tychite, a complex sodium magnesium carbonate sulfate, is offered here from
the type locality. The mineral occurs as sharp octahedral single crystals without
matrix, typically clear to translucent, white to yellow, occasionally darker
colored or intergrown individuals occur as well. Nice micro material, offered
as single floater crystals, one per capsule @ 15.00 for a 1mm crude octahedron,
or 35.00 for a 3mm sharper octahedron.
URANINITE- Cardiff Mine, Wilberforce, Ontario, Canada
Crude cubic crystals and masses of very rich black uraninite, most samples without
discernable matrix. Well crystallized and exceptionally hot, these are from
an old hoard in the H. Rozenbrock Collection, crystal sizes from 2cm @ 200.00,
2.5cm @ 400.00, and one massive, pure 3.5cm specimen @ 525.00. List alternates!
Will make your Geiger counter sing and buzz with excitement!
VANADINITE- Western Union Mine, Cerbat, Arizona
Elongated crystals of orange-brown vanadinite richly scattered on pale beige
matrix, these showing an odd, sheaf-like habit. Coverage is quite good, and
crystals reach over 1cm on larger specimens; matrix sizes from 2.5cm to 8cm
@ 15.00, 30.00, 45.00 and 65.00 each. Excellent material from an older occurrence!
WAVELLITE- Gold Quarry Mine, Eureka Co., Nevada
Excellent and unusual microcrysals of wavellite. These rich specimens externally
look like pearly to silky pale green wavellite spheres, to several mm's, on
matrix, but are actually composed of sharp radiating tufts of transparent microcrystals,
some with possible fluellite, volborthite, hewettite, etc. Moderate to good
coverage, from about 2cm to 5cm @ 10.00, 20.00, 40.00 each. Older stuff from
the late 90's, only a few available in each size range, please list alternates!
WIGHTMANITE- Crestmore Quarry, Riverside Co., California
This rarely offered borate occurs here as small, thin, prismatic aggregates
of milky white to very pale greenish color, sparsely scattered in greyish dolomitic
calcite rock matrix. Formerly "Unknown D" at the this classic locality
for the species, specimens from 2.5cm to nearly 5cm across @ 20.00, 30.00 and
45.00 each.
ZINNWALDITE- Zinnwald, Bohemia, Czech Republic
Rich platy aggregates and crystals of silvery micaceous zinnwaldite scattered
in and comprising matrix. Old specimens from the classic locality for the species,
specimens from about 2.5cm to 6cm across @ 15.00, 25.00, and 40.00 each.
ZUNYITE- Zuni Mine, Anvil Mt. San Juan Co., Colorado
From the type locality for the species, we have a good number of extremely rich
zunyite specimens, here as tiny 1-2mm vitreous, translucent octahedral crystals
embedded in dark brown, clay-like matrix. Specimens are filled with crystals,
and overall specimen sizes range from about 3cm up to 10cm across, at just 20.00,
35.00 55.00 and 75.00 each. Classic!
LED UV S-2+ Flashlight w/ Charger- 365nm
While many minerals fluoresce better under SW than LW ultraviolet, we were amazed
by the brilliant response of these Convoy-S2+ (6 watt) units! You will see remarkably
bright, unexpected results, far better than we have found with significantly
more costly, higher wattage LW units. These have reawakened our interest in
fluorescent minerals, and these will not disappoint! The S-2+ (6 watt) unit
is a hand-held, metal flashlight-style patented device, and it comes with two
rechargeable lithium batteries, as well as a plug-in charger. Don't be confused
by the cheap knockoffs, ordinary flashlights and other junk on the market, as
these are the genuine, tested S2+ UV units manufactured for Way Too Cool, the
UV specialists! We have validated the superb 365nm output with our in-house
Laser Raman spectrometer, and you cannot get a better UV device for the price
at just 69.00 per set, plus shipping.
TRILOBITE- Phacops speculator- Alnif, Morocco
These are nicely prepared, black trilobites in matrix, the latter carefully
scrapped away to reveal these reasonably well-preserved specimens, most about
4.5cm long in ~ 6cm matrix. Mid-Devonian in age (about 395 million years) and
a nice addition to any collection. Only a few on hand at just 30.00 each.
CHROME DIOPSIDE- Sakha Republic, Eastern Siberia, Russia
Among the most beautiful of gem diopsides are those from this region that display
an intense, deep green color. We have a few faceted stones that are fully transparent
and show this intense, desirable color, all as 4mm round brilliant cuts @ 15.00
each ( or 5 for 60.00) and averaging about a quarter-carat each, or a few 7x5mm
pear-shaped stones @ 75.00 each. Occasionally other sizes available @ $100 per
carat. Superb!
KYANITE- Mondol Kiri Province, Cambodia
Repeat of a sellout! Excellent, deep blue faceted ovals of gem quality kyanite,
significantly better than most Brazilian goods we have seen. Each stone is approximately
7.5x5.5mm and weighs about a carat, and these are quite attractive, rivaling
fine sapphine in color. Clean, brilliant stones, only a few available @ just
55.00 each. Limit two per customer, please!
MOONSTONE (cabochons)- Ratnapura, Sabaragamuwa Province, Sri Lanka
Excellent transparent to translucent "moonstone" cabochons, all showing
sharp and distinctive shiller effects commonly called adularescence. Mineralogically,
these are predominantly orthoclase with admixed albite, and the alternating
layers of the two feldspars are responsible for the light interference and shimmer
seen in this material. We have a variety of shapes and sizes, most either rounds
or ovals that are all well-polished, and the stones range from about 5 carats
to 12 carats in weight. We offer these only in lots of 10 stone assortments,
typically weighing about 70 carats per lot, for just 30.00 per lot, a steal
at less than 50 cents a carat!! Limit no more than three lots per order, please!
MOONSTONE (tumbled)- Jiamukai, Fuhai Co., Altay Pref., PR China
Interesting "moonstone" specimens showing modest blue schiller often
ascribed to "adularia" in some K-feldspars. However, our analytical
work suggests these are plagioclase (Na-dominant in he albite-anothite series
near oligoclase), more properly (at least gemologically) classifying them as
peristerite rather than moonstone. Nonetheless, these have been called "albite
moonstone" in the Chinese scientific literature, and we have occasionally
seen apatite, tourmaline or other unidentified phases within these tumbled specimens.
Only a few available, all as grayish white, tumble-polished nodules with modest
blue schiller effect, averaging 2.5cm @ just 7.50 each.
CATALOG 21907 - Volume XLVI,
ANORTHITE var: LABRADORITE- Ylamaa, South Karelia, Finland
Collected over thirty years ago from the "spectrolite" quaries in
Finland by Dutch mineral dealer H. Rosenbroeck, these are unpolished, rough
granitic samples very richly comprised of anorthite feldspar (variety labradorite),
some showing minor flashes of the "spectrolite" for which the locality
was so well known. Color on these is typically greyish and unappealing before
polishing, but the locality in the Fennoscandian Shield is the attraction in
these relatively large specimens, sizes from about 5cm to 15cm across, offered
at just 10.00, 20.00, 40.00, 55.00 and 75.00 each based on size/weight. Classic
ARSENOWAGNERITE (IMA #2014-100)- Arsenatnaya Fumerole, Tolbachik,
This relatively NEW SPECIES occurs as minute, pale yellow, crude tabular micro
crystals and grains from 0.2mm to nearly 1mm in size from this famous Kamchatka
volcano. These are from the type (and only) locality for this new magnesium
fluoroarsenate mineral, formula: Mg2(AsO4)F, monoclinic, IMA #2014-100. Exceptionally
rare, named for the arsenate analog of wagnerite, either as very tiny grains
mounted on adhesive on 1cm disks @ 125.00, or as larger crystals in matrix sizes
from 1cm to nearly 2cm @ 195.00 and 250.00 each, the latter two with modest
micro potential as well!
ASTROPHYLLITE- Skutesundskjaer, Langesundfjorden, Norway
Flattened aggregates of bladed, brown astrophyllite lightly scattered in pale
feldspar matrix, these from the well-known Barkevik area in Vestfold. Collected
mnay years ago, matrix specimens range from about 3cm to 6cm across @ 10.00,
20.00 and 30.00 each, depending on size & coverage.
BERYL var EMERALD w/ PYRITE- Chivor Mine, Boyaca Department, Colombia
A pair of interesting emerald specimens, here as tranlucent green hexagonal
crystals and sections to 1.5cm on matrix, associated with small pyrite crystals
typical for the locality. Each sample measures about 6x5cm to 8x5cm, and multiple
emeralds are on the surface of all of these small hand specimens @ 250.00 and
300.00 each. List alternates!
BETAFITE- Ambotofotsy Pegmatite, Itasy, Madagascar
A rather large and well-formed single crystal of this pyrochlore supergroup
mineral (var: betafite, of Hogarth 1977), showing large octahedral faces over
2.5cm tall and the typical yellowish-tan alteration throughout. Originally from
the Museum National D'Historie Naturelle in Paris, and accompanied by their
old label, the specimen is an excellent example of the large betafites the locality
produced. Ex-Rosenbroeck Collection #3840, the specimen is very hot and measures
about 4x4x3.5cm @ 250.00. One only!
BROOKITE on QUARTZ- Magnet Cove, Hot Spring Co., Arkansas
Many tiny, crude black octahedrons to several millimeters and occasionally larger
masses of brookite richly scattered over crystals and aggregates of grey quartz
and rock matrix. Classic U.S. locality for the species, collected in the 1960's
by Ted Morely (then owner of Piedmont Minerals of Virginia), with overall matrix
sizes ranging from about 2.5cm up to 8cm @ 10.00, 20.00, 30.00, 45.00 and 60.00
each, priced strictly according to quality and coverage of the brookites.
BYSTROMITE- La Fortuna Mi., Agua Prieta, Sonora Mexico
A decidely ugly mineral, here as rather pale, greyish tan masses and veinlets
scattered on matrix, typically with secondary copper minerals. Very ugly but
very uncommon as well, old Sid Williams material collected from the El Antimonio
District in the 1970's, specimens from about 2cm to 6cm @ 15.00, 25.00, 45.00
and 60.00 each.
CALCITE (FL)- Santa Eulalia, Chihuahua, Mexico
Small "spikes" of needle-like calcite spears richly scattered on massive
calcite matrix, many showing blue-white fluorescent under SW UV, and an unusual
peach colored response under LW UV. A few will even phosphoresce briefly after
SW saturation. Old material acquired in 1971, good micro and fluorescent response,
very inexpensively priced, sizes from about 2.5cm to 10cm across @ just 4.00,
7.50, 12.50 and 25.00 each. Smaller samples generally show better fluorescence,
large ones generally more botryoidal in habit.
CYANOTRICHITE- Peacock Mine, nr. Leadore, Lemhi Co. Idaho
Attractive, medium blue fuzzy balls and micro tufts of cyanotrichite nicely
scattered on matrix, originally acquired in the 1960s from this obscure locality.
Visits to the area more than 20 years ago found no secondary copper minerals
remaining from this small mine. Colorful, neat older material, much with micro
potential as well, specimens from 2cm to 3cm across @ just 12.50, 20.00 and
30.00 each, depending on quality.
DAVREUXITE- Ottre, Luxembourg, Wallonia, Belgium
This uncommon mineral occurs as white, pearly, fibrous masses in/on matrix,
occasionally with massive quartz. The type locality (Ottre), as well as several
others, are all noted as within Vielsalm area, either as small, separate population
centers or sub-muncipalities of Vielsalm. Many have attributed davreuxite occurrences,
most in the general area of the slate quarries. Specimens are ex-University
of Liege, as well as several others, and sizes range from about 2cm to 7cm across,
offered at just 15.00, 25.00, 40.00, 55.00 and 75.00 each.
ESPERITE- Franklin, Sussex Co., New Jersey
From an old hoard, we have a small selection of interesting esperite specimens,
most with typical willemite associations, some with zincite or other phases.
These are the last of our good fluorescent (bright yellow-SW) specimens, not
lean throwaways! Sizes from 4cm to 7cm across, priced according to amount of
esperite present, not overall size, @ 50.00, 75.00, 100.00 . Many from Nick
Zipco and other collections acquired in the 1980s and 1990s.
FERRO-FLUORO-PEDRIZITE- Tastyg Pegmatite, Sutlug River, Tuva Russia
From the type locality and type specimen for the species, we have a few tiny
single crystal shards of this rare amphibole group mineral, here as thin, bluish-grey
aggregates without matrix. Originally described as IMA 2008-070, the mineral
has undergone name changes as the amphibole groups have been variously redefined,
this species one of the lithium-rich, monoclinic phases. Only several encapsulated
crystals to 1mm on hand @ 85.00 each. See our image on www.mindat.org
FERROERICSSONITE (IMA#2010-025)- Esquire #8, Big Creek, Fresno
Co., Califor
This moderately rare species occurs as dark reddish brown vitreous, foliated
aggregates and striated blades sparsely scattered in quartz matrix, some associated
with anandite, gillespite, titantaramellite and possibly other species. Formula:
BaFe2Fe3+O(Si2O7)(OH), monoclinic, IMA #2010-025. Author's material from the
type locality, specimens about 1cm @ 125.00..
Potosi Bolivi
Small, glassy white elongated aggregates of fluorapatite sparsely scattered
on yellowish wavellite matrix, some with minor quartz and/or cassiterite. Minor
chemical substitution has demoted this normally hexagonal mineral to lower monoclinic
symmetry, hence the "clinofluorapatite" varietal name. This mineral
oddity is best seen under both SW and LW UV, as it fluoresces a bright peach
color. Specimens range from TNs @ 15.00, 5cm @ 40.00.
FLUORITE (RED OCTAHEDRONS!!)- Huanggangliang Mine #6,Inner Mongola,
PR China
See the special printed flyer accompanying this list! Some of the best are we
have are pictured here, although there are others available starting at $1200
to $2000. As featured in August issue of Mineral News, don't miss these; probably
the finest specimens China has ever produced, and certainly the best red to
pink fluorite in the world, far superior to those of Switzerland and Peru! We
can also supply images for serious inquiries, just specify your desired price
GALENA- Huanzala Mine, Ancash, Peru
This Peruvian locality is best known for its fluorites, but we recently located
several flats of massive galena collected in the early 1970s from the locality.
The massive material is unusual because it does not show galena's distinct cleavage
very well, the result of trace elemental impurities that affect the prevalence
and degree of cleavage in these "structurally stressed" specimens.
Our EDS work indicates trace silver is the culprit. Specimens range from 2.5
to 5cm across @ just 5.00, 7.50 and 12.50 each. We can also supply a lot of
10 assorted at a greatly discounted price of just 50.00 per lot!
GREENALITE- La Union, Murcia, Spain
Rich, solid murky green masses of greenalite largely comprising matrix, occasionally
with minor siderite and/or galena, and both obvious when present. An unusual
member of the kaolinite-serpentine group, these from an excellent European locality.
Sizes average about 2.5-3cm @ just 20.00 each, a few considerably larger to
6cm+ @ 75.00 each.
HILAIREITE- Poudrette Quarry, Mont St. Hilaire, Canada
From the type locality for the species, we have several nicely mounted specimens
in black micro boxes that show well formed, pale brown to nearly colorless trigonal
crystals of this rare mineral. The mineral is typically associated with analcime,
natrolite or other phases, and all are fine micros @ 85.00 each. Limited availability!
KAWAZULITE w/ HESSITE etc.- Kochbulak Au-Te Deposit, Sughd, Tajikistan
A 2.5cm probe mount, accompanied by a pair of SEM backscatter images and a chemical
analysis, shows kawazulite surround by hessite in a quartz-terahedrite matrix,
associated with several other species. Interestingly, the locality is often
noted as being in Uzbekistan (even in several professional papers), but mistakenly
so because the only access road to the deposit is via Uzbekistan to the NW.
The actual deposit is across the border in Tajikistan, but cannot be reached
via that country's roads! We believe the sample is unique as the first (and
perhaps only) reported occurrence of the species in the deposit. Only one, elegantly
documented specimen on hand @ 245.00.
KAZAKOVITE with KAPUSTINITE- Palitra Pegmatite, Kedykverpakhk
Mt Russia
This rare species occurs here at this prolific locality as very thin, tiny yellowish
brown rims surrounding pods of purplish red kapustinite, itself yet another
relatively new species from this superb locality! A rare Na-Mn-Ti silicate,
we have just a few specimens on hand, sizes from 2cm and 3.5cm across @ 100.00
and 225.00 each.
KOTULSKITE + UNK Pd-Pb-Te-S etc- Federovo-Pansky Massif, Murmansk,
Commonly known as the Pana Layered Gabbro-Norite Complex, this Kola Peninsula
locality has produced a large number of PGM minerals, many quite rare and difficult
to obtain. We have a single 2.5cm probe mount with four embedded ore samples,
accompanied by 25 pages of analaytical results, including 11 SEM images and
analytical data for eleven different sites among the four ore samples. Kotulskite
was confirmed in at least 4 analyses, a Pd-bearing gersdorfite in 2, a Pt-Pd-gersdorfite
in three more, as well as a telluropalladinite, a Pt-Pd-bearing cobaltite (new
for the locality) and an unknown phase (also new) noted as a Pd-Pb-Te-S mineral,
as yet not named or described. Full chemistry accompanies each identification,
as well as a pinpointing SEM. Only one mount available, superbly documented
with numerous pages, at 375.00 for the lot.
LEIFITE with RHODOCHROSITE etc.- Poudrette Quarry, Mont St. Hilaire,
Among the most prolific localities in the world, Mont St. Hilaire has yielded
over 400 different species, many found as aesthetic micro crystals. We have
several samples of leifite as transparent to white micro crystals scattered
on matrix, typically with disk-shaped, dard rhodochrosite, needles of aegirine,
occasionally fluorite and even bastnaesite-Ce on our best sample. Specimens
rage from about 2cm to 3cm across, priced according to coverage, at 85.00, 125.00
and 175.00 each. For those that want the giant leifite samples, we have two
rather extraordinary examples of this fairly rare mineral in lustrous, hemispherical
groups that appear as smooth balls on the top surface, but are actually the
terminations of densely-packed radiating crystals beneath! A great, larger 4.5x3.5
complex and astounding monster radiating ball with micro, pink serandite and
other potential associations @ 1500.00. List alternates!
MIMETITE etc.- Mapimi, Durango, Mexico
We recently uncovered several flats of Mapimi mimetite, these from the early
1970s and comprised primarily of micro botryoids of yellow to greenish mimetite
lightly scattered in/on limonitic matrix, some with transparent calcite, possible
wulfenite and potentially other species. Much micro potential here, and quite
inexpensive with specimens from about 2.5cm to 9cm across at just 5.00, 10.00,
25.00, and 40.00 each. We will also offer a lot of 10 assorted, discounted down
to 100.00 for the lot.
NATROALUNITE-2c- Okumanza Hot Spring, Gunma, Japan
Tiny white masses of this rare mineral, offered here as small powdery aggregates
in a capsule. A member of the alunite group, the subject of one of the IMA's
bizarre renaming proposals in 2010, eventually named in allusion to its double
c-axis structural relationship to natroalunite rather than its original name
of minamiite. Type locality material, only a few available @ 20.00 each.
PENKVILKSITE- Jubilee Pegmatite, Lovozero, Kola, Russia
Dull white, somewhat fibrous to platy masses of this rare species sparsely scattered
in matrix, occasionally associated with finely crystallized radiating needles
of raite and possibly other species. Type locality material obtained from one
of the authors (Dr. Khomyakov) many years ago, offered as small fragments in
a capsule @ 45.00; a few matrix specimens from 1.5cm to 3cm @ 100.00, 130.00
and 165.00 each.
QUARTZ (Japan Law Twin)- Andilamena, Alaotra-Mangoro, Madagascar
Excellent examples of Japan Law twinned quartz, these as flattened, V-shaped
twins with definative striations and complex peripheral terminations. These
are from the major find from twenty years ago at the locality. Only a few recently
uncovered, all are sharp and average 3cm across @ 55.00 each.
QUARTZ variety CHRYSOPRASE- Malborough, Queensland, Australia
Vivid, lime-green chrsoprase as botroids and exposed seams about 1 cm thick,
quality suitable for cutting if so desired! Originally acquired by Forrest Cureton
many years ago, we just recently uncovered these in our warehouse. We have cleaned
these with a high pressure water gun, removing most overburden, but most specimens
tend to have a film of gritty matrix that begs some patient sandblasting that
would render these into
true gems for the mineral! Specimens range from about 4cm up to 7cm across,
attractive and colorful, at just 15.00, 25.00 and 45.00 each. Nice!
RANKAMAITE etc.- Urubu Mine, Itinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil
This rare mineral occurs here as white to pale tan, somewhat fibrous, creamy
aggregates richly intergrown in matrix, typically with pink elbaite, cassiterite,
and quartz. Thin section work has also disclosed minute associations of simpsonite,
thoreaulite and possibly other phases as well in these complex specimens! From
a 2010 find and described in an American Mineralogist article a year later,
we have a small lot of samples, ranging from about 1cm to nearly 3cm across
@ 25.00, 40.00 and 65.00 each; don't miss these!
RANKINITE in LARNITE- Camphouse, Ardnamurchan, Argyll, Scotland
Greyish spurrite rock matrix shows small white masses of included rankinite,
often intergrown with massive larnite as well. Classic locality material mentioned
briwfly in a 1950 American Mineralogist article, all samples with at least one
cut face, sizes ranging from 1cm to nearly 5cm across @ 25.00, 40.00, 65.00,
85.00 each
ROBINSONITE- Male Zelezne, Zilina, Slovakia
Metallic grey robinsonite is abundantly present in these rich, massive samples,
comprised of metallic grey, somewhat fibrous robinsonite in matrix. A well-documented
locality for this Pb-Sb-sulfide with a wide range of sizes and prices available,
from 1.5cm to 5cm @ 20.00, 40.00, 65.00, and 90.00 each
SCHIZOLITE- Kedykverpakhk Mt., Lovozero, Kola, Russia
Found in 2015 at this locality, the mineral occurs as rich aggregates of tiny,
coarse colorless prismatic crystals, typically embedded in aegirine nests at
the edges of a white natrolite vein. Unlike the pinkish material first described
from South Africa, this was the third occurrence for the species, confirmed
by Russian mineralogists shortly after publication of IMA 2013-067 that was
subsequently redefined in 2018. Specimens range from 2cm to 4cm across @ just
45.00, 75.00 and 100.00 each.
THORIKOSITE- Passa Limani, Lavrion, Attica, Greece
One of the more exotic "slag minerals" from this prolific area, here
as minute, pale yellowis micro crystals sparsely scattered in ancient slag vugs,
often with other uncommon species associated as well. Type locality material,
specimens priced according to quality, not overall size, 1.5cm to nearly 3cm
@ 45.00 and 65.00 each.
TOBERMOREITE ps @ WILKEITE- Crestmore Quarry, Riverside Co., California
Small white spherules and minute fibrous pods of tobermoreite occur here as
pseudomorphs after "wilkeite" in pale blue calcite and occasionally
admixed with jennite or other species. The material varies from lean to exceptionally
rich and is priced accordingly, sizes from about 2cm to 7cm @ 12.50, 20.00,
35.00 and 50.00 each. One large and fairly rich sample about 13x9cm @ 125.00.
VANTHOFFITE- Berlepsch Mine, Neu-Stassfurt, Germany
A sodium magnesium sulfate, vanthoffite typically occurs as massive granular
material. We have representative specimens, consisting of a few small translucent,
nearly white colored grains of vanthoffite packed in a glass stoppered vial,
some with possible halite or admixed loweite. Ex-Cureton samples, few available
@ 35.00 each.
MICROCLINE- Worldwide Localities
An unusual lot of a dozen (12) microcline specimens from worldwide localities,
including wonderful blue amazonite, an occasional twin, uncommon associations
and odd localities! Drawn from many carefully curated collections, many with
old labels, specimens will range from 4cm to 8cm across, all individually identified,
and no duplication of localities, all for just 95.00 per lot of 12, FOB our
warehouse. A great way to add depth to your reference collections in an economical
HIDDENITE- Kunar Valley, Nuristan, Afghanistan
An exceptional lot of pale green hiddenite (spodumene) gems, cleanly cut in
a variety of ovals and rounds, perfectly clear with no inclusions, certainly
some of the best we've seen recently. Only a few of these are available, and
we have arbitrarily lotted them in either ~4 carat stones @ 85.00 each, 5-6ct
stones @ 125.00 each, or as ~7+ carat stones @ 150.00. Don't miss these wonderful
stones for your gem collection!
CATALOG 21906 - Volume XLVI, No.6 - Our 46th Year!
AGRELLITE- Kipawa Complex, Villedieu, Quebec, Canada
Excellent radiating and columnar aggregates of buff colored agrellite richly
comprising matrix and showing fine, bright pinkish-red fluorescence under SW
UV. Some specimens may show minor red eudialyte, catapleiite (FL-green) and
albite (FL-dull red) as well, making these unusual three-color fluorescent pieces.
This newer lot is ex-John L. Baum collection (johnbaumite) of Franklin fame.
Type locality material, sizes from 3cm to 8cm @ 10.00, 20.00, 35.00 and 50.00
ALLANITE-(La)- Mochalin Log Valley, Potaniny Mts, Russia
This rare mineral occurs here as small (1mm-3mm) black aggregates in brownish
bastnaesite-(La) matrix. Formula:
Ca(La,Ce,Ca)Al2Fe2+Fe3+)(SiO4)(Si2O7)O(OH), IMA #2003-065, these from a second
locality for the species. Material from this Kyshtym District in the southern
Urals has been microprobe-confirmed as teh rarest of the allanites because of
its La-domiance. Specimens available as small matrix samples from 3mm to 6mm
across @ 55.00, 70.00 and 85.00 each. Only a few!
AUGITE- N of Las Canadas, Tenerife, Canary Islands
Old material collected by famous geologist/mineralogist E.W. Heinrich many years
ago, these are sharp, well-formed, black single crystals removed from basalt
just north of Las Canadas, near Caldera Junction, Tenerife. Excellent for the
species and from an unusual locality, individual crystals range from about 1cm
to 1.5cm tall at just 12.50 and 17.50 each. Try a selection of five different
showing a variety of habits and sizes at just 45.00 per lot!
BAKHCHISARAITSEVITE- Iron Mine, Kovdor Massif, Kola, Russia
This rare phosphate mineral occurs as tiny, deep yellowish-grey platy aggregates
lightly scattered in dolomite matrix, occasionally with minor magnesite as well.
Formula: Na2Mg5[(PO4)]4(H2O)6.H2O. IMA approved in 1999, few specimens have
reached the market of this type locality material. Sizes average about 2.5cm
@ 150.00 each.
BRASSITE- Jachymov, Bohemia, Czech Republic
Representative specimens of brassite, as rich white powdery coatings on matrix,
possibly intermixed or otherwise associated with pharmacolite and/or roesslerite.
Type locality material, sizes from 1cm to 3.5cm @ 15.00, 25.00 and 40.00 each.
Old stuff!
CALCITE- MaNieshan Mine, Hunagshi, Hubei, PR China
From the new find featured in the August, 2019 issue of Mineral News, these
as stout, somewhat stunted scalenohedral crystals of brownish calcite completely
comprising matrix. Rather attractive and an interesting habit for these iron-rich,
included specimens, with individual crystals to 1.5cm and full coverage. Overall
sizes from TNs to 5cm @ 10.00, 25.00 and 45.00; a few larger, aesthetic specimens
(8cm to 10cm) @ 125.00 and 175.00 each.
CALCITE pseudo @ KUTNOHORITE- N'Chwaning II Mi, Kalahari, N. Cape,
Rep So A
This interesting pseudomorph occurs as pale pinkish groups of somewhat rounded
crystals and knobs of manganese-rich calcite comprising matrix, replacing needle-like
crystals of kutnahorite. The pseudos are also nicely fluorescent (SW UV) red,
and make interesting additions to a specialized pseudomorph or fluorescent collection.
From a 2001 find at this prolific locality, specimens from about 3cm to nearly
6cm across @ just 15.00, 25.00 and 35.00 each.
CASSITERITE- Wheal Busy, Chancewater, Cornwall, England
Collected from the area surrounding the Black Dog Shaft some years ago, cassiterite
occurs here as tiny black micro crystals lightly scattered on a greyish breccia
matrix. The deposit was worked for copper in the early 1700's and remained sporadically
active until the early 1900s. An excellent, older locality (aka Graet Wheal
Busy) yielding specimens with some micro potential, overall sizes from about
2.5cm to 6cm across @ just 5.00, 15.00, and 30.00 each. A bargain!
CLINOCLASE- Majuba Hill, Pershing Co., Nevada
Dark greenish blue, higly lustrous micro crystals and aggregates of clinoclase
richly scattered over rock matrix. Classic locality material collected many
years ago, matrix sizes from about 2cm to nearly 8cm across @ 8.00, 12.50, 20.00,
35.00, 50.00 and 75.00 each. A few higher - see images on our website in the
Photo Gallery section on the website.
DAUBREELITE- Norton County Meteorite, Kansas
This rare species occurs here as microscopic inclusions in the Norton County
meteorite, a rare Aubrite type achondrite that fell on February 18, 1948. These
are individually microprobed by Bart Cannon in 1987, here as small (4mm) probe
mounts, most with a single grain of material. Only a few available from this
historic find @ just 100.00 each. We also have a pair of mounts accompanied
by full color photographs with tissue overlays that pinpoint the typical association
of kamacite, troilite and/or alabandite at 150.00 each. List alternates!
DOVYRENITE- Yoko-Dovrenskiy Massif, Transbaikal, Russia
This rare species occurs as minute, pale pinkish purple masses (not grey as
claimed elsewhere - caveat emptor!) very sparsely scattered in matrix. Formula:
Ca6Zr(Si2O7)2(OH)4; IMA # 2007-002. We have several small matrix samples, all
type locality, of course, each about 3mm tall and requiring some magnification
(30x) to discern the species @ 145.00 each.
FLUORNATROMICROLITE- Bennett Quarry, Buckfield, Maine
This relatively rare species was originally described from Brazil, even though
found here at an earlier date. Unlike the type locality, these samples are an
odd yellowish color, occurring as minute, flattened aggregates sparsely scattered
in trilithionite, occasionally with minor cassiterite as well. Matrix sizes
range from 2.5cm to 5cm @ 15.00, 30.00 and 45.00 each.
GALENA (Stressed Structure)- Huanzala Mine, Ancash, Peru
This Peruvian locality is best known for its fluorites, but we recently located
several flats of massive galena collected in the early 1970s from the locality.
The massive material is unusual because it does not show galena's distinct cleavage
very well, the result of trace elemental impurities that affect the prevalence
and degree of cleavage in these "structurally stressed" specimens.
Our EDS work indicates trace silver is the culprit. Specimens range from 2.5
to 5cm across @ just 5.00, 7.50 and 12.50 each. We can also supply a lot of
10 assorted at a greatly discounted price of just 50.00 per lot!
GARTRELLITE- Black Pine Mine, Granite Co., Montana
Bright yellow-green crusty masses and small botryoids of EDS and XRD-confirmed
gartrellite scattered on quartz matrix, occasionally with micro, deep red cuprite
sparsely associated. A rare combination and discovered by us (see Mineral News
- Vol. 28 # 6, 2012), identification by micro-analytical techniques is needed
to differentiate the species from several other, similar-appearing species at
the locality. The mineral is rare here, and there are few specimens, some of
the better ones offering the excellent micro associations as well! Sizes range
from about 1.5cm to nearly 4cm @ 15.00, 25.00, 40.00 and 65.00 each, all with
copies of our EDS work, and priced by overall quality, not size. (NOTE: Type
locality material, as well as a few other localities, are in stock - inquire!)
GOLD- Riddle Creek Mine, Victoria, Australia
Small samples of well-crystallized native gold acquired over 20 years ago from
a small Ballarat museum, each bright crystalline group presented in a black
felt-lined round case. These obscure locality gold specimens range from about
7 mm to 10 mm and are priced at 45.00, 65.00 and 85.00 each. Aesthetics count!
GROSSULAR- Nightingale District, Pershing Co., Nevada
From a remarkable find about 10 years ago, wonderful crystal groups of grossular
garnet richly comprising matrix! These show excellent reddish brown color with
well developed crystals and high luster, perhaps the finest garnets ever found
in the state! Our analytical work shows these to be a slightly iron-rich grossular
that approaches andradite, but clearly Al-dominant nonetheless. These attractive
specimens range from about 2.5cm to nearly 8cm across, priced at just 10.00,
15.00, 25.00, 40.00, 60.00 and 85.00 each, with a few to 100.00. Don't miss
these, noted in the 2009 Mineralogical Record's Springfield Show report!!!
HEMIMORPHITE (botryoidal)- 79 Mine, nr. Hayden, Gila Co., Arizona
An uncommon habit for hemimorphite, these 79 Mine samples are pale blue botryoids
forming exposed semas and largely comprising matrix. Often mistaken for smithsonite
from other localities, these specimens were first acquired in 1968 and therefore
preceeded the more well-known material brought out from the third level in the
1970s. Mostly smaller, rich specimens, sizes from about 2cm to 3.5cm @ just
7.50, 10.00 and 15.00 each.
HSIANGHUALITE- Xianghualing Mine, Linwu, Hunan, PR China
White vitreous masses and tiny aggregates of this rare species scattered in
matrix, a Ca-Li-Be silicate-fluoride first desccribed in 1958. One of the rarest
of zeolite minerals the samples typically display non-descript granular forms
with occasional dodecahedral faces evident. Type locality material (and still
only found in the Xianghualing ore field), each sample accompanied by XRD data
and an SEM image, sizes average 1cm just 95.00 each, with confirming analytics!
HUMBERSTONITE- Oficina Alemania, Antofagasta, Chile
This uncommon sulfate-nitrate occurs as minute colorless to white masses and
aggregates stored as small chunks and offered here in 2cm stoppered vials. Type
locality material, ex-Wards Natural Science from nearly 50 years ago, at just
25.00 per 2cm container.
KALIFERSITE- Rasvumchorr Mt., Khibiny Massif, Russia
Only the second known occurrence for the species, this one also in Khibiny as
was the type, kalifersite occurs here as pale yellowish, fine-grained aggregates
and druses sparsely filling voids in a dark green aegirine matrix, typically
with brownish glassy lamprophyllite etc. Only a few samples available, sizes
from about 1.5cm to nearly 3.5cm across @ 45.00, 75.00 and 125.00 each.
LINARITE- Kintore Open Cut, Broken Hill, NSW, Australia
Brilliant micro crystals of darl blue linarite scattered on matrix, these from
old materila collected over 40 years ago. Specimens are colorful and will yield
good micros as well, sizes from about 2cm to 5cm @ 15.00, 25.00 and 45.00 each.
LUZONITE in BISMUTHINITE etc.- Cerro de Pasco, Pasco Department,
An often-overlooked Cu-As-S mineral, luzonite occurs here as a metallic masses
with a slight purplish-red luster, most typically intergrown with metallic masses
of tennantite-tetrahedrite, and in this case, bismuthinite. The specimens are
ex-J. Cilen Collection, and sizes average about 4cm across @ 45.00 each.
MARIINSKITE (IMA #2011-057)- Mariinskoe, Malyshevskoe, Urals,
This extremely rare species occurs as minute translucent masses sparsely scattered
among grains of chromite and phlogopite matrix. Formula: BeCr2O4, orthorhombic,
IMA # 2011-057. From the emerald deposits at this famous locality, the mineral
is the Cr-dominant analog of chrysoberyl! Only one small (~1mm) microprobed
and mounted sample in 2cm probe mount available, accompanied by two SEM backscattered
images and a chemical analysis @ 350.00. Type locality specimen from the original
discovery; list alternates!
MIMETITE- Aguiles Serdan, Chihuahua, Mexico
From the famous Santa Eulalia Mining District, these are bright yellow drusy
crystals of mimetite richly scattered on matrix, occasionally associated with
calcite, cerussite or other species. The precise mine is uncertain, as these
were acquired in 1957, long before most dealers and collectors cared about such
nuances. Colorful, moderately attractive, much micro potential as well, specimens
range from about 3cm up to 6cm across @ 8.00, 15.00, and 25.00, with a few monsters
to 10cm @ just 50.00 each. Wonderful old stuff from more than 60 years ago!
NISHANBAEVITE (IMA 2019-012)- Arsenatnaya Fumerole, Tolbachik,
This NEW SPECIES forms minute, white crystalline aggregates, mounted on small
stubs for microscope viewing. Named for Russian mineralogist Tursun Prnazorovich
Nishanbaev (1955-2018) of the Natural History Museum of the Ilmen Natural Reserve,
the species formula is KAl2O(AsO4)(SO4) - orthorhombic, IMA # 2019-012. It represents
not only a unique combination of elements but also a new structural type. Only
a few tiny mounts available @ 145.00 each. Author's material (see our image
on Mindat).
OPAL- Antananarivo Province, Madagascar
Very weirdly colored, pale greenish opal comprising matrix, these almost serpentine-like
in their opaqueness. Appearing first in early 2009, additional samples have
been dribbling out from Madagascar sporadically, with the largest influx in
the last two years. Specimens are dense, translucent at best, and quite cutable,
and these show very little included matrix. Relatively pure specimens range
from about 4cm to 7cm across at just 15.00, 24.00 and 35.00 each.
ORDONEZITE- La Fortuna Mine, Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico
This rare mineral occurs as massive brownish to reddish brown pods and veinlets
in somewhat cherty to rhyolitic rock matrix, typically with minor chenevixite
and possibly other phases. Classic locality in the El Antimonio District, ugly
stuff, but not commonly offered, this is very old Cureton stock with specimens
ranging from about 2cm to nearly 8cm across @ 15.00, 25.00, 45.00, 60.00 and
75.00 each.
PHILIPSBURGITE - Black Pine Mine, nr. Philipsburg, Montana
Recently uncovered in our warehouse, a flat of excellent, emerald-green micro
crystals of philipsburgite scattered over quartz matrix, typically showing finely
bladed micro crystals and rosettes! The crystals are typically overgrown with
minute quartz druses, making colorful, pale green vitreous balls, sometimes
associated with pale green duftite, malachite etc. Matrix sizes from 2cm to
6cm @ 15.00, 25.00, 45.00, 65.00 and 100.00 each for the most aesthetic. Superb
type-locality material, and all with micro potential as well!
QUARTZ variety CHRYSOPRASE- Malborough, Queensland, Australia
Vivid, lime-green chrsoprase as botroids and exposed seams about 1 cm thick,
quality suitable for cutting if so desired! Originally acquired by Forrest Cureton
many years ago, we just recently uncovered these in our warehouse. We have cleaned
these with a high pressure water gun, removing most overburden, but most specimens
tend to have a film of gritty matrix that begs some patient sandblasting that
would render these into true gems for the mineral! Specimens range from about
4cm up to 7cm across, attractive and colorful, at just 15.00, 25.00 and 45.00
each. Nice!
RENIERITE- Prince Leopold Mine, Kipushi, Zaire
Germanium sulfide ore material, consisting of chalcopyrite, tennantite, bornite,
and renierite intermixed as a rich sulfide ore. Type locality for renierite,
distinguishable visually by its slightly more orange tint, sizes from 1cm to
3cm @ just 35.00, 45.00 and 65.00 each.
SUGILITE- Wessels Mine, N. Cape Province, Rep So. Africa
Considerably more colorful than the type Japanese material, this Kalahari material
is found as intense magenta colored rock-forming material, with minor matrix,
typically with superficial masses well scattered on matrix. Moderately attractive,
sizes from 1cm to nearly 5cm across @ 10.00, 15.00, 25.00, 40.00 and 60.00 each.
TOBERMOREITE ps @ WILKEITE- Crestmore Quarry, Riverside Co., California
Small white spherules and minute fibrous pods of tobermoreite occur here as
pseudomorphs after "wilkeite" in pale blue calcite and occasionally
admixed with jennite or other species. The material varies from lean to exceptionally
rich and is priced accordingly, sizes from about 2cm to 7cm @ 12.50, 20.00,
35.00 and 50.00 each. One large and fairly rich sample about 13x9cm @ 125.00.
TOPAZ- Itaobim, Minas Gerais, Brazil
A beautiful, pale BLUE topaz crystal without matrix! The specimen shows a typical
blocky terminated, sharply formed transparent crystal of topaz, ranging in color
from almost clear with a hint of blue to pastel blue, naturaly colored, of course,
and showing the classic chisel-tip form. The crystal also shows complex modifications
along the crystal edges, some damage on the back, and a pinacoidal cleavage
at the base. This one is from a 1998 find by the late Luis Menezes. Only one
on hand @ 100.00.
URANINITE- Fission Mine, Haliburton Co, Ontario Canada
Dense, crude cubic crystals and masses of blackish uraninite, most without matrix
or as partial floaters, these being somewhat brownish on the surface but quite
hot! All are relatively pure despite the surface alterations, and all were collected
in May, 1981 by Dutch mineral dealer H. Rozenbroek whose collection we recently
acquired. Sizes range from smallish (!) 1cm crude crystals up to monster 2.5cm
crystalline masses, priced at 35.00, 60.00, 85.00, 110.00 and 150.00 depending
on size and degree of crystallization. Wow!
WOLLASTONITE (FL)- Desert View Mine, San Bernadino Co., California
From an unusual locality known for uncommon fluorescent minerals, these wollastonite
specimens occur as greenish yellow crystalline masses richly scattered and comprising
matrix, all brilliantly fluorescent (yellow-orange LW, less intense SW). Specimens
are from the collection of the late NJ Zinc geologist and Franklin master, John
L. Baum (johnbaumite). Specimens range in size from about 3cm to 6cm @ 10.00,
20.00 and 35.00 each; one 8cm @ 50.00, and a 10cm @ 65.00. List alternates!
WULFENITE- Hilltop Mine, Cochise Co., Arizona
A neat old specimen, showing many dark, honey-brown tetragonal plates and masses
of wulfenite to 1cm perched on heavy, wulfenite-infused limonitic matrix. The
specimen is ex-Buckingham, ex-Curt Seegler (seeglerite), accompanied by Seegler's
ratty label indicating it was originally from the Streeter Collection, circa
1942. Overall size about 6x4cm @ 65.00 with historic label. One only!
YOSHIMURAITE- Taguchi Mine, Aichi Prefecture, Japan
Tiny, lustrous, dark golden-brown cleavages and crude crystals of yoshimuraite
sparsely scattered in pink rhodonite matrix, typically with other associated
minerals. An uncommon member of the bafertisite group, originally described
in teh late 1950s. Magnification will be needed, and matrix sizes range from
1cm to 2cm @ 20.00, 30.00, and 45.00 each.
YTTROBETAFITE-(Y)- Yukspor Mt., Khibiny, Kola, Russia
This rare species occurs as minute, pale beige to yellowish brown masses up
to a couple of millimeters across, scattered on feldspar and aegirine matrix.
All specimens with arrows, XRD and microprobe-confirmed, matrix sizes average
about 3cm across @ 60.00 each. Limited availability!
ZIRSILITE-(Ce)- Sagasen, Porsgrunn, Tvedalen, Norway
This uncommon mineral occurs here in rich, pale orange brown masses well-scattered
in greyish feldspar matrix, occasionally with other rock-forming minerals. Zirsilite-(Ce)
is one of approximately 10 cerium-rich species found here, the pegmatite vein
that produced it now under water in this inoperative quarry. Specimens average
about 4cm across @ 75.00 each, less expensive and richer than the type material
from Tajikistan!
LANGBAN MINERALS- Langban, Filipstad, Varmland, Sweden
This classic locality has produced over 300 different species, with more than
70 type locality minerals within that number! We recently acquired the private
collection of the late H. Rosenbroeck, a Dutch mineral dealer who travelled
and collected extensively. These Langban specimens were acquired in 1975 and
1976, and have sat for more than 40 years unidentified but most being carefully
numbered in his holdings awaiting further study. We admittedly have little time
to work on this old Langban material, and we suspect there are many of the common
species as well as potential rarities. Sizes range from about 3cm to 6cm across,
and we offer lots of 12 Langban specimens for just 125.00 per lot. Buy two lots
at the same time, and we will throw in a new copy of the full-color classic
Langban book, a 79.00 value, at no extra charge!
We have a large inventory of both rough and faceted diamonds, and here we offer
some interesting lots of small cut stones. Starting with small rounds of transparent,
very pale brown hues that average about 1mm each and about 2pts each, we offer
a set of five stones for just 30.00 per lot. Moving up to more fancy yellow
colors, we have 25 point lots (average 8 to 10 larger stones) at just 95.00
per lot. If you want a half carat (50 points) of these fancy colors in these
larger stones, they are here at just 175.00 per lot, 10-12 stones per lot; and
finally, we can offer a full 1.50 carat lot, about 50 stones per lot, at just
450.00. These are the last of our faceted yellows!
PELE'S HAIR- Hilina Pali Road, Hawaii Co., Hawaii
Perhaps the most unusual of lava formations, these are extremely thin strands
of basaltic glass fibers. They typically form as a result of the stretching
of molten lava, often carried by wind, and it looks much like tiny strands of
golden millerite by comparison. Named for the Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes,
extremely brittle and sharp, we have samples richly supplied in capped, 5cm
vials @ just 20.00 each. Collected in 1984 by the late Dutch mineral dealer
H. Rozenbroek.
CATALOG 21905 - Volume XLVI, No.5 - Our 46th Year!
ASTROPHYLLITE- Skutesundskjaer, Langesundfjorden, Norway
Flattened aggregates of bladed, brown astrophyllite lightly scattered in pale
feldspar matrix, these from the well-known Barkevik area in Vestfold. Collected
mnay years ago, matrix specimens range from about 3cm to 6cm across @ 10.00,
20.00 and 30.00 each, depending on size & coverage.
AURICHALCITE with BROCHANTITE- Jackrabbit Mine, Lyon Co., Nevada
Small, pale blue, flattened aurichalcite sprays lightly scattered on dark brown
rock matrix, typically with vitreous, micro green brochantite crystals and possibly
other phases. From a moderately obscure locality, specimens range from about
2cm to 5cm across @ just 5.00, 10.00 and 20.00 each, some with micro potential.
BARARITE- Burnside, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania
This uncommon mineral occurs here as greyish white crusts and aggregates, typically
intergrown with cryptohalite and pale yellow sulfur. Ugly stuff but quite rare
from this unusual locality, offered as small masses in a 2ml stoppered vial
@ 15.00; matrix specimens to 1.2cm @ 30.00 each.
BENITOITE with NEPTUNITE- Gem Mine, San Benito Co., California
An exceptional benitoite sample, here as a delightful cabinet specimen that
displays four (4) glassy, deep blue benitoite crystals, the largest 1.5cm on
edge, associated with a 1x1cm deep red-black terminated neptunite crystal protruding
from the bluish crossite matrix, also with mior white natrolite. The benitoite
crystals are all brilliantly fluorescent (blue-white under SW UV). The overall
specimen size is about 9x6cm, priced at 1800.00. One only of this size and quality!
BERYL var EMERALD w/ PYRITE- Chivor Mine, Boyaca Department, Colombia
A pair of interesting emerald specimens, here as translucent green hexagonal
crystals and sections to 1.5cm on matrix, associated with small pyrite crystals
typical for the locality. Each sample measures about 6x5cm to 8x5cm, and multiple
emeralds are on the surface of all of these small hand specimens @ 250.00 and
300.00 each. List alternates!
BREWSTERITE-Sr- Yellow Lake, Olalla, B.C., Canada
From an excellent find of several years ago, we acquired a sizeable lot of superb,
pale pinkish to white brewsterite-Sr specimens, these as richly scattered, blocky
pseudomonoclinic crystals, the largest crystals to 5mm, nicely covering Eocene
lava rock matrix. These were considered as world class for the species when
first offered, and there is only minor Na with trace Ba, K or Ca in these samples,
actually richer in Sr than the type locality material! Excellent specimens from
TNs to 3.5cm @ just 20.00, 30.00 and 45.00 each, with a few exceptional specimens
to nearly 6cm tall @ 75.00, 100.00 and 150.00 each for the finest. Don't miss
CALCITE (FL)- Santa Eulalia, Chihuahua, Mexico
Small "spikes" of needle-like calcite spears richly scattered on massive
calcite matrix, many showing blue-white fluorescent under SW UV, and an unusual
peach colored response under LW UV. A few will even phosphoresce briefly after
SW saturation. Old material acquired in 1971, good micro and fluorescent response,
very inexpensively priced, sizes from about 2.5cm to 10cm across @ just 4.00,
7.50, 12.50 and 25.00 each. Smaller samples generally
show better fluorescence, large ones generally more botryoidal in habit.
CRONSTEDTITE- Kutna Hora, Bohemia, Czech Republic
From the classic find of 1884 that supplied all the major museums of the world
with superb cronstedtite specimens! Obtained some years ago in Prague from the
National Museum, this specimen has two areas of drusy black cronstedtite crystals
and tiny rods lightly scattered on about 20% of the top surface of the quartz
matrix, with tiny pyrites evident as well.This old classic measures about 8x6cm,
offered @ just 250.00, accompanied by its Czech National Museum label!
CYANOTRICHITE- Peacock Mine, nr. Leadore, Lemhi Co., Idaho
Attractive, medium blue fuzzy balls and micro tufts of cyanotrichite nicely
scattered on matrix, originally acquired in the 1960s from this obscure locality.
Visits to the area more than 20 years ago found no secondary copper minerals
remaining from this small mine. Colorful, neat older material, much with micro
potential as well, specimens from 2cm to 3cm across @ just 12.50, 20.00 and
30.00 each, depending on quality.
DIAMOND- Argyle Mine, Western Australia, Australia
This prolific diamond producing locality has provided us with many hundreds
of classy specimens over the years, this lot consisting of tan to greyish modified
octahedrons averaging from 0.7 to 1.0 carat each, standing about 4mm to 6mm
tall, and only 30.00 and 50.00 each! If you want larger ones, see our diamond
website (www.diamondcrystals.net) for others, or just inquire!
EPIDOTE- Pampa Blanca, Ica Department, Peru
Interesting hand specimens of olive green to yellow-green, radiating intergrown
crystals of epidote largely comprising matrix, many showing small, white quartz
crystal aggregates overgrowing the terminations. An unusual color and moderately
attractive, sizes average about 6cm across @ just 45.00 each.
FLUORAPATITE var. CLINOFLUORAPATITE- Siglo Viente Mine, Llallagua,
Potosi, Bolivia
Small, glassy white elongated aggregates of fluorapatite sparsely scattered
on yellowish wavellite matrix, some with minor quartz and/or cassiterite. Minor
chemical substitution has demoted this normally hexagonal mineral to lower monoclinic
symmetry, hence the "clinofluorapatite" varietal name. This mineral
oddity is best seen under both SW and LW UV, as it fluoresces a bright peach
color. Specimens range from TNs @ 15.00, 5cm @ 40.00, and a few well-formed,
more showy 8cm specimens @ 75.00 each. Only a few of each, so list alternates!
FLUORITE on RHODOCHROSITE- Sweet Home Mine, Park Co., Colorado
An excellent TN specimen comprised of transparent, pale purple fluorite octahedrons
to 5mm delicately perched on a pair of pale pink rhodochrosite rhombs, adorned
with tiny elongated clear quartz crystals as well. Collected from the Lower
Hedgehog Pocket in April, 2004 by the miners, an attractive and colorful specimen
about 2.2cm x 2.2cm @ 950.00, some $300 below its original price fifteen years
FLUORWAVELLITE (IMA 2015-077)- Willard Mine, Pershing Co., Nevada
A remarkable occuurrence for this relatively new species, fluorwavellite occurs
here as white to pale greenish radiating micro crystals that form balls and
divergent, acicular aggregates well scattered in seams and exposed vugs in a
dark, cherty matrix. Formula: Al3(PO4)2(OH)2F*5H2O, orthorhombic, IMA # 2015-077,
the fluorine-analog of wavellite. Among the 40+ localities checked by the authors
in the publication of this new species' description, the Willard Mine material
had the highest fluorine content of any locality surveyed, well-above the type
locality specimens! Specimens are priced according to quality and range from
3cm to 8cm across @ just 15.00, 30.00, 45.00 and 60.00 each, many with good
micro potential as well. A few larger matrix samples from 12cm to 15cm @ 100.00
to 175.00, and one monster 28x13cm museum piece @ 300.00.
FOSTERITE variety BOLTONITE- Bolton, Worcester Co., Massachusetts
Originally believed to be a new species was described in 1835 from this locality,
"boltonite" was subsequently determined to be forsterite. It occurs
here as a pale greenish to yellowish masses scattered in a dull marble matrix,
occasionally with fluorescent meionite (variety nuttallite) or other species
as well. Specimens are rather ugly, sizes average 6cm @ just 25.00 each.
JANKOVICITE on REALGAR- Jiepaiyu Mine, Shimen Co., Hunan, PR China
This rare thallium mineral occurs here as minute, black metallic aggregates
to micro flattened crystalline groups sparsely scattered on deep red realgar
matrix, occasionally with minor orpiment and/or quartz. From only the second
known locality for the species, the Sb-dominant, triclinic analog of rebulite.
Specimens are priced according to quality and coverage, sizes from about 2.5cm
to 5cm across @ 50.00, 75.00 and 100.00 each; a few larger 7cm to 10cm across
@ 250.00 each.
KAINITE- Stassfurt, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
Pinkish-white aggregates of this uncommon mineral largely comprising matrix,
these fairly old and acquired about 20 years ago in Munich. Specimens showing
some skeletal habits, average about 2.5cm across at just 20.00 each.
KERNITE- Boron, Kern Co., California
A large lot of crystalline aggregates of kernite up to 8cm (!!!) on edge, some
with little or no tincalconite alteration on minor matrix. These columnar aggregates
are relatively pure, with many of the better specimens showing glassy luster
with little or no tincalconite alteration. Size 2cm to to 8cm are on hand, offered
at just 10.00, 25.00, 45.00 and 65.00 each. Old stuff! Excellent!
LINARITE etc.- Portales Mine, Bingham, Socorro Co., New Mexico
From a large specimen lot collected in 1958, we have dark, electric blue linarite
crusts, flattened sprays and/or micro crystals well-scattered on matrix, typically
associated with quartz, barite and occasionally galena and other phases. Colorful
and attractive material from more than sixty (60) years ago, specimens range
from about 2.5cm to 10cm across @ just 10.00, 20.00, 35.00, 50.00 and 75.00
each, priced according to quality and size. Don't miss these!
MACDONALDITE- Esquire Claim, Rush Creek, Fresno Co California
Many sparkling tiny cleavage faces of satiny, needle-like macdonaldite are embedded
in a grey-white matrix in these samples from the type locality for this species.
Old material, associated with a variety of other Ba-rich silicates, specimens
from 2cm to 4cm @ 15.00, 25.00, and 40.00.
MAGNESIO-HASTINGSITE- Boston Mine, Orange Co., New York
Rich, nearly black solid aggregates of this uncommon mineral almost completely
comprising matrix, some with minor pyrite or paler green diopside. Analytically
confirmed material, with a copy of our analysis supplied with each specimen.
Samples from this uncommon locality range from about 3cm to 6cm and are very
reasonably priced at just 10.00, 20.00 and 35.00 each.
MAGNETOPLUMBITE- Langban, Varmland, Sweden
A unique magnetic lead bearing mineral, magnetoplumbite is superficially similar
to the more common melanotekite in both appearance and associations, but is
distinguished by its submetallic, dark gray appearance and strong response to
a magnet. Associations include biotite variety manganophyllite, sizes from 3.5cm
to nearly 7cm @ 35.00 50.00, and 75.00 each.
MARICOPAITE with MIMETITE- Moon Anchor Mine, Maricopa Co., Arizona
Micro white to greyish acicular crystals of maricopaite scattered on yellowish
orange mimetite and rock matrix. Rare, X-Ray verified material, some with good
micro potential and all cheaper than twenty-five years ago, sizes from 2cm to
7cm @ 20.00, 35.00, 50.00, 85.00 and 100.00 each.
NAGELSCHMIDTITE- Hatrurim Basin, Negev Desert, Israel
This extrmely rare Ca-SiO-phospahte mineral occurs here minute, yellowish inclusions
in an andradite-rich pegmatoid rock matrix, typically associated with rankinite
and possibly other phases. Each small sample is embedded in a 5mm probe mount
and accompanied by a pair of color polarized light images of the polished section
and a pair of SEM images as well, pinpointing the species and including full
nalaytical chemistry and a list of confirmed associations in the sample. Elegantly
documented @ 450.00. List alternates!
NAGYAGITE- Nagyag (Sacaramb), Transylvania, Romania
This desirable gold-rich mineral occurs as greyish black, metallic masses scattered
in carbonate matrix, possibly with altaite or other unusual sulfide minerals.
These are polished ore sections of 1.5cm or larger, professionally prepared
in standard 3cm leucite mounts, all with easily visible nagyagite. Classic,
type locality material rarely available today, only a few polished sections
on hand at 150.00 each. List alternates!
NATROLITE- Chimney Rock Quarry, Bound Brook, New Jersey
From the famous find in the 1970s, we have recently acquired another large stash
of these unique natrolite crystals, all without matrix, and many with tiny druses
of heulandite scattered on the crystal faces. All are stout single crystals,
typically in an approximate 6:1 length to width ratio and square cross-section.
Selected specimens from a large lot, crystal sizes range from about 4cm to 8cm
(!!) tall, offered @ just 8.00, 15.00, 25.00 and 40.00 each. Old stuff! If you
can use a large lot of various sizes, we can offer a lot price of 50 specimens
for just 250.00!
ORTHOSERPIERITE- Mina La Platosa, Bermejillo, Durango, Mexico
Interesting pale bluish green crusty balls and aggregates of occasionally tufted
laths of orthoserpierite lightly scattered on rather ugly, nondescript ore matrix.
Recently confirmed by laser Raman spectroscopy and mentioned in a 2005 Mineral
News article, closer inspection at 20x may yield some good finds here, possibly
with some schulenbergite as well; matrix samples from about 3cm to 8cm across
at 20.00, 30.00, 45.00 and 60.00 each.
OSARIZAWAITE- Omega Mine, Santa Cruz Co., Arizona
Pale green globular masses and micro aggregates of osarizawaite richly scattered
in/on gossan matrix, occasionally with minor azurite and other species. Odd
locality, generous samples from 3cm to 8cm @ 15.00, 25.00, 40.00 and 65.00 each.
PARAGEORGBOKIITE- Tolbachik Volcano, Kamchatka, Russia
From the great eruption of 1984 of the second scoria cone, this rare, one-locality
species was approved in 2006 (IMA #2006-001), a weird Cu5O2(SeO3)2Cl2 phase,
offered here as a minute single grain mounted on a slide and accompanied by
a SEM image and its full X-ray powder diffraction data (via Gandolfi 114.6mm
camera). Author's studied material from the type locality, superbly documented,
one only, at 360.00.
QUARTZ- Bullion Mine, Virginia City, Nevada
Interesting specimens of clear to milky white terminated quartz crystals and
points on matrix, all showing good luster and stout habits, most 2cm or shorter
protruding from massive quartz. The Comstock Lode has produced much silver and
such, and these are from a prospector's private stash. Specimens range from
TN's @ just 5.00, then 3.5cm to 8cm @ only 10.00, 20.00 and 30.00 each. Neat,
historical locality material!
RASLAKITE- Mt. Karnasurt, Lovozero, Kola, Russia
This rare species occurs as brownish red, glassy pods very richly comprising
matrix, occasionally associated with terskite, zakharovite and/or aegirine.
From the type locality for the species, only a few specimens on hand, ranging
in size from about .5cm to 3cm across @ 65.00, 95.00 and 125.00 each.
RHODONITE- Franklin, Sussex Co., New Jersey
A large, massive specimen collected sometime in the late 1960s, comprised of
densely aggregated pink rhodonite showing minor black franklinite and a scattering
of fluorescent (SW UV - green) willemite as well. A heavy specimen, weighing
about 5.5 pounds (!!) and meauring an impressive 18 x 9 x 8 cm @ just 150.00.
One only!
RHODONITE, PYROLUSITE - Betts Manganese Mine, Plainfield, Massachusetts
A cabinet-sized specimen of pale pinkish-grey rhodonite cut across its face
and along two edges, showing a somewhat banded form, likely with somewhat rhodochrosite
and kutnohorite intergrown throughout. The outer rim of the speciem shows the
typical black managese oxide alteration, much of it still rhodonite (via XRD)
and grading into primarily pyrolusite. Studied and publisghed by Dr. Pete Dunn
in 1976 in the Journal of Gemmology. Interesting stuff, the cut face being very
smooth but not polished, overall size about 9x8x3cm @ just 45.00.
SACROFANITE pseudo @ NOSEAN- Turii Cape, Murmansk Oblast, Kola,
Strange specimens comprised of minute, isometric blocks to several millimeters
across of greyish sacrofanite forming replacements of nosean frozen in greyish
alkaline dike rock, some with transparent nepheline grains as well. Only the
second (?) reported locality for the species, and a newly documented pseudomorph
as well, we have only a few rather ugly specimens, sizes from 1.5cm to nearly
3.5cm across @ 35.00, 50.00 and 75.00 each.
SPURRITE (aka PARASPURRITE)- near Darwin, Inyo Co., California
Exceptionally pure examples of "paraspurrite" from the type locality.
Originally described as a rare polymorph of spurrite, paraspurrite occurs as
gray crystalline masses with occasional veinlets of larnite, and smaller amounts
of vesuvianite and 'apatite' alterations. The mineral was subsequently discredited
in 2010 as polysynthetically twinned spurrite (twin law by reflection). Sizes
from 2cm to 7cm @ just 10.00, 25.00, 40.00 and 50.00 each.
TANTEUXENITE-(Y)- nr. Yinnietharra, W.A., Australia
Dark brown single masses of tanteuxenite-(Y) without matrix, individual sizes
ranging from 1 to 3mm and offered as small lots of several samples in a vial
@ 20.00 per vial, a few larger matrix specimens to 1cm @ 30.00 each. Interesting
locality material for this uncommon species!
ULVOSPINEL- Otanmaki, Kainuu, Finland
Relatively pure black crystalline masses of this rare species without matrix
from an unusual locality, typically with minor admixed chromite. Small granular
masses in a capsule @ 30.00, a few larger chunks to 5mm @ 45.00 each.
VARISCITE with SULFUR- Alum, Esmeralda Co., Nevada
A strange occurrence of nodular, apple-green variscite, here as rounded, cherty
masses suspended in rock matrix, most with pale yellow sulfur intermingled in
the matrix and yielding a rather pleasing, pastel color combination! A new locality
for the state, odd stuff, specimens from 2cm to 8cm @ 6.00, 12.50, 25.00 and
45.00 each.
VEATCHITE- Shoktybay Salt Dome, Kazakhstan
Tiny single crystals(!!) to 1.5mm without matrix, most showing one broken cleavage
surface, all quite colorless with a distinctive tabular habit. Checked by single-crystal
diffractometer, these have been shown to be the veatchite polytype, NOT veatchite-A
or veatchite-p! Dandy micro potential, each crystal is 45.00.
VEATCHITE-A- Tick Canyon, Lang, Los Angeles Co., California
Type locality for this strontium borate polytype, veatchite-A occurs as pearly
to silky colorless to white crystalline masses scattered through a siltstone
rock matrix. Representative material and weakly fluoresecent, some may also
have fluorescent yellow colemanite present. From 2cm to nearly 6cm @ 15.00,
25.00, 40.00, and 60.00 each. A few specimens from Turkey also on hand at similar
WARWICKITE- nr. Warwick, Orange Co., New York
Small, slender, dull black prismatic aggregates of warwickite sparsely scattered
in greyish-white limestone matrix, associated with minor fluorescent chondrodite,
spinel and possibly other minerals. Collected in 1968 from the type locality,
specimen sizes from 1.5cm to 5cm @ 15.00, 25.00, 40.00 and 60.00 each.
ZINCOBRIARTITE- Kipushi Mine, Haut-Katanga, Dem Rep Congo
A rare, one-locality mineral, first described and approved in 2016, zincobriartite
occurs as tiny black metallic aggregates. A member of the stannite group, the
mineral is the only known natural Cu-Zn-Ge phase. IMA 2015-094. Type locality,
of course, 1mm fragment @ 45.00; 3mm platelet @ 125.00. List alternates.
EUREKA - The Journal of Mining Collectibles Vol 1-42
We recently stumbled upon a professionally-bound, hardcover four volume set
of this fascinating journal, complete from numbers 1 through 42. Dedicated to
collectible mining lamps, blasting cap tins and other mining artifacts, hundreds
of illustrations and photographs, early issues in black & white and color
beginning in the year 2000. Rarely offered as a nicely bound, large format (28x22
cm) set, we have seen similar bound sets priced up to 750.00, our price: just
395.00, FOB our warehouse. One set only!
ASSORTED MINERALS! Several years ago, we purchased an exceptionally large collection of mainly eastern U.S. minerals and occasional others that had resided in a N.Y. university holding for some time. We need room to for new arrivals and are blowing out the collection in lots of twenty (20) specimens for just 125.00 per lot plus shipping. Prolific localities are represented, with no exact duplication in each collection, and no specimen smaller than about 4cm, some up to 6cm overall. Expect mostly common minerals, often ugly, but many collected in the 1940s, 1950s and later, all individually labeled. Each lot of 20 is just 125.00 plus shipping, and we will try to provide NO duplication among multiple lots purchased at the same time! A fast and economical way to build a diverse collection!
RHODOLITE GARNET- Unspecified locality, India
From an old lot of "rhodolite" garnet, these are facetted stones of
excellent red color and good transparency, offered here in small lots of nicely
cut stones in various shapes and sizes, typically used by jewelers and metalsmiths
for center and side stones. Several lots on hand: 5+ carats (7 to 8 stones)
@ just 15.00, or larger lots of 10+ carats @ 25.00 and 50+ carats @ only 99.00!
CATALOG 21904 - Volume XLVI, No.4 - Our 46th Year!
ALUNITE on KAOLINITE- Allumiere, Tolfa Dsitrict, Lazio, Italy
Excellent tabular to unusual, elongated hemimorphic clusters of transparent
to white micro alunite crystals nicely scattered over dense, white kaolinite
matrix. Fine older material from the type locality area for the species, some
with good micro potential as well. matrix sizes from about 2.5cm to 6cm @ just
10.00, 15.00 and 25.00 each.
AMBLYGONITE- Mt. Rubellite Quarry, Hebron, Maine
Solid, off-white masses of amblygonite comprising matrix, collected in the late
1960s and XRD-confirmed. From one of the few confirmed Maine localities for
the species, as much material labeled amblygonite has proved to be montebrasite
instead. Specimens range from about 2.5cm to nearly 8cm across at just 10.00,
15.00, 30.00 and 45.00 each.
AMBRINOITE- Signols, Oulx, Val Susa, Torino, Italy
This relative new and rare occurs as brilliant red, micro elongated and flattened
aggregates sparsely scattered on white anhydrite matrix, some with minor gypsum,
albite or yellow orpiment. From the Cumbe Surde quarry (type locality), a weird
hydrated sulfosalt. Formula: [K,(NH4)]2(As,Sb)6(Sb,As)2S13*H2O, triclinic, IMA
# 2009-071. Originally found in 1998 and the last of our stock, this is type
locality material offered as specimens from about 2cm to 3cm across, all requring
magnification and provided with arrows, @ just 65.00 and 85.00 each, depending
on quality and size.
ANGLESITE- Monteponi Mine, Iglesias, Sardinia, Italy
An old classic specimen showing about a half dozen anglesite crystals to 1 cm
randomly scattered about a massive galena matrix. Most of the somewhat flattened
and nicely striated anglesites are transparent on an otherwise rather ugly,
grayish black substrate. The piece measures about 8x4cm and is rather heavy,
a good representative specimen for this old locality at 350.00. One only!
ARAVAITE with ARIEGILATITE- Hatrurum Basin, Negev, Israel
Two very NEW SPECIES are found together in these small polished sections, the
aravaite - Ba2Ca18(SiO4)6(PO4)3(CO3)F3O (IMA 2018-078) - occurring as white
crystalline aggregates in massive spurrite, associated with intimately associated
colorless, trigonal ariegilatite - BaCa12(SiO4)4(PO4)2F2O - IMA 2016-100. Each
2cm polished sample is accompanied by three SEM images that identify and pinpoint
the species in question, with full electron microprobe results for the aravaite.
Only a few superbly documented specimens on hand @ 375.00 each.
BARITE- 975' level, Meikle Mine, Elko Co., Nevada
Undoubtably the finest barite specimen occurrence ever found in the U.S., these
Meikle barites were collected underground in 1997 in the 3525 stope (20450N,
8450E). They are nicely transparent, pale yellow in color, as excellent, tabular
single crystals and groups, all quite attractive and of competition quality.
Neatly mounted in standard TN boxes, these choice specimens are offered at 85.00,
125.00, 150.00 and 175.00 each, depending on overall aesthetics and quality.
For those interested in larger specimens from other areas in the mine, we have
groups to 20cm across @ 3500.00. Please inquire!
BARRERITE- Kuiu Island, Alexander Archipelago, Alaska
Platy, white to slightly pinkish spear-shaped orthorhombic crystals and aggregates
of the uncommon zeolite barrerite, scattered on matrix, some associated with
minor quartz, heulandite and possibly other zeolites. This material is visually
similar to stilbite, and microprobe and X-ray work on the material has shown
it to be the rare zeolite barrerite, discovered here in 1984. These specimens
were originally collected by the former claim holder, Istvan Toth, the major
source of all Alaskan barrerite for many years, the locality often attributed
to Rocky Pass. Since the borough designations in Alaska are changing, we no
longer use "Sitka" as the borough in our labels. Sizes from about
3cm to 8cm across, priced lower than our last offering in 1998, at just @ 15.00,
25.00, 40.00 and 65.00 each, based on quality. Moderately attractive and likely
the finest barrerite occurrence in the world!
BASTNAESITE-(Ce) in FLUORITE- Red Cloud Mine, Lincoln Co., New Mexico
Small masses of micro, tabular tan to brown colored bastnaesite-(Ce), scattered
among beige, corroded barite filling small pods and seams in a massive, fluorite-rich
matrix. Old material collected more than 25 years ago, requiring some magnification
to pick out the sparsely scattered bastnaesite-(Ce) crystals from the surrounding
matrix. Specimens range from about 1cm to 3cm @ just 5.00, 10.00 and 15.00 each.
Try a special lot of 10 small specimens @ only 40.00 per lot.
BELOMARINAITE & METATHENARDITE- Arsenatnaya Fumerole, Tolbachik,
Russian scientists continue to work on these weird Kamchatka species from the
fumeroles of the Tolbachik volcano, this one forming extraordinary, flattened
skeletal aggregates of clear to white belomarinaite, typically made cloudy on
most samples by included metathenardite (IMA 2015-102). Both species are new
for the locality (see our image on Mindat.org), with the new species formula
noted as KNa(SO4) - trigonal - IMA 2017-69a, a new member of the aphthitalite
group from the second world locality for the species. Specimens are very thin,
tabular and range from about 1.5cm to 3cm across @ 150.00, 175.00 and 225.00
for the best ones, depending on size and form, and quite large for a new species!
Samples carefully mounted in a plastic box for protection.
CALCITE variety "Cave Calcite"- near Ash Fork, Yavapai
Co., Arizona
Attractive, "cave formation" calcite, showing tubular stalactitic
masses, botryoids and similar weird forms attractively displayed in these older
specimens. Acquired circa 1967, these white to tan oddities may be from the
caves in adjacent Coconino County, with Ash Fork being the nearest settlement.
The specimens are reminiscent of the "flos ferri" habit seen in some
aragonite formations, and they display well. Overall sizes from 5cm to 10cm
across @ 20.00 and 50.00 each. Only a few on hand!
CHENEVIXITE- Cu Stope, Majuba Hill, Pershing Co., Nevada
Pistachio green, richly scattered chenevixite on rhyolitic breccia matrix, surprisingly
well scattered on quartz crystals and occasionally associated with other secondary
minerals from this prolific locality. SEM-EDS confirmed in our laboratory (copy
supplied with each sample), an uncommon Cu-Fe-arsenate phase that is reasonably
priced, sizes from about 3cm to nearly 10cm across at just 10.00, 20.00, 35.00
and 55.00 each.
FERVANITE etc.- Jo Dandy Mine, Montrose Co., Colorado
Think bands and circular pods of yellowish brown , somewhat granular-appearing
fervanite scattered in matrix, locally associated with goethite, montroseite,
gypsum and possibly other minor species such as hewettite as well. An interesting
vanadium-rich mineral from the Hummer portal, specimens range in size from about
3cm to 7cm across @ just 12.50, 20.00 and 40.00 each.
GAGARINITE-(Y)- Verkhnee Espe Massif, Tarbagatai, Kazakhstan
Pinkish red or somewhat orange colored, coarsely prismatic aggregates of this
rare species scattered in quartz pegmatite matrix. Type locality material, named
after Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space. There are a number of obscure smears,
pods and masses of other phases associated with these specimens, calling for
further study in the lab, no doubt! Type locality material, specimens from 2.5cm
up to 5cm across @ 50.00, 85.00 and 125.00.
HALITE- Rhodes Salt Marsh, Esmeralda Co., Nevada
Clusters of translucent white halite crystals showing good cubic forms, intergrown
into attractive groups without matrix. A few specimens have individual crystals
as large as 1.5cm wide, all quite attractive. Cluster sizes range from 1.5cm
to 3.5cm @ just 5.00, 7.50 and 10.00; with a few larger groups from 4cm to 6cm
@ 15.00, 20.00 and 30.00 each. Nice, but don't put them in the fish tank with
your guppies!
HANKSITE- Searles Lake, San Bernadino Co., California
Excellent single crystals of dipyramidal hanksite without matrix, ranging from
transparent to greyish translucent specimens. Fine for the species, we have
a large lot from an old hoard that are also faintly fluorescent (LW-bluish),
crystals and groups from 1.5 to 7cm across @ 8.50, 12.50, 25.00, 40.00 and 65.00
each. One monster group, perhaps the largest we have seen with crystals to 7cm
across, overall 20x14cm @ 250.00. One only!
KHURAYYIMITE (IMA 2018-140)- Siwaga Area, 80 km So. of Amman,
This NEW SPECIES occurs as minute spherolitic aggregates scattered in massive
spurrite matrix, typically associated with minor calcite and various hydrosilicates.
Formula: Ca7Zn4(Si2O7)2(OH)10*4H2O - monoclinic, IMA 2018-140. Small polished
ore sections about 1.5cm across, accompanied by a color image and at least two
SEM images identifying the various phases as seen in backscattered imaging,
plus full electron microprobe data for the new mineral! Excellent, superbly
documented samples, only three available, @ 325.00 each.
KOTULSKITE + UNK Pd-Pb-Te-S etc- Federovo-Pansky Massif, Murmansk
Oblast, Russia
Commonly known as the Pana Layered Gabbro-Norite Complex, this Kola Peninsula
locality has produced a large number of PGM minerals, many quite rare and difficult
to obtain. We have a single 2.5cm probe mount with four embedded ore samples,
accompanied by 25 pages of analytical results, including 11 SEM images and analytical
data for eleven different sites among the four ore samples. Kotulskite was confirmed
in at least 4 analyses, a Pd-bearing gersdorfite in 2, a Pt-Pd-gersdorfite in
three more, as well as a telluropalladinite, a Pt-Pd-bearing cobaltite (new
for the locality) and an unknown phase (also new) noted as a Pd-Pb-Te-S mineral,
as yet not named or described. Full chemistry accompanies each identification,
as well as a pinpointing SEM. Only one mount available, superbly documented
with numerous pages, at 375.00 for the lot.
LEPIDOLITE pseudo @ ELBAITE- Pederneiras Mi, S. Jose da Safira,
Attractive, pale pink and fine-grained, lithium-rich "lepidolite:"
mica in columnar tubes as replacements of elongated elbaite crystals. Most specimens
have minor pale green micro needles of elbaite remaining, some with minor "rubellite"
tourmaline as well, these from a small find in 1995. Only four columnar specimens
available showing typical tourmaline morphology, the pseudomorphs are typically
5cm to 6cm tall @ 65.00 each. Strange!
MACKAYITE- Mina Candelaria, Moctezuma, Sonora, Mexico
Small masses and smears of dull yellowish green to brownish green mackayite
lightly scattered on tough quartz matrix. Reasonably ugly stuff, but the potential
for finding other rarities upon trimming makes it all worthwhile. The locality
has produced cliffordite, poughite, schmitterite and even minor gold, these
specimens ranging from 3.5cm to 8cm across @ just 20.00, 35.00 and 65.00 each.
MANAEVITE-(Ce) (IMA 2018-046)- Mica Mine, Kovdor, Kola Peninsula,
This tiny NEW SPECIES occurs as orange-brown crystalline aggregates largely
comprising matrix, named in honor of the late Nikolay Mikhailovich Manaev (1936-2012),
geologist and prominent collector from Kovdor's famous phlogopite deposit. The
grains are largely monomineralic (see our image on Mindat.org), occasionally
with trace REE-rich vesuvianite and/or white calcite. The mineral is tetragonal,
Formula: Ca11(Ce,H2O,Ca)8Mg(Al,Fe)4(Mg,Ti,Fe3+)8[Si2O7]4[(SiO4)8(H4O4)2](OH)9
- a just described new member of the vesuvianite group. Author's material, type
locality, tiny grains under 1mm on an adhesive disk @ 145.00.ea
MIRABILITE on THENARDITE- Camp Verde Salt Deposit, Yavapai Co
This uncommon hydrous sodium-sulfate species occurs as white coatings fully
covering massive thenardite matrix. Mining of the deposit extends back over
2000 years, most recently in the 1930s and dormant since then. Interesting specimens
for the locality, rich samples from 3.5cm to 7.5cm @ 20.00, 35.00 and 55.00
NATROAPHTHITALITE(IMA 2018-091)- Arsenatnaya Fumerole, Tolbachik,
Yet another new species from this prolific Kamchatka volcano, here showing two
colors and morphologies of the same mineral on each small specimen, one as yellowish,
translucent rounded drops, typically with minute water-clear, lamellar hexagonal
crystal aggregates (see our Mindat.org image). Formula: KNa3(SO4)3 - trigonal
- IMA # 2018-091. The mineral is isostructural with aphthitalite, differering
from belomarinaite (see above) in stochiometry, crystal structure and space
group. Author's material, type locality, of course, small, colorful specimens
with modest micro potential, about 7mm across @ 225.00. Limited availability!
OPAL-(AN) - Pisco Province, Ica, Peru
Attractive, delicate pink (!!), massive opal-(AN) largely comprising matrix,
these in bands or relatively pure chunks with minor matrix and bands of massive
gypsum on some specimens. Colorful material, sizes from 4cm to 10cm across at
20.00, 40.00 and 60.00 each, one 14x8 cm @ 100.00. Neat!
OXYPLUMBOROMEITE ps @ BOURNONITE- Yaogangxian Mine, Chenzhou,
Hunan, PR China
As featured in the June, 2019 issue of Mineral News, we have a couple of remarkable
oxyplumboromeite pseudomorphs after bournonite, the first ever reported! The
specimens have been confirmed by both EDS and PXRD. The mineral occurs as deep
yellow, prismatic replacements of columnar, orthorhombic single crystals, the
most complete and perfect crystal is 4cm tall and sits on a matrix of drusy
quartz (pictured in the aforementioned article and in Mindat.org as well), the
sample offered at 1750.00.
PYRARGYRITE- Hecla Rosebud Mine, Pershing Co., Nevada
EDS-confirmed massive redish-black metallic pyrargyrite nicely scattered in
greyish white rock matrix, occasionally with other admixed sulfides. From the
same locality that produced those strange "rhombohedral" barite crystals
(a few left in stock!), these ore samples are relatively inexpensive for silver-rich
material, matrix sizes from 2cm to 6cm @ only 15.00, 25.00 and 40.00 each.
PYROAURITE w/ LIZARDITE- Langban, Varmland, Sweden
We have analytically confirmed both pyroaurite and lizardite from these specimens,
accurately described in the wonderful book on Langban (which we also stock).
Pyroaurite occurs as pale blue flakes and masses (often mislabelled as wermlandite)
scattered through dolomitic marble, associated with small masses of pale yellow
lizardite. From 3cm to nearly 7cm across @ just 15.00, 35.00, and 55.00.
QUARTZ pseudo @ GYPSUM- nr. Crawford, Dawes Co., Nebraska
Odd rosettes of bladed gypsum replaced by quartz, all without matrix and forming
weird rosettes similar to the well-known gypsum roses. Interesting pseudomorphs
from an excellent and unique locality, sizes from 2.5cm to 5cm @ 25.00, 35.00
snf 45.00 each.
ROWEITE with OLSHANSKYITE- Shijiangshan Mine, Inner Mongolia,
PR China
Clearly "the best ever found" of this rare borate mineral, far superior
to type locality (Franklin, NJ), Russian, and earlier Chinese finds! Roweite
occurs here as euhedral, pale orange-brown, orthorhombic, spear-shaped, transparent
to translucent crystals to 1.5cm on matrix, most associated with white to colorless
spears of the rare mineral olshanskyite, making for excellent association specimens
of two rare species! Earlier Chinese material was generally in opaque stacked
platy aggregates, this new find quite superb by comparison, and also significantly
less costly! Specimens range from fine TNs to nearly 3.5cm across, competitively
priced at just 95.00, 145.00 and 200.00 each, depending on quality and crystal
size. Confirmed by EDS and PXRD, we believe these are the BEST of species, being
both attractive and in well-formed crystals!
RUTILE var: ILMENORUTILE- Haverstad, IIveland, Aust-Agder, Norway
Old material from a classic locality collected in late 1937, these from a noted
European geological museum. The ilmenorutile, formerly considered a species
and now relegated to a nibian-rich rutile, occurs as greyish black masses comprising
or richly scattered in minor matrix, specimen sizes ranging from about 1cm to
nearly 3cm across @ 15.00, 25.00 and 45.00 each, accompanied by copies of the
museum labels
SARKINITE on WILLEMITE- Sterling Mine, Ogdensburg, New Jersey
Micro drusy brown sarkinite crystals sparsely scattered on rich, brilliantly
fluorescent red willemite ore matrix, some associated with minor green cuprian
adamite and possibly other species. From the 1400' level find years ago, some
with modest micro potential, matrix sizes from 3cm to 7cm @ 15.00, 25.00, 40.00
and 55.00 each.
SKUTTERUDITE- Aghbar, Bou Azzer, Draa-Tafialet, Morocco
Brilliant silvery metallic crystals and masses of skutterudite richly intergrown
on matrix, some of the larger specmens with complete crystal groups comprising
matrix with relatively well formed cubo-octahredral crystals richly scattered
about. Overall sizes from 3cm to 6cm across @ 45.00, 75.00, 100.00 and 150.00
each. Excellent and richly crystallized, these accumulated from several older
SPODUMENE- Tin Mountain Mine, Custer Co., South Dakota
Known for giant spodumene crystals, we have a number of older samples from this
locality, most greyish to white, a few with hints of pink, but exceptionally
rich and large aggregates, all without other matrix. Sizes range from modest
(4cm) up to monster (equant 17x 15cm or elongated 26x6cm) sizes, priced upon
size @ 8.50, 20.00, 40.00, 75.00 and 100.00 each for the big ones! Yikes!
TACHYHYDRITE- Stassfurt, Saxony, Germany
From old Cureton stock, we have several small glass stoppered vials of colorless
to white tachyhydrite aggregates filling the 2cm tall vials. An uncommon and
highly deliquescent mineral found in the potassium-rich salt deposits of Stassfurt,
the type locality for the species. The material was the subject of a Mineral
News article in the January, 2006 issue. Only a few stoppered vials available
at just 20.00 per vial.
TANGEITE- Monument #1 Mine, Navajo Co., Arizona
Bright yellowish green crystalline aggregates of tabular tangeite richly scattered
over rock matrix, some with good micro potential. The tangeite tends to form
attractive radiating platy crystal groups in this excellent locality material,
matrix sizes from 2.5cm to 5cm @ 15.00, 25.00, 40.00 and 60.00 each
TARAMELLITE- Candoglia, Ossola Valley, Piedmont, Italy
Extremely small redish brown to brownish-black columnar aggregates and tiny
masses of taramellite sparsely scattered in metamorphosed limestone matrix,
most associated with minute pyrite crystals and greenish amphiboles and pyroxenes
liberally scattered about. Type locality material, specimen sizes from 2.5cm
to 5cm @ 15.00, 25.00 and 45.00 each.
TITANTARAMELLITE- Rush Creek, Fresno Co., California
Better quality specimens of this unusual barium-titanium boro-silicate. We have
titantaramellite as small, dark brown platy crystals and crystal sections scattered
through a granular, largely quartz and sanbornite matrix. Type locality material
for this Ti-rich phase. Nice for the species, in 2cm to 6cm sizes @ 15.00, 25.00,
40.00 and 65.00; .
TOPAZ (>3160 cts)- Dassu, Skardu, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
A large, pale sherry-colored single crystal of topaz, showing major pyramidal
faces and little in the way of prisms, resulting in a rather squat, chisel-shaped
crystal with sharp, excellent modifications! Color deepens from top to bottom
of the crystal, but it is transparent and vitreous throughout, showing contact
points on the base and rear of the specimen. It resembles Goldschmidt's topaz
diagram No. 207 in general form, and the specimen weighs in excess of 3160 carats,
measuring 7x7x6 cm @ 1250.00. Attractive and gemmy; one only!
URANOPHANE w/ MALACHITE etc.- Musonoi Extension, Shaba Province,
Rep of Con
Recently uncovered in our warehouse, a flat of elongated micro sprays of bright
yellow, glassy needles of uranophane richly scattered on matrix, most associated
with dark green malachite and/or metatorbernite and possibly other uranium-rich
phases. Analyzed in 1996, the material has fine micro potential as well, matrix
sizes from about 2.5cm to 5.5cm @ 25.00. 45.00 and 65.00 each, with a copy of
our analysis.
VAUQUELINITE w/ CROCOITE- Callenberg, Zwickau, Saxony, Germany
Known from a handful of localities, this chromate mineral occurs a peculiar
olive-green to yellow-green masses richly scattered through a secondary gossan
matrix, associated with minor red crocoite and possibly pyromorphite or other
species. From a no longer accessible location once known for its crocoite, we
have only a few specimens available, sizes from 3cm to nearly 5cm @ 45.00 and
60.00 each. Colorful!
WILUITE- Vilyui River, nr. Chernyshevsk,Sakha Russia
This relatively uncommon, boron-rich species occurs as sharp, dark green, tetragonal
single crystals without matrix, all showing good prism faces and these being
doubly terminated as well. Most crystals will show 2 tetragonal prisms {100}
and {110}, dipyramid {111} and pinacoid {001} faces! A membe of the vesuvianite
group, well-formed and moderately attractive, sizes from 1.4cm to nearly 2.5cm
@ 45.00, 60.00 and 75.00 each.
JAROSITE- Various Localities, Worldwide
Perhaps the easiest way to build a diverse collection of a specific mineral
species, we occasionally offer small lots of a single mineral from many different
localities. This time, it is jarosite, occurring as amber to dark brown trigonal
micro crystals scattered on matrix, offered as a lot of six different localities
(including the type), with specimens ranging from 2.5cm to 5cm across, some
with older labels and a wide range of associations, many with trimming and micro
potential as well. Each lot of six is just 75.00, bargain priced!
PLACER CONCENTRATES- Long Valley, Valley Co., Idaho
From our materail desccribed in Mineral News (2018) Vol. 34, No.6, these are
heavy mineral concentrates from the Cascade area dredge jigs obtained by noted
geologist and mineralogist Prof. E.W. Heinrich in the 1950s. Our analytical
work on these fascinating tiny grains shows predominant ilmenite, and each 5x1.5cm
vial will likely have associated spessartine, magnetite, columbite-(Mn), monazite
-(Ce), euxenite-(Y), yellow titanite, trace fluorescent zircon and others! Great
looking under the 'scope, and a "must-have" for sand collectors, too,
at just 10.00 per 5cm vial. The last of this material!
One of the more unusual colors in quartz gemstones, prasiolite is a delicate,
pale green color, these quite transparent and pleasing. Most Brazilian material
has been heat treated, and we have only a few stones available, all in good
quality faceted ovals in varying sizes from about 12x8 mm up to 22x10 mm, attractively
priced at just 15.00, 25.00 and 40.00 each. In addition, we have a number of
larger, free-form faceted stones in exotic shaps and sizes, so please inquire!
Very inexpensive for this quality!
CATALOG 21903 - Volume XLVI, No.3 - Our 46th Year!
ALLOPHANE- Laochang Mine, Gejiu, Yunnan, PR China
From the exceptional lot pictured and described in May issue of Mineral News
(2019), these are exceptionally colorful, electric blue allophane specimens
from this Chinese locality! Certainly the best material to ever reach the specimen
market (see our image in Mindat and the May issue of Mineral News), we have
a couple of TNS @ 125.00 each, a few miniatures to 4cm @ 250.00 each, and three
cabinet speicmens, 7cm to 9cm priced according to quality at 800.00, 1000.00,
and 1200.00 each! A copy of our analytical work accompanies each specimen. Don't
miss these!
ANORTHOCLASE with AEGIRINE etc.- North Laven Island, Langesundsfjord,
This old specimen from famous geologist-mineralogist E.W. Heinrich is comprised
primarily of tan anorthoclase, shot through with black aegirine (Langesundsfjorden
is the type locality) and minor biotite. The piece is accompanied by Heinrick's
label and is a rather hefty 12x8 cm, one only, @ 65.00.
BETPAKDALITE-CaCa- Sadisdorf, Erzgebirge, Saxony, Germany
This rather ugly species occurs as dull yellowish masses scattered on one surface
of rock matrix. The mineral was redefined in 2010 to reflect the growing number
of species in the group, including -CaCa, -CaMg, -FeFe, -NaCa and - NaNa phases.
Only a few specimen available, averaging 2cm to 3cm @ 45.00 and 60.00 each.
BRUSHITE- Moorba Cave, Jurien Bay, W.A., Australia
One of the uncommon (and obviously unattractive) bat guano phosphate minerals,
here offered as tan to white nodular masses and crusts richly packed in mercifully
stoppered transparent MM boxes and vials. EDS confirmed stock from many years
ago; a filled micro box @ 25.00, or significantly larger quantity in a 7x1.5cm
vial @ 55.00 each.
CADMOINDITE- Kudryaviy Volcano, Iturup Island, Russia
A remarkable find of the exceptionally rare species, here as minute crystal
groups under 1mm mounted on a small boxed adhesive pad. A remarkable volcano
mineral with neat chemistry, formula: CdIn2S4, isometric, IMA #2003-042. Type
locality material, only three confirmed samples on hand @ 350.00 each.
CHALCOPYRITE- Little Todd Vein, Bandora Mine, Colorado
From the extensive thumbnail collection of Martin C. Jensen, we have a small
selection of excellent chalcopyrite specimens from this famous San Juan County
locality, mined for silver from the 1880s to 1950. Specimens range from 1cm
crystals on quartz crystals to exquisite twinned crystal groups of brightly
metallic chalcopyrite without matrix. Priced according to size and aesthetics,
specimens offered at 50.00, 100.00, 250.00, 350.00 and one at 500.00.
CRANSWICKITE with HEXAHYDRITE- Calingasta, San Juan Province,
From the type locality for the species, cranswickite occurs as white masses
in thin veins and small nodules, typically intergrown with hexahydrite and possibly
other sulfates. The mineral is a dimorph of starkeyite (which it resembles),
available as either a small powdery sample in a vial @ 55.00, or as a 1cm nodular
mass @ 125.00. List alternates!
CUPROSPINEL- Arsenatnaya Fumerole, Tolbachik, Russia
Rare minerals continue to be found at this prolific Kamchatka volcano site,
these from the second scoria cone from the northern breakthrough. The mineral
occurs as richly scattered, tiny brown crusts of minute crystals overgrowing
hematite, and one of the first, truly natural occurrences of the species (the
type material from Canada is anthropogenic from a mine dump fire). Only a few
specimens on hand, averaging 1-1.5cm @ 175.00.
DAWSONITE- Francon Quarry, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Minute balls of white to clear radiating crystals of dawsonite to 1mm scattered
in vugs and on matrix. The quarry has been inactive for more than 35 years and
lies within the city of Montreal. Collected in the late 1970's, these will provide
some good micro potential in the better pieces. Matrix sizes from about 2cm
to 6cm @ 15.00, 25.00, 40.00 and 60.00 each, priced based on coverage.
DIAPHORITE- Morey Mine, Nye Co., Nevada
Old material collected by Forrest Cureton many years ago, the diaphorite occurring
as dull greyish metallic masses finely disseminated in quartz matrix, typically
with minor sphalerite and/or massive rhodochrosite. An interesting assemblage
for this Ag-Pb-Sb-S mineral, specimens from about 2cm to 6cm @ 15.00, 25.00,
45.00 and 65.00 each.
DIASPORE- nr. Hawthorne, Mineral Co., Nevada
Pale tan glassy masses of thinly flattened aggregates of diaspore richly scattered
on matrix. Modest reference specimens, likely from the old Dover Mine, specimen
sizes from 2.5cm to 5cm @ 10.00, 25.00 and 35.00 each.
DJURLEITE- Butte, Silver Bow Co., Montana
Densely scattered bluish-black pods of djurleite in rock matrix, some with minor
secondary copper minerals staining evident. These have been XRD confirmed, and
a copy of the XRD output is included with each sample. Specimen sizes range
from about 2cm to 3.5cm @ 15.00, 20.00 and 25.00 each. Great locality material,
rarely offered as XRD-confirmed specimens!
FLUELLITE with MINYULITE- Lucin, Box Elder Co., Utah
From the old but remarkable minyulite assemblage featured in the April, 2012
Mineral News article, we have isolated excellent fluellite samples in which
the mineral occurs as small, porcelaneous, white dipryamidal crystals, many
intergrown into micro, star-shaped groups perched on matrix, virtually all associated
with superb, elongated needle-like minyulite balls. Some are also apparent replacements
and intergrownths of crandallite after fluellite. Quite fine for the species,
matrix specimens from about 2cm to 7cm across @ 10.00, 20.00, 35.00 and 50.00
each; a few larger samples from 8cm to a monster 12cm(!!) @ 75.00, 100.00 and
GALENA (Spinel Law Twin)- Buick Mine, Iron Co.,. Missouri
A rare twin for galena, these spinel-law twins present as flattened, tabluar
crystals to 2cm across (!!), appearing as thin plates, pseudohexagonal in aspect,
similar to Goldschmidt's figure No. 68. Very weird and rarely seen in galena,
we have only a few very well-formed thumbnails, these collected underground
almost 25 years ago from the 17143 pillar, (150681N-74462E), most with minor
sphalerite evident. Perhaps never to be seen again, offered at 275.00 and 350.00
each. List alternates!
GENTHELVITE- Cerro Blanco Tanti, Cordoba, Argentina
An unusual occurrence of pale blue, glassy genthelvite masses and tetragonal
aggregates scattered in hematite/chalcocite ore matrix, some with oligoclase
and possibly other phases. A very unusual assemblage from an excellent locality
in this oddly colored genthelvite. Matrix specimens from 1.5cm to 3.5cm @ 15.00,
25.00 and 40.00 each.
GILLESPITE in SANBORNITE- El Alamo, Ensenada, Baja California,
Deep red platy aggregates of gillespite scattered in grayish white sanbornite
matrix. Nicer than the California locality material, only a few specimens on
hand with matrix sizes from 2.5cm to 6cm @ 12.50, 20.00, 35.00 and 50.00 each.
GLAUCOPHANE- Glaucophane Ridge, San Benito Co., California
From a locality named for the mineral, glaucophane occurs as richly distributed
blue-black vitrious prismatic crystals in a green omphacite rock. Passably attractive,
specimens of this amphibole group mineral are from 2cm to 8cm across, for a
bargain price of just 10.00, 20.00, 30.00 and 45.00 each.
GOLD in QUARTZ- Southern Cross, Western Australia, Australia
An old specimen from this prolific area in Western Australia, known for its
many gold mines and prospects. An rather attractive TN specimen of milky, grey
quartz, showing small but brightly metallic gold protruding from the matrix,
easily visible by the naked eye with more seen under the 'scope as well. Gold
flakes to 3mm, overall matrix size about 2.5cm @ 95.00. List alternates!
HEMIMORPHITE- Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico
From material acquired in the early 1960s, we have several flats of moderately
attractive hemimorphite occring as white to transparent sheaves and crystal
groups protruding from limonitic matrix. Individual crystals range from 5mm
to 1.5cm on these specimens, priced according to overall quality and size. Specimens
range from about 5cm to 9cm across, priced inexpensively at just 10.00, 20.00,
35.00 and 50.00 each. Old stuff!
HISINGERITE- Agnew Nickel Deposit, nr Leinster, WA, Australia
One of those minerals that is probably fairly common but goes unrecognized,
hisingerite occurs as dark red brown glassy coatings on a dark colored rock
rock. Plain specimens, but representative for this iron silicate, X-ray confirmed
as to polytype. From 3cm to 6cm @ 20.00, 35.00 and 50.00 each. A few to 8x5cm
@ 85.00 each.
JAHNSITE-(MnMnMn)- Linopolis, Minas Gerais, Brazil
One of the rarest of the approved jahnsite species, this is one of only a few
proven occurrence for the species. It occurs here as deep orange colored vitrous
aggregates sparsely scattered on exposed surfaces of a triphylite-metavivianite
rock matrix, these from an unrecorded 2010 find at this Divino das Laranjeiros
locality. Ex-Luis Menezes, specimens range from about 2cm up to 5cm long at
50.00, 75.00, 100.00 and 150.00 each, commensurate with coverage, not size.
List alternates, please!
JAROSITE pseudo @ PYRITE- nr Sugarloaf Hill, Quartzite, Arizona
Perhaps the ugliest occurrence of the mineral we've seen, here as dull yellow
to brownish, nearly cherty masses replacing pyrite in seams and pods in white,
funky quartz matrix. Old stuff found just north of this locality many years
ago, moderately rich coverage, specimens from about 2.5cm to nearly 6cm across
@ 10.00, 20.00 and 30.00 each, but still ugly after all these years.
KATERINOPOULOSITE (2017-004)- Esperanza Mine, Lavrion, Attiki
Pref Greece
This relatively NEW SPECIES occurs as minute, curly colorless to white to very
pale blue anthodites with minor brochantite and/or minor gypsum on oxidized
sulfide ore matrix. A unique combination of elements, formula (NH)4Zn(SO4)2*6H2O
- monoclinic, IMA # 2017-004. A new member of the picromerite group, named for
Greek geologist Athanassios Katerinopoulis (b. 1950). Author's material, matrix
sizes average 2.5cm @ 195.00 each.
KUTNOHORITE- Kutna Hora, Bohemia, Czech Republic
Pearly masses of white to pale pinkish tan kutnohorite scattered in matrix,
most associated with minor sulfides and occasionally other admixed carbonates.
Type locality material from an old Czech collection obtained in Prague some
years ago, matrix sizes from about 4cm to 9cm across @ 25.00, 40.00 and 55.00
LOWEITE- Arsenatnaya fumerole, Tolbachik, Russia
New discoveries by Russian scientists at this Kamchatka volcano continue, here
the moderately rare loweite found for the first time for the species in this
highly unusual environment. The mineral forms small white balls and fine-grained
crusts nicely scattered over basalt scoria matrix, first found in 2018. Only
a few rich specimens on hand, averaging about 2.5cm with good coverage @ 85.00
MAJORITE- Chantonnay, Vendee, France
Perhaps the rarest of all garnets, these XRD-verified majorites are found as
small 2mm aggregates in the Chantonnay meteorite which fell on August 5, 1812!
We have again obtained one verified sample, completely documented with X-ray
powder diffraction data (intensities, d-spaces, hkl) and the associated spectra
@ 395.00 for the documented sample. Rare!
NASTROPHITE- Umbozero Mine, Lovozero, Kola, Russia
This rare mineral occurs here as clear, micro tetrahedrons perched on matrix,
most with K-feldpar, aegirine and a variety of other uncommon minerals. Each
specimen is nicely arrowed, and 20x will show numerous cubic crystals and aggregates
with well developed tetrahedrons abounding. Keep wrapped as supplied to avoid
destabilizing the mineral; these solid matrix specimens range from about 1.5cm
to 3.5cm across @ only 35.00, 55.00 and 75.00 each. Excellent quality for this
PAULSCHERRERITE- Ruggles Mine, Grafton County, New Hampshire
This uranium-bearing mineral is a major constituent of 'gummite' at both Palermo
and Ruggles. These specimens were collected around 1966, and occur as orange
waxy masses associated with black uraninite and other phases in a pegmatite
matrix. Originally described (as "gummite") by Frondel in 1956 and
later studied by Gene Foord, et al., and found to have a uranyl-oxide hydroxyl-hydrate
composition (then called "Mineral A"). Subsequent chemical, Raman
and XRD study in 2011 confirmed that largely dehydrated schoepite, the mineral
paulscherrerite, was a major constituent (with metaschoepite) of the orange-yellow
"gummite" at this locality. In sizes from 1.5 cm to 6 cm, @ 20.00,
35.00, 50.00, and 85.00 each. A few monsters from Ruggles, large and fluorescent
(meta/autinute) but lean, 10 cm to 24 cm long @ 300.00 to 600.00 on hand - please
QUARTZ variety AGATE- Unspecified locality Madagascar
An interesting lot of banded agates from an unspecified locality in Madagascar,
supllied to us by a cutter with too much material and not enough time. These
are end cuts and half nodules of moderately colorful banded agate, all with
one face sliced (but not polished) to reveal the interesting formations within.
Diameter of cut faces ranges from about 5cm to 7cm across, priced at just 10.00
and 15.00 each, or an assortment of six different @ just 50.00 per lot. These
won't last long!
SILVER with ACANTHITE- Hongda Mine, Lingqiu, Shanxi, PR China
An exquisite specimen of wirey native silver forming rams horns and masses,
tarnished and altered to blackened masses and coatings of hundreds of tiny crystals
of acanthite well-scattered over the entire piece. The specimen weighs about
250 grams (nearly 9 ounces!) and is a superb presentation for the advanced silver
mineral collector. Overall size about 9x6cm @ 3500.00 (yes, that is 3500.00,
and still a bargain!).
SONOLITE- Sono Mine, Sohraku-gun, Kyoto Pref., Japan
From the type locality for the species, sonolite occurs here as brownish vitreous
masses admixed in pinkish rhodonite. Old Cureton material obtained from a Japanese
scientist many years ago, only a few small samples on hand, ranging from small
fragment in a capsule @ 25.00 each, one 2cm matrix specimen @ 125.00. List alternates!
STEACYITE- DeMix Quarry, Mont St Hilaire, Que., Canada
This uncommon species occurs here as micro, greyish brown tetragonal crystals
sparsely scattered in vugs in analcime and aegirine matrix. Old Cureton material
from the type locality, 2cm to 6cm matrix samples @ 35.00, 50.00 and 75.00 each,
depending on size and quality.
STELLERITE- Ritter Hot Springs, Grant County, Oregon
These white to ochre-colored plates of stellerite have a very lustrous botryoidal
surface. This sodium-poor member of the stilbite group has been x-ray confirmed
by the late Allen Heyl to differentiate it from common stilbite with which it
is visually indistinguishable. Sizes from 3cm to 17x10cm @ 15.00, 20.00, 30.00,
45.00, 60.00, 85.00, 100.00 and 150.00 each.
STEVERUSTITE with SUSANNITE- Redmond Mine, Haywood Co., North
Originally described from Great Britain in 2008, this is the first confirmed
occurrence of steverustite outside the UK. The mineral forms tiny micro hair-like
white to colorless crystals and needles sparsely scattered on matrix, most with
extremely small hexagonal plates of susannite, massive galena, trace caledonite
etc. Specimen sizes range from about 2cm to 3cm across @ 225.00 each. Only a
couple available!
SUSSEXITE- Sterling Mi, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co. New Jersey
Rich pinkish, porcelanous massive veins and pods of sussexite skirting these
old ore specimens, associated with other assorted, common ugly species from
this prolific locality. Occasionally as uniquely non-fluorescent ore specimens,
often with minor willemite, zincite, franklinite and others, sizes from 2cm
up to generous 9cm specimens @ 10.00, 35.00, and 65.00 each.
TITANITE- Capelinha, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Gemmy, bright yellow-green transparent crystals of titanite without matrix,
some showing subtle twinning and sharp terminations, these from a find circa
2002. Crystals range from 1cm to 1.5cm tall and are just 15.00 and 20.00 each.
Attractive stuff, but only a few available!
TURNEAUREITE in DONPEACORITE- ZCA#4, 2700 Level, Balmat, New York
Small grains and aggregates of turneaureite scattered in massive orange-brown
donpeacorite with admixed manganocummingtonite and black braunite. The turneaureite
is best distinguished by its response (FL orange) to SW-UV, and these are considerably
richer than the earlier material from the 2500 level of several years ago. Specimens
from 1.5cm to 8cm @ 20.00, 35.00, 50.00, 75.00, 100.00 and 150.00 each, depending
on fluorescent richness.
VANADINITE- Apache Mine, Globe-Miami Dist., Gila Co., Arizona
From old stock of the late 1960s, bright red micro vanadinite crystals richly
scattered on feldspathic quartzite matrix. The specimens are colorful and from
a classic U.S. occurrence for the mineral, touted in Mineralogical Record in
1971. These are moderately attractive samples, and under the 'scope there are
excellent hexagonal crystals everywher! Old tiem stuff, relativeluy inexpensive,
matrix sizes from about 4cm to 7cm across @ 10.00, 20.00, and 35.00 each, a
few larger to 10cm @ 75.00.
WULFENITE- Cuchillo Parado, Chihuahua, Mexico
We found a jumbled flat of this material in the warehouse with our Hoxie Street
(Bronx, NY) label (circa 1974) and a David New tag, suggesting these were early
1970s vintage specimens. The wulfenite from here is orange to orange-brown,
thickly tabular, occasionally with minor calcite rhombs. While there are no
killers in the lot, they are representative specimens from a lesser-known wulfenite
producer in Mexico, perhaps 45 to 50 years ago. We have hasnd-selected a few
moderately attractive samples from the lot, sizes range from 3cm to 5cm, priced
according to quality at just 15.00, 25.00 and 35.00 each. Neat old stuff!
FLUOR-UVITE TOURMALINE- Brumado, Bahia, Brazil
Quite lovely honey to rich, root-beer brown transparent uvite group tourmalines,
nicely faceted in predominantly oval and pear shapes, all quite clean with good
color. Rarely offered as faceted stones, these are likely fluor-uvite rather
than the more rare uvite that is the (OH)-dominant end member. We can provide
single stones of 0.8-1.0 carat @ 25.00 each, or offer an attractive lot of five
different faceted stones, weight of each lot in excess of 6 carats, handsomely
boxed, at just 100.00 per lot, or we can also provide larger lots of 15 stones
(over 20 carats) at just 275.00 per lot, a best buy!
LES MINERAUX (VOL 1 & 2)- P. Bariand, F.Cesbron & J. Geffroy
(In French)
A classic work by three famous mineralogists who all have minerals named for
them, written in French and offered here in two softcover volumes totaling nearly
300 pages. The first volume offers an overview of rystallography and crystal
systems, then focuses largely on minerals of intrusives, metamorphics and alteration
products, while the second volume focuses first on minerals with essential Ca,
Na,Li, Mg etc., working through a number of chapters to REE-element species.
There are a few full page color plates in each volume, plus numerous diagrams
and b/w images. We have one pair available at just 50.00 for the lot.
GARNET AMPHIBOLITE- Barton Mine, Warren Co., New York
Mined for abrasives as early as 1878, this locality produced significant quantities
of almandine garnet embedded in amphibolite comprised largely of pargasitic
hornblende and occasionally ferroan enstatite. The dark greenish black amphibolite
is coarsely crystalline, typically with deep red masses and grains of almandine.
Old material, specimens from 4cm to 10cm across @ just 10.00, 20.00, 35.00 and
50.00 each.
CATALOG 21902 - Volume XLVI, No.2 - Our 46th Year!
have increased by 10% recently, and we will be severely limiting the number
of mailed catalogs in the immediate future due to continuously rising mailing
and printing costs. Clients who have not placed an order in the past year will
be dropped, effective with this catalog. You can continue to receive our lists
via email at no charge, or simply place an order to be kept on the mailing list
for another year. Please send your email address to: info@excaliburmineral.com.
If we don't hear from you, we wish you well, as this will be your final list.
ANTOFAGASTAITE (IMA 2018-048)- Coronel Manuel Rodriguez Mine, Antofagasta, Chile
This NEW SPECIES occurs as coarse, white prismatic micro crystals sparsely scattered
on matrix, typically associated with deep yellow metasideronatrite spears and
pale blue, massive aubertite. Frmula: Na2Ca(SO4)2*1.5 H2O - monoclinic, IMA
#2018-049. From author's material collected in 2016 before the desert sands
coverd the dumps of this abandoned mine nr. Mejillones, small specimens with
colorful but modest micro potential averaging about 5mm to 8mm across @ 150.00
ARSENOGORCEIXITE- Bali Lo, Ashburton Downs, W.A., Australia
Minute, pale green micro crystals and druses of this relatively rare mineral,
the arsenic analogue of gorceixite, most with well crystallized olivenite micros
as well. Rich material, originally supplied in 1994, sizes from 0.7cm to 2.5cm
@ 55.00, 95.00, and 145.00 each.
ARSENUDINAITE (IMA #2018-067)- Arsenatnaya fumerole, Tolbachik
Volcano, Russia
The prolific Kamchatka volcano continues to yield new species, this once occurring
as tiny, pale yellowish aggregates intimately associated with colorless, transparent
anhydrite and occasionally other species. Formula: NaMg4(AsO4)3 - tetragonal,
IMA #2018-067. The arsenate analog of udinaite (which see also in this list),
author's material, sizes from 1cm and 3cm @ 150.00 and 185.00 each.
BETPAKDALITE-CaCa- Kara Oba, Betpakdala Desert, Kazakhstan
Small, dull yellowish masses of this uncommon species sparsely scattered on
matrix, here from the type locality for the species. Specimens are lean and
range from about 2cm to nearly 4.5cm across @ 45.00, 60.00 and 75.00 each. List
BETPAKDALITE-NaCa- Estacion Cerro Negro, Antofagasta, Chile
An extremely rare arsenic bearing molybdate, we have sodium-rich betpakdalite-NaCa
as minute, pale yellow powdery to granular material packed into capsules, typically
with more prolific hexahydrite and possibly other phases. Originally named sodium
betpakdalite, changed to natrobetpakdalite, and finally renamed (as it stands
now) as betpakdalite-NaCa. This is far from pure material and is available at
50.00 per capsule. Limited availability - list alternates!
CAFARSITE- Pizzo Cervandone, Alpe Devero, Italy
Dark brown, crudely cubic crytsals and aggregates of cafarsite scattered on
matrix, here from the famous Novara Province locality overlooking the Swiss
border. We have a few reference specimens from 2.5cm to 3.5cm @ 45.00 and 60.00
each, as well as a couple of astounding, well formed samples in the 5.5cm to
7cm size range @ 275.00 each. Killers for the species!
CHALCOPYRITE on BARITE- Dreislar Mine, N. Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Old material obtained in the 1970s, comprised of white to slightly pinlksh-tan,
platy barite comprising matrix, liberally sprinkled with small metallic chalcopyrite
crystals. The locality was worked as early as the 1870s and is now defunct;
specimens range from about 4cm to 10cm across, offered at just 10.00, 25.00
and 45.00 each, a great buy!
COBALTITE- Hakansboda, Lindesberg, Orebro, Sweden
Small crystals and massive of silvery cobaltite are distributed through a pyrrhotite-magnetite
matrix in these good locality pieces. While not flashy specimens, the crystals
and masses range from 1mm to 5mm across, often showing sharp pseudopyritohedrons
and other odd modifications typical of cobaltite crystallization at this prolific
locality. Matrix is the usual rusty magnetic ore that can often be broken down
to yield more well-crystallized specimens. Overall matrix sizes range from about
2cm to nearly 6cm @ 20.00, 30.00, 40.00 and 55.00 each, depending on quality.
One larger 8x6cm specimen with old label @ 75.00.
DIAMOND- Mir Mine, Yakutia, Siberia, Russia
From this deep and prolific diamond mine, we have several handsome, single octahedral
crystals without matrix, all showing good form and although not gem-quality
stones, they are relatively clean, transparent to translucent with white to
pale greysih color. Crystals sold by size/weight as follows:
7x5x5mm, 1.41 carats @ 220.00
7x5x5mm, 1.88 carats @ 265.00
7x6x3mm, 1.33 carats @ 175.00
and many others. Inquire if looking for something specific in uncut diamond
FLUORITE with MUSCOVITE etc.- Yaogangxian Mine, Chenzhou, Hunan,
PR China
From a very recent discovery, transparent, largely colorless fluorite cubes,
typically from 1cm to 2cm on matrix, many with pale purple color zoning evident,
all associated with odd, white and pearly radiaiting balls and aggregates of
muscovite, minor quartz, calcite and occasionally small aggregates of brightly
fluorescent (both LW and SW) fluorapatite (analyzed) as well. Complex assemblages
in moderately attractive specimens, specimens from about 2.5cm to 15cm across,
priced according to overall quality and size @ 25.00, 50.00, 100.00, 150.00
and 250.00 each.
HEJTMANITE- Muzeiny Valley, Inyl'chek Range, Kyrgyzstan
The rare mineral, the Mn-analog of bafertisite, occurs here as tiny, yellow
to brownish aggregates sparsely scattered in pink rhodonite matrix. The mineral
was originally to be named "inylchekite" for the locality, but was
subsequently redefined as identical to the hejtmanite material from Zambia.
Small matrix specimens from about 1.3cm to 2cm across @ 35.00 and 45.00 each,
with copy of old Russian named labels.
HIDALGOITE- San Rafael Mine, Nye Co., Nevada
This uncommon mineral occurs here as dull, pale yellow-brown to olive-hued masses
scattered on matrix, analyses showing the material to be slightly ferrian, sometimes
cuprian and often phosphatian compaired to its end member Pb-Al-AsO,SO composition.
Associations include potential mimetite (and pseduos thereof), cuprian adamite,
corroded wulfenite and/or coronadite as well. Interesting stuff (see or article
in Rocks and Minerals in 2010) with micro potential as well, sizes from about
2cm to 5cm across @ 10.00, 20.00 and 35.00 each, priced according to coverage
and size.
HUREAULITE w/ TRIPHYLLITE- Jocao Mine, Galileia, M.G., Brazil
Excellent, well-crytallized pale pink hureaulite on matrix, typically associated
with greenish-brown triphyllite and/or occasional vivianite. Fine TNs that will
yiled complex micros as well, ex-Luis Menezes, specimens average about 2.5cm
@ just 25.00 and 35.00 each. Nice for the species!
JOSEITE-B- Glaicer Gulch, nr. Smithers, B.C., Canada
Grey metallic masses of this unusual Bi-Te-S mineral scattered in matrix, occasionally
associated with minor tetraymite or other phases. Type locality material, described
prior to the IMA's founding and currently a valid mineral, but questioned as
a possible Te-rich ikunolite or possibly other phases. Collected in 1963, a
few samples available from 2cm to 8cm across @ 20.00, 45.00, 70.00 and 95.00
KAINOTROPITE (IMA 2015-053)- Mountain 1004, Tolbachik Volcano,
This relatively NEW SPECIES occurs as minute black grains mounted on adhesive
disks, all from a single specimen. Originally found in 2015 at the Yadovitaya
fumerole, all of the type material was consumed in the description of the species!
Formula: Cu4Fe3+O2(V2O7)(VO4) - orthorhombic, IMA 2015-053. Only a few very
tiny mounted grains available for this rare copper mineral @ 165.00 each. Author's
material. List alternates!
KAMPHAUGITE-(Y)- Paratoo Mine, Yunta, S.A., Australia
This uncommon mineral, a Ca-REE carbonate with dominant Y, occurs here as small
greyish crusts to white, waxy partial spheres sparsely scattered on matrix,
occasionally with other REE-carbonate phases such as pale blue crusty decrespignyite-(Y).
A modest selection on hand, specimen sizes ranging from about 2.5cm to 6cm across,
very modestly priced @ 10.00, 20.00 and 35.00 each, depending on size and associations.
KLEINITE- McDermitt Mine, Humboldt County, Nevada
Rich coatings of bright yellow, hexagonal kleinite microcrystals well scattered
on a sandstone/chalcedony matrix, once called "McDermittite" by local
collectors in the Opalite Disctrict. This unusual mercury mineral is not often
available, especially in these higher quality specimens that have excellent
micro potential. Older specimens assembled primarily from the Godshaw and Cilen
collections, with other samples collected more than 35 years ago at this locality,
one of only three in the world known for the species. Sizes from about 2cm to
7cm @ just 20.00, 45.00, 65.00, 95.00 and 150.00 each.
LABRADORITE- Androtsky, Madagascar
Rather attractive, massive greyish specimens of labradorescent feldspar completely
comprising matrix, these with one face polished to show the nice play of colors.
Specimens are solid and colorful, sizes range from about 4cm to 7cm across @
just 15.00, 20.00 and 30.00 each, depending on size and fire! A few large, fully
specimens to 25 cm on hand - inquire!
LABUNTSOVITE-Fe- Turii Cape, South Kola Coastline, Russia
This rare species occurs as reddish orange elongated grains and coarse crystals
to several millimeters long sparsely scattered in fluorapophyllite and calcite
matrix. Formula: Na2K2FeTi4[Si4O12]2(O,OH)4*5H2O. Excellent locality, sizes
from 1.5cm to nearly 5cm(!) @ 55.00, 80.00 and 125.00 each.
MURDOCHITE w/ HEMIMORPHITE- Black Pine Mine, Granite Co., Montana
One of the more uncommon minerals at the Black Pine, murdochite occurs here
as tiny, brownish black microscopic crystals, typically intergrown in radiating
groups with quartz and associated with attractive, pale blue bladed hemimorphite
balls. Interesting micro and thumbnail material from this rich locality, specimens
average 2.5cm @ 35.00 each. Only four available!
MUSCOVITE- nr. Tungstonia Mine, White Pine Co., Nevada
Well-formed hexagonal phenocrysts of silvery muscovite without matrix from this
obscure locality (see Mineral News, January 2019 issue). These flattened crystals
were found at a surface outcrop near the mine, and they range from about 2cm
to 3.5cm across, priced at just 5.00, 7.50 and 10.00 each.
NAGYAGITE- Nagyag, Transylvania, Romania
A polished triangular ore section about 1.5cm on edge showing excellent, elongated,
black metallic nagyagite richly scattered in quartz matrix. Originally from
the Waldenmar Lindgren (1860-1939) collection and identified by him, the mineral
namee for lindgrenite. Subsequently traded from the Harvard Mineral Museum in
1997, ex-Jensen Collection, accompanied by copy of old label @ 450.00. One only!
NISSONITE- Panoche Valley, San Benito Co., California
Pale blue to blue green crusts and masses of this uncommon mineral scattered
over the surface of a greyish altered schist matrix. Type locality material
(now identified as the Llanda Copper Mine), and for many years the only confirmed
locality for the species. Moderately rare, generous matrix specimens from 2cm
to 7cm @ 15.00, 30.00, 45.00 and 60.00 each, depending on size and coverage.
OKENITE on GYROLITE- Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
White, minutely fibrous okenite balls as overgrowths on sphereical aggregates
of dull, thinly bladed pseudohexagonal gyrolite to 1cm , typically perched on
small quartz crystals covering basaltic matrix, occasionally with transparent
fluorapophyllite. Moderately attractive specimens from a find in the early 1990's.
matrix sizes average 4.5cm to 7cm across @ just 25.00 and 35.00 each, depending
on coverage, not size.
REALGAR in CALCITE- Sterling Mine, Ogdensburg, New Jersey
Pale red masses of realgar very sparsely scattered within white calcite matrix,
occasionally with minor arsenopyrite and possibly other embedded sulfides. Found
on the 900 level, rare at the locality, and quite unusual as a result! Matrix
sizes from 2cm to 4cm @ 20.00, 35.00 and 50.00 each.
SARANCHINAITE (IMA 2015-019)- Arsenatnaya fumerole, Tobachik Volcano,
Another rare species from this prolific Kamchatka volcano, these found about
15km from the type fumeroles (now all extinct) formed during the 2012-2013 eruptions.
Far superior to the first samples found, these were uncovered in 2018 and occur
as pale blue crusts that are likely pseudomorphous after kroenkite, often with
white langbeinite on basaltic scoria. Formual is Na2Cu(SO4)2, monoclinic, IMA
#2015-019. Only a few moderately colorful specimens available, sizes from 1.5cm
to 3.5cm @ 125.00, 150.00 and 175.00, depending on size and coverage.
SARCOPSIDE with GRAFTONITE- Bull Moose Mine, Custer Co., South
A handful of sarcopside specimens from this classic phosphate pegmatite, here
as rich, rather iridescent, golden brown cleavage masses well scattered in matrix,
typically with reddish brown graftonite and possibly other massive phospahtes.
Old material provided many years ago by Bill Roberts, these are good representative
specimens from 2.5cm to 6cm @ 10.00, 20.00 and 35.00 each.
SKUTTERUDITE with COBALTITE etc- Cobalt, Ontario, Canada
Rather nondesccript massive silvery-grey ore samples, comprised of cobaltite,
admixed skutterudite and possibly other metallic phases. Ex-A.E. Seaman Museum
material, specimens range in size from about 2.5cm to 5cm across, quite dense,
and suitable for polished section work @ 15.00, 25.00 and 40.00 each.
TANTALITE-(Mn)- Tin Mountain Mine, Custer Co., South Dakota
Patches of nearly black, crystalline tantalite-(Mn) to 1cm are scattered in
a white, often radiating albite matrix, associated with massive quartz and tabular,
slightly greenish cesium-rich muscovite. Analytically confirmed material that
sometimes pushes the chemical edges of this species vs. its columbite counterpart,
specimens range from 2.5cm to 6cm across, priced at just 15.00, 25.00 and 40.00
TOPAZ- Marambainha, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Transparent, classic chisel-shaped single topaz crystals without matrix, some
with sparse red-brown inclusions of ??? Overall crystal lengths average 2.5cm
@ just 55.00 each.
TRINITITE (7/16/45 Blast)- Alamogordo, nr. Trinity, New Mexico
This material, commonly called Alamogordo Glass, Trinitite and/or Trinityite,
is the fused sand resulting from the first atomic bomb blast on July 16, 1945
at Alamogordo near Trinity. These are pale greenish, knobby glassy masses of
high-temperature melted quartz from about 1.5cm to nearly 3.5cm across at 15.00,
20.00, 25.00, and 45.00 each, depending on overall size. Unique historical items,
although without detectable radioactivity, modern amnalytical work shows trace
Cs137, Am241, Eu152 etc.; impossible to obtain today!
UDINAITE (IMA 2018-066)- Arsenatnaya fumerole, Tolbachik Volcano,
This NEW SPCIES occurs as minute beige aggregates intergrown among colorless
anhydrite, occasionally with orange-yellow crystalline crusts of an arsenate-vanadate
garnet of the berzeliite-schaeferite series.Formula: NaMg4(VO4)3 - tetragonal,
IMA #2018-066. The vanadate analog of arseundinaite, named for the Udina volcano
situated near the discovery site. Author's material, specimens from 1.5cm to
3.5cm @ 150.00, 175.00 and 200.00 each. Only as few!
UMOHOITE etc.- Rabejac, Lodeve, Herault, France
Another rare French uranium mineral, here a tiny, dark red balls of lamellar
aggregates lightly scattered on matrix, often with other uranium phases evident,
most typically with yellow uranophane. Rarely offered, modest micro potential
as well, matrix sizes range from about 1cm to nearly 3cm across @ 45.00, 75.00
and 100.00 each for the richest.
FACET ROUGH ASSORTMENT- Various Localities Worldwide
Among the gem and mineral mining areas of the world, it is not uncommon that
glassy, clean material is isolated for its potential as faceting rough rather
than as specimens, since a cut stone always brings substantially more that the
mere mineral itself. We have a number of mixed lots of facet rough on hand,
most of it typically amethyst, citrine, topaz, garnet etc. in mixed varieties
and assorted sizes from about 1 to 40 carats. We've lumped these into 500 carat
lots, offering them at just 49.00 a lot, less than ten cents a carat!
VOLCANIC BOMB- Mt. Leura, Victoria, Australia
An oddity for your collection: a dark scoria "volcanic bomb" from
this uncommon volcanic locality, originally in the collection of Howard Blye
(b.1890) of New York City and accompanied by his label. We know little of the
man, other than he was a member of the New York Mineralogical Club in the 1950s
and 1960s, prior to his death in 1978. The scoria from Mount Leura was notable
for prolific, high temperature xenoliths, here obscured by surface weathering
in this large, flattened egg-shaped specimen that measures 10x7x5cm, offered
at just 75.00. One only!
If you enjoy reading about new finds, old mining memorabilia, new species discoveries,
classic localities, historical mineralogy and collectibles related to minerals,
then a subscription to Mineral News is for you! Published in full color every
month, the "mineral collectors peridoical" is filled with interesting
articles related to all aspects of mineral collecting, told first-hand by authors
who experienced the excitement of collecting and studying such discoveries first-hand.
Subscriptions are just 30.00 per year in the USA, 48.00 for Canada and Mexico,
or 56.00 overseas for twelve color issues. Published continuously since 1974!
CATALOG 21901 - Volume XLVI, No.1....Our 46th Year!
ANDALUSITE- Altavista, Campbell Co., Virinia
As featured in the September, 2018 issue of Mineral News, these brownish-red
analusite crystals show moderately good crystal form, in singles and groups
from about 2.5cm to 19cm (!!) tall. The locality was uncovered in the early
1980s and was subsequently paved over for a Walmart parking lot. We have a few
of these one-time-find specimens on hand, priced at 15.00, 25.00, 45.00 for
specimens to 7cm, with the monster 19cm crystal offered at just 125.00. List
BOURNONITE- Yaogangxian Mine, Hunan Province, PR China
From the best Chinese locality to ever produce superb bournonite crystals, we
have a choice lot originally purchased in China in 2003 and 2004. Specimens
range from about 2.5cm to 3.5cm across, varying in habit from brillant, perfectly
terminated single rod-like crystals to complex, highly lustrous tabular, modified
sixling-like floaters with little or no matrix. Certainly the finest material
from the locality we have ever offered, these were collected from Vein #36 on
the 3rd. level in the mine, all of competition quality at 750.00, 1000.00, 1500.00,
2500.00 and one at 4500.00. None better!
CANNONITE with ECLARITE- Barenbad Mine, Salzburg, Austria
Minute, somewhat pearly white micro aggregates of cannonite sparsely scattered
in sugary quartz matrix, sometimes associated with minor metallic eclarite and
occasionally pyrrhotite as well. Only a few 2.5cm specimens on hand for this
unusual bismuth mineral, originally named for Bart Cannon, at 75.00 each.
CASSITERITE- Poldice Mine, St. Day, Cornwall, England
From a very old Cornish locality first worked in the 1600's and finally closed
in 1913, these specimens typically show small aggregates of black cassiterite
lightly scattered in grey killas matrix, occasionally with copper sulfides and
other phases. Specimens range from about 4cm to 10cm across, very inexpensively
priced at just 10.00, 20.00 and 40.00 each, all typical reference samples from
this old locality.
COVELLITE- Leonard Mine, Butte, Silver Bow Co., Montana
Excellent, electric blue metallic platy covellite aggregates nicely intergrown
and stacked on massive covellite matrix that is lightly shot-through with micro
pyrite masses and streamers. These are the classic, deep blue specimens from
this famous locality, originally acquired in 1965. Thumbnails and miniatures
measure from 2cm to 3.5cm across @ 20.00, 40.00 and 55.00 each. A few larger
specimens available from 5cm to hefty 7cm specimens @ 85.00 and 125.00 each.
CUPROAUSTINITE- Gold Hill Mine, Tooele Co., Utah
This cuprian variety of austinite occurs as emerald green, glassy botryoids
and micro crystalline groups scattered in vugs and seams on limonitic matrix.
Colorful material that also makes superb micromunts, occasionally associated
with admamite, conichalcite, barite etc. Specimens from TNs to nearly 8cm @
just 6.00, 10.00, 15.00, 20.00 and 40.00, depending on size and coverage.
DIAMOND (Blue!)- Northern Cape Province, Rep. South Africa
Small octahedrons and rounded dodecahedrons of matrix free genuine diamond crystals,
these likely treated via irradiation to show a desireable BLUE color. Diamond
treatments are common today for permanent color enhancements, and these 2.5-3mm
blue crystals average about 14 points each and make neat micromounts @ just
25.00 per crystal, or try three, nicely boxed, for just 65.00 per lot!
ECLARITE- Barenbad, Hollersbachtal, Salzberg, Austria
Silvery metallic masses of this rare Cu-Fe-Pb-Bi sulfosalt sparsely scattered
in quartz matrix, most with minor pyrite. Excellent, type locality material
obtained many years ago, available in matrix sizes from about 1.5cm to nearly
3cm across @ 20.00, 35.00 and 55.00 each.
ENSTATITE- Arsenatnaya Fumerole, Tolbachik, Russia
From the second scoria cone of this Kamchatka volcano, tiny yellow-orange to
pale yellow prismatic micro crystals scattered in vugs with hematite on a basaltic
scoria matrix. Although enstatite is not uncommon, this is a here-to-fore unknown
genetic type for the pyroxene. Good micro material, but only a few 3.5cm specimens
available @ 45.00 each. List alternates!
FAIRFIELDITE- Newry, Oxford County, Maine
Opaque tan spherical crystal aggregates of fairfieldite scattered on matrix.
The fairfieldite occurs as platy bladed crystals in rounded masses at this old
and well documented locality. Interesting habit, and quite representative for
the locality. Former Joe Cilen specimens, sizes about 5x3 cm @ 45.00 each.
FERRISTRUNZITE - Mont des-Groseillers, Blaton, Belgium
Dull yellowish white thin coatings of this rare mineral on black shale matrix,
possibly with other phosphates. Old Cureton material from many years ago, originally
obtained from one of the authors. Type locality material, sizes from about 2.5cm
to 7cm across @ 20.00, 35.00, 50.00 and 80.00 each.
GMELINITE-Na etc.- Flinders, Victoria, Australia
Moderatelyt colorful pale pinkish to white gmelinite-Na lines cavities in basalt
matrix, often with analcime, natrolite or other zeolite-related species. Old
stock from an Australian dealer recently uncovered in our warehouse, specimens
range from about 2.5cm to 6cm @ 15.00, 25.00 and 35.00 each, depending on quality.
GUYANAITE with UVAROVITE- Yuzhno-Saranovskoe, Central Urals, Russia
The first find of guyanaite crystals in the world! These are admittedly small,
forming prismatic to lamellar (<1mm) black lustrous crystals replacing bright
green uvarovite garnet that is overgrowing dark, massive chromite. From the
type locality for uvarovite, only a few specimens available, averaging ~3cm
@ 145.00 each. All with arrows!
HUBNERITE- Tungstonia Mine, White Pine Co., Nevada
As noted in our January, 2019 artilce in Mineral News, hubnerite from this old
and obscure locality occurs as dark brown, adamantine elongated crude crystals
and aggregates scattered in/on white quartz matrix. The Tungstonia Mine was
first worked in 1914 and has been abandoned for mnay years, accessible only
by ~40 miles of dirt Jeep tracks at the SW base of the Kern Mountains near the
Utah border. Interesting locality specimens, overall sizes from about 3cm to
6cm @ 15.00, 30.00 and 45.00 each.
JAHNSITE- Tip Top Mine, Custer Co., South Dakota
Small pale yellow-green to brown micro crystals and aggregates of jahnsite scattered
on matrix, most associated with a variety of other phosphates. We have found
both the (CaMnFe) and (CaMnMg) polytypes in this material, but individual analyses
would be required as they are visually indistinguishable; hence, "jahnsite"
on the labels. Old material collected more than 20 years ago, matrix sizes from
2.5cm up to museum sized 15cm pieces @ 20.00, 30.00, 45.00, 65.00, 95.00 and
150.00 each.
LAMMERITE- Abundancia Mine, Guanaco, Chile
A relatively new find of this extremely rare mineral, here occurring as surprisingly
rich, dark green micro crystals and aggregates richly scattered in matrix, occasionally
with other species. We've just XRD-confirmed this material (spectra copy supplied),
specimens from about 2cm up to nearly 8cm across (!!) @ 30.00, 45.00, 75.00,
100.00, and 150.00 each!
LEHMANNITE (IMA 2017-057a)- Arsenatnaya Fumerole, Tolbachik, Russia
This NEW SPECIES occurs as minute, dark green to nearly black tiny crystals
and aggregates on scoria matrix. Formula: Na18Cu12TiO8(AsO4)8FCl5, monoclinic,
IMA #2017-057a, an extremely rare sodium copper titanium chloroarsenate at this
prolific Kamchatka volcano. Named for German mineralogist Johann Gottlob Lehmann
(1719-1767), discoverer of crocoite, the first new mineral species described
from Russia. In 1852, lehmannite was a proposed name for crocoite, but the name
was never in wide use. Specimens average about 1cm across with obvious micro
aggregates of the mineral at 175.00 each.
MICROCLINE var: AMAZONITE- Crystal Peak, Teller Co., Colorado
From an old stash collected over 50 years ago, a nice assortment of single crystals
of amazonite are now available! Color is a pleasing pale blue so typical of
the variety, and all show good development and sharp faces with a typical cleavage
or attachment point on the specimens. The crystals range in size from about
2cm to nearly 5cm across @ just 10.00, 15.00, 25.00 and 50.00 each, depending
on quality and size. Moderately attractive material from this old, classic locality!
NAMANSILITE- Woods Mine, nr. Tamworth, NSW., Australia
An unusual sodium manganese member of the pyroxene group, we have excellent
namansilite specimens occurring here as thin, dark red crystalline veinlets
cutting through matrix. Studied material, consisting of slabs and end cuts clearly
displaying the dark red namansilite veins, specimens from 2.5cm to nearly 15cm(!!)
at 25.00, 45.00, 75.00, 100.00, and 125.00 each.
OLIVINE (FORSTERITE) - San Carlos, Gila Co., Arizona
Large hand specimens of "volcanic bombs" showing numerous tiny (~2mm)
crystallize aggregates of glassy green olivine (forsterite) embedded in basalt
matrix. Specimens average a hefty 8x5cm across @ 35.00 each. Also available
are larger (to 1cm) phenocrysts extracted from matrix and offered as matrix-free
forsterite, typically packaged in a narrow, 5cm capped, transparent vial @ 15.00
per vial, 10 vials for 100.00.
OYELITE over CALCITE- N'Chwaning II Mine, Kalahari, Rep South
Exceptional bumdles of pearly white radiating micro crystals of oyelite forming
moderately large balls to 1cm perched over water-clear, complex calcite crystals,
with many smaller, isolated groups present as well. From this well known min
in Northern Cape province, one of only a handful of known localities for the
species. Surprisingly attractive for a rare mineral, we only have a few of these
excellent and attractive specimens, averaging about 4cm tall @ just 75.00 each.
PERHAMITE- Silver Coin Mine, Iron Point Dist., Nevada
Complex specimens containing several micro minerals, perhamite occurring as
white botryoids comprised of microscopic platelets and rosettes - good examples
for this species. Occasional associations include turquoise, terminated, excellent
glassy micro wavellite crystals, and occasional greenish lipscombite, etc...Terrific
for the species present and for the micro potential. In sizes from 3cm to 6
cm at 15.00, 25.00, and 45.00 each.
PERICLASE- Nordmark, Varmland, Sweden
This uncommon mineral occurs here as small (~1mm) green masses, some quite dark,
very sparsely scattered in dolomitic manganese ore matrix. A classic locality
for the specie, missing from many systematic mineral collections. Specimens
with one or more recognizable periclase areas, sizes average about 4.5x4.5cm
@ 295.00. List alternates!
PERTLIKITE with COQUIMBITE- Alcaparrosa Mine, Calama, Atacama,
A fairly rare mineral described about ten years ago, perlikite occurs as pale
yellowish to slightly greenish when Zn-rich micro crystal aggregates sparsely
scattered on sulfate matrix, here with a nice lavender band of crystalline coquimbite
running through throughout a white, krausite-rich matrix. IMA #2005-055, and
only a couple samples available, and trimming may expose occasionally associated
alcaparrosaite, overall sizes about 4cm @ 155.00.
PLINIUSITE (IMA 2018-031)- Mt. 1004, Tolbachik, Kamchatka, Russia
This NEW SPECIES is a new member of the apatite group, occurring as tiny colorless,
coarsely prismatic micro crystals on matrix mounted on an adhesive disk.It was
found in the southern fumerole field from an old scoria cone at the locality,
unlike many of the other new species from the Tolbachik volcano that come from
the second scoria cone. Formula: Ca5(VO4)3F, hexagonal, IMA # 2018-031. Tiny
groups will require magnification @ 140.00 each.
PYROMORPHITE- Rheinland-Palantinate, Germany
An old A.E. Seaman Mineral Museum specimen, accompanied by their label. The
piece shows richly intergrown tiny knobs and stout prisms of an brownish, olive
green hue completely covering the core matrix on all sides. Although likely
from the Bad Ems area, it is not specified on this old sample, with a very tiny
caligraphic label attached to one side. Good coverahe from a classic German
area, overall size about 6 x 4.5cm @ 175.00.
PYRRHOTITE etc.- Philips Mine, Putnam Co., New York
From the pyrite mine along the Hudson River that nearly overlooked our old New
York warehouse, these are small masses of pyrrhotite in magnesiohornblende matrix,
soem with tiny included apatites, possible edenite etc. A great view from a
locality that produced ugly specimens, reference samples from about 2cm to 4cm
across @ just 8.00, 15.00 and 25.00 each. Limited availability!
RAMSDELLITE- Mistake Mine, Yavapai County, Arizona
Rich black, splendent crystalline masses and tabular crystals of this interesting
mineral completely comprising matrix, here as rather attractive specimens for
a typically ugly mineral! Very old stock, collected more than 20 years ago,
specimens from about 2.5cm to 5cm across @ 10.00, 17.50 and 25.00 each.
REICHENBACHITE- Reichenbach, Odenwald, Germany
From an old lot of Cureton material recently uncovered, we have a few specimens
of greenish-blue reichenbachite aggregates and masses scattered on matrix, some
with minor pseudomalachite or possibly other phases. Type locality material,
obvious and representative, matrix sizes from 1cm to 2.5cm @ 30.00, 45.00 and
60.00 each.
SAFFLORITE- Standard Mine, Prairie City, Grant C Oregon
Grey metallic masses of safflorite richly scattered in matrix, occasionally
with minor chalcopyrite or other cobalt arsenide phases. Old material collected
in teh late 1970s, specimens ranging from about 2cm to 4cm across @ just 10.00,
20.00 and 35.00 each.
SASSOLITE- Sasso Pisano, Pisa Province, Tuscany Italy
Small scaly crystals and pearly aggregates of colorless sassolite, an unusual
H3BO3 phase first found here, the type locality for the species. We have a small
lot of material, ex-Cureton, completely filling 2cm capsules @ just 15.00 each.
Uncommonly offfered!
TAKOVITE- Carr-Boyd Nickel Mine, W.A., Australia
Another rarity from this prolific locality, one of only a few reported finds
of this nickel member of the hydrotalcite group. Takovite occurs as bright aqua,
colorful coatings on rock, occasionally admixed with other Ni-rich phases. Sizes
from 2cm to nearly 10cm @ 25.00, 35.00, 65.00 and 125.00 each.
TALMESSITE- Gold Hill Mine, Tooele Co., Utah
Minute triclinic white to colorless crystals and druses of talmessite on limonitic
matrix, typically with associated austinite or other species. Old Cureton stock
recently uncovered in our warehouse, all yielding moerately good coverage and
micro potential as well. Specimen sizes from about 2.5cm to 5cm across at just
15.00, 25.00 and 45.00 each. Nice!
THERMAEROGENITE (IMA 2018-021)- Arsenatnaya Fumerole, Kamchatka,
Another NEW SPECIES from the seconf scoria cone of the Tolbachik volcano, occurring
as very tiny, vitrous brown octahedra with minor matrix, offered as numerous
micro crystals mounted on an adhesive disk. Recently approved, IMA # 2018-021,
formula presented as CuAl2O4, isometric, a new member of spinel group. The mineral
is the Al-analog of cuprospinel and forms a solid solution with gahnite. Requires
magnification, of course, and only a few groups on hand @ 160.00 each.
URALOLITE on BERYLLONITE- Linopolis, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Excellent, white micro sprays and fibrous aggregates of uralolite scattered
on the surface of translucent to massive beryllonite matrix. Well represented
specimens from this 1994 find, matrix sizes from about 1cm to 2cm @ 30.00, 45.00
and 65.00 each.
WOLLASTONITE-2M- Kasuga Mine, Gifu Prefecture, Japan
This is the monoclinic polytype of wollastonite, once called parawollastonite
in older mineralogy texts. Specimens are typically white, vitrous and elongated
that shear into splintery aggregates. Thumbnails to 2.5cm @ just 10.00 and 15.00
An excellent bibliography prepared by the late Art Smith, with information drawn
from his unpublished worldwide mining history records and private library. This
covered and staple-bound work is in 8.5 x 11 inch booklet form and has 45 pages
of bibliographies, including an index arranged by locality, commodity and other
categories. Long out of print, we have a few new copies available @ 10.00 each,
plus 3.00 shipping/handling in the U.S., foreign inquiries invited. Get 'em
while they last!
This handy reference work covers numerous Arkansas collecting sites and is filled
with numerous crystal drawings, diagrams, maps and even sixteen color photographs
to guide you along the way! Like all good collecting guides, author Art Smith
(artsmithite) describes the mineral species found at each locality, and a comprehensive
list of the many Magnet Cove area sites is of particular interest. A useful
field guide and welcomed addition to your reference library, soft-cover, 9"x6"
and approximately 150 pages for only 15.00 plus 6.00 shipping The last of our
new copies!
Exceptionally nice, pale greenish yellow, deep cut cabochons of finely hued
quartz, each showing a striking cats-eye effect under direct light. These range
from 45 to 50 carats per stone and are good examples of this chatoyancy in the
mineral, typically the result of microscopic elongated fibrous inclusions of
various minerals. Only a few on hand @ just 60.00 each. Limit one per customer,
COMPETITION QUALITY THUMBNAILS- Various Localities - Worldwide
We recently acquired the remarkable thumbnail collection of Martin C. Jensen
(jensenite), author, field collector, miner and discoverer of many new species.
The collection exceeded 6200 (!!) mounted specimens, and we will periodically
include a few snapshots in our lists. The quality of crystallization on each
piece is exceptional, and all are first come, first served. Please inquire.
CATALOG 21807 - Volume XLV, No.7
ALMANDINE in OLIGOCLASE etc.- Micaville, Yamcey Co., North Carolina
A classic pegmatite assemblage, here as bright purple-red phenocrysts and crude
ccrystals of almandine garnet scattered in albite (var. oligoclase), quartz
and muscovite matrix. Old material originally purchased in 1956 from Gene Curtiss
(1926-2012) and rarely seen on the market today. Generously sized specimens
from about 5cm to 12cm across @ just 10.00, 25.00 and 45.00 each.
BARITE- Baia Sprie, Maramures, Romania
An old, classic locality for the species, here as tightly stacked transparent
to translucent plates of barite completely comprising matrix, with some crystal
aggregates forming balls to 2.5cm across. The specimen is ex-Czech National
Museum and is accompanied by their label, overall size about 8x5cm @ 175.00.
One larger, 11x5cm with 2.5cm crystals @ 395.00. Attractive, but only one of
CASSITERITE- Trevaunance Mi, St. Agnes, Cornwall, England
This ancient locality was once a major producer, particularly in the 1800s,
now overgrown and inactive for many decades. Cassiterite occurs here as micro
brown to black tetrahedral crystals and aggregates scattered in seams on a metamorphosed
sedimentary rock (killas), occasionally with quartz or other species. Strictly
reference material in appearance, sizes from about 4cm to 8cm across @ 20.00,
30.00 and 45.00 each, depending on coverage.
CELESTINE with CALCITE- Mojina Mine, Constitucion, Chihuahua,
These attractive specimens were acquired circa 1965, originally labeled and
noted as coming from Constitucion in Chihuahua, as reported by Panczne. This
appears to be more accurate for the Mojina Mine, rather than the more distant
town of Ricardo Flores Magnon specified on Mindat. The specimens are attractive,
consisting of small, pale blue celestine lightly scattered over white popcorn
to cauliflower-shaped calcite groups, some fluorescent (SW UV green) due to
a thin hyalite opal coating. Old specimens found in storage after more than
50 years, sizes from about 5cm to nearly 10cm across at just 20.00, 35.00 and
55.00 each. Very appealing stuff!
CHALCOCITE with MALACHITE etc.- Painsedale, Houghton Co., Michigan
A large, massive ore specimen of bluish-black, metallic chalcocite comprising
matrix, the specimen showing a thin rim of green, crusty malachite on most surfaces.
Micro azurite has been noted in a few tiny voids, and the locality has produced
identical-appearing anilite as an admixed sulfide, likely here as well. Perhaps
from the Champion Mine, but not attributed as such, this thick, triangular piece
has one edge-face cut and measures about 10x8x4 cm @ 75.00. Very heavy!
CHAMOSITE- Ale & Cakes Mine, Gwennap, Cornwall, England
Dull greenish matrix composed of EDS-confirmed platy micro chamosite, often
hosting tiny black cassiterite crystals and masses, and occasionally with quartz
or various sulfides. The mineral was previously unrecored for this interesting
locality, and our image of the material has recently posted to Mindat.org. Specimens
range from about 4cm to 7cm, all rather ugly, but priced reasonably at just
15.00, 20.00 and 35.00 each, accompanied by a copy of our EDS spectra.
CRANDALLITE pseudo @ FLUELLITE- Lucin, Box Elder Co., Utah
From the famous minyulite find, these are micro, somewhat frosty white fluellite
crystals partially replaced by crandallite. Most are associated with exceptionally
attractive, minyulite needles and sprays, occasionally with carbonate fluorapatite
and possibly other phases. A highly unusual pseudomorph, specimen sizes from
about 2.5cm to 6cm @ 15.00 25.00 and 40.00 each.
DIAMOND (4.43 cts)- Udachnaya Mine, Siberia, Yakutia, Russia
A rather large single crystal, free of matrix, here as a nicely striated octahedron
measuring about 10x7mm. The stone has good translucency for its 4.43 carat weight,
color a pale greyish to clear hue. One only, from this large open-pit mine that
exceeds 600 meters in depth! Competitively priced at just 785.00; one only!
EASTONITE- C.K. Williams Quarry, Easton, Pennsylvania
This relatively uncommon species defined in the IMA's new nomenclature as a
trioctahedral K-Mg-Al mica, occurs as pale greenish, somewhat pearly and platy
aggregates richly scattered in matrix, occasionally with an uncommon antigorite-lizardite
polysomatic layering. First described in the 1890s, subsequently rejected, then
approved once again in 1998. This Northampton Co. quarry has been designated
as the type locality, only a few specimens on hand ranging from small TNs to
2cm @ 15.00, and larger samples to 5cm across @ 40.00 each, half the price of
our small 2006 stock that was depleted long ago!
FERBERITE var: WOLFRAMITE- Cligga Mine, Perranporth, Cornwall,
Rather non-descript, black splendant masses of ferberite nicely scattered in
matrix, most with silvery arsenopyrite and occasionallyt chalcopyrite etc. A
classic English locality, good reference specimens from 3cm to 5cm across @
15.00 and 30.00 each.
FLUORITE with QUARTZ- Marienbergschacht,Wolsendorf,Bavaria Germany
An old specimen from this classic locality, long-closed and completely backfilled
nearly 40 years ago. The fluorite on this sample has the attractive honey-orange
colored cubes and octahedral crystals to a few millimeters well-scattered over
the entire piece, often overlaying drusy quartz. The piece is accompanied by
a tattered German label, overall specimen a generous 11x7cm @ 150.00.
GAUDEFROYITE- N'Chwaning II Mine, Kuruman, Rep So Africa
Superb groups of handsome, brilliantly lustrous small black elongated hexagonal
crystals of gaudfroyite perched on and covering black manganese ore matrix,
some with minor calcite and/or hematite as well. Excellent for the species,
these are half the price of similar material of 20 years ago. Only a few specimens
on hand, sizes range from TNs @ 25.00 to 4cm specimens @ only 55.00 each! List
GERMANITE (ex-L. Perloff)- Tsumeb, Oshikoto Region, Namibia
Mounted micromounts, ex-Lou Perloff (perloffite) Collection, and labeled in
his own hand! This rare classic occurs as somewhat pinkish grey metallic aggregates,
here crudely crystallized in better samples with good photographic potential
for the species. Great provenance, but only a few available, priced at 150.00
GMELINITE-Na etc.- Flinders, Victoria, Australia
Moderatelyt colorful pale pinkish to white gmelinite-Na lines cavities in basalt
matrix, often with analcime, natrolite or other zeolite-related species. Old
stock from an Australian dealer recently uncovered in our warehouse, specimens
range from about 2.5cm to 6cm @ 15.00, 25.00 and 35.00 each, depending on quality.
JOHANNSENITE- Black Hole Prospect, Aravapai Dist. Arizona
Brownish radiating columnar sprays and divergent aggregates of johannsenite
richly comprising matrix, originally from the first discovery of the species
in Arizona in the early 1960's by the USGS. Specimens range from about 2cm to
6cm across, a few larger,occasionally with minor admixed magnetite, at just
10.00, 17.50 and 25.00 each.
LAUTITE on TENNANTITE- Mundo Nuevo Mine, Le Libertad Dept., Peru
This unusual CuAsS mineral occurs as nearly black, metallic masses with a slightly
redish-brown tone, scattered on the bases and occasionally underneath sharp
tennantite crystals to 1.5cm on matrix, some with quartz, minor pyrite, etc.
From the 2014 find, the species is easily overlooked, but careful study under
the scope will show much material scattered on these specimens, Overall sizes
range from about 4cm to nearly 6cm @ 85.00 and 100.00, priced according to quality
and coverage.
MARTINANDRESITE (IMA 2017-038)- Wasenalp, Ganter Valley, Simplon,
This NEW SPECIES occurs as tiny, trnasparent to translucent crystalline grains
about 1mm tall. Formula: Ba2(Al4Si12O32)*10H2O, orhtorhombic, IMA # 2107-038.
Author's material and type loclaity, of course. Only a few tiny samples available
@ 175.00 each. List alternates!
MOLYBDOFORNACITE- Alice Mine, Goodsprings, Clark Co., Nevada
Excellent micro crystals of olive green molybdofornacite lightly scattered on
matrix, occasionally associated with a wide range of other species. A moderately
rare mineral in well-formed, elongated tiny crystals from the Yellow Pine Extension,
the mineral has been EDS-confirmed for Mo>Cr content, and a copy of our analytical
work accompanies each specimen. (We have found no fornacite thus far, and some
earlier reports of the mineral at the locality may have been in error due to
overlapping EDS peaks of Pb and Mo which an inexperienced operator might miss!).
Recently featured in the October, 2018 issue of Mineral News, fine micro material,
specimens range from about 2cm to nearly 6cm across @ just 15.00, 25.00, 40.00
and 65.00 each priced according to quality.
PHURCALITE- nr. Coaldale, Esmeralda Co., Nevada
Featured in the March, 2011 issue of Mineral News, we have a small selection
of phurcalite specimens, the mineral occurring as bright yellow, tiny specks
of crudely intergrown acicular micro aggregates very sparsely scattered as replacements
of small feldspar phenocrysts or thin seam coatings in a tightly welded ash
flow tuff. An uncommon uranium mineral, occasionally associated with very minor
autunite and/or phosphuranylite, specimens range from about 2cm to 5cm across
@ 15.00, 25.00 and 40.00 each.
POLLONEITE (IMA 2014-093)- Pollone Mine, Apuan Alps, Tuscany,
This NEW SPECIES occurs as metallic, greyish black, single anhedral grains mounted
on a standard SEM stub. Formula: AgPb46As26Sb23S120 - monoclinic, IMA # 2014-093.
A new member of the sartorite group. Author's studied material and portion of
the co-type specimen (!), @ 325.00.
PYRRHOTITE etc.- Philips Mine, Putnam Co., New York
From the pyrite mine along the Hudson River that nearly overlooked our old New
York warehouse, these are small masses of pyrrhotite in magnesiohornblende matrix,
soem with tiny included apatites, possible edenite etc. A great view from a
locality that produced ugly specimens, reference samples from about 2cm to 4cm
across @ just 8.00, 15.00 and 25.00 each. Limited availability!
QUARTZ- Weisse Fluh, Binntal, Valais, Switzerland
Milky quartz crystals to 5mm completely cover both sides of a dolomitic vein
matrix. This Alps locality is on the southern side of the famous Binn Valley
and has produced about two dozen species in the past. These samples are from
the late Kay Robertson's collection, sizes average about 6cm across @ just 20.00
each, with a copy of her label.
REBULITE in ORPIMENT- Jiepaiyu Mine, Changde, Hunan, PR China
This rare Tl-Sb-As-S mineral occurs here as tiny, dark grayish black submetallic
pods sparsley scattered in brilliant yellow to orange-yellow orpiment matrix,
occasionally with minor realgar and potentially other species. Analyzed material
and from only the second known occurrence in the world, specimens range from
2.5cm up to 6cm across at 75.00, 125.00, and 250.00, depending on size and coverage,
all with arrows and copies of our confirming analysis. The last of our stock
for this exceptionally rare mineral!
RHODOCHROSITE etc.- Poudrette Q. Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada
We recently obtained a large MSH collection, most in micro to TN sizes, and
found a good number of rhodochrosite specimens, most collected in the years
of 1980-1986. The rhodochrosite forms mostly small rhombs, drusy crystals or
platy rosettes, and the colors range from peach to pale pink with a variety
of associations, most commonly aegirine, analcime, natrolite etc. Specimens
are in the 2cm to 3cm size range and are priced according to quality at just
15.00, 20.00 and 30.00 each, all considered as micro material. If you would
like a variety of habits/colors, we can supply a pleasing lot of three (3) different
for just 55.00 per lot, all collected at least 30 years ago!
ROSASITE & HEMIMORPHITE- Alice Mine, Goodsprings, Clark Co.,
A few available specmens of micro, pale blue balls and aggregates of rosasite,
typically with clear, micro lath-like crystals of glassy hemimorphite scattered
on matrix. Primarily reference material with soem micro potential for one or
both species, specimens average 2.5 to 4cm @ 10.00 and 20.00 each. List alternates,
SODALITE var: "YOOPERLITE"- Lake Superior, Chippewa
Co., Michigan
Perhaps the greatest mineralogical craze since the pet rock, "yooperlites"
are fluorescent (LW UV) sodalite masses lightly scattered in what isa generally
considered syenite casts, associated with minor K-spar and amphiboles. The craze
began with a May, 2018 Mineral News article, picked up by the wire services,
and spread like wildfire across the globe. We have a small stock of these fluorescent,
rounded beach pebbles, sizes from about 2.5cm to hefty 6cm cobbles at just 10.00,
20.00 and 35.00 each. (Yes, I have one of the T-shirts already!)
SPESSARTINE- Rutherford Mines, Amelia Co., Virginia
Crudely formed but wonderfully-hued, sherry-orange spessartine garnet aggregates
showing subhedral crystals and complex dodecahedral faces, all with little or
no matrix. Difficult to obtain today from this classic eastern locality, check
out the back-lit images on Mindat.org to gain an appreciation for the great
color in these specimens. Only a few 1.5cm groups are available and are offered
at just 20.00 each.
SYNGENITE on HALITE- Sigmundshall Mine, Bekeoh, Hanover, Germany
Small (2mm) beige aggregates of this uncommon mineral lightly scattered on white
halite matrix. Old specimens, ex-Cilen collection, matrix sizes average about
4cm across @ 65.00 each. List alternates!
TOPAZ (Imperial)- Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Excellent single crystals of imperial color topaz without matrix. These are
singly terminated with good prism faces and display fine pinkish sherry to mild
honey color throughout. Gemmy and attractive, getting considerably more difficult
to acquire economically, these are older samples from about 1.5cm to nearly
2.5cm @ just 20.00, 30.00, 45.00 and 60.00 each, depending on size and color.
TORBERNITE- Redruth, Cornwall, England
A pair of old specimens, ex-A.E. Seaman Mineral Museum, show delicate, bright
green tabular micro crystals of this radioactive species on matrix. The specimens
may be from Wheal Buller, but old samples rarely carried full locality information
on their labels. Moderately colorful, classic locality pieces, 3cm @ 55.00;
4cm @ 85.00, each with an older label.
VASILITE- Novoseltsi, Bourgas Oblast, Bulgaria
This rare species occurs as tiny metallic grains, offered as several minute
aggregates packaged in a capsule. From the type locality (now called Konstantinovo)
for the species, only a very few samples available @ 95.00 each.
VLODAVETSITE- Tolbachik Fraxture, Kamchatka, Russia
Another rarity from the 1975-6 eruption, here as dull yellowish-orange earthy
masses richly comprising matrix. Type
locality material, of course, only a few samples available, sizes range from
a several fragments in a capsule @ 85.00, to 3mm matrix samples @ 145.00 each,
Limit one per customer, please!
ZINCOVELESITE-6N6S (# 2017-034)- nr. Nezilovo, 25 km WSW of Veles,
This NEW SPECIES occurs as tiny, black submetallic masses sparsely scattered
in matrix. Formula: Zn3(Fe3+,Mn3+, Al,Ti)8O15(OH), trigonal, IMA # 2017-034.
A new member of the hogbohmite supergroup, only two 8mm matrix samples available
@ 245.00 each. Type locality and author's material, of course!
RIM Volume 12 - Fluid Inclusions by Edwin Roedder. A long out-of-print monograph
of 644 pages devoted to the history and study of fluid inclusions. The late
Edwin Roedder (roedderite) worked for the USGS was the president of the Mineralogical
Society of America (MSA), and was a leader in the field of the study of all
types of inclusions (gas, liquid or melt) trapped in earth and space materials.
This softcover work provides exhaustive treatment of the subject, and includes
a detailed index and lengthy list of references. Only one available in excellent
condition @ 40.00 plus shipping.
RIM Volume 13 - Micas, edited by S.W. Bailey. Also long out-of-print, this 584 page softcover work was edited y S.W. Bailey (baileychlore), an expert in phyllosilicates. More than a dozen chapters, dealing with classifications, structure, crystal chemistry and a number of other mica aspects were authored by other mineral namees such as Rossman, Wilcox, Hewitt et al. An important work, with an XRD Appendix and in excellent condition at 40.00 plus shipping.
ULTRASONIC CLEANER- TS-6000 by Raytech Industries
The new TS-6000 digital ultrasonic cleaners are now in stock and ready for shipment.
Powerful cleaning for tiny voids and crevices in specimens, this industrial
grade unit has a 6.3 quart capacity (6000 ml) and larger tank size than cheaper
models, with internal basket capacity of 32.3 x 20.3 x 9.9 cm. Includes two
ultrasonic transducers with independent control circuits, two built-in ceramic
heaters, 2 color LED display, 5 timed cleaning cycles (1 minute to 30 minutes),
a pre-clean de-gasing function to remove trapped air bubbles in your samples,
an internal cooling fan and a built in drain for easy clean up. One year complete
warranty. Stainless steel tank can accomodate multiple cleaning solutions. For
the ultimate prep lab for your specimens, the unit is just $389.95 plus shipping
(weight ~16 lbs.).
These are well-faceted, eye-clean gemstones of a pale yellow color, nothing
like the deep orange, heat-treated material commonly seen in the mineral trade.
We have a modest lot of a few hundred carats of these lightly hued gems, and
most stones are ovals with a few other occasional shapes, and these gems broadly
average about 10 carats each. We would like to move these quickly, so we are
offering a 50 carat lot for just 45.00 per lot, or 100 carats for just 85.00,
less than a buck a carat!! Limit of two lots per order, please.
We have a few perfect-bound copies pristine issues of Mineral News for the years of 2006 through 2017. If you are not a subscriber, or would like to upgrade your library of back issues, we recommended these perfect-bound, soft cover sets, now available at only 35.00 for each year. Shipping per annual issue is free in the USA with any mineral order, or an additional 14.00 for any foreign delivery address. A limited number of bound sets are on hand! Annual subscriptions (12 color issues) are still just 30.00 per year - subscribe now!
CATALOG 21806 - Volume XLV, No.6
ALLABOGDANITE- Bol'shoy Dolguchan River, Yakutia, Russiaan Ni-rich Extremely rare (Fe,Ni)2P mineral, discovered in remnants of the Onello meteorite,ataxite, that was found here in 1997. Each sample consists of a single grain mounted in a 4mm probe mount and accompanied by an SEM image and full quantitative chemical workup for each individually microprobed sample. Named for Dr. Alla Boghanova, author's studied material, only a few available @ 245.00 each.
ALUMOHYDROCALCITE- Mt. Hamilton, Santa Clara Co., California
An attractive pink variety of normally white aluminohydrocalcite, these samples
consist of tiny pink stringers, balls, and crystalline coatings scattered over
a pale green to white jadeite-bearing, nickeliferous serpentine rock matrix.
Once considered a chromian variety, aka knipovichite, this material from the
eastern end of Mt. Hamilton was extensively studied in the 1980s that led to
the discrediting of knipovichite. Decent looking stuff under the scope, collected
many years ago, from 2cm to 4cm @ 15.00, 25.00, and 40.00 each.
ARAGONITE- Spisska Podhradie, Rosnava, Slovakia
These are 1cm thick, superbly polished slabs of aragonite that show a ribbon-like,
undulating pattern of white, tan and brown alternating bands completely comprising
matrix. Reasonably attractive and finely polished on one face, this is from
an unusual locality not known for the mineral. Sizes from about 7x3cm to 10x5cm
@ 35.00, 40.00 and 45.00 each.
BABANEKITE (IMA 2012-007)- Fenugu Sibiri Mine, Gonnosfanadiga,
First described from the Czech Republic, this Sadinian find is the first occurrence
of the mineral in Italy, here as minute, elongated crystals forming tiny brownish
pink balls and aggregates sparsely scattered on matrix. The locality has produced
over 85 different species which include many secondary lead and copper minerals.
Specimens average about 2.5cm across @ 85.00 each.
CALCITE- Lucky Jew Mine, Treece, Cherokee Co. Kansas
Sharp scalenohedral calcite crystals to 2cm richly scattered on and comprising
matrix, these from an excellent, older Tri-State District locality. The pointed
crystals are transparent to translucent, some showing minor included chalcopyrite,
typically colorless to slightly yellowish in hue. Purchased in 1967 from "Rosy"
Rosenberry, noted dealer in Tri-State material. Only a few groups available,
sizes from about 7cm to 9cm across @ just 45.00 each. See our image on Mindat.org.
CASTELLAROITE (IMA # 2015-071)- Monte Nero Mine, Rocshetta Vara,
This moderately new species occurs as colorless, somewhat vitreous to silky
aggregates sparsely scattered on brown metachert matrix. Formula: Mn2+3(AsO4)2*4H2O
- monoclinic, IMA #2015-071. Named for Fabrizio Castellaro, collector and discoverer
of several new species. type locality material, structurally related to metaswitzerite.
Sizes from about 1.5cm to 2.5cm priced according to quality, not size, @ 75.00
and 95.00 each, with modest micro potential on the better specimens.
CERIANITE-(Ce)- Morro do Ferro, Pocos de Caldas, MG, Brazil
From old material acquired more than thirty years ago, we have a small supply
of this uncommon mineral, offered as tan, powdery masses contained in a capsule.
The mineral is the Ce-analog of uraninite and thorianite, and
was mentioned from the locality in Chem. Geol. 55. (1986). Only a few samples
available @ 25.00 each.
CIRIOTTIITE (IMA 2015-027)- Esperance tunnel, Tavagnasco, Torino
This relatively NEW SPECIES occurs as microscopic, black metallic tubular fibers
very sparsely scattered in chalcopyrite-rich quartz matrix. The mineral tends
to form filigree aggregates in tiny spaces in teh ore, best seen at 20x or higher.
Formula: Cu(Cu,Ag)3Pb19(Sb,As)22(As2)S56 - monoclinic, IMA 2015-027, the Cu-analog
of sterryite. Only a few 2.5cm matrix specimens on hand @ 175.00 each, all with
good micro potential.
COLUMBITE-(Fe)- Spinelli Quarry, Glastonbury, Connecticut
Rich, dark brown subhedral columbite-(Fe) from this classic eastern locality,
most largely comprising matrix. A few of the very best specimens will have black,
more highly lustrous samarskite-(Y) associated as well, and all specimens are
priced according to degree of crystallization and size, overall from about 2cm
to 3cm @ 20.00, 30.00, and 40.00, with a few larger samples, some with minor
samarskite-(Y) to 5cm @ 75.00 and 125.00.
CREEDITE- Aguiles Serdan, Chihuahua, Mexico
Water clear to very pale lilac steeply pyramidal crystals and groups of well
formed creedite crystals (0.2cm to 0.5cm) perched on matrix, some associated
with minor sphalerite, gypsum etc. Excellent, representative specimens obtained
in 1984 from the West Camp (likely Potosi Mine) of this Santa Eulalia find,
group sizes from 2cm to about 6cm @ just 12.50, 20.00, 35.00 and 45.00 each.
Old stuff from a famous find, most with micro potential as well!
DIAMOND- Dudno Region, Lunda Province, Angola
From the old stock of well known dealer David New, we offer an interesting selection
of small diamond crystals from this rarely offered locality. Each crystal is
a modified dodecahedron or octahedron and measures from 2mm to nearly 3mm, with
a color range from transparent white to yellow to greenish brown hues. We offer
these transparent diamonds @ just 20.00 each, or a lot of three different @
just 55.00 per set. Excellent locality material!
EULYTINE- Linka Mine, Lander Co., Nevada
Atypical pale greenish masses of eulytite scattered on rock matrix, occasionally
with intermingled bismutite as well. Structurally confirmed material from this
uncommon bismuth mineral locality, sizes ranging from about 2cm up to nearly
6cm @ 20.00, 35.00 and 55.00 each.
FLAMITE (IMA # 2013-122)- South Haturim Formation, Negev, Israel
This extremely rare silico-phosphate species occurs here as thin bands within
a larnite-gehlenite-rankinite matrix. Formula: (Ca,Na,K)2[(Si,P)O4] - hexagonal,
IMA #2013-122. This type locality specimen is a 1 cm square accompanied by multiple
SEM images and complete analytical chemistry for each of the two separate flamite
bands identified in the SEM images. Only one superbly documented sample available
for this relatively new species @ 450.00. List alternates!
FORNACITE etc.- Silver Coin Mine, Humboldt Co., Nevada
Tiny, pale yellow-green crystal groups in sparse, isolated patches on quartz
matrix, typically associated with mimetite, barite, chrysocolla and potentially
a host of other species. Over 100 different minerals have been reported from
this prolific locality, these samples acquired in 1992 before many of the new
and rare species were described. Specimens range from about 2cm to nearly 5cm
across @ just 15.00, 25.00 and 45.00 each, all with modest micro potential as
GYPSUM (ROSE)- Permian Cu Deposits, Stonewall Co., Texas
Well formed, complex groups of gypsum roses nicely intergrown and forming attractive
groups without matrix, colors ranging from greyish to brownish red. The individual
blades are typically thin and flattened but radiate into multiples forming the
bladed groupings. Old material from a relatively obscure area of Texas, acquired
circa 1962 (!!). Moderately attractive specimens from 5cm to nearly 9cm across
@ just 15.00, 25.00 and 45.00 each.
HEULANDITE-Ca etc.- Paterson, Passaic Co., New Jersey
Old specimens from the H.E. Moore Collection, typically as small vitreous to
pearly crystals richly scattered on dark greenish basalt matrix, typically with
drusy quartz, laumontite and possibly other zeolite-related species. Collected
in the 1950s and 1960s, these are moderately attractive east coast specimens,
ranging in size from 3cm to nearly 10cm across @ just 10.00, 20.00, 35.00 and
50.00 each. Many of these will also have micro potential as well.
MANGANONORDITE-(Ce)- Karnasurt Mt., Lovozero, Kola, Russia
Small aggregates of glassy, smokey brown to yellow-brown masses of this rare
mineral sparsely scattered in matrix on matrix. Formula: (Ce,La)(Sr,Ca)Na2Mn(Zn,Mg)Si6O18
and IMA-approved in 1997. Type locality material, only two small specimens available,
average size 1.5cm across @ 255.00 each.
MARCASITE on CALCITE- Elk Creek, Meade Co., South Dakota
A highly unusual occurrence of marcasite, here as tiny botryoids and wedge-shaped
micro crystals lightly scattered on bright yellow calcite seams fully overlaying
dark Pierre Shale matrix, many with small secondary yellow calcite crystals
growing from the calcite substrate as well. A very scarce association at the
locality, these from a single find during a recent mining venture. Specimens
from 5cm to 7cm across @ 40.00 and 55.00, a few large specimens to 13cm(!!)
@ 150.00. Colorful and interesting material!
MELANOPHLOGITE- Fortullino, Livorno, Tuscany, Italy
Moderately attractive, glassy transparent balls to 3mm of this uncommon species
scattered on pale rock matrix. More pleasing in appearance than the California
material, the botryoids are somewhat more isolated and make interesting micro's
as well if trimmed. From material collected in the 1970s, specimens from 2cm
to 6cm @ 15.00, 40.00 and 65.00 each, depending on size and coverage.
OXYPLUMBOROMEITE etc.- Green Antimony Mine, Pershing Co., Nevada
This small deposit was worked as far back as 1918, but has seen little activity
since the late 1960s, as far as we know. The oxyplumboromeite occurs as pale
yellow to darker yellow crusts and elongated micro aggregates (likely pseudomorphs
after jamesonite and sometimes coating thin gypsum needles) on massive quartz,
occasionally with other species, and some with modest micro potential. A full
study of the assemblage is underway for a future Mineral News article. Specimens
on hand range from about 2cm to nearly 6cm across @ just 10.00, 20.00 and 40.00
PICKERINGITE- Cerros Pintados, Tarapaca, Chile
Pure white, fibrous spikey aggregates of this uncommon sulfate packaged in a
3x3cm hinged plastic box. Very old, type locality material, ex-A.E. Seaman Mineral
Museum, but a limited amount of material on hand at just 20.00 per box.
QUARTZ var: PETRIFIED WOOD- Mahajanga Province, Madagascar
Fairly attractive, limb cross sections of colorful petrified wood, these showing
pleasing cream-brown-red combinations with good luster and patterns, polished
on one side. These appear to be the conifer genus Araucaria, these sliced ovals
average about 6cm in diameter @ just 20.00 each.
RHODOCHROSITE- Imuris, Mun. de Imuris, Sonora, Mexico
Massive, pink cleavages of rhodochrosite with little or no matrix, originally
purchased in 1959. Material from this old and obscure locality has been confirmed
by microprobe, XRD and Raman, showing trace substitution of Mg for Mn. Only
a few dense, pink cleavage samples on hand, sizes from 2cm to 4cm across @ 10.00,
20.00 and 35.00 each.
SCORZALITE- Palermo Mine, North Groton, New Hampshire
Rich blue masses of scorzalite lightly scattered in pegmatite matrix from this
prolific locality. Old specimens acquired many years ago, sizes range from about
3cm to chunky 5cm samples @ 20.00 and 40.00 each. List alternates!
SODALITE in SYENITE- Ditrau, Harghita Co., Romania
From a unique magmatic complex in the Carpathians, we have a small lot of pale
blue sodalite as small pods lightly scattered in nepheline-rich syenite matrix,
occasionally with minor dark pyroxene and possibly other phases. The rock type
was once named "ditroite" (in 1866) for the nearby town of Ditro,
now Ditrau. Great locality material and a unique deposit that has yielded over
100 different species to date! Specimens range from about 4cm to nearly 9cm
across at just 15.00, 30.00 and 45.00 each.
TANGDANITE- Lovelock Mine, Bolivia, Churchill Co., Nevada
This relatively new mineral occurs here as micro pale blue to blue-green acicular
crystals and sprays perched on matrix. Collected many years before it was properly
described, these have been XRD-confirmed and are the only approved Ca-Cu arsenate-sulfate
mineral known, IMA 2011-096. These are the best of a modest lot and will all
yield excellent micromounts and colorful TNs and miniatures as well. Associations
can include tiny azurites, brochantite and many other potential secondary minerals.
Only a few samples on hand, sizes range from about 2cm up to nearly 6cm specimens
@ 25.00, 40.00, 60.00 and 85.00 each, priced according to quality.
TRIMERITE- Hindenburg Workings, Langban, Sweden
Small brownish pink aggregates of this rare mineral sparsely scattered in brecciated
hematite-rich ore matrix. First discovered by Flink at the Harstigen Mine in
1889 and later found at Langban some 30 years later, the species remains one
of the truly rare minerals from these prolific deposits. Only two specimens
available, about 1.5cm @ 150.00 each.
UVITE TOURMALINE- Brumado, Bahia, Brazil
Deep, rootbeer brown crystals and aggregates of uvite scattered on dolomite
matrix. Whether these are fluor-uvite or the OH-dominant end member is unknown,
as both species occur at the locality. Since our EDS analytical techniques cannot
quantify (OH), we are labeling these simply as "uvite". Originally
obtained from Carlos Barbosa many years ago, specimens average about 2.5 to
3cm across @ 20.00, 25.00 and 35.00 each, depending on quality and crystal size.
VARULITE- Varutrask, Vasterbotten Province, Sweden
This uncommon member of the alluaudite group occurs here as dark greenish brown
aggregates and granular masses sparsely scattered in a coarse pegmatitic matrix,
typically admixed with other phosphates. Type locality material, specimens ranging
from 2cm to 5cm across @ 30.00, 45.00 and 60.00 each.
WAVELLITE- Slate Mountain Mine, El Dorado Co., California
Reported by Murdoch et al in 1966, these are from the only reported occurrence
of the mineral in California. Old material collected almost 40 years ago, comprised
of pale yellow-green masses and micro radiating botryoids scattered in massive
white quartz. Not as attractive as Arkansas material but from a unique locality
in the state, now on private and National Forest land. Specimens average 3 to
4cm @ just 10.00 each, with modest micro potential.
WHITECAPSITE (IMA 2012-030)- White Caps Mine, Manhattan, Nye Co.,
This relatively new species (for which I am happily a co-author) was found more
than thirty (35) years ago along a stope of the formerly accessible 95m level
in the East Fault mineralized sections of this prolific mine, but only now fully
characterized and recently approved. The mineral occurs as extremely small,
luscious orange-brown, transparent hexagonal crystals and anhedral grains, most
well under 1mm, sparsely scattered on greyish black jasperoid matrix, occasionally
with micro stibnite, realgar and possibly other species. Formula: H16Fe2+5Fe3+14Sb3+6(AsO4)18O16*120H2O;
hexagonal, IMA approved #2012-030. We have divided the available specimens into
three quality ranges based on degree of crystallization and overall size, with
matrix specimens ranging from about 1cm to 3cm across. From poorest to best
quality, prices are a) 50.00 and 85.00;
b) 125.00 and 175.00; and c) 250.00 and 350.00 each. All will require magnification,
and once these are gone, there will be no more! A full color article about the
mineral appears in the September, 2012 issue of Mineral News ($6/single issue;
$30/yr for 12 issues in USA).
WULFENITE (pyramidal!)- San Juan Poniente Vein, Mina Ojuela Mexico
From the 2009 find at this prolific locality, we have a small lot of wonderful,
elongated pyramidal wulfenites to 1+cm tall, richly scattered on dark brown
gossan matrix. The crystals show a fine, yellow-gold color throughout, and they
perch attractively and richly on matrix, occasionally with other associated
secondary minerals. Very neat and different wulfenites, overall matrix sizes
from 3.5cm to nearly 5cm across @ 20.00, 25.00 and 35.00 each, some with micro
potential as well!
XENOTIME-(Y)- Kasseti, Kivu Province, (Zaire) Dem Rep of Congo
Small crude single crystals of brownish xenotime-(Y) showing good tetragonal
form, all matrix free and from an an older mining venture by Sominki Mining
prior to the dissolution of Zaire into its current Democratic Republic of the
Congo. Specimens range from 4mm to 7mm tall @ 15.00, 20.00 and 30.00 each.
MINERALS OF USSR- Minerals First Discovered in USSR by Igor V.Pekov
This much-heralded book by Dr. Igor Pekov has received rave reviews, written
in English and complete with 184 color photos of minerals and localities, 68
SEM images and crystal diagrams. The strength of this 370 page hard cover work
lies in the marvelously complete locality information lacking from so many published
Russian mineral descriptions, and each description also includes excellent physical
characteristics, type locality info, historical data and much more. This is
a much-needed reference work @ only 59.00 plus shipping!
UK MICROMOUNTS- Various Mines, United Kingdom
There are a vast number of mines in the UK that produced numerous secondary
minerals suitable for thumbnails micromounts. In order to make room in our fully-filled
warehouse, we offer a dozen different specimens from a wide range of UK mines,
all individually labeled and mounted in TN/Micro boxes at just 49.00 per dozen.
While there are more dollars to be made selling these interesting minerals individually,
enjoy this blowout offer while supplies last. Multiples welcomed, and these
are sure to please!
DIGITAL SCALE- 650g capacity with 0.1g accuracy
We have a few digital scales remaining in stock, these a neatly folding unit
that operates with two AAA batteries (included!) with an LED display. Functions
include tare as well as selectable units for either grams, ounces, dwt or troy
ounces. Extremely useful for weighing specimens, coins and other items, models
with either 650 g or 700g capacity, with 0.1g readouts. These retail for 26.95,
and we offer the last of our stock for just 15.00 each, complete with storage
case, batteries and full instructions.
AMETHYST- Rio Graannde do Sul, Brazil
We recently uncovered a large lot of facetted amethyst, all very clean and of
pale purple color, containing various cuts such as rounds, cushions, ovals etc.
and all in relatively large sizes of 10 to 20 carats each! We want to move these
out, so we are offering a parcel of 10 stones weighing over 150 carats, at just
65.00 per lot - that's less than 45 cents a carat for clean, faceted material!
Limit two lots per order, please.
Excellent, transparent red faceted garnet, offered here in a nice set of six
stones with one pair each of ovals, trillions and pears, total carat weight
in the 9-10 carat range. Gemmy, clean stones, these are chemically in the almandine-pyrope
series and excellent for jewelry use and collections, at just 35.00 for each
lot of six!
CATALOG 21805 - Volume XLV, No.5
Our 45th Year!
ACHYROPHANITE - Arsneatnaya fumerole, Kamchatka, Russia
Another weird new species from the Tolbachik Volcano, here as micro elongated,
acicular yellow crystals on basalt scoria. Formula: (K,Na)3Fe3+,Ti,Al,Mg)5O2(AsO4)5
- orthorhombic, IMA # 2018-011. The mineral is named for the Greek "straw
- to appear as" in allusion to its color and habit. Excellent micro potential
for this new species, overall matrix sizes range from about 5mm to 10mm, priced
at 150.00, 175.00 and 200.00 each, depending on quality and coverage.
ANTIMONY- Prince William Parrish,York Co., NB, Canada
From old material originally acquired from the stocks of the Colorado School
of Mines, the precise locality for this material is currently known as the Lake
George Antimony Mine, formerly aka Price Edward Mine, the deposit first discovred
in 1863! The antimony occurs as tint, silver-colored massive aggregates admixed
with micro stibnite needles in rock matrix. Exceptionally dense specimens, sizes
from 1cm to 3.5cm @ 10.00, 20.00 and 30.00 each.
ARMSTRONGITE- Khan-Bogdinskii Massif, Gobi Desert, Mongolia
Brownish masses and aggregates of this rare Ca-Zr silicate scattered in granite
pegmatite matrix, associated with feldspar, quartz, aegirine etc.. Type locality
material from the Dorozhnyi pegmatite, named for astronaut Neil Armstrong, the
first man to walk on the moon! Specimens from 2.5cm to 10cm @ 25.00, 50.00,
65.00, 100.00 and 150.00 each.
BASSANITE- S.A.M.Corp Sulfur Mine, nr. Taft, California
An altered white to transparent veinlets of somewhat columnar bassanite and
pseudos after gypsum lightly scattered in matrix, associated with minor brownish
punky shale seams. From an old lot of Art Eadie's original discovery in 1953,
sizes from fragments in 2cm vials to nearly 3cm matrix samples @ 20.00, 35.00
and 50.00 each.
BEUDANTITE- Black Pine Mine, Granite Co., Montana
Rich, vuggy quartz matrix specimens shot through with lustrous, dark yellowish
brown micro beudantite crystals well scattered in each sample, occasionally
with secondary copper minerals as well. Will provide excellent mounts for the
species, with a wide variety of associations as well, matrix specimens from
2cm to 5cm across @ only 10.00, 17.50, 25.00 and 35.00 each.
BROCHANTITE w/ PSEUDOMALACHITE- Douglas Hill Copper Mine, Lyon
Co., Nevada
Superb, dark green, glassy micro crystals of brochantite richly scattered in
seams and vugs, making fine thumbnail to small cabinet specimens! Quite attractive
with brilliant luster and all with micro potential, some overlaying an attractive
bed of green pseudomalachite and/or blue chrysocolla, potentially with other
copper minerals as well. Overall sizes range from about 2cm up to 7cm across
@ 7.50, 10.00, 20.00, 30.00, and 45.00 each, priced according to quality. Very
CALCITE- Wenshan Mine, Yunnan Province, PR China
Colorful, well formed calcite crysals to as rhombs and rounded scalenohedrons
intergrown and comprising matrix, forming attractive, honey-colored groups.
From a prolific Chinese deposit, specimens range from about 4.5cm to 6cm, priced
according to aesthetics @ 20.00, 35.00 and 55.00 each.
CHONDRODITE, GRAPHITE, DIOPSIDE- Lime Crest Quarry, Sparta, Sussex
Co. New Jersey
A hefty specimen collected in May, 1983, ex-Howard Moore Collection, here as
richly scattered, yellowish-tan aggregates of chondroite intermingled in white
calcite matirx, associated with small flattened aggregates of graphite. Under
SW UV, the chondroite offers a pleasing, bright yelow fluorescence, and it also
discloses pale blue blebs of admixed diopside throughout the sample. Generous
10x6x4cm fluoresccent specimen @ 40.00. One only.
COMBEITE- Oldoinyo Lebgai Volcano, Tanzania
A rare mineral, found here in 2003 during an expedition to this volcano, combeite
occurs as glassy, thin reaction rims surrounding wollastonite phenocrysts, scattered
in matrix and associated with blocky, glassy nepheline, aegirine etc. See our
Mindat.org image for details. All specimens with arrows, sizes ranging from
about 2cm to 4cm @ 125.00 and 175.00 each. Excellent!
CYLINDRITE- Trinacria Mine, Poopo, Oruro, Bolivia
These large, rich specimens show the typical cylindrical habit of this tin sulfosalt
mineral, these from a 1995 expedition to this classic locality. Interesting
in appearance and rich for the species, consisting of aggregates of cylinders
associated with other sulfosalt minerals, likely with franckeite, sphalerite
etc.. In sizes ranging from 2.5cm to 10cm (!!) across at 20.00, 40.00, 75.00,
125.00 and 200.00 each.
DALNEGORSKITE - Dalnegorsk, Primorskiy Kray, Russia
This NEW SPECIES occurs as pale beige, densely fibrous aggregates, typically
intergrown with darker green pyroxene in the diopside-hedenbergite series. Formula:
Ca5Mn, (Si3O9)2 - Triclinic, IMA # 2018-007). A new member of the bustamite
group, named for the type locality. Rich but ugly stuff, sizes from 2cm to nearly
4cm across @ just 75.00 and 100.00 each.
DUNDASITE etc.- Adelaide Mine, Dundas, Tasmania
Excellent, white radiating micro needles of dundasite in tufted balls on limonitic
matrix, the larger specimens occasionally with minor crocoite. Fine micro material,
available as matrix specimens from 1cm to 4cm @ 7.50, 12.50, 20.00 and 35.00
each; a few major pieces with bright orange crocoite to 10cm up to 150.00 -
FLUORITE etc.- Milldam Mi, Great Hucklow,Derbyshire England
This small mine produced clear to purple fluorites, typically as small cubic
crystals perched in vugs and on matrix, some color-zoned as well. These were
collected circa 1995-1999, presented here as modest thumbnails, occasionally
associated with calcite and/or barite. Rather nice under teh scope as well,
sizes average 2.5-3cm @ just 12.50 each.
FRANZINITE- Case Collina, Pitigliano, Tuscany, Italy
A member of the cancrinite group, franzinite occurs as pearly, opaque white,
platy crystalline aggregates up to several millimeters across scattered through
a granular crystallized greenish vesuvianite matrix, occasionally with minor
grossular as well. Type locality material. another unusual mineral from this
prolific locality, in sizes from 2cm to 5cm @ 20.00, 35.00, and 50.00 each.
HEMATITE- Shabry, Ekaterinburg, Middle Urals, Russia
Uncommonly well-crystallized hematite, here as submetallic, relatively stout
trigonal crystala without matrix, most averaging about 2.5cm across and atypical
for this normally thin tabular mineral. Specimens are ex-A.E. Seaman Mineral
Museum and are accompanied by their label at just 28.00 each. Unusual!
HIORTDALITE- Store Aroy, Langesundsfjorden, Norway
Old material, ex-Hatfield Goudey (goudeyite), here as small brownish crystals
scattered in pale syenite matrix. Excellent old locality material, specimen
sizes from about 2cm to nearly 4cm @ 15.00 and 25.00 and 35.00 each.
HYDROXYAPOPHYLLITE-(K)- Valenciana Mine, Guanajuato, Mexico
Excellent, well-formed transparent crystals to 0.5cm of this unusual apophyllite-group
species richly scattered on slightly amethystine quartz matrix. Fine older material
and difficult to obtain today, we have an attractive cabinet specimen with excellent
coverage, size about 12x10x8 cm @ only 250.00. One only!
JOHACHIDOLITE- Pyant Gyi Mine, Mogok, (Burma) Myanmar
This rare species occurs here as golden, honey brown crystalline aggregates
largely comprising matrix, recently discovered in the gem gravels at this, the
second known locality for the species, occasionally with minor fluorescent sodalite.
This rare borate has been confirmed by XRD, microprobe and Raman spectra as
well, with a copy of XRD data supplied with each sample. Sizes range from about
5mm to 1.4cm @ 45.00, 75.00 and 150.00 each.
KENYAITE- Magadii Lake, Kenya
This complex sodium phosphate-silicate mineral is offered as light gray powdery
fragments, typicaly associated with chert, magadiite and other evaporate minerals.
Capsule with powdery aggregates @ 20.00, matrix pieces averaging 0.5 cm @ 35.00
KILCHOANITE in HILLEBRANDITE- Fuka, Okayama Prefecture, Japan
Large masses of purple-gray spurrite with thin streamers and veins of hillebrandite
conatining micro white inclusions of kilchoanite. Pods of gehlenite have also
been found in this colorful and complex material, matrix sizes from 1.5cm to
7cm @ 15.00, 35.00, 65.00, 95.00 and 125.00 each.
LANGITE- Allihies Mine, County Cork, Ireland
Bright blue drusy crystals of langite nicely scattered on rock matrix, most
showing some micro potential. Fine for the locality, one of the richest in the
West Cork District which later supplied many of miners who toiled atButte, Montana
in later years. Colorful samples, matrix sizes from 2.5cm to 5cm @ 15.00, 30.00
and 55.00 each.
MURDOCHITE- Mina Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico
Micro black cubes and aggregates of murdochite richly scattered on limonitic
matrix, occasionally with other secondary copper minerals. Old material, ex-F.
Mecke Collection, sizes average about 5cm @ 40.00 each. Nice!
NAKAURIITE- Nakauri Mine, Shinshiro, Aichi Prefecture, Japan
Obviously from the type locality, moderate coverage of this compound copper
mineral occurs as pale blue to bluish green thin crusts on serpentine rock.
Moderately attractive material, somewhat lean but quite representative for nakauriite,
in sizes from 1.5cm to 5cm @ 15.00, 25.00, 40.00 and 55.00 based on size and
PARABERZELIITE - Arsenatnaya Fumerole, Kamchatka, Russia
The description and approval of new minerals from the famous Tolbachik Volcano
continue, and this one is tiny but quite attractive as glassy, pale sherry-colored
monoclinic crystals and aggregates carefully mounted on adhesive disks. Formula:
NaCa2Mg2(AsO4)3, monoclinic, IMA #2018-001, a new member of the alluaudite group
and dimorph of berzeliite. Magnification will be needed to appreciate these
delicately hued micros, and we have only a few of them available @ 165.00 each.
Type locality, of course!
PREHENITE- Lower New St., Paterson, Passaic Co. New Jersey
A rather large, lenticular-shaped vug in Watchung basalt that extends over 18
cm in length (!!), exposing a rich, pale green botryoidal mass of prehenite
that completely fills the opened pillow matrix. The locality was worked up until
the mid-1930s, and this specimen is ex-Dr. G. Sensel, acquired in June, 1966.
A handsome specmen, overall size about 22x7cm @ 125.00. One only.
PYRARGYRITE, POLYBASITE etc.- Mina Sirena, Guanajuato, Mexico
Selected from a large lot, we have a good number of grayish metallic pyrargyrite
crystals and convoluted knobby aggregates comprising matrix, many showing interesting
habits and occasionally associated with native silver or other silver minerals.
Small but neat TN's, 1cm to 1.5cm @ 25.00, 35.00 and 45.00 each, depending on
PYROMORPHITE- Bunker Hill Mi, Kellogg, Shoshone Co., Idaho
This famous property operated sporadically from 1886 to 1994, producing a wide
range of minerals and various colors of pyromorphite along the way. These samples
were acquired circa 1960, long before the modern heyday of collectible specimens
came to market. The pyromorphites are in typical, barrel shaped, elongated crystals
to 3mm sacattered on rusty quartz/rock matrix, the crystal color a pale greyish
green reminiscent of those supplied by the late Ted Morley in the 1950s-1960s
when the property was worked by the Bunker Hill Co., prior to the Gulf Resources
and Chemical Co. takeover. Decent coverage on these generally small specimens,
matrix sizes from ut 2.5cm to 4.5cm @ 5.00,10.00 and 20.00 each; smaller samples
in lots of five for micromounting @ 12.00 per five.
QUARTZ- Little Devil's Workshop, Gaston Co., North Carolina
An old specimen from the Benjamin Ackerman Collection, originally labeled as
"Devil's Works Iron Mine", presented here as a large but crude clear
quartz crystal that measures about 12cm long by 6cm across, showing several
sharp faces but with multiple areas of abrasion and a few areas of Mn/Fe oxide
staining evident as well. The locality is now known as the Mountain Ore Bank
Mine. The crystal weighs a little under 2 lbs and is no beauty, but its relatively
large size and off-beat locality provide much interest as a result. Size is
12x6x7cm @ 55.00; one only!
QUARTZ with inclusions- Chaiyaphum, Kaset Sombum District, Thailand
An unusual specimen comprised of three major quartz crystals to 4cm intergrown
to form a complex stacked group of transparent, weirdly modified habits, admittedly
with detachment at the bottom and some damage on some of the complex terminations.
Most interesting, however, is under the 'scope which discloses pointed spear-shaped
needles of quartz(?) pointing into the core of the specimen, as well as numerous
hollow areas, floaters and growth chevrons evident as well at 10x or better.
There is mild limonitic staining within the group, also enhancing its appearance
at modest magnifications, highlighting some of the staggered growth patterns
and voids within the sample. An uncommon locality piece, originally obtained
nearly 30 years ago from Mountain Minerals International and residing in the
private collection of Scott Williams. Both labels accompany this 5.5x4x3.5cm
group @ 65.00. One only!
RHABDOBORITE-(V) - Arsenatnaya Fumerole, Kamchatka, Russia
A new and extremely complex mineral from the second scoria cone of the Tolbachik
Volcano, here as tiny groups of yellow to pale golden, acicular crystals typically
perched on glassy micros of anhydrite, occasioaally with elongated coppery ludwigite,
orange berzeliite and possibly other phases. Formula: Mg12(V5+, Mo6+, W6+)1.5O6{[BO3]6-x[(P,As)O4]xF2-x}(x<1)
- hexagonal, IMA # 2017-108 and isostructural with the W-dominant new mineral
described below. Rich specimens, with excellent micro potential as well, specimen
sizes available are either as TNs @ 200.00 each or a few larger, richer specmens
to 4cm @ 325.00 each. List alternates!
RHABDOBORITE-(W)- Arsenatnaya Fumerole, Kamchatka, Russia
This new species is the tungsten-analog of rhabdoborite-(V) (see above), occurring
here as pale beige acicular crystal groups and aggregates scattered on transparent
anhydrite micros with berzeliite, ludwigite and possibly other phases. Formula:Mg12(W6+,V5+)1.5O6[{BO3]6-x[P,As)O4xF2-x}(x,1),
hexagonal, IMA # 2017-109. Type locality, of course, with good micro potential
as well. Size from TNs @ 175.00 to 4cm @ 300.00 each. List alternates!
STILBITE- Paterson, Passaic Co., New Jersey
From several old collections, we have a modest accumulation of typical New Jersey
stilbite specimens from this famous locality. The crystals range from 5mm to
2.5cm, and typical zeolite associations may be present. Overall specimen sizes
range from about 4cm to 8cm across, and all show good coverage @ just 15.00,
30.00 and 45.00 each.
TOPAZ- nr. Teofilo Otoni, Minas Gerais, Brazil
This is a MONSTER crystal of water-clear topaz, weighing about 6.5 pounds(!!!)
and measuring about 12x12x7cm tall!! It was purchased on March 6, 1964 in Teofilo
Otoni for gem material, and the specimen shows several excellent terminal faces,
a strange "V-shaped" etched face, and a basal pinacoid cleavage, as
well as the typical conchoidal fracture where detached from matrix. Expect some
bruising on this HUGE gem crystal, a giant specimen, certainly the largets clear
topaz we have ever had, offered at 2800.00.
TRIPHYLITE- Pribyslavice, Czech Republic
Massive brownish triphylite, here comprising much of the specimens, also associated
with quartz, mica, feldspar and occasionally bluish vivianite, graftonite etc..
in these otherwise unattractive locality specimens collected in 1974. Sizes
average about 5cm to 6cm across @ 25.00 and 30.00 each.
TSUMEBITE- Hard Luck Claims, San Bernadino Co. California
This interesting locality, commonly called the Blue Bell Mine, has produced
more than 85 different species, many in good micro crystals. We have a small
selection of tsumebite specimens from here, most as pleasing, glassy green micro
aggregates scattered on matrix, typically with cerussite and a wide range of
other associated species. Specimens range from about 2.5cm to 5cm across and
are priced according to quality @ 10.00, 20.00 and 35.00 each. Cool stuff!
TUNELLITE- Jenifer Mine, Boron, Kern Co., California
Translucent tabular crystals of pearly tunellite, some with minor ulexite matrix
from this famous locality. Very old material for this uncommon strontium-borate
mineral, known only from California and Turkey. Specimen sizes range from 2cm
individuals to 5cm matrix groups, priced at just 20.00, 30.00 and 45.00 each.
URANOPHANE on MONTROSEITE etc.- Opera Box Mine, Montrose Co.,
Tiny, bright yellow balls of uranophane comprised of minute, radiating needles
lightly scattered and perched on nearly black montroseite matrix, typically
with other species such as rauvite, paramontroseite, coffinite and others. From
the first locality outside of Utah to produce magnesiopascoite as well, material
from this small operation was featured in our February, 2015 article in Mineral
News. Only a few samples on hand, 2cm @ 15.00; 3.5-4cm @ 30.00; a few larger
to 7cm @ 55.00 each. Most will have modest micro potential as well.
VANADINITE with CALCITE- San Carlos Mine, Manuel Benavides, Mexico
Old classic material from this Chihuahua locality, these acquired more than
50 years ago in the mid-1960's, showing excellent, bright orange, glassy micro
crystals of vanadinite to 3mm tall, very richly scattered over transparent,
colorless rhombs of calcite on rock matrix. We've spotted a few with hematite
tips and occasionally other species, and these make colorful and attractive
specimens as is, with really extraordinary micro potential if you care to break
them up. Specimens range from about 2.5cm to nearly 6cm across @ just 8.00,
15.00 and 25.00
WAGNERITE in TRIPLITE- McMahons Quarry, Olary, S.A., Australia
This uncommon species occurs here as massive aggregates intergrown with dark
brownish triplite comprising matrix. From an old find of many years ago, we
have a few specimens only, sizes ranging from about 1cm to 3.5cm @ 15.00, 25.00
and 45.00 each.
WAIRAKITE- Tohi Mine, Izu, Shizuoka Prefecture Japan
This uncommon zeolite occurs here as translucent white to clear glassy aggregates
scattered in vugs in matrix. Excellent locality material, but only a few samples
available, sizes average about 3cm @ 55.00 each.
WAVELLITE- Crystal Baron Mine, nr. Crows, Arkansas
Collected in 1993 from this Saline Co. locality, these unusual wavellites show
both an odd yellow color as well as a bright green SW-UV fluorescent response.
Analytical work shows just wavellite, but these attractive botryoidal specimens
also show trace amounts of strontium, manganese etc. that may be causing the
fluorescent response. Attractive material nonetheless, sizes from 2.5cm to 5cm
@ 10.00, 20.00 and 35.00 each. Interesting!
WAYLANDITE with BISMITE- Mumba, Kivu Province, Zaire
What were probably single crystals or solid masses are now well-rounded stream
worn examples of yellowish bismite surrounding brownish-black masses of the
rare Bi-Al-phosphate, waylandite, possibly with other Bi-phases present as well.
Analyzed material, in sizes from 0.6 to 1.5 cm @ 25.00, 35.00 and 45.00 each.
ZUBKOVAITE - Arsenatnaya Fumerole, Kamchatka, Russia
Another NEW SPECIES in colorful micro aggregates from the Tolbachik Volcano,
here as bright blue druses and botryoidal knobs on matrix, typically coated
by water-clear anhydrite and often associated with the rare Na-Ca-Mg arsenate
mineral johillerite in lilac-colored druses. Formula: Ca3Cu3(AsO4)4, monoclinic,
IMA # 2018-008. The mineral is a new structural type, the first reported anhydrous
Ca-Cu arsenate! Only a few specimens on hand, averaging about 1cm across, all
with good micro potential and associations @ 200.00 each. List alternates!
FRANKLIN & STERLING HILL- -World's Greatest Mineral Deposit
by Dr. Pe
The last of our stock, exclusively from the author: the revised HARDCOVER edition
of the late Dr. Dunn's monumental work on the Franklin and Sterling Hill deposits.
Over 750 pages in two volumes, handsomely bound in royal blue buckram, oversewn,
with acid-free endpapers and gold-stamped on spine and cover, this set is a
comprehensive treatment of the mineralogy and history of this prolific and complex
deposit! Over 900 b/w illustrations and photographs fill this careful, descriptive,
precise work that meticulously documents the diverse mineralogy of this famous
NJ locality. Every serious collector and bibliophile should own this set, and
we are the exclusive distributor for this limited printing. The two volume set
is 195.00 plus 16.00 s/h (USA); overseas customers: please inquire for shipping
TURRITELLA- Agadir-Ida-Ou-Tanane Province, Morocco
These weird, screw-shaped gastropods closely resemble the early Miocene specimens
across the Mediterranean in France, appearing as beige-colored, sharply tapered
fossils with very pronounced ridges that spiral downward for the length of the
fossil. Inexpensive and good representative samples averaging 5-6cm tall @ just
7.50 each.
TOPAZ - Brazil
Some years ago, we purchased a substantial lot of Brazilian gemstones, and we
are offering portions of the lode once again. These are mostly colorless. commonly
called "white" topaz in a wide range of sizes and shapes, all faceted
and of good commercial quality used in jewelry repair and small settings, typically
valued at up to 4.00 a carat. Some will show minor inclusions, occasional abrasions
etc., but the vast majority are eye-clean and attractive. To move these quickly,
we are offering medium-sized lots of assorted cuts and shapes for less than
75 cents a carat, a special offer of 50 carats for just 35.00 per lot, averaging
about 30 to
CATALOG 21804 - Volume XLV, No.4
Our 45th Year!
AUSTINITE- Gold Hill, Tooele Co., Utah
From the depths of the warehouse, excellent vitreous micro crystals of austinite
richly scattered in opened seams of
limonitic matrix. Fine for the species, old material from this famous locality,
many with superb micro potential as well. Matrix sizes from 2cm to 8cm across
with corresponding coverage @ 7.50, 12.50, 20.00, 35.00 and 50.00 each. Nice!
BOYLEITE on BIANCHITE- Muzhievo, Beregovo, Transcarpathia, Ukraine
Two new minerals for the locality, here as elongated anthodites comprised of
intergrown parallel aggregates of bianchite that have altered at their surface
to white, columnar boyleite. Excellent for the species, from a new find at this
locality that is near the Hungarian border. Specimens average 1.5-2cm @ 95.00
each. Only a few available!
CALCITE- nr. Black Rock Desert, Humboldt Co., Nevada
Excellent, well-formed and sharp, frosty white scalenohedral calcite crystals
without matrix that are singly terminated, most showing a bluish-white SW UV
fluorescence AND phosphorescence, plus a pale yellowish response to LW UV! The
larger crystals show the better UV responses, crystal sizes from about 2.5cm
to 5cm long @ only 7.50, 12.50 and 17.50 each. Neat!
CALCITE- Delta Carbonate Quarry, York, Pennsylvania
Collected about 25 years ago, the calcites from this quarry were often tinted
orange by iron staining and inclusions, but this large display specimen shows
numerous lenticular twinned crystals to 2cm across richly covering matrix, but
with just a hint of color, resulting in a pleasing, large display piece that
measures a hefty 19x12x10cm @ just 150.00. One only!
CRYPTOPHYLLITE- Tsentral'nyi Mine, Rasvumchoor, Khibiny, Russia
From the type locality for the species, these are from a relatively new find
that was far superior to the original some ten years ago. In this instance,
cryptophyllite occurs as tiny, colorless, elongated micro crystals and lath-like
aggregates up to a couple of millimeters on pegmatitiic matrix. These are nearly
10 times larger than the first find of the mineral, and associations here include
aegirine, sodlaite, K-feldspar, polymineralic pseudos after eudialyte and other
potential species! Specimen sizes range from about 3cm to 4cm across, and these
will offer some fine micros of a very rare, one-locality species @ 145.00 and
185.00 each, depending on quality.
DIAMOND (3.68 cts)- Argyle Mine, Western Australia, Australia
A rather large, flattened octahdral diamond crystal without matrix, showing
lustrous faces and translucent, dark grey hue. Due to its rather flat presentation,
the crystal looks quite large, measuring a full 10mm across and 6mm wide. A
relatively modern locality known for its brightly colored pink diamonds and
other unusual colors. One only, the stone weighs an impressive 3.68 carats @
only 395.00.
FLUORITE var: TIFFANY STONE- Bell Hill Mine, Spor Mtn., Juab Co.,
A very weird fluorite occurrence, here as pale purple, opaque masses as veins
and interstitial fillings among chalcedony streamers staining tuff matrix, some
showing a distinctive boxwork structure and often fluorescence due to the chalcedony
and/or hyalite and possible calcite/dolomite associated in the matrix. Occasionally
used as a striking lapidary material, this "Tiffany Stone" variety
of fluorite is perhaps the strangest fluorite we have seen in some time, these
samples collected about 30 years ago. Specimens range from 3cm to 12cm (!!)
across, all with odd forms, @ 7.50, 15.00, 30.00 and 50.00 each. You really
need to have one of these!
GYPSUM "Desert Rose"- Sahara Desert, Ouargla Province,
These are interesting, well formed desert roses from an uncommon locality in
the Sahara Desert, formed by interlocking tabular crystals of pale brown to
redish gypsum to several centimeters across. Rather attractive and undamaged
roses, supposedly from the area around Mnaguer (unverified), overall group sizes
averaging 5cm to 6cm long @ just 15.00 each. Neat locality and pleasing to look
HAGGITE- Section 33 Mine, Grants, McKinley Co New Mexico
Among the ugliest of all minerals, haggite occurs as tiny, black monoclinic
grains and aggregates scattered in sandstone matrix. One of the more obscure
vanadium minerals, occasionally with trace, pale yellowish meta/tyuyamunite
and/or minor pyrite. Old Cureton material, only two specimens on hand, sizes
average about 4.5cm across @ 55.00 each. List alternates! Some South Dakota
material also available; inquire!
HOLMQUISTITE- Foote Mine, Kings Mt, Cleveland Co., North Carolina
Representative samples of holmquistite in which aggregates of small bluish-black,
micro prismatic crystals are flattened, providing a densely intergrown, fine-grained
surface. Interesting specimens from old E. Wm. Heinrich material, famous professor
of geology at the University of Michigan and editor of American Mineralogist.
Specimens from about 4cm to 8m across @ 20.00, 35.00, and 55.00 each.
ILVAITE- Huanggang, Hexigten Banner, Mongolia, PR China
From the Chifeng Precture in Inner Mongolia, these are among the finest ilvaite
crystals we have ever encountered! Singly terminated, elongated and lustrous
prisms from 3.5cm to 4cm tall are just 45.00 each.. Great specimens; list alternates!
JUNITOITE- Christmas Mine, Gila Co., Arizona
Nice, sharp platy microcrystals and thin crystalline plates of colorless to
white junitoite are scattered over a skarn matrix. Possible associations include
kinoite, ruizite, etc. named for crystallographer Jun Ito who worked with Dr.
Paul Moore at the University of Chicago. Good coverage in these older specimens,
ex-Cureton material, 3cm to 6.5cm @ 15.00, 25.00, 40.00 and 60.00 each.
KENTROLITE- Big Chief Mi, Hillsboro, Sierra Co. New Mexico
From one of the premier localities for the species, kentrolite occurs here as
black, submetallic orthorhombic micro crystals, aggregates and globular, radiating
groups scattered in seams and vugs on matrix, some of the better specimens associated
with rare transparent, colorless, hexagonal vanadinite crystals as well! Excellent
micro material, priced according to size, richness and associations, overall
from 2.5cm to nearly 5cm across @ 15.00, 30.00 and 45.00 each.
KHRENOVITE (IMA #2017-105)- Arsenatnaya Fumerole, Tolbachik, Kamchatka,
Another NEW SPECIES from the second scoria cone of this Kamchatka volcano, here
as minute, honey-orange hued crystals without matrix, each sample carefully
mounted on an adhesive disk. Formula: Na3Fe3+2(AsO4)3 - monoclinic, IMA # 2017-105.
The mineral is named for Russian volcanologist Anatoly Petrovich Khrenov (1946-2016)
who made significant contributions to the studies of the Kamchatka volcanoes.
Exceptionally rare, only five crystals available @ 185.00 each; type locality
material from the author, of course.
LAZURITE (Lapis Lazuli)- Koksha Valley, Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan
Much of the cutting material currently on the market has come from this region,
and we recently uncovered a box of TN-sized specimens that were likely from
an older cutting operation. These are relatively solid chunks of blue lazurite,
unpolished, their color greatly improved from dull blue to brillaint blue when
wet or polished. You can expect trace pyrite in some, white calcite in others,
but no crystals are evident. Really affordable as 2cm to 2.5cm rough at just
6.00 each, or 5 for 25.00.
MACEDONITE- Langban, Varmland, Sweden
This moderately rare species occurs in two distinct habits: as minute, slightly
greenish-yellow masses in celsian-rich dump material, and as dark, nearly black
rounded grains in andradite-rich ore. Not at all attractive and quite lean,
but rarely offered from this prolific locality. Sizes range from 1cm to 2cm
across @ 75.00 and 100.000 each.
MENDELEEVITE-(Ce)- Dara-i-Pioz, Tien Shan, Tadjikistan
This extremely rare occurs as minute, cubic interstitial fillings among a quartz/pectolite
matrix, offered here as a tiny fragment mounted in a 2cm probe mount and elegantly
documented with a large, backscatter SEM image and X-ray spectra that are provided
This moderately new cesium-dominant phases is IMA #2009-092, formula: Cs6(REE22Ca6)(Si70O175)(OH,F)14H2O21
- isometric, with cerium being the major REE after cesium. Only one documented
specimen available @ 325.00.
NESQUEHONITE- Nesquihoning, Carbon Co., Pennsylvania
A superb specimen from the type locality for the species, rarely seen in today's
market. The piece shows greyish white to beige upright crystal sheaves radiaiting
from a small coal matrix, with small, dull white masses of what is likely lansfordite,
the other type locality species found here. The specimen is ex-University of
Arizona, originally from the Rukin Jelks Collection (1927-2014), former Chairman
of the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. The piece measures about 4x2.5cm @ 300.00.
One only, with both labels, top quality for this species and type locality!
PAPAGOITE- New Cornelia Mine, Ajo, Pima Co., Arizona
This uncommon mineral occurs as blue masses and thin streamers in seams and
on the surfacec of brownish, quartz monzonite matrix, here from the type locality
for the species. The locality has also produced ajoite (type locality), as well
as more than 80 other minerals! Acquired circa 1965, specimens with good color
from about 2cm to 5cm across @ 15.00, 30.00 and 55.00 each, depending on coverage.
PLACER CONCENTRATES- Long Valley, Valley Co., Idaho
From our materail desccribed in Mineral News (2018) Vol. 34, No.6, these are
heavy mineral concentrates from the Cascade area dredge jigs obtained by noted
geologist and mineralogist Prof. E.W. Heinrich in the 1950s. Our analytical
work on these fascinating tiny grains shows predominant ilmenite, and each 5x1.5cm
vial will likely have associated spessartine, magnetite, columbite-(Mn), monazite
-(Ce), euxenite-(Y), yellow titanite, trace fluorescent zircon and others! Great
looking under the 'scope, and a "must-have" for sand collectors @
just 10.00 per 5cm vial.
PYROLUSITE variety POLIANITE- Lake Valley, Sierra Co., New Mexico
These are thickly intergrown, needle-like aggregates of pyrolusite forming radiating
masses of greyish black "polianite" scattered in sooty, black matrix,
some likely admixed with ramsdellite which is more typically in blocky aggregates
and crystals. EDS analysis confirms simple Mn-oxide, and the morphology is a
useful key as well to this obsolete varietal name often used to differentiate
crystalline pyrolusite from its botryoidal forms. Old material, sure to turn
your hands black upon handling, sizes from about 2.5cm to 5cm across @ 8.50,
15.00 and 25.00 each.
QUARTZ- Crystal Peak, Incline Village, Nevada
A large single crystal of smoky quartz without matrix, overall stands about
31cm tall(!!!) and collected in the distant past. Only one on hand, a monster
that is dark brown, translucent crystal that is singly terminated and prepped
to stand upright @ 2000.00. The largest one we have ever seen from the locality.
RIOTINTOITE (IMA #2015-085)- La Vendida Mine, Antofasgasta, Chile
This relatively NEW SPECIES occurs as microscopic, colorless platy crystals
and aggregates on matrix, occasionally associated with pale green eriochalcite
or other phases. Formula: Al(SO4)(OH)3*#H2O - triclinic, IMA # 2015-085. Author's
material, portion of type, only a couple of small smaples about 1cm across @
250.00 each. List alternates!
ROBERTSITE- Tip Top Mine, Custer Co., South Dakota
This phosphate mineral, named for the well known mineralogist and author Willard
(Bill) L. Roberts, occurs as medium to dark brown crystalline aggregatess scattered
over a phosphate rock matrix. These samples were originally provided by Roberts
to Julius Weber, and were recently uncovered here in our warehouse. Bill's personal
label with his Harter Drive address in Rapid City accompanied the material,
and we supply a copy of the W.L. Roberts label with each specimen from this
small lot, the mineral distinguished by its radiating structure and associated
with the typical group of secondary phosphates this locality is well known for.
Only a few on hand, averaging 3cm to 4cm across @ 35.00 each, with the copy
of the Roberts label. Sizes from 2.5cm to 6cm @ 15.00, 25.00, 35.00, and 50.00
each. Similar material from the White Elephant Mine also available - inquire!
ROSASITE- Mina Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico
Bright blue botryoids of attractive rosasite scattered on limonitic matrix,
occasionally with associated calcite and possibly other phases. These were acquired
in the 1970s when Mexican material was at its peak, and many will also yield
good micro material as well. Specimen sizes range from 2.5cm to 4.5cm @ 10.00,
20.00 and 35.00 each, depending on quality. Colorful and quite pretty!
SCHIZOLITE (IMA 2013-067-18B)- Wessels Mine, Kalahari, N. Cape
Prov Rep South Africa
This NEW SPECIES is a redefinition of marshallsussmanite, occurring as delicate,
pale pink aggregates, from this famous manganese deposit, these without matrix.
Formula: NaCaMnSi3O8(OH), triclinic, a new member of the pectolite group with
approved IMA #2013-067, updated as #18B. The material was first described in
1900 from Greenland, subsequently discredited, now approved as a redefinition
of marshallsussmanite. From the 2013 author's material, small boxed specimens,
quite pure, averaging about 5mm across @ just 55.00 each.
SIUDAITE (IMA #2017-092)- Eveslogchorr Mt., Khibiny, Kola Peninsula,
This NEW SPECIES occurs as minute, brownish orange masses, here generally without
matrix and offered as <1mm fragment in a vial. The complex formula is: Na8Mn2+2Na)Ca6(Fe3+,Mn2+)3Zr3NbSi24(Si,
[],Ti)O74(OH)2Cl*5H2O - trigonal, IMA #2017-092; a member of the eudialyte group.
Found at the Astrophyllite Stream, this is author's material, portion of type
@ 145.00 each.
SMITHSONITE on ORE- Tsumeb Mine, Oshikoto Region, Namibia
An old-timer from the Tsumeb heyday, here as excellent, tabular to grain of
rice shaped transparent to translucent smithsonite crystals completely covering
a heavy ore matrix comprised of fine grained galena, tetrahedrite and likely
other sulfides intergrown and underlaying the smithsonite. The crystals are
generally clear to slightly grey, but show a very subtle purple hue as well.
Ex-Hamel collection, overall size about 10x5cm, quite heavy and with full coverage
on the top surface, competitively priced at just 150.00. One only!
STIBNITE- La Noria Mine, San Martin, Zacatecas, Mexico
From old material acquired circa 1965, these samples show thin, needle-like
crystals of stibnite on matrix, some with transparent to translucent calcite
scalenohedral micro crystals, and some even including the stibnite itself. Representative
specimens that display well and will also yield good micromounts from an uncommon
locality 50 years in the past, overall sizes from about 2.5cm to 5.5cm offered
at just 7.50, 15.00 and 30.00 each.
STILBITE- Getchell Mine, Humboldt Co., Nevada
Water-clear micro crystals of spear-shaped, tabular stilbite richly scattered
in seams and vugs on matrix, some associated with minor calcite, corroded realgar
and possibly other species. Excellent micro material from a classic locality
in which this zeolite has been rarely offered, sizes from 1.5cm to 6cm @ 7.50,
12.50 and 25.00 each.
SYLVITE w/ CARNALLITE, HALITE- Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Deep brownish-red sylvite richly scattered and included in colorless, massive
halite matrix. Excellent for the species and old material collected over thirty
years ago, also with massive carnallite and possibly other included phases.
Generous matrix specimens from 3cm to 6cm @ 8.00, 15.00, 25.00 and 40.00 each.
A few large specimen to 12x7cm @ 85.00.
TRIAZOLITE (IMA #2017-025)- Pabellon de Pica Mt., Iquique Prov.,
Another NEW SPECIES from the Tarapaca Region, here as very minute, deep purplish-blue
crystalline aggregates very sparsely scattered in matrix, and most will require
a 'scope to see them properly. Formula: NaCu2(N3C2H2)2(NH3)2Cl3*4H2O, orthorhombic,
IMA #2017-025. Author's material from the type. Matrix sizes average about 1
cm across @ 240.00 each. List alternates!
URANOPHANE- Margaritas Mine, Sierra Blanca, Chihuahua, Mexico
Small tufts and radiating needles of bright yellow uranophane scattered on tan
to red-brown matrix, from the type locality for the cesium-rich margaritasite.
These samples have been chemically and structurally confirmed, and a copy of
our EDS work accompanies each sample. Matrix sizes from about 2cm to 5cm @ only
8.00, 15.00, and 25.00 each, many with modest micro potential as well.
VARISCITE- De Linde Mine, Avant, Arkansas
Bright, bubbly green balls of variscite richly scattered in seams and on matrix,
many with flattened sprays of minor wavellite. Old, choice material from the
early 70's, most with good micro potential as well, matrix sizes from about
2.5 to 8cm @ 5.00, 8.50, 15.00, 25.00 and 40.00 each. Attractive and colorful
WULFENITE- 79 Mine, near Hayden, Gila Co., Arizona
Beautiful groups of wulfenite: color ranges from butterscotch to brilliant pumpkin
orange. All are transparent. Many have individual crystals to 1cm. Some on sharply
contrasting nearly black matrix. Others have tiny radiating sprays of a white
mineral, possibly hemimorphite. Collected circa 1970 and priced according to
intactness, beauty and size. Matrix specimens with small, thin crystals from
1cm to 2.5cm @ just 12.50, 20.00 and 30.00 each.
ZAKHAROVITE- Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada
Small masses and subhedral crystals of orange-brown zakharovite sparsely scattered
in matrix. Moderately rich for a rare species, these from an old find of X-Ray
confirmed material. Sizes from 2cm to 3cm priced according to quality, the better
pieces with some micro potential @ 45.00, 60.00 and 85.00 each. Only a few available!
ZIPPEITE- Section 35 Mine, Grants, McKinley Co., New Mexico
A small selection of fine zippeite specimens, ex-Cureton, occurring as small
bright yellow aggregates richly scattered on dark rock matrix. TNs available
to 1.5cm @ 20.00. Rarely offered, old material!
We have several bound volumes of this historic work by George H. Perkins, State
Geologist and Professor of Geology at the Univbersity of Vermont. The volumes
are well-used but content is detailed and rarely available today for discussions
of the geology, paleontology and the various mineral industries of the day:
The 1903-1904 volume is 236 pages, illustrated with many black and white photographs
and diagrams, including a very well-illustrated section on fossils of the Brandon
lignite deposits, priced at 45.00.
The 1913-1914 volume is almost 450 pages long and complete with fold-out, full color maps, black & white illustrations and photographs, and excellent discussions of the many named marbles and granites quarried in the state, priced at 55.00.
The 1915-1916 volume is 333 pages and similarly bound, also with black and white plates, maps and illustrations, this edition with a discussion of bothe copper mining in the state as well as the talc and serpentine industry among the usual articles and discussions, priced at 45.00.
The 1925-1926 volume is 322 pages and bound as te previous editions, with many black and white plates and diagrams. One of interesting chapters is devoted to the discovery of the St. Albans Cambrian "Fish Plate", plus a locality list of Vermont Invertebrate fossils, at 45.00.
The 1931-1932 volume is 387 pages, likewise bound as above, illustrated with over 70 figures as black and white photographs and maps. This edition largely focuses on the marble industry of the state, priced at 35.00.
These are available as individually priced, or the set of five at just 195.00 for the lot, plus shipping.
BERYL variety EMERALD- Colombia
Small facetted emeralds with rich, green color and good transparency, here as
bagettes, square princess cuts and emerald cuts as well, in good commercial
quality used extensively by jewelers for sidestones and replacements, most in
the 3mm to 4mm size range. We offer a small lot of six (6) stones weighing about
one carat total weight at just 45.00 per lot! Limit two lots per customer, please,
while supply lasts!
NUMMULITIC LIMESTONE- Baena Mt., Tatabanya, Komarom, Hungary
Odd petrological/fossiliferous material, comprised of dull, pale grey limestone,
typically with sparse impressions or actual disk-like foraminiferan fossils
of nummulites evident. The name is derived from the Latin word meaning "little
coin", in allusion to the early use of the fossil shells as coins in ancient
Egypt. The pyramids were built of nummulitic limestone, and the rock is widespread
in areas around the Mediterranean. Specimens from about 3cm to excellent 10cm
sizes @ 10.00, 20.00, 40.00 and 65.00 each. Excellent and uncommon locality
CATALOG 21803 - Volume XLV, No.3
Our 45th Year!
BAFERTISITE- Gremyakha-Vyrmes, Kola Peninsula, Russia
This uncommon mineral occurs here at Gremyakha Lake as tiny, orange-red glassy
elongated aggregates lightly scattered in matrix, typically associated with
black arfvedsonite and feldspars. The material is near end-member in composition,
the highest Fe-rich bafertisite ever recorded, and named for its composition
(Ba-Fe-Ti-Si). A few samples are available with micro aggregates, specimen sizes
average 3cm across @ just 55.00 each.
BAYLEYITE over ANDERSONITE- Ambrosia Lake District, McKinley Co.
New Mexico
Bright yellow, small cauliflower-like crusts and aggregates of this unusual
Mg-U-carbonate richly scattered over matrix. Under the 'scope, careful study
will show the underlying, pale green, micro andersonite as well. Both species
are fluorescent (bright greenish), with andersonite showing greater SW-UV intensity.
Originally acquired in 1966, this radioactive material makes excellent fluorescent
specimens as well great micro potential samples. Coverage is very rich in hand
specimens, and sizes range from about 2cm to 5cm @ 20.00, 40.00 and 60.00 each,
richer and less expensive than the material we offered in 1996! Nice stuff!
BERAUNITE w/ FERRISTUNZITE- Blaton, Mons, Henegouwen, Belgium
Dark brownish green to nearly black sharp micro crystals of radiating beraunite
lightly scattered on matrix, most associated with yellowish, straw-like needles
and groups of ferristrunzite (for which this is the type locality for the latter).
The matrix sports a dull, murky green botryoidal coating which appears to be
chemically similar to mitridatite based on our EDS work, and only three specimens
on on hand, all ex-Renaud Vochten Collection, sizes averaging about 3cm across
at just 25.00 each, all with micro potential.
BISMUTH with ARSENOPYRITE- Puy-les-Vignes, Novelle-Aquitaine,
Rather ugly stuff comprised of greyish-white metallic bismuth veinlets and pods
scattered in massive white quartz matrix, typically associated with massive
grey arsenopyrite and occasionally other sulfides. Under the 'scope, some of
the bismuth may show a distinctly pinkish tarnish typical of this native element,
and specimen sizes range from about 2cm to 6cm across @ just 8.50, 15.00 and
30.00 each.
BIXBYITE on TOPAZ- Thomas Range, Juab Co., Utah
Collected in the late 1960s, these are small black submetallic cubes of bixbyite
up to 4mm in size perched on rhyolite matrix, some with micro, sand-encrusted
crystals of topaz. Prolific at the time, this lot has been sitting for many
years and well represents the species and its unique association at the locality.
Matrix sizes from 1.5cm to 4cm and some with micro potential as well @ just
10.00, 17.50, and 25.00 each, depending on crystal size.
BRUGGENITE- Pampa Pique III,Lautaro, Antofagasta Chile
Recently found in the warehouse, a small lot of bruggenite aggregates, each
about 4 to 5mm across of relatively pure, colorless to white drusy masses without
matrix, each individually packaged in a small container. Old Cureton material
and a rare hydrous Ca-iodate from the type locality for the species. Only a
few available @ 40.00 each.
CALCITE pseudomorph @ WHEWELLITE- Elk Creek, Meade Co., South
A rare occurrence of calcite replacing whewellite, here as very thin, platy
white aggregates stacked in repeating tiny platelets, some on thin, yellowish
calcite from an earlier generation. The pseudomorphing is often not complete
as evidenced by the slight variation in fluorescent response seen in the specimens,
ranging from bright bluish white to pale yellow and occasionally pinkish hues
under both SW and LW UV. Many show greenish phosphorescence as well, making
them rather exciting for the fluorescent as well as pseudomorph collector. We
have a range of specimens, from small crusty TNs @ 45.00 and 65.00, to an excellent,
well crystallized miniature @ 400.00. A few cabinet specimens available as well,
prices to 1500.00 - inquire!
CHALCOPHANITE- Gold Hill Mine, Tooele Co., Utah
Dark grey to black micro aggregates of this highly lustrous, metallic hydrous
Zn-Mn oxide on limonite matrix, typically filling vugs and exposed seams and
often with tiny, water clear to pale yellow adamite lightly sprinkled about.
Infrequently offered from this prolific locality, matrix specimens range from
about 2cm to 6cm across @ just 10.00, 15.00, 25.00 and 40.00 each, many with
micro potential as well.
CHALCOSIDERITE w/ HISINGERITE- Wheal Phoenix, Liskeard, Cornwall,
Many green micro crystals of chalcosiderite dust a matrix of vesicular hematitic
ore on these examples from the type locality for this species. Resinous brown
hisingerite(?) also lines cavities in the pock-marked matrix. Old stuff from
a classic locality, all with good micro potential as well, sizes 2cm to 5cm
@ 12.50, 20.00, and 35.00 each. Nice!
CHAMBERSITE- Barbers Hill Salt Dome, Chambers Co Texas
Deep purple, perfectly formed tetrahedrons of chambersite without matrix, ranging
in size from about 1.5mm to nearly 3mm across. Classic, type locality material
for this uncommon Mn-BO-Cl mineral, these from the W.C. Krumbine collection
acquired over 20 years ago, offered @ just 7.50, 10.00 and 15.00 each.
CINNABAR- Cahill Mine, Humboldt Co., Nevada
Bright red flatted aggregates of crystalline cinnabar well scattered on cherty
matrix, most showing high luster but with few crystal faces evident. Old Cureton
material from many years ago, matrix sizes ranging from 2.5cm to 6cm across
@ just 15.00, 30.00 and 45.00 each.
CONICHALCITE- Gold Hill Mine, Tooele Co., Utah
Attractive and colorful, rich green botryoidal conichalcite scattered on limonitic
gossan matrix, some with attractive blue chrysocolla, some with tiny, occasional
"sputniks" of paler green cuprian austinite overlaying the conichalcite
balls. These are quite good for the locality, collected about 20 years ago from
the Glory Hole. All samples make nice additions to your cabinet and will yield
decent micromounts as well. We have choice, cleaned specimens from about 2.5cm
to 8cm @ just 5.00, 12.50, 20.00, 30.00 and 45.00 each. Nice stuff!
CRICHTONITE (Plumboan)- Presidente Kubitschek, M.G., Brazil
Small opaque black masses of Pb-rich crichtonite sparsely scattered on heavily
included quartz crystals, occasionally reported with minute rutile pseudos after
anatase as well. A moderately rare species, obtained from Luis Menezes (menezesite)
over 25 years ago, from small micro's @ 20.00 to larger matrix sizes of 1.5cm
to nearly 6cm @ 30.00, 45.00, and 75.00 each.
DIAMOND- Namaqualand Region, No. Cape Prov., Rep So Africa
Originally called the Cape of Good Hope, this region was split into four provinces
in 1994 and includes the diamond producing areas around Kimberley in Northern
Cape Province. Offered here are transparent, pale yellowish complex dodecahedral
diamond crystals without matrix, typically about 5mm in longest dimension and
weighing an average of about 0.60 carats each. Gemmy and pleasing color for
these attractive stones at just 80.00 each! Limit one per order, please!
EFREMOVITE w/ BOUSSINGAULTITE- Kladno, Bohemia, Czech Republic
This uncommon ammonium-magnesium sulfate occurs as richly scattered, small white
globular masses on matrix. Due to its hydroscopic nature, we suspect all have
associated but visually indistinguishable boussingaultite as well. Old Cureton
material from more than 30 years ago, sizes from about 5mm to 2cm @ just 10.00,
17.50 and 30.00 each. One 5x5cm @ 150.00 and a monster10x8cm @ 400.00. List
FLUORITE- Boulder Hill Prospect, Lyon Co., Nevada
Transparent to pale grey cubes of fluorite up to 1cm on edge richly scattered
over and comprising matrix, all showing brilliant fluorescence under both LW
and SW UV! Excellent reference specimens at an unbeatable price, sizes from
about 2cm to 5cm @ just 5.00, 10.00 and 20.00 each, all well crystallized and
with superb fluorescent response!
HYDROPYROCHLORE- Leushe, Kivu, Dem Rep Congo
This newly defined species occurs here as tan to pale brownish, sharp octahedral
crystals without matrix, some of the better crystals showing interpenetration
twins or slightly cavernous faces. Part of the recently published overhaul of
the pyrochlores, these type locality crystal specimens range in size from about
3.5mm to 7mm across @ just 15.00, 20.00 and 30.00 each.
MEYMACITE- Nzombe, Kivu, Zaire
This rare mineral occurs here as resinous, brownish masses scattered on matrix,
associated with yellowish ferberite (variety "ferrotungstite") and
occasionally scheelite. Ugly stuff but quite rare, ex-Cureton stock, small samples
from 4mm to 8mm @ 45.00 and 75.00 each.
MICROCLINE var: AMAZONITE- Crystal Peak, Teller Co., Colorado
From an old stash collected over 50 years ago, a nice assortment of single crystals
of amazonite are now available! Color is a pleasing pale blue so typical of
the variety, and all show good development and sharp faces with a typical cleavage
or attachment point on the specimens. The crystals range in size from about
2cm to nearly 4.5cm tall @ just 10.00, 15.00, 25.00 and 50.00 each, depending
on quality and size. Moderately attractive material from this classic locality!
MISERITE with WOLLASTONITE- Union Carbide Mine, Wilson Springs,
Pinkish fibrous masses of miserite scattered in matrix, associated with greyish
white wollastonite and possibly other phases. Fluorescent bright yellowish due
to the admixture with wollastonite, all with excellent fluorescent response.
Interesting material from this type locality for the mineral, now specifically
known as the North Wilson Pit, sizes from 2cm to nearly 7cm @ 10.00, 20.00,
35.00 and 50.00 each.
PAVLOVSKYITE (IMA #2010-063)- Lakargi Mt., Kabardino-Balkaria,
Another moderately rare species from this carefully studied area in the Northern
Caucasus, here as minute white grains well scattered in larger larnite matrix
in 2cm + polished sections of holotype (!) material. Each sample is accompanied
by a color image, several SEM images and complete EMPA data as well. Formula:
Ca8(SiO4)2(Si3O10) - orthorhombic- IMA #2010-063. Only a couple of superbly
documented samples on hand @ 275.00 each. List alternates!
PHOSINAITE-(Ce)- Kedykverpakhk, Lovozero, Kola, Russia
A small lot of specimens acquired years ago from a Russian museum, this rare
mineral occurs here as tiny, tan to brownish elongated aggregates perched on
pale pinkish ussingite matrix, often with white "thermonatrite" efflorescence
evident. Only a few small samples, matrix sizes ranging from about 1.2cm to2cm
across @ 45.00 and 65.00 each, priced according to coverage, not size. List
PYRITE etc.- Cabrestante Mine, Concepcion del Oro, Zacatecas,
This Zacatecas locality was best known for an unusual lot of scorodites discovered
some years ago and recently mentioned in a 2016 Mineralogical Record article.
However, its pyrite specimens are among the best of Mexico, these acquired in
the 1960s and only recently unpacked here. These have numerous pyritohedral
crystals to 1cm across richly scattered across matrix, some with underlying
massive sphalerite and/or galena evident as well. Old stuff, respectable, well-crystallized
specimens from about 4cm to 7cm at just 10.00, 20.00 and 35.00 each.
PYROMORPHITE (Arsenian)- 510'L, Chalk Mt Mine, Churchill Co.,
Collected many years ago from the 510' level at the Hanlase Drift, these are
micro greenish-brown, barrel-shaped, arsenate-rich pyromorphite crystals richly
scattered on matrix. Noted by Castor and Ferdock in NBMG Special Publication
No.1, this was the only arsenic-rich pyromorphite reported in the state. Matrix
sizes vary from about 1.5cm to 4cm across, all with good coverage, @ 8.50, 12.50
and 20.00 each.
QUARTZ - Nant Helen, Merthyl Tydfil, Wales, United Kingdom
An intriguing specimen, comprised of terminated quartz points resting on matrix
with minor ankerite/dolomite rhombs. Size is about 6x3cm @ 15.00. Only one of
RUDENKOITE- 80km SEE of Aldan, Yakutia, Russia
Another extremely rare species just reacquired, this one occurring as tiny,
slender, white fibrous aggregates extracted from XRD material and mounted on
a 1.3cm black stub. Formula: Sr3Al3.5Si3.5(OH,O)8Cl2*H2O, monoclinic, IMA #2003-060.
Type locality, of course, only two available @ 325.00 each.
SAKHAITE- Titovskoe, Khayhtakh Mts.,Yakutia, Russia
From the type locality, we have greyish-white massive sakhaite, containing small
grains of black ludwigite and possibly other minerals. Plain in appearance but
classic stuff from a small museum lot, only a few available, sizes measuring
1 cm to nearly 4cm across at 45.00, 75.00, 125.00 and 200.00 each.
SAKURAIITE- Ikuno Mine, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan
Small fragments of this rare Cu-In-Sn sulfide are isolated in a small vial,
these from the type locality, typically associated with stannite or other sulfides.
The mineral was named in 1965 for Dr. Kinichi Sakuarai, one of the few amateurs
with more than one mineral named in his honor. Only a few available @ 75.00
each, ex-Cureton specimens.
SERANDITE on CATAPLEITE pseudo- Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada
Delicate, salmon-pink triclinic crystals of serandite nicely scattered over
strange, dodecahedral-appearing reticulated catapleite pseudomorphs after a
eudialyte group mineral. These small but attractive specimens may disclose other
MSH-associated minerals as well, the underlying euhedral crystals resembling
Goldschmidt's illustrations (#s 11 and 13) for eudialyte. Choice specimens,
overall 1cm to 1.5cm @ 35.00, 50.00, 65.00, 75.00, 85.00 and 125.00 each, depending
on quality. The last of this attractive and curious material!
STILLWELLITE-(Ce)- Castellaccio di Petrignano, Latium, Italy
Very tiny, pale pink transparent crystals of stillwellite-(Ce) very sparsely
scattered and perched in vugs among crystalline sanidine matrix. Typical associations
include magnetite and occasionally tiny green, prismatic thorites and possibly
other species, these from the 1977 discovery at this Vetralla locality. Specimens
average 3cm @ 45.00 each, all with a pinpointing arrow.
TINTICITE- Gold Quarry Mine, Eureka Co., Nevada
Often appearing as earthy crusts, this occurrence of tinticite is actually mats
of finely fibrous acicular tan micro crystals forming glassy, pale brown botryoids,
readily observable at highest magnifications, with typical Gold Quarry associations.
Often formed by reaction between phosphatic solutions derived from bat guano
and iron from oxidizing pyrite and known only from a few localities, this may
be the best to date. Sizes from 1cm to 5cm @ 25.00, 40.00, 60.00 and 85.00 ea.
URANINITE etc.- Ruggles Mine, North Grafton, New Hampshire
A classic specimen that ripped through our Geiger counter with its screaming
heat! The piece is a pegmatitic block that encloses numerous uraninite pods,
these accompanied by fluorescent meta-autunite, dull yellow phosphuranylite,
orange-hued "gummite" and the typical mica sheaves. It is ex-Bob Whitmore
(whitmoreite) and Albini collections, overall size about 6x4.5cm @ 125.00. Hot!
Natural History of NY- Part III - Mineralogy (1842) Lewis C. Beck
This oversized original 1842 volume contains over 530 pages of crystal drawings,
plates, maps and text describing the mineralogy of the State as known at the
time. An original edition of Beck's groundbreaking compilation, bound in gold-embossed
brown cloth and printed by White & Visscher in Albany in 1842, the cover
is worn and torn in several spots but contents are in good condition with minor
foxing. This classic work begs to be rebound, originally priced at 350.00, reduced
to just 175.00 plus shipping due to condition of the cover. Superb, historical
locality data.
We have a few perfect-bound copies pristine issues of Mineral News for the years
of 2006 through 2017. If you are not a subscriber, or would like to upgrade
your library of back issues, we recommended these perfect-bound, soft cover
sets, now available at only 35.00 for each year. Shipping per annual issue is
free in the USA with any mineral order, or an additional 14.00 for any foreign
delivery address. A limited number of bound sets are on hand! Annual subscriptions
(12 color issues) are still just 30.00 per year!
Perhaps one of the best known mining companies, Phelps Dodge was commonly associated
with its operations at Bisbee and elsewhere in Arizona, but it also had extensive
properties in New Mexico. Founded in 1834, it became the largest publically
traded copper mining company in the world when acquired by Freeport-McMoRan
Copper & Gold in 2007. We recently located an old stash of Phelps Dodge
Stock Certificates, these noted as interim shares issued in 1929 when the company
offered a 4:1 split to its stockholders, only months before the market crash
that led to the Great Depression. An orange-hued certificate was used for 100
share blocks, and a more rare, green certificate was used for smaller holdings.
While we have seen these offered for as much as 30.00 each, we will send you
one of each type for just 15.00 a pair! All are cancelled and are in generally
good condition, showing normal wear. A neat piece of history!
CORUNDUM (RUBY - HT-GF)- Unspecified locality Madagascar
These are bright red, transparent faceted oval corundums (ie. ruby) that average
about 8x6mm and typically weigh around 2 carats each. Like many modern gemstones,
we believe these are both heat-treated and leaded glass filled to disguise faults
and improve both color and transparency, and we label them as "HT-GF"
based on our opinion. That said, they are nonetheless attractive and inexpensive
compared to untreated ruby of this color and transparency, with each stone offered
at just 35.00 each. Only a few available!
KYANITE- Mondol Kiri Province, Cambodia
Excellent, deep blue faceted ovals of gem quality kyanite, significantly better
than most Brazilian goods we have seen. Each stone is approximately 7.5x5.5mm
and weighs about a carat, and these are quite attractive, rivaling fine sapphine
in color. Only a few available @ just 55.00 each. Limit two per customer, please!
TOPAZ- "Swiss Blue" Brazil
Excellent, faceted Brazilian topaz in an unusual 10mm heart shape, these are
heat treated to yield a superb "Swiss Blue" color that is the most
desirable of topaz hues. Well-cut, gemmy and fully transparent and eye-clean
stones average over 4 carats each @ just 30.00 per stone, or a matched pair
@ just 55.00 - very attractive!
ALBITE on ORTHOCLASE (Twins!)- Organ Mts., Dona Ana Co., New Mexico
An small lot of very unusual feldspar specimens, ex-Scott Williams from when
he operated out of Oberlin, Kansas. Each specimen has small, white albite crystals
(variety pericline) perched on well-crystallized, buff colored orthoclase that
shows good Baveno twinning. The pieces are fairly attractive and average about
5cm tall @ 55.00. One excellent sample a little over 6cm showing a rare Manebach
twinned orthoclase as well is on hand at 85.00, all likely from the Rock Springs
Canyon locality. List alternates!
ALUMOEDTOLLITE (IMA #2017-020)- Arsenatnaya Fumerole, Tolbachik
Volcano, Russia
Perhaps one of the rarest copper minerals from this prolific Kamchatka Volcano,
this NEW SPECIES occurs as extremely tiny, single dark splintered crystals mounted
on a 1cm adhesive disk, requiring 30x or more to observe. Formula: K2NaCu5AlO2(AsO4)4,
triclinic, IMA # 2017-020. Author's material from the type locality, the mineral
is an analogue of edtollite (which see in this list) with Al prevailing among
trivalent cations with Al>Fe3+. Only a few on hand @ 195.00 each.
ANALCIME with STILBITE- Skookumchuck Dam, Thurston Co., Washington
Translucent to transparent trapezeohedra of analcime from 4mm to 7mm across
are well-scattered on Eocene basalt, typically with small, bladed stilbite crystals
and occasionally with lesser thomsonite or other zeolite phases. Old material
from one of the late Rudy Tschernich's finds in the 1970s near Bucoda. Specimens
range from about 3.5cm to 5cm across @ just 10.00, 17.50 and 25.00, priced according
to quality, not size.
ANATOLYITE (IMA #2016-040)- Arsenatnaya Fumerole, Tolbachik Volcano,
New species continue to be described from the second scoria cone of the Northern
breakthrough of this famous Kamchatka fissure eruption. Anatolyite occurs as
tiny clusters of slightly pinkish crystals with white potassic feldspar, here
as minute samples under 1mm mounted on 1cm adhesive disks. Formula: Na6(Ca,Na)(Mg,Fe3+)3Al(AsO4)6,
trigonal, IMA #2016-040. Type locality and author's material, will require 15x
or more to appreciate their delicate color, named for Russian mathematician
and crystallographer Anatoly Kapitonovich Boldyrev (1883-1946) of the Leningrad
Mining Institute. Only a few tiny samples available @ 165.00 each. List alternates!
ANDRADITE- Coatsgate Quarry, nr. Moffat, Scotland
From a find in 1994, we have a single specimen of highly adamantine garnet in
rich, micro crystals scattered across one surface. Under the scope, the garnet
shows is transparent and colorless at the surface, with greenish-brown cores
that give the sample its color. Rather interesting and unusual, only one specimen
on hand, about 5x3cm @ 45.00.
ANDRADITE variety MELANITE- 1 mile S of Gem Mine, San Benito Co.
From old Cureton holdings, a small lot of black andradite crystals forming densely
intergrown druses nicely covering matrix, many with micro potential for this
Ti-rich andradite garnet. Specimens show good luster and are reasonably attractive,
specimens from 3cm to 5cm across @ 15.00, 30.00 and 55.00 each. Nice!
ARAGONITE (Blue!)- Wenshan Mine, Yunnan Province, PR China
Attractive, pale blue botryoids and stalactitic aggregates of aragonite comprising
matrix, these showing excellent color for the mineral. This area was also the
producer of the blue, botryoidal hemimorphite specimens that resembled classic
Kelly smithsonite seen some years ago. Very pleasing color and surprisingly
inexpensive, specimens average 4cm across at just 10.00 and 15.00 each, depending
on degree of crystallization!
BITIKLEITE- Lakargi Mt., Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia
This exceptionally rare garnet group species is a NEW GARNET structure mineral,
but lacking silica! It occurs as microscopic yellow aggregates in ~1cm polished
sections of cuspidine and etttringite with other phases. Formula: Ca3SbSnAl3O12,
IMA #2009-052. The sample is mounted in an epoxy probe mount and is accompanied
by a color macro photograph as well as three SEM images pinpointing and identifying
all associations (up to 8 have been found already!), as well as a full quantitative
chemical analysis! Only one available @ 395.00 each!
BOULANGERITE with QUARTZ- Pribram, Bohemia, Czech Republic
An interesting specimen comprised of numerous small quartz crystal points forming
a convoluted bed on thin matrix, invested in several spots by tiny, dark grey,
micro fibrous boulangerite tucked into nooks and crannies among the quartz.
The piece is ex-Czech National Museum and is accompanied by their label. A moderately
attractive specimen with an area of apparent casts after an unknown mineral,
overall size about 10x8cm @ 80.00. One only!
CHALCOPYRITE on SPHALERITE- Baxter Springs, Cherokee Co., Kansas
An old lot of material originally acquired from Tri-State dealer Boodle Lane
in 1957, these specimens show small, brightly metallic, wedge-shaped brassy
crystals of chalcopyrite well-scattered over rich sphalerite crystals and masses
comprising matrix. Tilting the specimens back and forth results in flashes of
bright reflection from variably oriented chalcopyrite crystals, but often reveals
deep red-brown coloration of the brilliant sphalerite underlaying them. Specimen
sizes from about 4cm to 8cm across @ just 10.00, 20.00 and 35.00 each. Great
old stuff!
CRANDALLITE- Clay Canyon, nr. Fairfield, Utah
About 20 years ago, we acquired a huge lot of the famous Montgomery-Over crandallite
nodules that were likely collected in the 1930's that subsequently yielded so
many interesting and new phosphates at the time. Recently uncovered here in
the warehouse, and before we start dissecting these samples for more detailed
investigation, we will offer unanalyzed samples of rich yellow crandallite that
may also yield good micros of other species when broken up and evaluated under
the 'scope. Nodule sizes range from about 2cm to 6cm across @ just 8.50, 15.00,
25.00 and 40.00 each. Crandallite is guaranteed, the further search is up to
DIAMOND (2.71 carats)- Totiya, Katiola Dept., Ivory Coast
A superb, gemmy dodecahedral diamond crystal without matrix, this one suitable
for cutting and with a very subtle yellow color. The crystal weighs 2.71 carats
and measures about 7x7mm, and a beige inclusion of unknown composition rests
just under the perfectly transparent surface of this wonderfully complex, striated
symetrical crystal! Only one available @ 2350.00, well under 900.00 a carat
for gem material!
DIETRICHITE on ZINCOCOPIAPITE- Muzhievo, Beregovo, Transcarpathia,
A combination of rare minerals, both newly identified from this Au-Pb-Zn deposit
near the Hungarian border. The dietrichite occurs as minute, silky white to
colorless fibrous crystals scattered on small lamellar crystals of drusy, bright
yellow zincocopiapite. Small but surprisingly rich samples for both of these
rarities, sizes from about 1.5cm to 2.5cm @ just 120.00 and 165.00 each, all
with modest micro potential as well!
EDTOLLITE (IMA #2016-010)- Arsenatnaya Fumerole, Tolbachik Volcano,
This NEW SPCEIES was named for Russian geologist and Artic explorer Eduard Vasilievich
Toll (1858-1902) who made significant contributions to the geology and geography
of Polar Siberia and islands in the Artic Ocean. The mineral occurs as tiny
black aggregates mounted on adhesive disks, and these are readily visible at
10x unlike its Al-analog. Formula: K2NaCu5Fe3+O2(AsO4)4, triclinic, IMA # 2016-010.
Author's material from the type locality, only a few on hand @ 225.00 each.
EUREKADUMPITE- Centennial Eureka Mine, Juab Co., Utah
This interesting species occurs as micro, turquoise-blue balls and rosettes
sparsely scattered on matrix, comprised of densely stacked and radiating platy
aggregates showing pearly luster when opened. Formula:(Cu,Zn)16(TeO3)2(AsO4)3Cl(OH)18*7H2O
- monoclinic. Approved IMA #2009-072. As a co-author, I am delighted to offer
this new mineral, originally published in both Mineral News and Zapiski Rossiyskogo
Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva! Specimens priced according to coverage and quality
of micro potential, matrix sizes ranging from about 2cm up to 5cm across @ 25.00,
40.00, 55.00, 75.00, 100.00 and 150.00 each.
FERRIHOLLANDITE- Mt. Sorharas, Ultevis, Lappland, Sweden
Excellent specimens from one of the best localities for this recently redefined
barium bearing mineral. Ferrihollandite occurs here as small crystal prisms,
sprays, and elongated crystalline cleavages, all richly distributed throught
quartz matrix, possibly associated with piemontite or other phases. Samples
from 2.5cm to 8cm @ 15.00, 25.00, 45.00 and 65.00 each.
FRIEDELITE- 1180 Stope, 700 level, Sterling Hill New Jersey
From one of the few finds of CRYSTALLIZED friedleite at this prolific locality,
the species occurred here in the Sterling Mine as minute, orange monoclinic
crystals and druses scattered on brightly fluorescent willemite-rich matrix,
typically with franklinite and non-fluorescent calcite. These are unlike the
banded, somewhat waxy red, massive friedleite known from the district, originally
obtained from Ewald Gerstmann (gerstmannite) in the late 1970s. We have a few
samples on hand with modest micro potential, matrix sizes from 2cm to nearly
6cm and priced according to coverage and size at 20.00, 35.00, and 55.00 each.
HYDROROMARCHITE- Maximianus Herculius Coin, ~300 AD, Hungary
A bizarre occurrence of this rare tin mineral, here as part of a greenish blue
alteration product on ancient bronze coins, minted in the early third century
A.D. to honor the Roman Emperor (286-305 A.D.) Maximianus Herculius. These were
unearthed in Hungary, and the alteration product includes admixed pseudomalachite
and a smectite phase as well, in which the hydrromarchite occurs in 20-40 micron
wide zones in the alterations. Chemically and XRD identified, each 1.7cm historical
ancient coin is just 150.00. Limit one per order, please!
KAMENEVITE (IMA #2017-021)- Oleniy Ruchey, Mt. Suoluaiv, Khibiny
This NEW SPECIES was found at the Oleniy Ruchey (Reindeer Stream) apatite mine,
the deposit discovered by Russian geologist Evgeniy Arsenievich Kamenev (b.
1934) and for whom the mineral is named. It occurs as minute aggregates of colorless
lamellae, typically associated with brown lomonosovite. Formula: K2TiSi3O9*H2O
- orthorhombic, IMA # 2017-021. Type locality and author's material, tiny specks
mounted on 1cm adhesive disks @ 125.00 each. Limited availability!
KAOLINITE- Little Rock, Pulaski Co., Arkansas
A pair of dull,pisolitic hand specimens of kaolinite-rich matrix, very old specimens
originally provided by Ward & Howell to the Michigan College of Mines. Rathe
rugly stuff but with excellent, historical provenance, likely circa 1890s based
on the labels. Sizes average about 8cm across @ 55.00 each.
MILARITE- Jaguarassu, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Each sample is a single hexagonal crystal section of milarite without matrix.
These are pale green in color and the better quality specimens are nicely terminated
at one end of the elongated prism. Old Carlos Barbosa material, overall lengths
from 0.5cm to 1cm @ 15.00, 20.00 and 30.00 each, depending on color and clarity.
MORDENITE- Eagle Eye Mine, La Paz Co., Arizona
White tufts of needle-like, elongated mordenite micro crystals form dense bunches
and aggregates of this fibrous zeolite on pale, brecciated matrix. From the
original find at the locality by the late David Shannon in 1988, we have only
a few specimens on hand, sizes ranging from about 3.5cm to 8cm @ just 10.00,
15.00 and 25.00 each, all with modest micro potential as well.
PALYGORSKITE- Pend Oreille Mine, Metaline Falls, Washington
Thin, leather-like flexible mass of this greyish mineral oddity without matrix;
very weird stuff, (the "mountain leather" name is quite appropriate).
Collected from the 500 level of the mine and purchased circa 1960 when the mine
was active. Sizes average from about 4cm to 10cm across, all flexible and quite
strange @ just 20.00, 45.00, and 75.00 each. A few monstes to 18cm long (!!)
@ 125.00. List alternates!
PREHNITE on QUARTZ- Qiaojia, Zhaotong Pref., Yunnan, PR China
Pale green balls of prehnite to 1cm lightly scattered and perched on groups
of transparent, vitreous quartz crustals that fully comprise the matrix of these
attractive specimens. A few samples may show an underside of drusy epidote,
pale feldspar or occasional inclusions as well. Nicely sizes samples that average
about 8x5cm @ 55.00 each. Only a few on hand!
PYRITE & QUARTZ CASTS @ ???- unspecified locality Japan
A relatively large and interesting specimen comprised of countless small pyrite
crystals, some up to several millimeters completely comprising matrix. Among
the voids of the piece, and particularly covering one surface, are remnants
of hollow tubular casts of quartz after an unknown mineral. An accompanying,
old Kristalle label does not offer a specific locality beyond "Japan",
but the piece is remeniscent of several localities on Honshu Island that a Japanese
expert may readily identify. There is one small area of dull grey galena also
associated, and the overall size of the specimen is a hefty 14x12x6cm @ just
150.00. One only!
REEVESITE- nr. Alpine Mine, San Benito Co., California
This uncommon species occurs here in the Clear Creek Canyon as pale, yellow-green
filmy crusts and masses scattered over serpentine matrix. Old material collected
nearly 40 years ago, specimens from about 2cm to 5cm across @ 10.00, 25.00 and
45.00 each. The last of our stock from this obscure Goat Mountain locality!
RICHELLITE- Richelle, near Vise, Liege, Belgium
Occurring as olive green to tan-green crusts on rock, richellite is a complex
calcium iron phosphate. These relatively rich specimens were collected many
years ago. Type locality material, not very attractive but quite representative
and reasonably priced, sizes from about 1.5cm to 5cm @ 15.00, 25.00, 45.00 and
65.00 each.
SIDERITE with QUARTZ- Imilchil, Er Rachidia Province, Morocco
Attractive and fairly sharp, glassy rhombs of translucent, greenish-brown siderite
to 2cm perched on crystallized quartz, these presenting well and of surprisingly
good quality. We have seen similar material ascribed to the Iourien Mine near
Tafraout, but our supplier assures us these are from Imilchil. Specimens average
about 4cm across at just 45.00 each.
SIDERONATRITE- Capital Reef, Wayne Co., Utah
Bright yellow masses of sideronatrite richly scattered and covering matrix,
here from a rather obscure locality now in a national monument area. Old Cureton
material collected many years ago, specimens from about 2cm to 6cm @ 15.00,
25.00 and 40.00 each; a few to 11x11cm @ 85.00 each.
SIEGENITE- Brushy Creek Mine, Reynolds Co., Missouri
Minute silvery octahedral crystals of siegenite scattered on matrix, associated
with lustrous black sphalerite crystals and dolomite rhombs. Excellent specimens
with fine micro potential, these from a find nearly 20 years ago, sizes from
small TNs of 1.5cm @ just 15.00, and a few larger specimens to 5cm @ just 45.00
each. A few from the nearby Sweetwater Mine are also available - inquire!
SPHALERITE with DOLOMITE- Monroe Co. Airport, Monroe Co., New
An odd specimen showing a deep orange-brown, transparent and gemmy sphalerite
crystal group about 1.3cm long perched in an exposed seam in dolostone matrix,
associated with numerous, small saddle-shaped rhombs of white dolomite scattered
about. Ex-A.E. Seaman Museum, and their label notes it was donated by well-known
Michigan copper collector Don Pearce, and it further suggests it was likely
deposited as fill at the airport, its original source more likely as construction
stone from a nearby quarry like Penfield. Moderately attractive piece, size
about 8x5cm @ 55.00.
TALC- nr. San Andreas, Calaveras Co., California
Rich, pale green waxy masses of foliated, crystalline talc comprising matrix,
many showing unusual tabular "crystals" and aggregates. From one of
the more prolific localities for the mineral, these are moderately attractive
for an otherwise uninspiring species. Old material collected many years ago,
sizes range from 2cm to 6cm across @ 8.50, 15.00, 25.00 and 45.00 each.
TOPAZ- Dassu (Haramosh), Gilgit, Pakistan
Transparent, pale honey colored single crystals of topaz without matrix, these
showing typical stout, prismatic habit with fine pinacoid terminations and well
developed prism faces. All show detachment points at the base, and as expected
with facet-rough topaz crystals, there are the usual dings in these rather good
crystals. Sizes are generous, ranging from 2.5x1.5cm to 4x2.5cm, very inexpensively
offered at just 50.00, 75.00, 100.00 and 125.00 each, far below typical prices
seen elsewhere!
URANINITE- Brudenell, Renfrew Co., Onatrio, Canada
Small but interesting uraninite crystals with little or no matrix, showing typical
crudely cubic habit and submetallic luster. Collected by a well-known mineralogist/curator
on private property some years ago, these range in size from about 8mm to nearly
1.5cm, and all are quite hot! Only a few on hand, priced at 35.00, 55.00 and
85.00 each.
XENOTIME-(Y)- Alexander Co., North Carolina
An old specimen comprised of a blocky, elongated partial crystal of xenotime-(Y)
about 3cm tall protruding from a massive xenotime-(Y) matrix mass. The specimen
is accompanied by a Neal Yedlin (!!) and Joe Cilen labal, acquired by Cilen
many years ago. While a specific locality in Alexander County is not noted on
their labels, the piece is likely from the Hiddenite area that produced such
material in the distant past. One specimen only, with labels, about 4.5x3.5cm
@ 125.00.
ZIRCONOLITE-3T- Kyauk-Pyat-That, Mogok, Mandalay, Myanmar
This rare mineral has been found here in relatively large, brownish-black single
crystals and occasionally as twins, measuring up to nearly 1cm tall. These are
matrix-free and fairly sharp specimens from this prolific gemstone region, here
as the rare 3-T polytype. The precise locality is likley the Myan Gyi Mine,
and only a couple of crystals are available @ 150.00 each. List alternates!
LOVOZERO!- History - Pegmatites - Minerals by Igor Pekov
This excellent hardcover volume describes the history, development, geology
and mineralogy of this prolific area in Russia. In a format similar to the much-acclaimed
Langban book we distributed, this high quality volume contains nearly 500 pages
and is richly illustrated with many hundreds of color and black & white
photos and drawings, accompanied by a comprehensive treatment of the 340 minerals
that occur here, many with crystal drawings, chemical analyses, photographs
etc.. In Dr. Pekov's thorough style, this work is sure to become a mineralogical
library requirement! We were the exclusive North American distributor for this
fine volume, available @ just 79.00 plus shipping. Foreign clients - please
inquire for shipping cost. BONUS: Each order will include a free copy of Dr.
Pekov's Mineral News article that updated many new finds at the locality
We have perfect-bound copies prisitine issues of Mineral News for the years
of 2006 through 2017. If you are not a subscriber, or would like to upgrade
your library of back issues, we recommended these perfect-bound, soft cover
sets, now available at only 35.00 for each year. Shipping per annual issue is
free in the USA with any mineral order, or an additional 14.00 for any foreign
delivery address. A limited number of bound sets are on hand! Annual subscriptions
(12 color issues) are still just 30.00 per year!
HORN CORAL - H. Halli- Arkona, Ontario, Canada
These are interesting, somewhat tubular and horn-like grey coral fossils, Devonian
in age and ofthe Heliophyllium Halli genus. Specimens show typical twisted ring-like
structure on the outside, with radiating cores evident as well. Stout samples
of this Rugosa order, extinct coral, sizes average about 4x2.5 cm @ just 10.00
each. Neat and inexpensive fossils!
KYANITE- Mondol Kiri Province, Cambodia
Excellent, deep blue faceted ovals of gem quality kyanite, significantly better
than most Brazilian goods we have seen. Each stone is approximately 7.5x5.5mm
and weighs about a carat, and these are quite attractive, rivaling fine sapphine
in color. Only a few available @ just 55.00 each. Limit two per customer, please!
PETROLOGY COLLECTIONS- Various Localities United States
From a large stock of petrology samples, we have assembled two
collections of various rock types useful for study and comparison. Specimens
tyoically are 5cm or more, and Collection #1 consists of a baker's dozen of
13 different samples @ 125.00, while Collection #2 contains everything in Collection
#1 plus seven additional specimens for a total of 20 different samples @ 200.00.
There will be material from igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary environments,
and each specimen will be individually labelled as to name and complete locality.
Limited availability subject to stock on hand!
CATALOG 21801 - Volume XLV, No.1
Our 45th Year!
AMMONIOALUNITE- Schoeller Mine, Kladno, Czech Republic
This relatively rare mineral (described 1989) occurs as white chalky flakes
with little to no matrix. An interesting central European local for this ammonium
sulfate, we have available grains packed in capsules @ 20.00 each, or matrix
fragments ranging in size from 0.5 cm to 0.8 cm at 35.00 and 45.00 each.
ANDRADITE var: DEMANTOID- Campo Franscia, Sondrio Province, Italy
From specimens acquired over thirty years ago, we have a small selection of
pale green, chromian andradite (var. demantoid) samples, with crystals to several
millimeters nicely scattered on matrix, some with associated chrysotile or other
phases. Specimens range from about 2.5cm to 5cm across, offered at just 15.00,
25.00 and 45.00 each.
ANNABERGITE- Candelaria Mine, Esmeralda Co., Nevada
Bright, apple-green to nearly clear micro crystals of transparent annabergite
richly scattered in exposed seams on matrix from this uncommon locality. We
have a large lot of reasonably priced material, sizes from 1.5cm to 10cm @ just
7.50, 15.00, 25.00, 40.00 and 60.00 each depending on size and coverage. Nice
micro stuff!
BARITE- Hecla Rosebud Mine, Pershing Co., Nevada
Very odd, well-crystallized white to greyish white barite crystals and groups
with little or no matrix, all showing an atypical, somewhat rhombohedral habit
that is quite pleasing and very unusual for the mineral. From a find about 25
years ago, these are XRD-confirmed, stout, well-formed crystals averaging 1.5cm
to to 2cm across, with overall sizes up to 4cm @ 10.00, 15.00, 25.00 and 35.00
each, depending on quality. A few larger matrix specimens to 8cm @ 55.00 and
75.00 each.
BRAUNITE- Mamatwan Mine, Kalahari Mn Field, South Africa
This large open pit mine lies to the south of the famous Wessels and N'Chwaning
mines, producing massive braunite with lesser hausmannite, hematite and "partidgeite",
the latter a discarded name for a Mn2O3 phase found in the ore. We uncovered
a large hand specimen of this braunite-rich ore, acquired in 1981 and comprised
of sedimentary baunite lutite that occurs as dark greyish black masses comprising
matirx, occasionally with minor, thin carbonate streamers of kutnohorite/calcite.
Ex-Renaud Vochten collection, noted as XRD confirmed on the back of his his
label. A fairly obscure locality that has produced about 30 different species,
the specimen is quite dense and measures about 11x7 cm @ just 55.00.
CALCITE variety THINOLITE- 25 Miles N. of Nixon, Washoe Co., Nevada
These are strange calcite (calcareous tufa) pseudomorphs after an unknown (perhaps
ikaite?) mineral, represented here by acute pyramidal crystals approximating
tetragonal symmetry. Specimens show elongated spears of greyish calcite forming
interesting boxworks and oddly shaped samples, often called glendonites, barleycorn
pseudos, jarrowites and other terms, the exact name generally associated with
a specific locality for these oddities. We first offered these in the early
1970s when obtained from the late Ted Morley, and our current stock was collected
more than thirty years ago. Specimens from about 5cm to 10cm across @ just 8.50,
15.00, 25.00 and 40.00 each. Weird stuff!
CERITE-(Ce)- Bastnaes Mines, Riddarhyttan, Sweden
Type locality specimens of cerite-(Ce), occurring here as brown to pinkish brown
masses scattered in matrix, potentially with dark ferriallanite-(Ce) or other
admixed phases. Old material, specimen sizes from about 2cm to 5cm across @
20.00, 35.00, 55.00 and 75.00 each, one slightly larger with flattened sprays
of anthophyllite @ 125.00.
COULSONITE- Buena Vista Hills, Pershing Co., Nevada
Known from only two localities in Nevada, coulsonite occurs intergrown with
magnetite, with which it is visually indistinguishable from, and may be associated
with massive scapolite and other species as well. Originally obtained from Forrest
Cureton many years ago and positively ID'ed in these specimens by polished section
ore microscopy, sizes range from 2cm to 5cm @ 25.00, 45.00, and 65.00 each.
DIAMOND (3.65 cts)- Mir Mine, Yakutia (Sakha Republic), Russia
A highly unusual, gem-quality clear group of two intergrown diamond octahedrons,
measuring just over 1cm across and weighing an impressive 3.65 carats. From
one of the largest "holes in the ground" in the world, the Mir Mine
was Russia's first major diamond producer. The crystal group has no visble matrix
and has cutting potential as well, one of the few gem-quality pieces in our
extensive diamond inventory. Ex-David New Collection, priced at 3650.00. Wow!
DYPINGITE- Clear Creek Area, San Benito Co., California
This magnesium carbonate occurs as white to tan opaque small white balls and
bottryoidal crusts on greyish serpentinite matrix. The dypingite is occasionally
associated with flattened sprays of artinite on some specimens, suggesting these
may have originated in the Artinite Pit in this Picacho Peak locality. Fairly
good coverage on these typical specimens, sizes from 2cm to 7cm @ 15.00, 25.00,
45.00 and 65.00 each. Old material, ex-Cureton and collected over 20 years ago!
FLORENCITE-(Nd)- Sausalito, Marin Co., California
Rather nondescript, brown and somewhat pulverent florencite-(Nd) described in
1971 by D.J,. Milton et al from this locality. The material is ex-Cureton and
offered only as small fragments from about 3mm to nearly 9mm @ 15.00, 30.00
and 55.00 each. Limited availability of this old material!
FLUELLITE- Gold Quarry Mine, Eureka Co., Nevada
These may be the finest known examples of fluellite ever found, and certainly
the first find from Nevada about 20 years ago! At this great Carlin Trend locality,
fluellite occurs as sharply formed transparent crystals richly scattered on
grey chert surfaces, usually as tiny individuals but also as rosettes from 0.5
to 3mm across. Colors range from golden yellow to greenish to pale purple, with
color zoned crystals frequently encountered. Numerous associations are known,
and most will have micro potential as well. Matrix sizes from 2cm to 8cm @ 15.00,
25.00, 40.00, 60.00 and 75.00 each.
FLUORITE- Rosiclaire, Hardin Co., Illinois
Perhaps one of the most storied localities in the Illinois-Kentucky Fluorspar
District, the Rosiclaire District was home to more than a dozen producing mines.
Because miners were threatened with termination if caught harvesting specimens,
precise localities were often not given for fear of being traced back to the
miner involved. These samples were purchased in 1956 from the late Gene Curtiss,
who often met the miners in the middle of the night in local cemeteries to exchange
minerals for cash. We recently acquired a good stock of these fluorites, typically
in some shade of purple in cubic crystals and aggregates largely comprising
matrix, some occasionally with calcite druses or other species. Despite the
ridiculously high prices charged for this material today, we are offering specimens
at mine-run prices from 4cm to 10cm across for only 10.00, 20.00, 35.00, 50.00
and 75.00 each, depending on quality and size. Old stuff recently brought to
HYDROBORACITE- Thompson Mine, nr. Ryan, Inyo Co., California
This unusual borate occurs as slender, white needle-like crystals richly scattered
on matrix, some with minor colemanite and possibly other phases. Old material
available as either attractive, mounted thumbnails @ 10.00, or as matrix specimens
from 3cm to 6cm @ 25.00, 35.00, and 50.00 each. A few foreign localities also
available - please inquire.
HYDROZINCITE- Evelyn Mine, Northern Territory, Australia
From a relatively old find, we've located a small number of excellent, micro-crystallized
tufts and needles of white hydrozincite richly scattered on matrix, many associated
with clear hemimorphite and possibly other minerals from this Pine Creek area
deposit. Brilliantly fluorescent, and most with good micro potential as well,
sizes from 2cm to 4cm @ 5.00, 12.50 and 20.00 each. We can also supply a small
lot of 10 TNs @ just 40.00! Nice!
KRAISSLITE- 1200'L, Sterling Mine, Ogdensburg, New Jersey
Coppery-red to brownish kraisslite forms a micaceous scale that partially covers
at least one side of these examples of granular, red willemite, some potentially
with minor fibrous white sussexite, franklinite etc. All samples are brightly
fluorescent (green) due to the pervasive granular red willemite, with overall
sizes from 1.5cm to nearly 8cm across @ only 10.00, 20.00, 30.00, 45.00, 60.00
and 85.00 each, per quality and size.
MALACHITE "Finger Stalactite"- Komoto Open Pit, Kolwezi,
Shaba, Zaire
Although the locality is now known as Katanga Province in the Democratic Republic
of the Congo, these mounted thumbnail specimens are ex-Scott Williams, these
from his extensive holdings purchased some years ago. His original inventory
note listed the former "Shaba, Zaire" as the locality, suggesting
these were obtained prior to the transition year of 1997. These are stalactitic
"fingers", somewhat phallic in habit, comprised of deep green malachite
mounted upright in a Perky box. These are 2-2.5cm tall with no discernable matrix,
offered at Scott's original price of just 20.00 each. Only a few on hand!
MICROCLINE variety AMAZONITE- Qui-Buc #5 Mi, Florissant, Teller
Co Colorado
Another lot from the old thumbnail stock of Scott Williams Mineral Company,
a selection of quite fine amazonite crystals, neatly mounted in standard TN
boxes. Most samples show excellent blue color and sharp crystal form, a few
with subordinate quartz matrix evident. Scott's handwritten label indicated
these were from the "Que-Buc #5 Mine" in the Florissant-Crystal Peak
area, an apparently small prospect in this prolific area unknown to me and unrecorded
in Mindat. Neat specimens, offered at Scott's original prices from years ago
at just 25.00 each.
MINGUZZITE- Cape Calamita, Elba, Livorno, Italy
A decidedly ugly mineral, here from the co-type locality, minguzzite is offered
as small powdery masses of non-descript yellowish brown powdery material in
a small capsule, originally in the extensive stock of the Cureton Mineral Company
from many years ago. Formula is K3Fe3+ (C2O4)3*3H2O. Named for mineralogist
Carlo Minguzzi, I can't imagine he was happy that his namesake mineral was so
bereft of visible charm. Only a few on hand @ 35.00 eaach.
PANSNERITE (IMA 2016-103)- Arsenatnaya Fumerole, Tolbachik, Russia
Russian scientists continue to work on the remarkable number of new species
discovered from this Kamchatka volcano, and this particular fumerole has revealed
30 new species to date! Pansnerite occurs as minute, slightly greenish yellow
granular crystals, and we offer individual micro crystals mounted on small adhesive
stubs. Formula: K3Na3(Fe3+,Al)6(AsO4)8 - orthorhombic, IMA # 2016-103. Author's
studied material, only a few samples available @ 150.00 each.
PARGASITE- An Phu Mine, Luc Yen, Yenbai Province, Vietnam
Bright green, stubby columnar masses of attractively colored pargasite to 1cm
perched in brilliant white marble matrix. Much of this and similar material
has been offered as fluor-cannilloite, but the vast majority of such samples
are actually pargasite. Only three colorful samples on hand, overall about 4cm
with pleasing, apple-green pargasites therein, @ just 40.00 each. Nice!
PENTAGONITE- Quarry #4, Wagholi, near Poona, India
Brilliant, electric blue radiating crystal sprays of pentagonite in isolated
balls to 1cm on matrix. Excellent, attractive specimens, XRD-confirmed, priced
at half what the rest of world is charging for unchecked material (that is likely
cavansite), these from the actual mining company that first brought them out!
All have good micro potential as well, sizes from about 2.5cm to 6cm, priced
according to quality at just 25.00, 50.00, 75.00, 100.00 and 125.00 each. Super!
PETALITE- Itinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Transparent to translucent clear crystals and aggregates of petalite without
matrix, these likely the source of the faceted material seen on the market some
years ago. Relatively clean and pure specimens, the larger ones less cloudy
and quite transparent, sizes ranging from about 1.2cm up to 3cm tall @ just
25.00, 40.00 and 55.00 each. Gemmy crystals!
QUARTZ pseudo @ CALCITE- Rattlesnake Butte, Jackson Co., South
These are excellent, well-formed scalenohedral calcites from 3cm and getting
progressively larger, all in attractive and interesting divergent groups largely
replaced by pale greyish-white sandy quartz. Described in the 1920's, early
work on this material showed about 15 different species make up the sands, with
approximately 37% residual calcite remaining in these weird crystal groups.
Neat specimens from about 4cm to 8cm across @ just 15.00, 25.00, 35.00 and 45.00
REBULITE in ORPIMENT- Jiepaiyu Mine, Changde, Hunan, PR China
This rare Tl-Sb-As-S mineral occurs here as tiny, dark grayish black submetallic
pods sparsely scattered in brilliant yellow to orange-yellow orpiment matrix,
occasionally with minor realgar and potentially other species. Analyzed material
and from only the second known occurrence in the world, specimens range from
2cm up to 6cm across at 75.00, 125.00, and 250.00, depending on size and coverage,
all with arrows and copies of our confirming analysis.
SHORTITE- Stauffer Mine, Green River, Wyoming
From the geological formation that hosted the type locality, shortite occurs
here as tabular crystals to 1cm embedded in dull mudstone matrix, all showing
interesting yellow fluorescence and blue phosphorescence, generally well-scattered
with occasional larger aggregates richly scattered through matrix, which is
fluorescent as well. The shortite occurs as nearly transparent pale yellow blocky
masses, passably attractive fro an uncommon mineral. Sizes from 2cm to 6cm @
10.00, 25.00, 35.00, and 55.00; a few larger specimens to 13x7cm on hand @ 100.00.
SPERRYLITE- Vermillion Mine, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
From the Weber-Perloff Collection material purchased some years ago, we have
three boxed and mounted samples from this famous locality, each quite different
and carefully mounted in a micro box. A matrix (!!) specimen with multiple crude
crystals scattered about a 1.3cm matrix @ 175.00. Only one!
SPHALERITE and GALENA- Tochibora ore body, Kamioka Mi, Gifu Japan
An unusual "Shiroji-type" skarn ore, here a solid mass of densely
intergrown massive sphalerite and predominant galena completely comprising matrix.
Skarns often play host to metallic mineral deposits, and this Honshu Island
deposit is also the type locality for kamiokite. A modest hand specimen measuring
9x4cm is offered at 45.00.
TUNGSTENITE- Crevola Quarry, Ossola Valley, Italy
From material acquired in the mid-1970s, these are white marble matrix samples
with very tiny, isolated platy grains of greyish-black tungstenite very sparsely
scattered in matrix, occasionally with scant, orange-brown phlogopite evident
as well. All specimens with arrows to aid in microscopic examination, overall
sizes from 2.5cm to 4cm across @ 20.00, 30.00 and 45.00 each.
Natural History of NY- Part III - Mineralogy (1842) Lewis C. Beck
This oversized original 1842 volume contains over 530 pages of crystal drawings,
plates, maps and text describing the mineralogy of the State as known at the
time. An original edition of Beck's groundbreaking compilation, bound in gold-embossed
brown cloth and printed by White & Visscher in Albany in 1842, the cover
is worn and torn in several spots but contents are in good condition with minor
foxing. This classic work begs to be rebound, originally priced at 350.00, reduced
to just 175.00 plus shipping due to condition of the cover. Superb, historical
locality data - don't miss this one!
Despite several years of rising postage and printing costs, Mineral News is
still just 30.00 a year (12 issues) for U.S. customers. Each issue is in full
color and recounts recent finds, new mineral descriptions, locality articles
and historical pieces relating to minerals and mineral collecting. Enjoy reading
in your favorite easy chair, a beverage at your side, Mineral News is hard-copy
printed only, and can be yours for just 30.00 for a year of issues. A subscription
makes a great gift, too! Sign up today with your Excalibur order.
UK MICROMOUNTS- Various Mines, United Kingdom
There are a vast number of mines in the UK that produced numerous secondary
minerals suitable for micromounts. In order to make room in our fully-filled
warehouse, we offer a dozen different specimens from a wide range of UK mines,
all individually labeled and mounted in TN/Micro boxes at just 49.00 per dozen.
While there are more dollars to made selling these interesting minerals individually,
enjoy this blowout offer while supplies last. Multiples welcomed, and these
are sure to please!
CORUNDUM (RUBY - HT-GF)- Unspecified locality Madagascar
These are bright red, transparent faceted oval corundums (ie. ruby) that average
about 8x6mm and typically weigh around 2 carats each. Like many modern gemstones,
we believe these are both heat-treated and leaded glass filled to disguise faults
and improve both color and transparency, and we label them as "HT-GF"
based on our opinion. That said, they are nonetheless attractive and inexpensive
compared to untreated ruby of this color and transparency, with each stone offered
at just 35.00 each. Only a few available!
CATALOG 21708 - Volume XLIV, No.8
AZURITE- Concepcion Mine, Catorce, S.L.P., Mexico
Old time specimens from this excellent silver-copper-zinc locality, considered
by Panczer as "limited distribution" in reference to the amount of
specimen material produced. These were originally purchased in 1964 and are
just now seeing the light of day once again! Azurite occurs here as sparkling
druses and elongated crystals up to 7mm long(!!), nicely perched in opened seams
in a limonitic matrix, some showing partial pseudomorphing to bright green malachite
as well. Quite fine, we offer a range of specimens from several flats of this
old material, specimen sizes from about 3.5cm to nearly 7cm across, priced according
to quality, not size, @ just 10.00, 20.00, 35.00 and a few at 45.00 each. Wonderful
in both hand specimens and under the scope as well!
BETAFITE var. CALCIOBETAFITE- Mount Brusa, Luvigliano, Padova,
This uncommon mineral occurs as minute, bright orange glassy micro crystals
very sparsely scattered in vugs in sanidine matrix. Approved by the IMA in 1982,
it was later discredited in the redefinition of the pyrochlore group minerals
in 2010, suggested to be a Ca-dominant betafite since it was Nb-dominant over
Ti. Whether it will remain a variety of betafite or another species will depend
on future nomenclature changes. These interesting specimens have modest micro
potential, and all have pinpointing arrows. Specimens average 2cm @ 65.00 each.
Only a few on hand!
CALCITE- nr. Santa Barbara, Curacao, Neth. Antilles
White to pinkish massive calcite matrix with occasional small vugs yielding
micro calcites as well. Mildly fluorescent (SW purple-blue), some with minor
associated phosphate (predominantly apatite) as well. Very unusual locality
material (cactus and salty ocean in the same vista!), about 35 miles off the
coast of Venezuela. Be the only kid on the block with an analyzed Curacao calcite;
matrix sizes from 2.5cm to 8cm @ 7.50, 15.00 and 30.00 each.
CASSITERITE- Huanuni, Oruro Department, Bolivia
A old lot of excellent cassiterite TNs uncovered from our stock of the Scott
Williams collection. The dark brown to nearly black Huanuni specimens show superb,
brilliant luster as well as the interesting, blocky crystal form sometimes called
a "drill-bit" that displays elongated prism faces terminated with
a nicely pointed pyramid. Associations on a few samples are typically elongated
quartz crytsals. Obviously older material, specimens quite fine and averaging
2.5cm and mounted in "perky boxes" @ just 30.00 each. Only six available.
CLINOZOISITE var: CLINOTHULITE- Micaville, Yancey Co., North Carolina
Bright pink radiaiting aggregates and masses lightly scattered in white oligoclase
matrix, typically associated with minor muscovite and/or quartz. Likely from
the Fanny Gouge Mine within the Spruce Pine District, these samples were acquired
over fifty years ago. Moderately colorful and representative, specimens range
from about 3cm to 8cm across @ 7.50, 15.00, 25.00 and 40.00 each. Neat old stuff!
DIAMOND- Ekati Mine, Lac de Gras, NWT, Canada
From the most significant North American diamond producing deposit, we have
several superb single octahedral diamond crystals without matrix, all showing
excellent form with hues ranging from pale grey to light tan, most typically
with minor carbon inclusions and the larger samples with moderately good transparency.
Excellent diamond specimens, these are offered as follows: 2.15 cts @ 440.00;
2.34 cts @ 615.00; 2.67 cts @ 920.00; 3.31 cts @ 1180.00 and one @ 3.59 cts
@ 1270.00; all net priced based on size and clarity; don't miss these!
EPIDOTE-CLINOZOISITE- Peavine Peak, Washoe Co., Nevada
These are TN-sized specimens with dark red, elongated crystalline aggregates
well scatteed in quartz. While the literature notes that these have traditionally
been labelled as piemontite, our chemical analyses have found that there is
no Mn in the samples, suggesting that they are actually somewhere between clinozositite
and epidote with an intermediate Fe content, and hence, we have labeled them
accordingly as epidote-clinozoisite, but they are clearly NOT piemontite. Each
colorful TN-sized specimen is accompanied by a copy of our analytical work @
just 15.00 each, about one-third the cost of the analysis itself!
EUCRYPTITE- Londonderry Quarry, W.A., Australia
Rich massive eucryptite comprising matrix and often intergrown with dull beige
feldspar, the eucryptite typically white to very pale pink in color. The species
is fluorescent dull red to pinkish (SW UV), and these are old specimens originally
obtained by Forrest Cureton in Australia many years ago. Specimen sizes range
from about 2cm to 5cm across @ 10.00, 25.00 and 45.00 each.
FERRINATRITE w/ METAVOLTINE etc- Le Cetine Mine, Siena, Tuscany,
This uncommon Na-Fe sulfate mineral occurs here as minute white needle-like
micro crystals and aggregates, often intergrown with rozenite and almost always
associated with yellowish masses of metavoltine. Only a few specimens available,
sizes from 2.5cm to 4cm @ 25.00 and 35.00 each, depending on coverage, not size.
GETCHELLITE- Getchell Mine, Humboldt Co., Nevada
From the famous South Pit discovery many years ago, getchellite occurs here
as deep red, platy to micaceous aggregates lightly scattered in matrix, typically
with orpiment, pararealgar and occasionally minor realgar as well. Classic material
from the type locality and quite colorful, sizes from 2cm to 7cm @ 15.00, 25.00,
40.00, 55.00 and 75.00 each.
GOLD- Marupa River, Jacareacanga, Para, Brazil
From an extraordinary find, we have a pair of exceptional gold specimens found
on the left bank of the river in 2015. Offered here as well-crystallized floaters
that display well and are of significant size. These are quite aesthetic, appearing
as frothy, crystalline masses, ranging from 3.5cm to 4cm tall, weighing an impressive
36.9g to 53.3g @ 4100.00 and 5950.00 respectively. Crystallized gold is not
cheap, but Wow!!!
HAUCHECORNITE- Vermilion Mine, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
This complex bismuth and antimony bearing nickel sulfide occurs as pale bronze,
sparse metallic grains, often intergrown with visually indistinguishable associated
chalcopyrite. Probably more common but difficult to recognize, we have small
specimens about 1 cm @ 30.00, and a pair of larger samples, ex-Prosper Williams,
6cm @ 150.00 and 11 cm @ 250.00. List alternates!
HETAEROLITE- Esperanza Mine, Lavrion, Greece
Tiny, black dipyramidal crystals of hetaerolite scattered in limonitic vugs,
occasionally with tiny needles of pyrolusite in association. Soem samples have
weirdly twisted crystals of brownish dolomite as well, with matrix sizes averaging
about 3cm across, all with micro potential, at just 40.00 each.
HYDROKENOMICROLITE-3R- Alto do Giz, Parelhas, RG do Norte, Brazil
Extremely tiny, pale greenish yellow to colorless grains (1mm or less) of this
exceptionally rare mineral individually mounted on a boxed, adhesive disk. Confirmed
optically and by microprobe, these are type locality specimens very competetively
priced at just 45.00 each! Rare stuff, the material a valid mineral now considered
as a Ba-rich variety from this locality and recently IMA approved from the former
parabariomicrolite name to the new mineral in CNMMN proposal 16-C!
HYDROMAGNESITE- Chalk Mountain, Churchill Co., Nevada
Small white botryoids to several millimeters richly scattered over rock matrix,
these comprised of tightly packed, radiating clusters and needles of hydromagnesite.
Recently XRD-confirmed, these were collected on the west side of Chalk Mountain
and were recently uncovered in our warehouse (see Mindat image). Some associated
with pale blue mcguinnessite, specimen sizes from about 2.5cm to nearly 10cm
across @ just 8.00, 15.00, 25.00, 40.00 and 55.00 each. Neat, and all with micro
potential as well!
JAMBORITE pseudo @ MILLERITE- Ca' dei Ladri, Emilia Romagna Reg.
Old material from this uncommon locality, here as sparsely scattered, small
radiating needles of dark greenish jamborite lying flat in matrix, likely as
pseudos after millerite. Only a few specimens on hand, specimen sizes from 2cm
to 3.5cm @ 20.00, 35.00 and 50.00 each.
KARNASURTITE-(Ce)- Pegmatite #62, Mt. Karnasurt, Lovozero, Russia
Dull yellowish to tan platy aggregates sparsely scattered in matrix, these from
the type locality for the species in the Hackmanite Stock of the #62 pegmatite.
Most samples are associated with massive, white natrolite, fluorescent hackmanite,
etc. Specimens range from 1cm @ 25.00 to 3cm @ 65.00.
LEISINGITE- Centennial Eureka Mine, Juab Co., Utah
This rare species occurs as minute, bright yellow platy crystals and aggregates
very sparsely scattered in drusy quartz vugs. A rare copper-tellurate mineral,
and there were fewer than a dozen good specimens available on the worldwide
market from the 1992 find. These are the very last of our stock, all micros
requiring at least 25x, matrix sizes average about 1cm @ 350.00 each. List alternates!
MEGACYCLITE- Tsentral'nyi Mi, Rasvumchorr, Kola, Russia
An exceptionally rare mineral, here from the second find for the species at
Rasvumchorr Mtn in Khibiny. The mineral occurs here as snow-white aggregates
and extremely thin veinlets up to several millimeters long, sparsely scattered
in and on dark green aegirine aggregates and crystals frozen in matrix. All
specimens with pinpointing arrows, overall matrix sizes from 1.5cm to 4cm across
@ 85.00, 120.00, 165.00 and 200.00 each.
MEGAWITE (IMA #2009-090)- Lakargi Mt., Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia
This relatively NEW SPECIES occurs as minute inclusions in a complex hydrogrossular-larnite
matrix, occasionally with other identified species noted. Superbly documented
samples of polished sections about 5mm across in 10mm epoxy mounts, each including
a color image and four (4) labelled SEM images that pinpoint and identify the
species and its associations. A new CaSnO3 (orthorhombic) mineral in minute,
pale yellowish-brown aggregates, IMA #2009-090, co-type material with full probe
data, a new member of the perovskite group, only one specimen available @ 245.00.
MELANOVANADINITE- Minasragra, Cerro de Pasco, Peru
Small black to dark brownish aggregates intermingled with patronite and possibly
other phases from this well known type locality for the species. A rare mineral
from one its more prolific occurrences, granular aggregates of micro masses
in full 2cm vials @ 25.00 each, matrix specimens from 1cm to 2cm @ 45.00 and
65.00 each. Ugly stuff but uncommon and from the classic occurrence!
MONTMORILLONITE- Willard District, Pershing Co., Nevada
Relatively pure, greyish white montmorillonite completely comprising these specimens,
collected over 30 years ago from the clay deposits found among several tributaries
in Coal Canyon. Rich but blandly ugly material, specimens ranging from about
4cm to 8cm across @ just 8.00, 15.00 and 25.00 each.
NACAPHITE- Koashva Mt., Khibiny, Kola, Russia
Small stacked tabular aggregates of white to slightly pinkish nacaphite perched
in small pods in a dark green, aegirine-rich rock matrix. Superior to the nearby
type locality material, we have only a few samples of this rare phosphate, sizes
from several small fragments in a capsule @ 25.00 per vial to matrix pieces
to 1cm @ 55.00 each.
NOVACEKITE-II- Animas Mine, Santa Eulalia, Chihuahua, Mexico
Minute, bright yellow platy aggregates of this uncommon uranium mineral lightly
scattered on gypsum matrix. Many samples labeled simply as "novacekite"
are often novacekite-II, the phase with 10 waters rather than 12, heading towards
metanovacekite (8 waters) due to the mineral's well-known loss of water at ambient
conditions. Specimens range from about 3cm to 5cm across @ 30.00, 50.00 and
75.00 each, depending on coverage.
OLIVENITE- Black Pine Mine, Granite Co., Montana
From material described in our June, 2012 Mineral News article, we have a small
lot of micro green olivenite specimens on hand, typically as zincian olivenite
in tiny sheaf-like crystals rarely exceeding 1mm perched in quartz vugs sometimes
with associated corroded tetrahedrite and sometimes with other late-stage copper
minerals. Specimen sizes range from about 2.5cm to 6cm @ 15.00, 25.00 and 45.00
each, most with modest micro potential as well.
PERTLIKITE with COQUIMBITE- Alcaparrosa Mine, Calama, Atacama,
A fairly rare mineral described about ten years ago, perlikite occurs as pale
yellowish to slightly greenish when Zn-rich micro crystal aggregates sparsely
scattered on sulfate matrix, here with a nice lavender band of crystalline coquimbite
running through throughout a white, krausite-rich matrix. IMA #2005-055, and
only a couple samples available, and trimming may expose occasionally associated
alcaparrosaite, overall sizes about 4cm @ 155.00. List alternates!
QUARTZ variety AMETHYST- Unyang, Hwanghae-namdo, North Korea
An obscure locality highlights these small, relatively clean single crystals
of amethyst, showing good transparency at the pyramidal faces and typically
cloudy at the prisms. Recently uncovered from the detritus of the Julius Weber
collection, the vintage of these TN-boxed specimens is unknown. Among the few
North Korean minerals we have ever offered, crystals range from about 1.3cm
to 2cm tall at just 10.00 and 15.00 each. Only a few available; list alternates!
ROOSEVELTITE- Moldava, Dubi, Bohemia, Czech Republic
Minute, dull white, somewhat platy aggregates of this unusual bismuth-arsenate
mineral offered as tiny aggregates in a capsule. Named by Herzenberg in 1946
for President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Old Cureton stock that is strictly
reference material for the species, just a few vials available @ 30.00 each.
List alternates!
SPHALERITE var "RUBY JACK"- Baxter Springs, Cherokee
Co., Kansas
Classic Tri-State sphalerite, here as rich, deep red to nearly black glassy
crystals fully scattered on greyish chert matrix, occasionally as darker floater
groups comprising matrix. Originally purchased in 1957 (!!) from the famous
Tri-State dealer Boodle Lane, these are surley an American mineral classic,
with most specimens in the 5cm to 9cm size range @ just 8.00, 15.00, 25.00 and
40.00 each. About 10 flats of this 60 year-old stock!
SPINEL- An Phu Mine, Luc Yen, Yenbai Prov., Vietnam
Deep red to pink octahedral spinel crystals nicely contrasted on and protruding
from brilliant white marble matrix, with individual crystals ranging in size
from about 1.5mm to 3mm across, with virtually all specimens showing multiple
crystals on each matrix sample. The overall specimen sizes average about 6cm
across and are very inexpensively priced at just 30.00 each, far below previous
TUNGSTENITE-2H- North of Chase Creek, B.C., Canada
Dull grey metallic masses of the 2H polytype of tungstenite and admixed sulfides
scattered in white qyartz matrix. Old Cureton material from many years ago,
lean specimens range from about 1.5cm to 4cm @ 25.00, 45.00 and 85.00 each.
Only a few available from this unreported occurrence!
URANINITE- North Jack Pile Mine, near Laguna, New Mexico
A pair of dark, granular sandstones collected by E. W. Heinrich from the Upper
Jurassic Morrison Formation, each moderately radioactive due to included granular
uraninite. Frequently associated with coffinite as well, Heinrich noted in 1958
that both the Jack Pile and North Jack Pile were being mined via an open cut,
ultimately planning to connect the two deposits into a single operation, located
about 6 miles north of Laguna in Cibola County. Many references today simply
call the deposit "Jackpile Mine" (one word), ignoring its earlier
naming and history. The specimens average about 7x5cm @ 125.00 each.
VANADINITE- Mammoth Mine, Tiger, Pinal Co., Arizona
From an old dealer's stock, we've located a handful of well crystallized vanadinites
from this prolific locality, here as small orange-red barrel shaped micro crystals
very richly scattered on matrix. Attractive specimens, overall sizes ranges
from about 3cm to 6cm across @ just 15.00, 25.00 and 35.00 each. Neat old-timers
as either display pieces or can be broken down for prolific micros!
WAKABAYASHILITE- Jas Roux, Hautes Alpes, France
Minute, bright yellow needles and thin laths of this unusual species sparsely
scattered on matrix, typically with minor realgar and a variety of odd sulfides.
Older samples originally from the BRGM in Paris and analytically confirmed,
we have a few on hand, most with modest micro potential, sizes from about 2cm
to 4cm @ 20.00, 40.00 and 60.00, priced according to quality not specimen size.
WARDITE- Rapid Creek, Yukon Territory, Canada
Clear to pale greenish-grey tetragonal crystals (some to 1cm !!) and lustrous
aggregates scattered on gossan martix from this excellent locality, more precisely
designated as Stoneman Camp. These are not mine-run specimens, but rather are
select, well-crystallized wardite specimens from this challenging collecting
area, largely accessible by helicopter or small plane only a couple of months
of the year. Matrix sizes range from about 3cm to 5cm across, priced according
to quality, @ 25.00, 40.00 and 55.00 each. Excellent for the price!
ZOISITE variety TANZANITE- Merelani Hills, Manyara Region, Tanzania
Crudely crystalline purplish-blue zoisite (variety tanzanite) here as crude,
matrix-free partial crystals and aggregates showing some striated faces, some
with minor graphite. Although relatively translucent to opaque, these are among
the most reasonably priced, colorful example of tanzanite we have seen, with
specimen sizes ranging from about 2cm to 3cm @ 25.00, 40.00 and 55.00 each.
If you prefer gemmy, well formed single crystals, we have those as well at considerably
higher cost. Please inquire.
In the 1960s and 1970s, agate nodules coming from a number localities were of
such high quality that they often received specific names to denote their special
status among lapidaries and collectors. Today, most of those localities produce
little, if any, worthy specimens, and prices for top grade rough can approach
$100 a pound for some. We recently acquired from a long-time collector and cutter
a very handsome lot of these classic nodules, all expertly cut and polished!
The collection includes rare Laguna agates, Coyamito, Agua Nueva and Moctezuma
agates from Mexico, excellent banded Botswana from Africa, as well as fine Condor
agate from Argentina. These are not slabs, but highly desirable polished nodule
halves, and none are heat-treated or dyed. Specimen diameters range from 3.5cm
to 5cm across, and a collection of six different localities @ just 95.00 per
collection. Every specimen is individually labeled as to precise locality as
well, but limit two collections per order, please, as these are in very short
UNITED KINGDOM PYROMORPHITES- 6 Different Mines in the United
From a modest acquisition of older micromounts, we have assembled small collections
of pyrophite from SIX DIFFERENT MINES in the United Kingdom, including localities
in Wales, Scotland and England. All specimens are mounted in 2.5cm clear-top
micro boxes and fully labelled as to precise locality, with crystals ranging
in color from yellow to green and shades in between. Six different and often
unusual UK locality pyromorphite specimens @ just 30.00 per lot. Limited availability
- list alternates!
SECONDARY PHOSPHATES- White Elephant Mine, Custer Co., South Dakota
We recently uncovered a flat of secondary phosphates from this locality that
were collected years ago by grad students of Willard Roberts at the South Dakota
School of Mines. While the locality has produced over forty (40) different species,
about half of them occur as well-formed micro crystals of various secondary
phosphates. A casual look through the flat disclosed at least ten or more are
easily recognizable under the scope in these samples, and trimming would likely
yield others as well. To move these out quickly, we are offering two different
sized lots of unlabelled samples, sizes from 2.5cm to 5cm for the low price
of just 5 specimens for 45.00, or 12 specimens for 100.00. We will include a
short checklist of what you may find, but it will be up to you to trim, clean,
label and mount these on your own. Limit one lot per order, please!
CORDIERITE- Tamil Nadu, India
Nicely faceted gems of cordierite (variety iolite) show good violet-blue color,
as well as the fascinating property of trichroism in which different orientations
will show good variation in color from purplish to bluish to greyish within
the same stone. Only a few on hand, available as 6mm rounds @ 20.00, and ovals
that average about 9x7mm @ 30.00 each.
SHONKINITE- Shonkin Sag Iaccolith, Chouteau Co., Montana
From the petrological type locality, these are rather ugly specimens of shonkinite
rock that show embedded augite and several other minerals. Shonkinite is a coarse-grained,
plutonic igneous rock that typically contains nepheline and alkali feldspars,
conventionally defined today as a melanocratic variety of foid syenite. Excellent
locality material, acquired in 1974 and likely collected decades earlier, specimens
about 5cm @ 35.00 each.
CATALOG 21707 - Volume XLIV, No.7
ANDRADITE- Ocna de Fier, Banat (ex-Hungary), Romania
An old specimen comprised of desnsely intergrown dodecahedral crystals of murky,
brownish green andradite to 6mm richly scattered on the surface of a massive
garnet-rich matrix. The piece is ex-Czech National Museum and is accompanied
by their label, the locality a significant producer with over 100 species known,
many discovered when the region was an active gold mining region and part of
Hungary. The specimen measures about 8x5cm @ just 65.00.
AZURITE- Chessy, Le Bois d'Oingt, Rhone, France
An old and classic specimen, here as small miniature of thickly tabular, very
dark azurite blades densely intergrown and fully comprising matrix, with a trace
of green malachite evident as well. Samples from this TYPE LOCALITY may not
be as gemmy as those from Tsuemb and elsewhere, they are, nonetheless, among
the most sought-after specimens among collectors. It is reported that the azurites
from Chessy were largely mined out by 1845! The piece is ex-Paterson Museum
and is accompanied by their rather ratty label, overall size about 3.5cm x 2.5cm
@ 225.00.
BARICITE- Rapid Creek, Yukon Territory, Canada
From an old hoard, thick micaceous masses of pale "metallic blue"
baricite richly comprising matrix. Type locality material, obtained in the 1970s
after the species was first described, sizes from single 1cm plates @ 15.00
to larger 2cm to 5cm matrix specimens of high purity @ 25.00, 45.00 and 65.00
BERYL variety AQUAMARINE- Mangochi District, Malawi
Pale blue, translucent vitreous aggregates and masses of aquamarine fully comprise
these specimens, a few with trace mica evident. The gem region in this landlocked
country (formerly known as Nyasaland) borders Mozambique to the east, but specimens
have previously been largely limited to the Zomba region. Only a few massive
samples on hand, sizes from about 2.5cm to 8cm across @ 5.00, 10.00, 20.00 and
35.00 each. One large crystal section about 12x9x7cm on hand @ 100.00.
BRINDLEYITE- Victorio, Luna Co., New Mexico
Rather ugly greenish to brown masses of this rarely recognized mineral, a nickel-rich
member of the kaolinite-serpentine group. We have brindleyite as small masses
and flakes packed into capsules, varying from tiny aggregates slightly masses,
at 35.00 per capsule. Ex-Dr. Sidney Williams, the late mineralogist and manager
at Phelps-Dodge's Research Laboratory who described many rare species during
his career.
CALEDONITE with LINARITE- Los Azules, Zapallar, Copiapo, Chile
A fairly uncommon Pb-Cu-carbonate-sulfate mineral, the caledonite occurs here
as delicate, pale sea-blue micro crystals and aggregates scattered in seams
and vugs, associated with striking, dark purplish-blue linarite and potentially
other phases in pale rock matrix. Most samples will have good micro potential
as well, and specimen sizes range from about 2cm to nearly 5cm across @ 35.00,
50.00 and 65.00 each, depending on coverage.
CLINOZOISITE- Ward Mine, White Pine Co., Nevada
As featured in the September, 2017 issue of Mineral News, this is the first
confirmed clinozoisite to be found at this prolific locality. The mineral occurs
as pink micro crystals lying flat on a pale grey, cherty matrix. Coverage is
relatively lean but obvious, and some have modest micro potential. XRD data
is supplied with each sample, and matrix sizes are commensurate with coverage,
ranging from about 2cm to 8cm across @ 8.50, 15.00, 30.00 and 45.00 each.
DARAPSKITE- Pampa del Toro, Antofagasta, Chile
A rather ugly mineral, a sodium-nitrate-sulfate-hydrate, occurring here as relatively
pure, colorless to tan crusty aggregates comprising matrix. From the type locality,
old Gunnell material offered as tiny fragments in a 2cm vial @ 35.00 each. Limited
DIAMOND - Macle Twin- Oranjemund, Orange River, Namibia
After combing through our extensive inventory of diamond crystals, we have located
several gemmy, transparent white macle twins from this prolific area that borders
South Africa. These transparent crystals have the shape of an equilateral triangle,
rather flat in aspect, but all quite clean and gemmy. Good examples of these
interesting crystallographic habits include one of each of the following:
0.81 cts 7x6x2mm @ 480.00; 1.43 cts 8x6x3mm @ 745.00. List alternates!
ECLOGITE- Newberry, Newberry County, South Carolina
Yes, its a rock, not a mineral, but what a rock! Eclogites are often quite striking
in appearance and useful indicators for some diamond occurrences as they represent
high-pressure, densely metamorphosed mafic igneous source rocks from mantle
depths. These show richly scattered red garnet grains, omphacitic pyroxene,
darker amphiboles and possibly other phases. Specimens from this relatively
unexploited locality make superior thin sections and polished sections as well,
or you can just study their complexity in hand specimens or under the 'scope!
Sizes range from about 3cm to 6cm across, very reasonably offered at just 10.00,
20.00, 30.00 and 45.00 each.
FLUORITE- Fluorite Ridge, nr. Deming, Luna Co. New Mexico
An old E. W. Heinrich specimen and accompanied by his label, comprised of massive,
color-zoned fluorite that ranges from the predominant sea-green to white to
red-brown included areas, all quite vitreous and showing interesting fluorescent
color zones under LW and SW UV as well. The piece weights just over four (4)
pounds(!!) and measures a hefty 12x9x9 cm @ just 45.00.
GALENA- Sullivan Mine, Kimberley, B.C., Canada
Fine-grained, massive galena with admixed sphalerite and pyrhottite result in
an odd, banded metallic ore sample in these rich specimens. Old material, acquired
with the unrealized thought of preparing neat polished sections, we offer specimens
from 5cm to 7cm @ just 15.00 and 20.00 each. Heavy!
GANOMALITE- Jacobsberg Mine, Varmland, Sweden
Exceptionally rich granular white aggregates of ganomalite intergrown with brilliantly
fluorescent (red-orange) calcite comprising matrix, most with minor dispersed
biotite and possibly other species. The larger pieces are perhaps the richest
specimens we've ever offered, sizes from about 1.5cm to an astounding 12cm long
@ 15.00, 25.00, 45.00, 65.00, 100.00 and 150.00 each.
GAUDEFROYITE- N'Chwaning II Mine, Kuruman, Rep So Africa
Superb groups of handsome, brilliantly lustrous small black elongated hexagonal
crystals of gaudfroyite perched on and covering black manganese ore matrix,
some with minor calcite and/or hematite as well. Excellent for the species,
these are half the price of similar material of 20 years ago. Only a few specimens
on hand, sizes range from TNs @ 25.00 to 4cm specimens @ only 55.00 each! List
GAYLUSSITE- Lake Amboseli, Rift Valley Province, Kenya
Excellent single crystals and strangely distorted hoppers of translucent gaylussite
without matrix. All are at least singly terminated, some better are doubly terminated,
and the hoppers are quite sharp and elongated. Only a few mounted TNs @ 20.00
each. Old material from a great locality!
GEDRITE- Skisshyttan, Dalarna, Sweden
From a well known locality for the species, gedrite occurs here as black, radiating
aggregates well-scattered in matrix. The material is known for the metavulcanite
rock matrix, reported to be 1.7 billion years old! Specimens range in size from
2cm to 6cm across at just 10.00, 20.00, 35.00 and 50.00 each, all with relatively
good coverage.
INYOITE with MEYERHOFFERITE- New Pit, Boron, Kern Co., California
From a classic U.S. locality, these are glassy, greyish white aggregates of
inyoite richly scattered in matrix, typically with white, opaque meyerhofferite.
Specimens range from about 1.5cm to nearly 12cm across @ 12.50, 20.00, 35.00,
50.00 and 75.00 each. Excellent Kazakhstan material also available - inquire!
JOHANNSENITE- Black Hole Prospect, Aravapai Dist. Arizona
Brownish radiating columnar sprays and divergent aggregates of johannsenite
richly comprising matrix, originally from the first discovey of the species
in Arizona in the early 1960's by the USGS. Specimens range from about 2cm to
6cm across, a few larger, occasionally with minor admixed magnetite, at just
10.00, 17.50 and 25.00 each.
KOGARKOITE- Mt. Princeton Hot Spring, Chaffee Co., Colorado
This uncommon species occurs as minute crystal aggregates and relatively pure
cellular masses to 0.5mm intergrown in epsomite matrix, offered as crude fragments
in a capsule. The material was once mistakenly identified as schairerite, but
subsequent XRD work showed it to be this rare Na-F-sulfate mineral. Originally
obtained from Adolf Pabst (pabstite) via Forrest Cureton, only a few available
@ just 25.00 each.
MIMETITE- Tsumeb, Otjikoto Region, Namibia
From an old hoard of material originally supplied by the late Scott Williams
some years ago, these are excellent, bright yellow groups and of sheaves of
mimetite crystals to 4mm nicely radiating and free-standing on matrix, most
mounted in Scott's classic pedestal style in standard TN boxes. Quite attractive,
most reach 2.5cm across, and these were prepared more than 25 years ago by one
of the more prolific dealers of that time. Fewer than a dozen available @ just
25.00 each. Attractive and most with fine MM potential as well; don't miss these
from the heyday of Tsumeb material!
OLIVENITE- Tin Stope, Majuba Hill, Pershing Co. Nevada
From an old-time hoard, we have a half dozen specimens of excellent Tin Stope
olivenite, here as sharp and highly lustrous dark green to nearly black micro
crystals scattered on dense, rhyolitic matrix. Expertly prepared, most with
a saw-cut base, these display well and are priced according to overall quality/size.
Specimens range from about 5cm to nearly 10cm across @ 50.00 and 75.00 each.
PELLYITE- Esquire #8, Big Creek, Fresno Co., California
Dark brown masses of pellyite in matrix, occasionally with other rare barium
minerals. An unusual species, these from the most prolific of the few localities
we have in stock, matrix sizes from about 1.5cm to 3cm @ 15.00, 25.00 and 40.00
each, depending on richness.
PHURCALITE- Posey Mine, San Juan County, Utah
Phurcalite is available in moderate to richly covered specimens of bright yellow
crusts intermixed with sharp acicular tufts of minute crystals. Fluorescent
green as well, these make both good hand specimens and fine micromounts. Available
as TN's @ 20.00 or larger sized matrix specimens from 5cm to 9cm @ 45.00, 65.00
and 80.00 each.
PYROMORPHITE on BARITE- Machacamarca Mine, Potosi, Bolivia
An unusual locality and occurrence, here as small hexagonal crystals of greyish
to dull green pyromorphite lightly scattered over platy, opaque white barite
crystals comprising matrix. Collected nearly 20 years ago and recently uncovered
in our warehouse, only three specimens are on hand, averaging about 5cm across
@ just 35.00 each, all with modest micro potential as well.
RHODOCHROSITE- Camp Bird Mine, Ouray Co., Colorado
We are excited to offer this old material, originally purchased circa 1968 and
rarely seen on the market today from this famous Colorado locality. The rhodochrosite
occurs as delicate pink druses fully covering the concave side of calcite-rhodochrosite
molds, presenting pleasing, dimpled specimens with virtually no rock matrix.
The convex side of the samples shows paler rhodochrosite with more prolific
white calcite that is brightly fluorescent (red SWUV), these as relatively thin
drusy aggregates. Excellent for the locality, originally acquired about 50 years
ago, sizes from about 2cm to 6cm across @ 15.00, 30.00, 45.00 and 60.00 each.
See one of ours pictured on Mindat; fewer than two dozen available from this
old find!
RICHELSDORFITE- Burrus Mine, nr. Reno, Washoe Co., Nevada
Excellent neon-blue, spongy crystalline aggregates and stacked tabular crystals
of richelsdorfite scattered in vugs in matrix, typically with malachite, chrysocolla
and possibly other species. Old material recently uncovered in our warehouse,
fine for the species, good micro potential on the better pieces, and matrix
sizes from 1.5cm to nearly 4cm @ 10.00, 15.00, 25.00 and 35.00 each.
ROBERTSITE- Tip Top Pegmatite, Custer Co., South Dakota
This phosphate mineral, named for the well known mineralogist and author Willard
Roberts, occurs as medium to dark brown crystalline coatings scattered over
a phosphate rock matrix. The robertsite is distinguished by its radiating structure,
and is associated with the typical group of secondary phosphates this locality
is well known for. Sizes from 2.5cm to 6cm @ 15.00, 25.00, 35.00, and 50.00
each. Similar material from the White Elephant Mine also available - inquire!
RODALQUILARITE- Joe Shaft, Tombstone, Cochise Co., Arizona
Pale yellowish green flattened aggregates of this rare tellurium mineral scattered
on rock matrix, occasionally with other species. From the famous discovery of
about 45 years ago, then only the third world locality for the species. We have
specimens from 1.5cm to 6cm across @ 10.00, 20.00, 35.00, 50.00, 75.00.
ROSASITE with HEMIMORPHITE- Nevada Superior Mine, Pershing Co.,
This little-known locality first produced a smattering of Ag-Pb-Zn-Cu minerals
in 1905, and this material is the first reported occurrence for rosasite, as
well as hemimorphite from the mine! Rosasite forms tiny, late-stage blue botryoids
and isolated balls in a brown, quartz-rich gossan matrix, some with tiny sheaves
of radiaiting, clear hemimorphite as well. Specimens are primarily TNs with
good micro potential, and the locality will be featured in an upcoming Mineral
News article. Matrix sizes from about 2cm to 3cm across @ 8.50 and 12.50 each,
depending on quality.
SIDORENKITE- Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada
Minute, reddish-brown crystalline aggregates of very tiny sidorenkite very sparsely
scattered in typical aegirine-rich MSH matrix, these originally obtained from
Dr. George Chao at Carleton University many years ago. Only three specimens
available, averaging about 4cm across @ 150.00 each. List alternates!
STRACHERITE (IMA 2016-098)- Arad, Hatrurim Basin, Negev Desert,
This NEW SPECIES occurs as microscopic crystals to 0.4mm in spurrite, offered
as polished samples averaging about 1cm across and expertly prepared, presented
with accompanying color sample image plus two (2) SEM images and full micrprobe
chemical data. Formula: BaCa6(SiO4)2[(PO4)CO3)]F - trigonal, IMA #2016-098.
Author's studied co-type material with a wide array of unusual associated species,
the first phosphate-carbonate member of the nabimusaite group. Only two prepared
and documented specimens on hand @ 295.00 each.
TROEGERITE- 40 mi. so. Green River, Emery Co., Utah
Lemon yellow platelets and crusts of this uranyl arsenate on sandstone/conglomerate
matrix. Not particularly attractive but fluorescent bright green! An uncommon
member of the autunite group. Sizes from 1.5cm to 3.5cm @ 20.00, 35.00, and
55.00 each.
URANOCIRCITE- Bergen, Vogtland, Germany
Small platy greenish yellow crystals of uranocircite sparsely scattered on matrix,
the largest group about 5mm across. An old, classic material, sizes from 2cm
to 6x3cm @ 40.00, 60.00 and 95.00.
WOLSENDORFITE- Wolsendorf, Bavaria, Germany
Dark orange-red masses of this unusual uranium mineral richly scattered on matrix,
often associated with uraninite and possibly fourmarierite and other species.
Classic locality material, TN sizes to 1.5cm @ 40.00 each.
YANOMAMITE- Mangabeira Mine, Mt. Alegre de Goias Brazil
This rare indium mineral occurs as extremely small micro balls in vugs, often
associated with minor scorodite in a quartz/topaz matrix. One of the few indium
minerals available anywhere, specimens with one or more arrows from about 1cm
to 3cm @ 75.00, 100.00 and 150.00 each, depending on coverage, not size. Type
locality material, ex-Luis Menezes.
ZINKENITE with BERTHIERITE etc.- Sterling Mine, Ogdensburg, Sussex
Co New J
A pair of large, greyish calcite masses, each lightly embedded with pale red-orange
realgar grains, accomapnied by very tiny, thin metallic streamers of elongated
berthierite and zinkenite scattered in several areas of each specimen. Occasional
platy molybdenite, as well as small masses of arsenopyrite and pyrite have also
been observed in these samples, and the literature reports seligmanite and baumhauerite,
which I have not been able to verify as yet. Rare at the locality, these specimens
range from about 2.5cm to 6cm @ 45.00, 75.00 and 100.00 each. List alternates!
This is the full-length, authorized reprint of the lengthy serialized article
from past issues of Mineral News, here as a 29 page booklet, center stapled
and with plastic cover in an 8.5x11 inch color format. Fascinating reading with
numerous citations from original texts going back to the 1890s, it is available
for just 15.00 postpaid in the USA, 19.00 for Canadian addresses, and 22.00
overseas customers!
MINERAL NEWS- The Mineral Collector's Newsletter
Mineral News is a monthly periodical, and U.S. subscriptions are just 30.00
a year (12 color issues). Foreign subscriptions (via air mail) are 56.00 per
year. Subscribe and enjoy, or see our website (www.mineralnews.com) for more
details! Read about new discoveries, articles of historic interest, new collecting
localities and more. As the publishers of Mineral News, we encourage collectors,
dealers, educators and geology professionals to submit articles of interest
to the mineral collecting community. There are no page charges, and it is an
expeditious way to get new discoveries or articles of historic or scientific
interest into the literature. Subscribe today!
POLISHED AGATES- Minas Gerais, Brazil
We stumbled across a flat of hand-polished Brazilian agate slices recently,
these imported some years ago before the craze to dye everything began. These
are choice slices with a range of excellent banding, colors and patterns, polished
on both sides and ranging from 8cm to 10cm across. Old stuff in an ideal size,
offered as mini collections of three different at just 25.00 per lot. Limit
two per customer, please; all suitable for framing, and seen elsewhere at three
times our price!
UNITED KINGDOM PHARMACOSIDERITE- Various Mines in the United Kingdom
An interesting lot of six (6) mounted micromount specimens of pharmacosiderite,
each from a different mine in the UK, the majority from various Cornwall localities.
The tiny cubic crystals range from green to brown, and it is an unusual offer
due to the diversity of localities in the lot. The collection of six different
locality specimens is just 35.00 for the lot!
A highly unusual gemstone, here as excellent, sherry colored 6x4mm ovals that
are nicely faceted and are eye-clean gems! While these are likely from one of
the Bahia mines, we are uncertain of the exact locality beyond Brazil. Rarely
offered in this quality and clarity, these well-cut ovals are just 30.00 each.
Limit two per customer, please!
CATALOG 21706 - Volume XLIV, No.6
Our latest catalog has our well-known assortment of new and rare
species, old classics and representative specimens from a wide range of worldwide
localities. Of particular interest are the excellent molybdofornacite samples,
and especially the world-class specimens of whewellite from a new mining venture
in South Dakota, perhaps the finest ever discovered! As usual, all items are
first-come, first-served, FOB our warehouse.
ALCAPARROSAITE (2011-024)- Alcaparrosa Mine, Antofagasta, Chile
This rare species occurs as tiny, pale yellow tapered crystal blades in very
small radiating aggregates perched on matrix, all collected from a now-exhausted
vein. Formula: K3Ti4+Fe3+(SO4)4O(H2O)2, monoclinic, IMA #2011-024, and a new
structural type. These is good micro potential on these with some careful searching,
common associations including pale lilac coquimbite and possibly other sulfates.
Specimens averagem about 3cm to 4cm across @ just 65.00 each.
AMBLYGONITE- Tin Mountain Mine, Custer Co., South Dakota
Rich, nearly pure cleavages of greyish white amblygonite comprising matrix,
all showing excellent cleavage and form. Analyzed material with a distinct fluorine
peak distinguishes the material from similar appearing montebrasite. A copy
of our analytical work accompanies each specimen, sizes range from about 4cm
to 10cm across @ just 15.00, 25.00, 40.00 and 55.00 each.
ARTHURITE- Cu Stope, Majuba Hill, Pershing Co, Nevada
Bright green radiating micro sprays of well crystallized arthurite richly scattered
over dense, occasionally altered, rhyolitic matrix, sometimes with other species
such as chenevixte, arsenisiderite etc., and quite striking under the 'scope
as well! Perhaps some of the finest, old material from the Copper Stope that
we have uncovered in our extensive warehouse stash! Matrix sizes ranging from
about 2cm up to 6cm @ 10.00, 20.00, 40.00 and 55.00 each. If you know an Arthur,
get him one of these! A few superb specimens from 75.00 to up to 150.00 are
also available, a typical one pictured on our website in the Photo Gallery.
BARROISITE- Iratuyama, Doi cho, Uma Gun, Ehime, Japan
Strictly representative specimens of this more exotic amphibole group mineral,
occurring as dark green crystal prisms scattered through a schist-like rock
matrix. Great locality material, old stuff, sizes from 2cm to 4cm @ 25.00, 35.00
and 45.00 each.
CLINOENSTATITE- Bad Harzburg, Harz, Germany
This unusual species occurs as small, highly vitreous flattened aggregates lightly
scattered in dark, ultramafic rock matrix, easily observed due to the striking
contrast of luster between the species and its host. Old Cureton material obtained
decades ago, specimen sizes range from about 2.5cm to 7cm across @ just 10.00,
20.00, 30.00 and 45.00 each.
DIAMOND- Tshikapa, Kasai Province, Dem Rep Congo
Excellent, frosty cubic single crystals of natural diamond without matrix, these
rather large for the locality which is better known for significantly smaller
samples. Typically opaque to slightly translucent, color hues are generally
silvery to brownish, all with adamantine luster. We have priced these in the
relatively low 100.00 per carat range, with a small selection of stones ranging
from 2.05 carats up to 3.20 carats @ 200.00, 275.00 and 325.00 each.
DIVERSILITE-(Ce)- Yukspor Mt., Khibiny, Kola, Russia
This rare species occurs as peach to yellowish tan plates and pearly masses
to 2mm perched in vugs and exposed seams in matrix. A K-Na-Ba-REE titanium silicate,
offered here in matrix specimens from 1.5cm to 2.5cm @ 125.00, 150.00 and 175.00
each depending on size and coverage.
FERROLAUEITE & FERROSTRUNZITE- nr. Hanover Twp., Burlington
Co., New Jersey
First described in the late 1980s but not formally published until 2012, the
species occurs in several locations along an unnamed creek that crosses via
a roadway culvert into both Monmouth and Burlington counties. (For a detailed
discussion of the locality, see the Mineral News article of April, 2017 pertaining
to ferrostrunzite and ferrolaueite.) The mineral occurs as extremely tiny, honey-brown
micro crystals perched among excellent radiaitng crystals of ferrostrunzite,
occasionally with tiny green balls of glauconite-1M or other species. We have
only four specimens, collected by the late Frank Leans in 1972 and originally
labeled for the ferrostrunzite, supplied some years ago by Jim Ferraiolo, both
co-authors of the new mineral. Sizes range from about 2.5cm to 3.5cm @ 125.00
and 150.00 each. List alternates!
FLUORCAPHITE- Koashva, Khibiny, Kola Peninsula, Russia
Repeat of a sellout first offered a few years ago! This relatively NEW SPECIES
occurs as minute, clear glassy to pale greenish aggregates and small hexagonal
CRYSTALS in matrix, here associated with natrolite and some with fine-grained
sitinakite pseduomorphs after lomonsovite. Formula: (Ca,R)5(PO4)3F, where R=Sr,Na,REE.,
dimorphous with fluorapatite. Type locality material, only a few specimens available,
matrix sizes from about 2.5cm to large 5.5cm samples @ 50.00, 75.00, 100.00
and 150.00 each depending on coverage and quality!
GEHLENITE- Crestmore Quarry, Riverside Co., California
Translucent greyish masses of gehlenite intimately intergrown with merwinite
and comprising matrix, occasionally with minor greenish vesuvianite as well.
An old US locality for the mineral, rich, massive specimens from 3cm to 6cm
across @ just 10.00, 20.00, and 35.00 each.
HEMATITE- Taouzm, Er Rachidia Province, Morocco
Interesting, black botryoids of hematite comprising matrix, the top surfaces
being quite lustrous, and the sides of the specimens showing the radiating structure
of the mineral in cross section. Fairly attractive and from a locality that
started to produce specimen material less than ten years ago. Samples average
about 4.5cm across at just 15.00 each.
HEULANDITE-Ca with STILBITE-Ca- Vaijapur, Aurangabad, Maharashtra,
A recently acquired lot of attractive, pale orange-tan heulandite-Ca as tiny
coffin-shaped crystals, very richly scattered over weirdly convoluted matrix,
associated with similar colored stilbite crystals and larger bowties of paler
stilbite on every specimen. Attractive, analytically confirmed (copy of our
EDS supplied) specimens that are quite showy, specimens ranging in size from
about 5cm to 15cm across @ just 25.00, 50.00, 75.00, 100.00 and 150.00 each
depending on size and aesthetics. Great stuff!
JAMESONITE- Sombrerete, Zacatecas, Mexico
Superb, thick metallic rods of stibnite-like crystals of jamesonite nicely scattered
in/on matrix with well crystallized pyrite. From the original 1975 find, these
modern classics are exceptional for the species, with overall sizes from 3cm
to 6cm @ just 15.00, 25.00 and 45.00.
KENTROLITE- Langban, Varmland, Sweden
Dark reddish black granular masses of this rare lead silicate, richly distributed
through a matrix containing biotite, variety manganophyllite, minor calcite,
and possibly magnetoplumbite. Representative, and difficult to obtain, these
are old Cureton stock samples. Sizesfrom 3cm to 8cm @ 35.00, 50.00, 80.00 and
KETTNERITE- Three Muskateers Mine, Mohave Co., Arizona
Tiny, bright yellow-orange micro crystals of kettnerite scattered in seams in
quartz, occasionally with minor fluorescent scheelite, bismutite and crude,
platy yellow wulfenite. Interesting association pieces with good micro potential,
sizes from 2cm to 5cm @ 15.00, 25.00, 35.00 and 45.00 each.
LATRAPPITE- La Trappe, Oka, Quebec, Canada
Minute, pseudocubic black crystal sections and aggregates of submetallic latrappite
sparsely scattered and embedded in carbonatite matrix. Type locality material
for this niobium analog of perovskite. Matrix sizes from 1.5cm to 4cm @ 10.00,
20.00, and 35.00 each.
MARCASITE- Cap Blanc-Nex, Pas-de-Calais, France
Solid nodules of marcasite without matrix, occasionally with intimately intergrown
minor pyrite that often contributes better stability to these odd ball0like
structures. Matrix free, nodules sizes range from about 2cm to 4.5 cm acrss
@ 15.00, 30.00 and 45.00 each. List alternates!
META-AUTUNITE- Apex Mine, Lander Co., Nevada
This hydrated calcium-uranium-phosphate occurs here as small (1-1.5mm) pale
green platy crystals lightly scattered on dark rock matrix. The specimens will
also yield decent micromounts, as the crystals show sharp tetragonal form and
contrast nicely against the matrix. Distinguishable from the commonly associated
meta-torbernite by its fluorescent response under SW UV. Specimens range from
4cm to 12 cm across, @ just 10.00, 20.00, 35.00, 55.00 and 75.00 each for the
MOLYBDOFORNACITE- Alice Mine, Goodsprings, Clark Co., Nevada
Excellent micro crystals of olive green molybdofornacite lightly scattered on
matrix, occasionally associated with a wide range of other species, mostly typically
hemimorphite, rosasite, cerussite and others. A moderately rare mineral in well-formed,
elongated tiny crystals from the Yellow Pine Extension, the mineral has been
EDS-confirmed for Mo>Cr content, and a copy of our analytical work accompanies
each specimen. (We have found no fornacite thus far, and some earlier reports
of the mineral at the locality may have been in error due to overlapping EDS
peaks of Pb and Mo which an inexperienced operator might miss!). Fine micro
material, specimens range from about 2cm to nearly 6cm across @ just 15.00,
25.00, 40.00 and 65.00 each priced according to quality.
NATROLITE- Upper New Street, Paterson, Passaic Co., New Jersey
Thin, needle-like sprays and tufts of white natrolite well-scattered on basaltic
matrix, some associated with prehnite, calcite etc. Old material collected many
years ago from this prolific New Jersey locality, now sitting under a housing
development. Specimens range from about 2.5cm to 5cm across @ just 7.50, 15.00
and 25.00 each.
OLIGOCLASE- Dordal, near Bamle, Norway
Salmon to pink colored grains of "sunstone", as oligoclase is referred
to at times, to several cm occur in igneous quartz and biotite bearing matrix.
The characteristic schiller effect is evident in many of these pieces; old Claus
Hedegaard specimens, sizes range from 3 to 6cm @ 12.50, 20.00, and 35.00 each.
Quebec, Canada
Perhaps one of the longest species names in mineralogy, this amphibole was originally
described in 1985 from here, the type locality. It occurs as crude, small bluish-black
aggregates scattered in matrix, often with somewhat corroded microcline overlaying
coarse gnessic matrix, and potentially other rock-forming minerals. Specimens
range from 4cm to 8cm across @ just 20.00, 35.00, 55.00 and 75.00 each, but
this is ugly stuff!
POTASSIUM ALUM- Silver Peak, nr. Alum, Esmeralda Co Nevada
Excellent, pure columnar masses of colorless, transparent, ice-like potassium
alum with little or no matrix. XRD-confirmed material, fine vitreous masses
from 3cm up to exceptional 7cm cabinet specimens, priced @ only 10.00, 20.00,
and 35.00 each.
PYRITE- Homestake Mine, Lead, Lawrence Co., South Dakota
From this famous gold producing mine that reached a depth of almost 7500 feet
(2300 meters), we have uncovered a small lot of very brilliant cubic pryites
forming thumbnail groups of both isolated and intergrown crystals, occasionally
with minor quartz. Small but quite attractive TNs from about 1.5cm to 2.5cm
@ just 8.50 and 15.00 each, also suitable for splendid micromounts!
SAPONITE var: AQUACREPTITE- unspecified locality in Peru
A mineralogical nomenclature oddity, the name "aquacreptite" had variously
been used to label both a ferroan antigorite and a hydrated talc, now generally
believed to be a Fe-rich saponite. This is a small 3cm pale brown nodule showing
a distinct layed banding and smooth, greasy surface with ill-defined conchoidal
fracture. The accompanying Scott Williams label suggests a composition near
Mg4Fe3+2Si6O19*8H2O, with some Al2O3 present, but the analytical technique is
unknown and results are not a clear match for a specific phase, suggesting a
mixture. Many well known Peru localities are rich in talc, kaolinites or smectites,
so this one will remain an enigma. Only only available, with Williams labels,
@ 25.00.
SATTERLYITE- Big Fish River, Yukon Territory, Canada
Greenish brown, somewhat glassy radiating aggregates of this unusual phosphate
species scattered in small nodular matrix from this prolific locality. Only
a few specimens available, priced according to overall richness, from 2cm to
3cm @ 45.00, 60.00 and 75.00 each.
SCHAFERITE- Arsenatnaya fumerole, Tolbachik, Russia
Another extraordinary find from this Kamchatka volcano, the mineral occurs as
bright yellow-orange spherical aggregates forming attractive clusters up to
5mm (!!) across. Discovered in 1997 at Eifel, this occurrence of schaferite
from the second scoria cone of the Great Tolbachik Fissure Eruption is far superior
to the type locality material, much like the previously offered nichenichite
crystals from our previous list. Only three specimens available, sizes average
2.5cm to 3cm across @ 195.00 each. List alternates!
SPURRITE (lilac!)- Fuka, Bicchu-cho, Okayama Pref., Japan
Although a prolific mineral here, at Crestmore, and elsewhere, these are quite
interesting in that the spurrite is a wonderful lilac-purple color and comprises
much of teh entire matrix of each specimen, occasionally with subordinate amounts
of colorless calcite and/or wollastonite. Neat, colorful stuff, specimens from
about 3.5cm to 5cm across @ just 35.00 and 45.00 each.
THOMSONITE-Sr- Mt. Rasvumchorr, Khibiny, Kola, Russia
This rare zeolite species described in 2000 occurs as minute radiating "brushes"
of crystalline groups to 1cm nicely scattered in veinlets and exposed seams
on matrix. Formula: (Sr,Ca)2Na[Al5Si5O20]*6-7H2O. Type locality material with
some micro potential, and only one of three known localities in the world for
this rare Sr-dominant zeolite. Author's material; sizes from 1.5cm to 3.5cm
@ 85.00, 120.00 and 150.00 each.
URALOLITE- Boevskoye Dep., nr.Kamensk, Ural, Russia
This rare Ca-Be-phosphate occurs as minute needle-like aggregates perched in
matrix. These are author's material from the original find at the type locality,
available as minute fragments with modest micro potential in a capsule @ just
30.00 each.
VANDENBRANDEITE- Musonoi Extension, Katanga(Shaba), Dem Rep Congo
A selection of half a dozen excellent vandenbrandeite specimens, most from the
Vandall King uranium collection, here showing well formed, dark greenish black
vandenbrandeite crystals to several millimeters isolated and in small groups
on uranium-rich, digenite ore matrix, often associated with other uranium minerals
such as kasolite, cuprosklodowskite etc.. Fine for the species from this prolific
(formerly Zaire) locality, specimens from 2cm to 6cm priced according to quality
@ 50.00, 75.00, 100.00 and 150.00 each.
WHEWELLITE on CALCITE- Elk Creek, Meade Co., South Dakota
Extraordinarily large crystals and complex, reticulated aggregates of whewellite
perched on brownish, botryoidal calcite matrix, occasionally with yellow calcite
points and druses as well! We recently acquired a significant lot of about a
dozen high-quality samples from a private mining venture, and these are clearly
the best and largest we have ever seen! The mineral ranges from elongated and
flattened, crudely etched and reticulated beige to white aggregates that extend
from 4cm(!!!) and up, o large, blocky plates of sharper single crystals with
minor yellow transparency! Quite incredible for the species, these were recently
featured in a short Mineral News article (August, 2017), and a couple are pictured
in Mindat as well. Certainly the "Best of Species", specimens range
in size from about 6cm to a monster 18cm sample, priced according to whewellite
quality, at 500.00, 750.00, 1000.00, 2000.00 and 3000.00. These are brilliantly
fluorescent at all wavelengths and phosphorescent with some color zoning, too!
Second to none, we believe!
WODGINITE var: TANTALOWODGINITE- Veshnyakovskoye, Irkutsk, Siberia,
This uncommon species was originally submitted and approved as tantalowodginite
(IMA#2000-026), but then subsequently discredited. It occurs here as small (~1mm)
dark brownish grains without matrix, obtained by a Russian scientist from the
Elash stream beds! An interesting occurrence, once a member of the ever-expanding
wodginite group @ just 20.00 each.
ZIRCON on SIDERITE- Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada
A rather aesthetic thumbnail specimen showing several greenish-tan intergrown
rhombic crystals of siderite to nearly 1cm each comprising the host matrix for
a euhedral, brownish tetragonal 1cm zircon crystal that sits perched among the
siderites, showing perfect faces and form on all exposed surfaces! The rear
of the specimen is filled with micro white, tabular albite crystals, and the
specimen is carefully mounted on a clear leucite square in an upright position.
The piece is pictured on Mindat.org; quite attractive, well formed, overall
size about 2.5x2cm @ 75.00. One only!
MINERAL NEWS- The Mineral Collector's Newsletter
Mineral News is a monthly periodical, and U.S. subscriptions are just 30.00
a year (12 color issues). Foreign subscriptions (via air mail) are 56.00 per
year. Subscribe and enjoy, or see our website (www.mineralnews.com) for more
details! Read about new discoveries, articles of historic interest, new collecting
localities and more. As the publishers of Mineral News, we encourage collectors,
dealers, educators and geology professionals to submit articles of interest
to the mineral collecting community. There are no page charges, and it is an
expeditious way to get new discoveries or articles of historic or scientific
interest into the literature. Subscribe today!
Nicely cut 7x5mm cabochons of bright orange spessartine garnet, all are quite
transparent and show good color for this manganese-rich garnet. A moderately
unusual cabochon material at just 25.00 per stone or 45.00 for a boxed matched
GNEISS- White Plains, Westchester Co., New York
A classic example of this metamorphic rock showing tight gneissic banding of
alternating light and dark minerals. Obtained years ago during the blasting
and extension of Route 287 near the Tappan Zee bridge, this is a fairly heavy
and large specimen measuring about 12x10 cm in cross-section, offered at just
If you are looking for a specific mineral or group, please feel
free to drop us a line. Our inventory exceeds 200,000 specimens, and out periodic
lists are only the "tip of the iceberg" of what is on hand. We fill
the needs of many researchers and private collectors by servicing their "want
lists", so take advantage of our extensive mineral inventory from worldwide
CATALOG 21705 - Volume XLIV, No.5
This latest catalog offers an assortment of new mineral species,
some excellent mcguinnessite samples, the finest occurrence of nickenichite
ever discovered, and our usual one-of-a-kind specimens from old collections,
fluorescent specimens etc. All material offered first-come, first-served, FOB
our warehouse. Virginia residents: add sales tax. Read on!
AFGHANITE- Casa Colina Q., Pitigliano, Tuscany, Italy
Afghanite occurs as clear to almost opaque, colorless to white blocky small
but sharp crystals scattered in a vuggy matrix. An interesting cancrinite group
mineral from this locality collected about 10 years ago, each specimen will
probably yield several nice afghanite micros, and these show an obvious fluorescent
response under both SW and LW, too! Matrix sizes from about 2cm to nearly 5cm
@ 20.00, 30.00, and 45.00 each.
ASTROPHYLLITE- St. Peter's Dome, El Paso Co., Colorado
Rich, golden brown flattened lath-like crystals and aggregates well scattered
in quartz pegmatite matrix. Old material from the Cheyenne District once offered
by A.E. Foote and recently rediscovered in our warehouse. Over 50 species occurred
at the deposit, and specimens range from about 2.5cm to 5cm across @ just 10.00,
20.00 and 35.00 each. Quite nice for the mineral and locality!
CALCITE (FL)- Santa Fe/Calvada Mine, Mineral Co., Nevada
Excellent, frosty white to translucent calcite crystals in pleasing equant and
twin forms to 1cm nicely scattered on rock matrix, all nicely fluorescent red
under both LW and SW UV. Surprisingly not listed on Mindat for the locality,
these are noted in an upcoming 2017 issue of Mineral News. Specimens range from
2cm to 7cm @ 7.50, 15.00, 25.00 and 45.00 each. Moderately attractive and from
a new locality for the species.
CANAVESITE- Brosso Mine, Torino, Piedmont, Italy
Rich white needle-like tufts of this uncommon mineral richly scattered and intergrown
over sulfide/rock matrix. Modest micro potential on these old and interesting
specimens from the type locality for the species, sizes ranging from about 3cm
up to nearly 8cm across @ 25.00, 45.00 and 75.00 each.
DIAMOND- Premier Mine, Pretoria District, Rep So Africa
Excellent, gem quality transparent white octahedrons without matrix from this
famous mine that produced the world's largest diamond ever found in 1905! These
crystals are quite small (0.5mm) but of exceptional gem grade, each lot suitable
for multiple, outstanding micromounts. We offer a collection of 5 crystals in
a classy, glass-topped box @ just 25.00 per lot; U.S. shipments only.
DUGGANITE- Black Pine Mine, Granite Co., Montana
Another rare species at this prolific locality, dugganite occurs here as green
to unusual purplish-green micro hexagonal aggregates sparsely scattered in white
quartz matrix. Each sample has been individually analyzed and confirmed via
EDS and is accompanied by two color images to assist in pinpointing the mineral
that is best viewed at 40x. Only a few samples on hand, matrix sizes range from
about 1.2cm to 2.5cm @ 85.00 and 125.00 each. all with complete documentation
and imaging.
FLUORITE w/ CELESTINE- Clay Center, Ottawa Co., Ohio
From the H.E. Moore collection, an older specimen comprised of honey-brown(!!)
fluorite cubes to 4mm richly scattered across both top and bottom of a limestone
matrix, accompanied by several white, tabular crystals of celestine to 2.5cm
long. Moore's label indicates the piece was acquired circa 1967, and a small
adhered label is also attached from a predecessor collector. The first time
I missed a specimen ID on my Mineralogy 101 course at CCNY back in the 1960s,
it was a similarly colored brown fluorite that tripped me up! The piece is brilliantly
fluorescent (bight creamy yellow) under both LW and SW UV! Specimen size about
7x6cm @ 65.00. Moderately attractive old timer!
FLUORWAVELLITE (IMA 2015-077)- Willard Mine, Pershing Co., Nevada
A remarkable occuurrence for this relatively new species, fluorwavellite occurs
here as white radiating micro crystals that form balls and divergent, acicular
aggregates well scattered in seams and exposed vugs in a dark, cherty matrix.
Formula: Al3(PO4)2(OH)2F*5H2O, orthorhombic, IMA # 2015-077, the fluorine-analog
of wavellite. Among the 40+ localities checked by the authors in the publication
of this new species' description, the Willard Mine material had the highest
fluorine content of any locality surveyed, well-above the type locality specimens!
Specimens are priced according to quality and range from TNs to about 6cm @
just 15.00, 30.00, 45.00 and 60.00 each, many with good micro potential as well.
One large matrix sample about 17x7cm @ 175.00.
FRESNOITE- Big Creek, Fresno Co., California
Minute pale yellow to colorless grians of fresnoite sparsely scattered in rock
matrix, associated with minor celsian (FL blue) and possibly other species.
The fresnoite is weakly fluorescent approaching a pale yellow color, matrix
sizes from 2.5 to 8cm @ 15.00, 25.00, 45.00 and 65.00 each.
GALENA- Huanzala Mien, Ancash Dept., Peru
Neat miniatures of brightly metallic galena, here as weird and typically intergrown
cubo-octahedral crystals and highly modified forms largely comprising matrix,
some with minor sphalerite, quartz etc. Interesting specimens about 3cm across
from this prolific locality, very reasonably priced at just 10.00 each.
HALITE (bicolor)- Herringen, Werra Valley, Hesse, Germany
Likely from the famous Wintersahll Potash Works, these interesting halites are
essentially clear and transparent to
translucent, but all showing an interesting purplish-blue zoning. Like the New
Mexican material, it is believed that radiation exposure is responsible for
the color variation seen in these specimens. Old Cureton stock, specimens average
about 4cm across @ just 20.00 each.
HEDYPHANE in CALCITE (FL)- Vrancice, nr. Pribram, Bohemia, Czech
Dull tan to brownish masses of hedypahne to a few millimeters sparsely scattered
in matrix, overwhelmed by the brilliantly fluorescent (redish orange SW UV)
calcite embedded in the matrix. This locality has produced many interesting
species, and sulfides such as chalcocite, stromeyerite etc. may be found here
as well. These old specimens are generously sized from about 4cm to 6cm across
@ just 20.00, 30.00 and 45.00 each.
JOSEITE-B- Glaicer Gulch, nr. Smithers, B.C., Canada
Grey metallic masses of this unusual Bi-Te-S mineral scattered in matrix, occasionally
associated with mior tetradymite or other phases. Type locality material, described
prior to the IMA's founding and currently a valid mineral, but questioned as
a possible Te-rich ikunolite or possibly other phases. Collected in 1963, a
few samples available from 2cm to 8cm across @ 20.00, 45.00, 70.00 and 95.00
LOPARITE-(Ce)- Lovozero Massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia
Black granular masses to 5mm across very richly scattered in matrix and richly
comprising these specimens. According to I.V. Pekov, it is likely that perovskites
described as early as the 1890s from here were very likely loparite-(Ce), not
formally described until 1921. Originally obtained from the Fersman Museum in
the 1970s, we have a half dozen samples that average about 4cm across @ just
40.00 each. Tiny single crystals about 0.5mm across are also on hand - please
MARCASITE- Tri-State District, U.S.A.
Solid nodules of marcasite without matrix, occasionally with intimately intergrown
minor pyrite that often contributes better stability to these odd ball-like
structures. Matrix free, nodules sizes range from about 2cm to 4.5 cm acrss
@ 15.00, 30.00 and 45.00 each. List alternates!
MCGUINNESSITE- Chalk Mountain, Churchill Co., Nevada
Collected many years ago from the west side of Chalk Mountain, we were among
the first to offer mcguinnessite from Chalk Mountain as new locality for the
species back in the early 1990s. The mineral occurs here as bright blue botryoidal
knobs and tiny radiating balls scattered on dark rock matrix, making fine micros
and colorful, larger specimens, occasionally with massive magnetite and a variety
of white Mg-carbonate phases. These have good coverage and are quite attractive,
overall matrix sizes from 2cm to 5cm @ just 7.50, 15.00, and 25.00 each; a few
larger 8cm to 10cm @ 55.00, and a monster museumm specimen about 25x10cm @ 250.00!
Nice material!
MERELANIITE (IMA 2016-042)- Merelani Hills, Manyara Region, Tanzania
This NEW SPECIES occurs as micro, cylindrical whiskers of dark grey metallic
needles, here lightly embedded in transparent calcite cleavages, occasionally
with flakes of graphite and/or other phases. Formula: Mo4Pb4VSbS - triclinic,
IMA # 2016-042, a new member of the cylindrite group. Recently dubbed the New
Mineral of the Year, viewing at 10x easily shows the whiskers that reach up
to several millimeters in these samples! Matrix sizes average about 1cm @ 135.00
NEKOITE- Iron Cap Mine, Graham Co., Arizona
A locality known for its odd suite of minerals, nekoite occurs here as bright
white to stained tan botryoidal coatings and aggregates of acicular divergent
crystal sprays, occasionally to more massive pearly crystalline aggregates scattered
on massive johannsenite. XRD confirmed material with modest micro potential
as well, sizes from about 3cm to 6cm rich samples @ 25.00, 40.00 and 75.00 each;
superior to the more massive California material seen in most collections!
NICKENICHITE- Arsenatnaya Fumerole, Tolbachik, Russia
A highly unusual occurrence for this rare species, here as superb, electric
blue micro crystals to 1mm scattered on vuggy basalt scoria from this famous
Kamchatka volcano! Minor hematite and orthoclase may be present, but the violet-blue
crystals, formed on fumarolic gas-altered scoria, are certainly the best in
the world, and far superior to the type (and only other reported locality) material
from Germany. Quite exceptional under the scope, specimens from about 2cm to
4cm across priced according to quality @ 150.00, 200.00 and 250.00 each. Only
a few available of this world-class complex copper-rich arsenate micro mineral!!
PEKOVITE- Dara-i-Pioz, Alaiskii Range, Tadjikistan
This rare species occurs as minute colorless grains in matrix, these in prepared
2cm probe mounts and accompanied by at least one SEM image and an X-ray spectra.
The formula: SrB2Si2O8, the Sr-analog of danburite and maleevite, named for
prolific Russian mineralogist and author Igor V. Pekov. IMA #2003-035, type
locality material and author's studied specimens, only a few available @ 145.00
PHARMACOSIDERITE- Gold Hill Mine, Tooele Co., Utah
Rich brown to olive green, splendant micro cubes of pharmacosiderite well scattered
on matrix, occasionally with scorodite, quartz, arsenopyrite or other phases.
Excellent for the species and locality, and these will yield fine micros from
the well-covered matrix specimens. Sizes range from about 2.5cm to 8cm samples
@ 10.00, 20.00, 45.00 and 75.00 each, all quite rich!
PLATTNERITE- Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico
From the classic finds of the late 1960's, we have a uncovered several flats
of black, micro plattnerite crystals as tiny needles well-scattered on limonitic
matrix. Good micro material and quite rich, occasionally with calcite crystals
and/or other species, specimens from about 4cm to 12cm @ 15.00, 35.00, 50.00
and 75.00 each. Classic!
POTASSIC-CHLORO-HASTINGSITE- Dashkesan Deposit, Caucasus, Azerbaijan
This approved amphibole mineral was originally accepted and named as chloro-pottasic-hastingsite
(IMA 2005-007), then renamed in 2012 based on later IMA nomenclature recommendations.
It occurs as nearly monomineralic masses of dark greenish grey, coarsely prismatic
skarn rock largely comprising matrix. Formula: (K,Na)Ca2(Fe2+,Mg)4Fe3+[Si6Al2O22](Cl,OH02.
Author's neotype material from the type locality for the species, specimens
average about 1.2cm @ 115.00 each. One of only two known Cl-rich amphiboles
found in nature to date!!
RHODOCHROSITE- Wuzhou Prefecture, Guangxi Zhuang, PR China
Neat thumbnail specimens of bright pink, opaque rhodochrosite masses and partial
rhombic crystals in matrix, appearing much like old Silverton material with
associated quartz and sulfides scattered about the underlying matrix. Colorful
and relatively inexpensive, sizes average 2.5-3cm at just 15.00 each.
RHODONITE- Franklin, Sussex Co., New Jersey
An old timer acquired in the 1950s by Howard E. Moore, here as a stout, dull
pink rhodonite crystal about 4cm wide and 3cm tall partially embedded in massive
franklinite/calcite/willemite matrix, with a lesser partial crystal of rhodonite
also evident. While far from perfect, it is a decent crystal and the matrix
is nicely fluorescent, of course, and the specimen measures 5x5cm overall at
just 65.00.
SIDERITE- Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada
An excellent thumbnail comprised of two intergrown siderite rhombs just under
2cm on edge forming a neat small display sample nicely mounted on a leucite
square. The siderite has the odd but typical for MSH olive-tan hue. One only,
overall size about 2.5cm @ just 30.00.
SILLIMANITE- nr. Dry Creek, Natrona Co., Wyoming
From material collected years ago, these are excellent, rich samples of silvery,
slightly greenish aggregates of nearly pure, somewhat waxy sillimanite comprising
matrix. We are likely the first to reveal that the locality is near Dry Creek,
and it is just about in the middle of nowhere, as there are no significant towns
within miles of the deposit! Specimens range in size from about 3cm up to nearly
8cm, reasonably priced at just 10.00, 20.00 and 40.00 each.
SULFUR- El Desierto Mine, San Pablo de Napa, Bolivia
Excellent, elongated single crystals of native sulfur without matrix, these
showing steep pyramidal faces and weird, skeletal growth patterns. Excellent
for both this Potosi Department locality and the species, these bright yellow,
native element crystals average about 3.5cm tall at just 10.00 each. Neat!
TODOROKITE on COLEMANITE- 20 Mule Canyon, Inyo Co., California
Minute black aggregates of dusty todorokite lying on the surface and lightly
included in drusy colemanite crystals comprising matrix. An interesting association
and not bad looking, nicely crystallized matrix sizes from 5cm to 12cm @ 45.00,
75.00 and 125.00 each. Old material collected over 20 years ago!
WODGINITE- McAllister Pegmatite, Coosa County, Alabama
Small black rounded aggregates of wodginite relatively free of matrix, some
with minor mica but quite pure, offered as numerous granular masses in a small
vial. Old Cureton stock originally obtained from the late Eugene Foord atthe
USGS, one of the authors of the Canadian Mineralogist article (1989, Vol. 27),
and a first reported occurrence for the state (misspelled on Mindat as "McCallister").
Average weight about half a gram in each vial @ just 20.00 per vial; author's
studied material.
ZIRCON- Tambani Area, Blantyre District, Malawi
Analyzed single crystals of medium brown zircon without matrix, most showing
good crystal faces on several sides, most often with a variety of tetragonal
forms. Crystals range from about 9mm to 2.5cm, priced individually at 10.00,
15.00 and 25.00 each, all accompanied by our representative EDS spectra, the
larger crystals typically more crude in habit. Inquire for bulk quantities useful
for research.
Economic Analysis of- Heavy Minerals in Sediments Editor; G. Luepke
One of the classic "Benchmark Papers in Geology Series", this hardcover
book is a compilation of more than twenty (20) seminal papers in the subject,
drawing upon experts in the field in the U.S., France, Germany, Australia etc.
A unique compilation and edited by USGS expert Gretchen Luepke (Menlo Park),
published in 1985 and encompassing over 300 pages, a rare hardcover title, one
only, @ 40.00.
We are the publishers of Mineral News, the monthly periodical for mineral collectors. In the past ten years, we have made improvements in production and imaging, added full color photographs, new mineral description abstracts, and expanded the page count by more than 30% to a full 16 pages every month! If you'd like to read about new mineral discoveries, exciting finds by field collectors, historic localities and personalities, schedules of coming events and other news of interest to collectors, you should subscribe! Domestic subscriptions are just $30 per year (12 issues), or $55 for two years. Foreign subscription rates and advertising rates can be found at www.mineralnews.com. An annual subscription makes a great gift, too!
THE MYSTERY FLAT- Various Localities Worldwide
We continue to offer our popular "mystery flats" of twenty (20) different
specimens from worldwide localities, all individually labeled and ranging in
size from about 2.5cm to 6cm across for the princely sum of just $125 plus shipping.
These are from old collections, excess stock, single specimens and material
available only in small quantities too labor intensive to describe and catalog.
Some will be colorful, some will be ugly, some will have micro potential, some
from obscure localities, but the lot will be worth a minimum of $250 or more,
yours sight-unseen for our liquidation price of just $125 plus shipping! Multiple
orders up to three sets (60 specimens) received at the same time will not have
duplicates! A bargain for anyone wishing to expand their collection horizons,
these now include specimens from a recent University purchase! Try one!
Yes, we are also stamp collectors, and over the years have accumulated many
mineral and mining stamps. We offer a batch of 35 colorful, mineral-related
postage stamps from many foreign countries (no U.S.) and with only minor duplication,
all off-paper and in very fine or better condition. Each lot of 35 is just 11.00
postpaid with any mineral order. Get 'em while you can, as these can make for
an interesting display addition to your collection!
No, we are not really sure why anyone would cut cabochons out of perfectly good
pyrite specimens, but here they are! We recently acquired a small lot of calibrated
18x13mm cabochons that show moderately good luster of typical, metallic pyrite.
Out of curiosity, we even analyzed one in our SEM/EDS system to be sure they
were pyrite (they were!). So, if you want to start a oddball cabochon collection,
here is your first one! Each cab comes with a copy of our analysis as well for
just 7.50 per cab. Lots of 5 for just 30.00 per lot.
LIMESTONE (FOSSILIFEROUS) - Glenerie Falls, Ulster Co., New York
An interesting specimen of dark grey, fossiliferous limestone, collected in
1974 by Prof. Wayne Ault along Esopus Creek at the falls. The Glenerie Limestone
is siliceous and somewhat cherty in texture and composition, often showing crude
outlines and shell patterns of brachiopods and possibly other fossil remnants.
A hefty and dense specimen measuring about 8x7x6cm @ just 40.00.
CATALOG 21704 - Volume XLIV, No.4
ANDORITE- San Jose Mine, Oruro, Bolivia
Crudely crystallized andorite masses showing interesting etched surfaces or
striated aggregates richly comprising matrix, often intergrown with stannite
or other phases. Smaller samples in TN boxes, these average 1.0cm to 1.3cm long
and are priced at just 20.00 each, a few larger 2.5-3cm @ 45.00 each.
ARANGASITE (TL)- Alyaskitovoe Depsoit, Ust'Nera, Yak. Russia
This relatively new Siberian raroity is ofered here as pure, dull silky white
aggregates with little or no matrix. Type locality material for this hydrous
Al-F phosphate-sulfate mineral has seen little distribution since its IMA approval
in 2012, and these are perhaps the only specimens available from this single-locality
species. Specimens range from about 1.4cm to 2cm long @ 150.00 and 200.00 each.
Only a few on hand!
BERZELIITE- Arsenatnaya Fumerole, Tolbachik, Kam Russia
An unusual occurrence of this uncommon mineral better known from Langban, here
as surprisingly rich, micro aggregates of pale yellow-orange berzeliite crystals
intimately intergrown among colorless anhydrite crusts. Coverage is quite good
on the few samples we have, and these could easily be broken down to yield multiple
micros if desired. Matrix sizes are in the 3cm-4cm range @ 125.00 each.
CINNABAR on DOLOMITE- Tongren, Guizhou Province, PR China
Rather colorful specimens showing bright red cinnabar crystalline aggregates
and partial crystals lightly scattered on brilliant white dolomite crystals,
some with minor calcite and/or underlying rock matrix. Moderately attractive
and relatively inexpensive, sizes average about 4cm @ just 20.00 each.
DUFTITE (CALCIAN)- Centennial Eureka Mine, Juab Co., Utah
Excellent micro crystals of isolated, apple-green calcian duftite scattered
on vuggy matrix, most sitting on micro quartz crystals and occasionally with
other secondary minerals such as cuprian adamite. Collected over 20 years ago,
superb for the species with fine micro potential, matrix sizes average 2.5cm
@ just 12.50 each. Quite attractive under the scope!
FERSMITE- Dark Star Claim, Alta, Ravalli Co., Montana
Excellent, dark brown to nearly black vitreous masses of fersmite well-scattered
in quartz matrix. Originally collected by Bart Cannon (cannonite) in 1973, this
often-overlooked mineral was the second one named after the founder of the Fersman
Museum in Moscow, A.E. Fersman. A few TN specimens available @ 25.00 each.
GALENA with SPHALERITE etc.- Madan, Rhodope Mountains, Bulgaria
A rather nice specimen comprised of tiny, nearly black sphalerite crystals well
scattered amoung larger, silvery metallic galena cubes to 7mm richly covering
the entire matrix of this old classic. The piece is accompanied by a Bulgarian
museum label, and the specimen sits flat with several hillocks and waves of
crystals. A neat galena specimen with typical associated species, overall size
about 13x11 cm at just 135.00.
GASPEITE- Carr Boyd Mine, Western Australia, Australia
Rich foamy crusts of yellow green gaspeite fill seams and cavities in a reddish
limonitic matrix. Some samples show good botryoidal development and excellent
color contrast, old material from Westaus Mineral Museum, sizes from about 2cm
to 6cm across @ 20.00, 35.00, and 50.00 each.
GOLD- La Campania Mine, Sierra Gorda, Chile
Tiny micro aggregates of native gold sparsely scattered on rock matrix, these
suitable as micro reference specimens from this prolific locality. All will
require some magnification to appreciate, some with minor atacamite, only a
few small TNs on hand, averaging 1.5cm, @ just 25.00 each.
GYPSUM- Lockport, Niagra Co., New York
An older specimen, ex-St. Lawrenece University mineral collection and accompanied
by their label, comprised of transparent to translucent crystalline gypsum in
a complex intergrowth of crude crystals, also with a white drusy coating of
dolomite and bladed calcite)?) as well. A neat specimen that displays well due
t its brilliant white/clear combination, overall size about 8x6cm @ just 35.00.
One only!
JUANITAITE- Gold Hill Mine, Tooele Co., Utah
This relatively rare species occurs as small, yellow-green micro rosettes and
druses sparsely scattered in vugs and exposed seams on matrix, some associated
with needle-like blue connellite, or fine tyrolite, or occasionally other species.
Most of this material was collected on the 150 level over 20 years ago and was
subsequently named for its discoverer, the late Juanita Curtis. Modest micro
potential as well, matrix sizes from about 2cm to nearly 6cm @ just 40.00, 65.00,
85.00 and 100.00 each, depending on quality/size.
LOPARITE-(Ce)- Lagendalen, Larvik, Vestfold, Norway
Brownish black, submetallic masses of loparite-(Ce) to 5mm scattered in feldspar
matrix, typically with minor aegirine, possible lorenzenite, analcime pinkish
eudialite etc. Old material and only a few specimens on hand that average 5cm
across @ 55.00 each.
MILLERITE- Halls Gap, Lincoln Co., Kentucky
Small geodes and sections containing tiny fibrous needles of brilliant, elongated
brassy millerite. Once a featured article in Mineralogical Record in 1997, these
are old specimens collected nearly 50 years ago, most with good micro potential
as well, some with micro pyrite etc. Sizes range from about 1.5cm to nearly
4cm across @ 20.00, 30.00, 45.00 and 60.00 each, depending on coverage and quality
MUSCOVITE (Ball Peen Mica)- Fillow Quarry, Branchville, Connecticut
A pair of large, old specimens showing the classic "ball peen" habit
of muscovite so well known from this classic locality, sometimes called "margarodite"
in the distant past. Specimen #1 is a 14x10x10cm monster that perfectly displays
the contact between the thick band of tan spodumene and white quartz pegmatite,
with rather small pods of ball peen mica to a few mm scattered about the top
of the piece, offered at just 55.00.
NELENITE- Huanggang Mine, Chifeng, I. Mongolia China
From a relatively recent find several years ago, this rare mineral occurs here
as micro hexagonal plates that are typically stacked in minute, somewhat globular
aggregates nicely perched on white, rhombic cleavages of calcite matrix. Identification
has been confirmed by chemistry, XRD and Raman, and a copy of the original Raman
spectra is included with each sample. Coverage is obvious to the naked eye and
will also yield decent micromounts if trimmed further. Specimens range in size
from about 1 cm to nearly 4cm @ just 20.00, 35.00, 55.00 and 85.00 each, priced
according to coverage, and from one of only a handful of known localities for
the species.
ORTHOSERPIERITE- Vezzani Mine, Corsica, France
Bright bluish-green platy masses and aggregates of this unusual but colorful
mineral comprising small, crusty matrix samples. Once thought to be devilline,
these small but brightly hued samples are from an interesting locality, offered
as numerous tiny fragments in a capsule @ 10.00 or as 1cm small TNs @ 17.50
OZEROVAITE- Second Scoria Cone, Tolbachik, Kam. Russia
This NEW SPECIES occurs as minute (<0.3mm) red to reddish-yellow single grains
mounted on an adhesive stub, typically with minute amounts of transparent, colorless
aphithitalite as well. IMA approved (2016-019), formula: Na2KAl3(AsO4)4 - orthorhombic.
An extremely rare arsenate from the type locality on the Northern Breakthrough
of this famopus Kamchatka volcano. Only a few tiny grains available @ 145.00
PEROVSKITE var: KNOPITE- Langorsholmen, Alno, Medelpad, Sweden
Small black masses of this Ce-rich phase about 4x1mm scattered in and on matrix,
from the type locality for the knopite variety first described in 1894. "Knopite"
was later shown to be a perovskite-group phase rich in cerium, perhaps loparite-(Ce),
but more extensive analytical work is needed to properly classify the mineral.
Similar perovskite from Kola was sometimes found to actually be loparite and
was later described as the new mineral loparite-(Ce). An old specimen from the
original locality for knopite, only one, matrix about 4cm across @ 60.00.
PLUMBOAGARDITE- Alforja Mine, Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain
This moderately rare mineral occurs here as tiny, pale green fibrous matted
aggregates to micro needle-like hexagonal crystals elongated on [0001], typically
associated with barite, quartz and possibly other phases. Strictly micro material,
accompanied by a representative SEM image and EDS spectra with weight percents
rom a Russian scientist, some showing modest praseodymium and other REEs as
well. A new mineral for the locality and the first occurrence of the species
in Spain! Specimens range from about 1.5cm to 4cm across, priced according to
quality @ 20.00, 30.00. 45.00 and 65.00 each.
RUTILE- Tokke, Telemark, Norway
Rather ugly stuff, acquired years ago from the late Claus Hedegaard, and represented
here by crude, nearly black elongated aggregates to 1.2cm of rutile scattered
in pegmatitic matrix.These may be from the ilmenorutile occurrence at Spafjell,
but the precise locality beyond Tokke is unknown. Specimens range from about
2cm to nearly 6cm across @ just 6.00, 15.00 and 25.00 each.
SILVER- Central City District, Gilpin Co., Colorado
From a small highgraded lot, we have a few well-formed dendritic native silver
specimens, all showing bright, richly aggregated herringbone to wirey masses
on minor matrix. Attractive thumbnail specimens from an excellent older locality,
specimens from about 1.5 cm to nearly 2.4cm @ only 20.00, 30.00 and 40.00 each.
STIBICONITE with STIBNITE- Santa Fe/Calvada Mine, Mineral Co.,
Silvery-grey elongated aggregates of metallic stibnite lightly scattered in
matrix, all with heavy overcoatings and replacement bodies of yellow to orange-yellow
stibiconite richly covering these heavy specimens. The nature of stibiconite,
while still IMA-approved, may someday be determined to consistently be a member
of the roemite group, either one of several now known or another that could
be a new mineral. For the moment, we are content to call these by their grandfathered
name of stibiconite, pending analytical work beyond our lab's capability. Good
specimens from a seldom-seen locality, sizes from 3.5cm to nearly 9cm across
@ just 10.00, 20.00 and 40.00 ea.
TAKANELITE- Marfa, Presidio Co., Texas
Minute, dull greyish submetallic masses sparsely scattered in light colored
matrix fragments in a capsule. Rarely offered material, ex-Cureton stock,these
from an interesting locality @ 25.00 per capsule.
THALENITE-(Y)- Guy Hazen Prospect, nr. Kingman, Arizona
Old material collected in the 1960's, thalenite-(Y) occurs here as greyish to
pale tan masses richly scattered in and comprising matrix. XRD confirmed, only
a few specimens from 1cm to nearly 2.5cm @ 20.00, 35.00 and 55.00 each. A rarity
for Arizona!
VOLBORTHITE- Douglas Hill Mine, Artesia Lake, Nevada
Bright yellowish green flattened radiating platy aggregates of volborthite to
1mm sparely scattered on rock matrix, these often with pale green, fibrous malacite
and occasionally brochantite or other species. From an old stock of this uncommon
copper-vanadium species from Lyon County with moderate coverage and some decent
micro potential as well, SEM-verified, matrix sizes from small TNs to nearly
10cm across @ only 10.00, 20.00, 35.00 and 55.00 each. Nice under the scope!
YOFORTIERITE w/ POLYLITHIONITE- Mont Saint Hilaire, Quebec, Canada
From the original 1960's find, yofortierite occurs as pinkish hair-like fibers
intergrown with flaky polylithionite, with smaller amounts of other minerals,
but often with rather large, globular analcime crystals as well. Fairly rich,
colorful and well mixed material from a classic locality, many with micro potential
as well. Sizes from 1.5cm to nearly 6cm @ just 20.00, 35.00 and 60.00 each.
ZERAVSHANITE- Dara-I-Pioz, Alaiskii Range, Tadjikistan
Another rare species from this prolific area, here as minute grains mounted
in a 2cm probe mount, accompanied by an SEM backscatter image and X-ray spectra.
IMA #2003-034, a new Cs-Zr silicate and a new structural type! Formula: Cs4Na2Zr3Si18O45*2H2O;
author's material from the type locality, a few available @ 145.00 each.
ZEUNERITE-METAZEUNERITE- Majuba Hill, Pershing Co., Nevada
From an old hoard, fairly good specimens of small, flattened radiating plates
of medium green zeunerite/metazeunerite sparsely scattered in exposed seams
on matrix. The sprays extend to 6mm across, and they are highly lustrous against
the dull, grayish rock matrix, these likely collected many years ago from the
base of the Copper Stope where the mineral was once found. Only a few specimens
on hand, sizes ranging from about 2cm to 6cm, priced according to quality @
15.00, 30.00 and 45.00 each, some with good micro potential as well!
FLEISCHER'S GLOSSARY- 2008 and 2014 Editions by Malcolm Back
We are clearing out our inventory of all editions of Fleischer's Glossary of
Mineral Species. The expanded 2008 edition that encompasses 346 pages covering
4233 species and mineral group appendix is available at just 19.00 per copy
with any mineral order, and the last edition, the 2014 that saw limited distribution
and was expanded to 434 pages(!!), is offered at just 29.00 per copy while our
supplies last. There will be no restocking of these in the future, so get them
while you can!!
FOSSIL FERNS- Mazon Creek, Grundy Co., Illinois
Found in Carboniferous period ironstone concretions, there are several species
of ferns known from this prolific area. We recently uncovered a few exceptionally
well-preserved specimens in this red ironstone matrix, fully covering an exposed
concretion surface about 12x3cm, quite attractive, at just 30.00 each. Only
a few on hand, list alternates!
Excellent, rich blue faceted sapphires in attractive 6.5mm trillion cuts! These
normally sell in the $200 per carat range, and these handsome stones average
about 1.3 carats each and are offered at just 135.00 per stone! Classy, desireable
color, likely heat treated but still half the market price; only three available,
each in a glass-topped, white Bates box for display.
FULGURITE- Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab, Western Sahara Morocco
These interesting tubes are lechatelierite (amorphous SiO2 glass) typically
formed by lightning strikes that fuse sand or soil (fulgurite). Elongated and
mostly hollow, these are interesting as well for the locality, a disputed and
largely ungoverned country bordered by Morocco, Mauritania, Algeria and the
Atlantic Ocean in NW Africa. The specimens average about 3cm long and show interesting,
convoluted forms @ just 15.00 each.
Many of you have commented favorably on the various storage vials that we use, and some have asked us to offer small lots of the various sizes we routinely stock. Hence, we attach to this list a selection available with any mineral order for our regular customers. These are ideal for small crystals, fragments or powdered samples that are otherwise difficult to handle and store in conventional boxes.
Descriptions and Minimum Orders:
C1-Standard gel capsule, ~ 2cm tall @ $4.00 per 50 capsules
C2-Small stoppered glass bottle, ~2.2 cm tall w/ cork stopper @ $5.00 per 25
C3-Plastic XRD/2ml container, ~2.5cm tall, with plastic cap* @ $6.00 per 50
C4-Plastic tube, ~5.5cm, with plastic cap @ $4.50 per 25 sets
C5-Medium stoppered glass bottle, ~3.5cm w/ cork stopper @ $7.50 per 25 sets
C6-Plastic tube, ~10cm tall with plastic cap @ $6.00 per 10 sets
MB1-Standard black micromount box, all black, ~2.5x2.5x1.8cm @ $12.50 per 20
MB2-Magnifier top, all clear micro box, ~2.5x2.5x2.2 cm @ $17.50 per 20
*Note: XRD/2ml container tops are meant to be sealed with hot
wax, tape or other method. These are NOT friction fit tops that will sit tightly
and seal the contents.
CATALOG 21703 - Volume XLIV, No.3
This list has the usual assortment of new species, classic specimens and odd-ball locality pieces from many old collections that stock our extensive inventory. As usual, all specimens are offered on a first-come, first-served basis, FOB our warehouse. Enjoy!
AFMITE- Bachman Mine, Hellertown, Pennsylvania
Pearly white radiating platelets of this uncommon and relatively new phosphate
lightly scattered on cherty limonitic matrix, occasionally with tan crandallite
or possibly other species. The mineral was named for the Association Francaise
de Mineralogie (AFM) by Kampf et al in 2010, and structurally confirmed from
this U.S. locality in 2012. Only a few specimens available averaging 4cm to
5cm and priced according to richness and coverage @ 40.00, 60.00 and 75.00 each.
ALLANITE-(Ce)- nr. Reno, Washoe County, Nevada
Nicely formed crystal sections of the rare earth mineral allanite-Ce are offered
here as free standing with little or no matrix, all with good prism faces. These
are black, occasionally with trace feldspar and with typical dull luster, and
most show several good faces. Collected over 30 years ago from a small prospect
about 12 miles north of Reno, priced according to crystal quality and size,
overall 1-2.5cm @ 20.00, 30.00 and 40.00 each.
AUGELITE- Machacamarca Mine, Potosi, Bolivia
Excellent colorless, transparent to translucent crystals of augelite to 5mm
well scattered on rock matrix, occasionally with minor pyrite, barite or other
species. The locality was the first to produce crystallized augelite in the
world, later surpassed by Yukon material for "best in the world".
We have a few old matrix specimens that range from 3.5cm to about 9x5cm with
multiple crystals scattered about at just 35.00, 55.00 and 85.00 each. List
AZURITE in GRANITE- Mount Godwin-Austen (K2), Baltistan, Pakistan
An unusual geological occurrence of flattened, circular azurite masses in pale
grey granite, collected from a small area on K2, the second highest mountain
in the world! Known as the "Savage Mountain" due to the difficulty
and high death rate among climbing attempts, here is one locality few of us
will ever visit in the Northern Areas of Pakistan. Some of this material has
shown up in the past as crudely polished pieces, this is the first uncut specimen
material we have been able to secure. Only a few samples available, sizes average
5 to 6cm across at just 25.00 each. Great locality material!
BISMOCLITE- Falcacci Stope, Rio Marina, Elba, Italy
This uncommon bismuth oxy-chloride occurs in these specimens as white, pearly
to greasy micro platelets richly scattered on matrix, often associated with
minute magnetite and/or relict pyrite. From the type locality for riomarinaite,
we acquired these samples more than 30 years ago and have just recently rediscovered
them in an old Dover, NJ crate. Small fragments in a capsule @ 15.00, matrix
specimens from 1cm to 2cm across @ 25.00 and 40.00 each, one 4.5cm sample @
125.00. List alternates!
CHRISTOFSCHAFERITE-(Ce)- Wingertsberg, nr. Mendig, Eifel, Germany
The rare mineral was IMA-approved (2011-107) several years ago, but little has
found its way into collector hands. We recently obtained from one of the authors
a few tiny crystals from the holotype material, each offered here as a black
single micro aggregate in a 2cm vial! A rare mineral, the Mn2+ dominant member
of the chevkinite group. Only a few available @ 110.00 each.
CORUNDUM variety RUBY- Kidal Region, Mali
Crude hexagonal crystals of opaque, pinkish corundum without matrix, these appearing
slightly rounded and surface abraded. This is apparently a new find, and the
locality remains somewhat of a mystery although nepheline syenites and related
minerals are known from this obscure region. We have a small lot of single crystals
ranging in size from about 2cm to 3cm tall, most with obvious prism faces and
pinacoid terminations @ just 10.00, 15.00 and 20.00 each, depending on quality.
DIAMOND- Tshikapa, Kasai Province, Dem Rep Congo
From a old hoard of interesting diamond rough when DRC was still Zaire, we offer
a small lot of seven (7) different diamond crystals packaged in a 2cm screw-top
vial. Each lot will contain a range of hues, typically white to greenish, the
vast majority showing usual cube habits. Crystals will range from about 1.5mm
to 2mm across, total lot weight usually under 0.5 carats at just 30.00 per lot!
Neat samples for micromounting or jewelry work, limit 3 lots per order, please!
Domestic shipments only.
FERROSTRUNZITE- Marlton, Burlington Co., New Jersey
This largely undocumented (thus far) locality apparently produced a number of
interesting phosphates, with the ferrostrunzite forming excellent radiating
micro crystals and sprays tucked in exposed seams and vugs in brown, hardened
mud-like matrix. Soon to be featured in a Mineral News article (currently being
written by yours truly), these will make superb micros! Ex-Julius Weber material
(and likely collected by teh late Frank Leans over 35 years ago), specimens
from about 2cm to nearly 5cm across @ just 7.50, 15.00 and 30.00 each. Excellent
FLUORAPOPHYLLITE over KINOITE- Christmas Mine, nr Hayden, Gila
Co. Arizona
Unusually coarse crystals for the locality, hand culled from a large lot, these
are sharp colorless crystals to several mm's, almost cubic in habit, covering
deep blue kinoite and richly coating these matrix specimens. All will make excellent
and colorful micromounts, from 2cm to 5cm @ only 10.00, 20.00 and 35.00 each.
GOWERITE- nr Ryan, Furnace Creek, Death Valley, California
Rich coverage of this borate mineral on matrix! Gowerite is found as radiating
tufts, to 0.5cm, of translucent microcrystals with moderate to thick coverage
on at least one side of the matrix. Micro potential on this material, likely
from the Corkscrew Canyon Mine, now impossible to obtain from this locality
since its elevation to National Park status. Sizes from 3cm to 6cm @ 20.00,
40.00, 60.00, and 80.00 each.
HYDROZINCITE- Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico
Delicate, minute white sprays of micro crystals of hydrozincite richly scattered
on gossan matrix. Old material from the late 1970's with good micro potential
and brillaint, blue-white fluorescence as well, occasionally with hemimorphite
or other phases! Matrix sizes from 1.5cm to 5cm @ 5.00, 10.00, 20.00 and 35.00
each, a few to 8x5cm @ 55.00 each.
IDAITE- Gruvberget, Kiruna Region, Lappland, Sweden
Rich metallic masses of idaite nicely scattered in rock matrix, most intergrown
with other sulfides and with secondary copper minerals. Old material obtained
from Hans Wilke many years ago, and mentioned in his book of Swedish mineralogy.
Interesting locality sizes from 1.5cm to 4cm @ 25.00, 40.00 and 65.00 each.
ISOFERROPLATINUM (crystal!)- Konder, Ayan Maya, Far Eastern Reg.,
From a more recent find of CRYSTALS offered as native platinum, we have a nice
selection of specimens averaging 3m to 5mm across, each showing slightly water-worn
cubic faces. Each sample is accompanied by a copy of our chemical analysis,
all showing these are actually isoferroplatinum. Others are charging up to $900
per gram(!!) for crystallized samples, we offer ANALYZED specimens at about
half that price, at only 95.00, 125.00 and 150.00 each, all with documentation!
LAHNSTEINITE (IMA 2012-002)- Dornberg Mine, Ramsbeck, Germany
This relatively NEW SPECIES occurs as colorless to cloudy white triclinic crystals
scattered on the surface of sphalerite-rich, Pb-Sb-S ore matrix. Formula: Zn4(SO4)(OH)6*3H2O
- triclinic - IMA #2012-002. This is the second German locality for the species,
provided by one of the authors. only a few small (1cm) specimens with rich micro
potential @ 185.00 each.
LITHIOPHORITE- Queen City Mn Mine, Nye Co., Nevada
Non-descript but exceptionally rich black masses of ugly lithiophorite comprising
matrix, here with small amounts of fluorescent gibbsite as well. Recently featured
in Mineral News, Vol. 33 (2017) No. 2 issue, and from one of only a few localities
for the species in Nevada. Specimens range in size from about 3cm to 8cm across
@ 7.50, 15.00 and 25.00 each. One 13cm specimen @ 55.00. List alternates!
MAGNETITE- nr. Bangassou, Mbomou Prefecture, Central African Republic
Sharp, single octahedrons of well-formed magnetite without matrix, these averaging
about 2.5cm tall! As expected, they are magnetic and show only a light rusty
patina over the crystal faces. The original source for these excellent octahedral
crystals has long been disputed, and a locality in Mindat refers to "Ilogo
Prefecture", which does not exist in the Central African Republic! With
only two small (and now defunct) known iron mining areas in the country, the
locality is likely here in this SE area of the country, bordering on the Mbomou
River and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Well formed crystals, matrix-free,
at just 15.00 each.
MALACHITE- Kolwezi, Katanga Copper Crescent, Dem Rep Congo
We have gathered a large selection of our better malachite specimens obtained
over the years from this prolific district, here as both acicular, somewhat
fibrous malachite, as well as rich botryoidal malachite, both habits that are
appealing, sit well, and are excellent display specimens. These are MINERAL
specimens, not polished pieces, and a wealth of sizes and habits are on hand
from 5cm up to 12cm across, priced competitively at just 15.00, 30.00, 45.00,
75.00, 100.00 and 125.00 each. All are attractive, and a few higher are available,
MARGAROSANITE, CALCITE etc.- Jacobsberg, Nordmark Dist., Varmland,
A rather ugly rock comprised of densely packed biotitic mica and other phases,
showing a non-descript patch of nicely fluorescent (SW blue-white) margarosanite
plume about 3x2cm, with a similarly sized calcite (SW red-orange) mass perched
at the opposite end of the piece. There are other crusty white phases on the
same surface as well, but none are fluorescent. One specimen only, size about
6x6cm @ 125.00.
METAVARISCITE w/ VARISCITE- Lucin Hill, Box Elder Co., Utah
Excellent micro crystals of tabular to elongated transparent to pale green metavariscite
crystals nicely scattered in seams with green variscite. Some crystals are nearly
equant and show interesting twinning, and all have superb micro potential. Matrix
sizes from 1.5cm to 4.5cm @ 7.50, 15.00, 25.00 and 45.00 each. Great stuff from
an old locality, collected circa 1985!!
NONTRONITE with HEDENBERGITE- North Wilson Pit, Union Carbide
Mine, Arkansas
This normally unappealing clay mineral occurs here at this Garland County property
as rich, pistachio-green to yellowish crusts nicely covering a calcite-bearing
carbonatite rock matrix that is rich in tiny, brownish black hedenbergite pyroxene
crystals and masses. Old material recently uncovered here, specimens with good
coverage for a normally ugly mineral, sizes from about 3.5cm to 8cm at just
10.00, 20.00, 30.00 and 45.00.
NORDSTRANDITE- Poudrette Quarry, Mont St. Hilaire, Canada
The mineral occurs here as extremely small colorless to greyish-white radiating
crystalline aggregates in tiny balls very sparsely scattered on feldspar matrix.
We located a few older specimens in the Sole Collection, most in the 2cm-3cm
size range at just 25.00 and 35.00 each.
NORRISHITE- Hoskins Mine, Grenfell, N.S.W., Australia
Black micaceous masses of this relatively new species scattered in/on matrix.
A rare Mn-end member mica-group mineral obtained more than fifteen years ago
from the type locality, sizes from 1cm to 4cm @ 20.00, 35.00, 50.00 and 65.00
each, depending on overall size and coverage.
OLIVENITE- Centennial Eureka Mine, Juab Co., Utah
Dark green, brilliant glassy olivenite micro crystals perched in vugs and on
matrix, occasionally with malachite, chenevixite and possibly other species.
There are two distinct habits, one long and slender, generally with pale green
color (excellent micros!), and stouter, much darker green crystals. Good micro
potential on these neat specimens, sizes from 1.5cm to 3cm @ only 5.00, 7.50
and 10.00 each.
PYROXMANGITE- Conselheiro Lafaiete, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Rich, deeply hued, opaque pink-red masses and cleavages comprising matrix. Attractive,
colorful material, originally identified as rhodonite but subsequently X-rayed
and confirmed as the more uncommon species pyroxmangite! First obtained in 1995,
we recently uncovered a small lot of this material, likely from the Morro da
Mina property but not the gemmy, transparent rhodonite also found here. Matrix
sizes from 2.5cm to 5.5cm @ just 15.00, 30.00 and 45.00 each.
QUARTZ variety CHALCEDONY- Unspecified Locality in Madagascar
Weird, globular to mammillary botryoids of translucent white chalcedony forming
oddly-shaped clusters and "ear like" specimens, typically with little
or no associated matrix. A mineralogical curiosity, specimens averaging 4cm
to 5cm across at just 15.00 each. Strange!
SANTACLARAITE- Pennsylvania Mine, Santa Clara Co., California
Pink to tan masses of santaclaraite richly scattered in/on rock matrix. From
the type locality Pennsylvania Mine that lies just east of Mt. Hamilton. Originally
from very old Cureton stock supplied by Richrd Erd, the USGS mineralogist who
described the mineral. Specimens range from 2.5cm to 6cm @ 15.00, 30.00, and
45.00 each; a fine and rich 8cm specimen @ 75.00.
A single specimen of this rare species, here as intimately associated with crystalline
probertite forming a 1cm TN. Likely from the Sankaya Boron Deposit near Kirka,
the sample is ex-Br. Juan Salvador Collection, only only, @ 160.00.
SPADAITE- Palos Verdes Hills, Los Angeles Co, California
An hydrous magnesium silicate mineral, spadaite occurs as light brown fibrous
masses on matrix. Resembling a pale chocolate colored asbestos, the enigmatic
and still questionable spadaite species apparently formed as a secondary mineral,
developing substantial masses on one side of the Miocene sediment matrix. Likely
from the Livingston Quarry at this locality and collected many years ago, sizes
from 3cm to 6cm @ 35.00, 50.00, and 75.00 each, or smaller pieces in a capsule
@ 15.00. One huge 11cm specimen @ 175.00.
SPODUMENE variety KUNZITE- Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
Before you get excited, these are NOT the gem kunzites from the region (we have
those, too) but rather hefty, opaque spodumenes with a pronounced pinkish hue
that show excellent fluorescence under both LW and SW UV, with the LW response
(pinkish-orange) the better of the two! The specimens all show crude crystal
faces as well, but we were only able to secure of few of these fluorescent oddities,
averaging about 5.5cm tall and up to 4cm wide at just 25.00 each. Limit one
per order, please!
STILLWELLITE-(Ce)- Castellaccio di Petrignano, Latium, Italy
Very tiny, pale pink transparent crystals of stillwellite-(Ce) very sparsely
scattered and perched in vugs among crystalline sanidine matrix. Typical associations
include magnetite and occasionally other species, these from the 1977 discovery
at this Vetralla locality. Specimens average 2.5-3cm @ 40.00 each, all with
a pinpointing arrow.
THOREAULITE- Bakeanoe Ta-Deposit, E. Kalba Range Kazakhstan
This moderately rare tin mineral occurs here as thin, somewhat tabular yellow-brown
platelets without matrix. A single plate just under 1mm across, most with some
micro potential, packaged in a capsule @ only 35.00 each.
TINZENITE- Falotta, nr. Tinzen, Grisons, Switzerland
Dark, nearly black braunite and white barite comprise the matrix of these rather
lean samples, here showing pinkish orange tinzenite lightly scattered in isolated
areas of the specimens. One of several known localities in the Albula Valley
near the type locality, specimens range from 2.5cm to nearly 4cm @ 35.00 and
50.00 each. Only a few on hand!
TYROLITE- Gold Chain Mine, Mammoth, Juab Co., Utah
Fine radiating micro aggregates and flattened crystal sprays of rich, greenish
blue tyrolite nicely scattered in vugs and exposed seams on quartz-rich matrix.
Some of the finest we've seen from the locality, these are 2cm to 4cm specimens,
very reasonably priced @ just 10.00, 20.00 and 30.00 each, depending on quality
and overall size/coverage. Good micro potential on better pieces!
WOLLASTONITE- Estrella Mts., Maricopa Co., Arizona
Radial aggregates of shimmering white wollastonite crystals are abundantly present
throughout a grey-white, metamorphosed limestone matrix. Fluorescent bluish
white in dull red matrix under SW UV. Reasonably attractive, sizes are from
2.5cm to 5cm @ 5.00, 10.00 and 15.00 each. Old material!
These two mineral portfolios were produced about 15 years ago by the same people
who now publish the fine, glossy Mineralogical Alamanac magazine in Russia.
Each portfolio contains 12 different color mineral photographs (yes, actual
glossy photographs!) as generously sized 15x15cm (about 6 inches by 6 inches)
images, carefully mounted on heavy, slate-grey stock and contained in a matching
slate-grey folder. Each mineral is identified on the back of the mounted image
in both Russian and English. Set #1, "The Creative Earth" has a dozen
different aesthetic specimens on generally dark backgounds, while Set #2,"On
Planet Earth" offers a dozen attractive samples superimposed on natural
backgrounds such as fields, lakes, mountains etc., certainly more nature-oriented
than the first set. We have very limited quantities of each set, with #1 (minerals
only) offered @ $35.00/portfolio, and #2 (minerals + nature) @ $25.00 per portfolio
of 12 different; order early and get both for just $55.00. Real photographs
suitable for framing!
MYSTERY FLAT- Various Localities Worldwide
We continue to offer our popular "mystery flats" of twenty (20) different
specimens from worldwide localities, all individually labeled and ranging in
size from about 2.5cm to 6cm across for the princely sum of just $125 plus shipping.
These are from old collections, excess stock, single specimens and material
available only in small quantities too labor intensive to describe and catalog.
Some will be colorful, some will be ugly, some will have micro potential, some
from obscure localities, but the lot will be worth a minimum of $250 or more,
yours sight-unseen for our liquidation price of just $125 plus shipping! Multiple
orders up to three sets (60 specimens) received at the same time will not have
duplicates! A bargain for anyone wishing to expand their collection horizons,
these now include specimens from a recent University purchase! Try one!
TSAVORITE GROSSULAR- Merelani, Arusha, Tanzania
Excellent, clean bright green tsavorite garnet faceted stones, here as calibrated
5x3mm ovals showing fine color and careful cutting. Judgung from the rough crystals
we have in stock, finding rough clean enough to facet is certainly a challenge!
We offer 5x3mm ovals @ 30.00 each, or a lot of three for 75.00. Limited availability!
A full 16 pages of interesting, collector oriented articles about
mineral localities, historical notes, mineral collecting and new or related
discoveries. Published monthly, a full year's subscription (12 issues) is just
30.00 in the USA. Just add the costs to you order from this catalog, and we'll
do the rest. Specify what issue to begin your subscription (we suggest January
for a full volume) or simply begin with the "current issue". Back
issues and year sets are available, too! Every issue in full color, now in its
33rd. year!
CATALOG 21702 - Volume XLIV, No.2
This list has the usual assortment of new species, classic specimens
and odd-ball locality pieces from many old collections that stock our extensive
inventory. As usual, all specimens are offered on a first-come, first-served
basis, FOB our warehouse. Enjoy!
AKERMANITE- Oka, Quebec, Canada
This uncommon Ca-rich Mg-silicate occurs widely in small amounts, here as greyish
white to slightly yellowish aggregates lightly scattered in intruded alkaline
rock matrix. Not much to look at, but older material ex-Canadian Geological
Survey, a few samples from about 2.5cm to 5cm across @ 20.00 and 45.00 each;
one extraordinarily large specimen sporting two drill holes from an old exploratory
mining venture, about 12x10cm @ 150.00. List alternates!
AZURITE- Bisbee, Cochise Co., Arizona
Selected from numerous collections in our warehouse, we offer a modest range
of classic Bisbee azurites obtained over the years, many pre-1950, some from
museums, dealers and private collections. Typically small, dark blue druses,
crystals and botryoidal crystalline knobs of azurite richly scattered on matrix,
some with minor green malachite, all with micro potential and all with rich
coverage. Specimens priced according to quality, sizes 2.5cm to 4cm @ just 20.00,
30.00, 50.00, 75.00 and 100.00 each. Old, classic material!
BARITE with PYRITE- Rosiclaire, Hardin Co., Illinois
An unusual combination of white to transparent platy barite crystals to 5mm
well-scattered on greyish micro dolomites, also showing very rare (for the district)
micro pyrite druses richly spread over the samples. Excellent TN-sized samples
with good micro potential as well, the pyrite so rare from the Rosiclare district
that images on Mindat are sorely lacking! Speicmens from about 2cm to 2.5cm
@ 10.00 and 15.00 each.
BERYL variety EMERALD- Itabira, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Yes, emeralds can be ugly, and these are the ones! Dull green masses of poorly
crystallized emerald generously fill these nondescript specimens, largely comprised
of the green to greyish-green beryl and a dark mica (phlogopite?). While the
color is distinctive, these are rather opaque and offer no serious gem potential
nor sharp crystal faces. From the Iron Quadrangle, specimens average 4cm to
5cm long @ just 10.00 each!
CALCIOMURMANITE (IMA 2014-103)- Mt. Pyalkimpor, Lovozero, Kola,
This NEW SPECIES occurs as pale pinkish tan micaceous plates to several millimeters
wide, scattered in nepheline-rich lujavrite rock matrix, typically with fine-grained
potassic feldspar, aegirine etc. Formula: (Na,[])2Ca(Ti,Mg,Nb)4[Si2O7]2O2()H,O)2(H2O4)
- triclinic, IMA #2014-103. This locality is approximately 1km from the type
where the species was found on an old museum sample. Fairly rich specimens,
sizes from 2cm to 3cm across and priced according to size and coverage @ 150.00
and 195.00 each.
CALCITE pseudo @ FOSSIL CLAM- Azanarusawa, Chiba Pref., Honshu,
Weirdly fluorescent (SW and LW bluish white) and briefly phosphorescent (pale
green) translucent to white calcite has completely replaced the upper surface
of a fossil clam shell. The underside of the shell is a mix of caliche-like
shell fragments mixed with granular aggregates of numerous unidentifed mineral
grains. A unique occurrence, with Japanese label, size about 5cm across @ 55.00.
List alternates!
CLINOCHLORE var: KAMMERERITE- Kop Daglari, Erzurum, E. Anatolia,
One of the more handsome examples of this chromian clinochlore that we've had,
these samples show numerous, deep magenta colored crystals to 5mm on the better
samples nicely scattered over one surface of rock matrix, most showing a good
triangular outline and raised slightly from matrix. Old and very colorful material
from the 1970's, specimens from 3cm to nearly 6cm @ 50.00, 75.00, 100.00, 125.00
and 150.00 ea
COVELLITE- Lily Mine, Pisco Prov., Ica Dept., Peru
From the locality better known for its "Andean Opal", we have a small
lot of rather rich, dense, massive blue-black metallic covellite, intergrown
with minor pyrite, quartz and possibly other phases. The material is quite heavy
and takes an excellent polish, sold for lapiday use starting at $100 a pound!
Our samples are rough chunks from 4cm to 11cm across, certain to turns your
hands black when handling, offered at just 20.00, 35.00, 50.00 and 75.00 each.
A few specimens with one cut face and lightly buff polished, 5cm to 9cm across
the face @ 30.00, 55.00 and 80.00 each
DESCLOIZITE- Overland Mine, White Pine Co., Nevada
From a uncommon locality in Nevada, we have an interesting lot of attractive,
red to orange-red descloizite, here as thin crusts of minute botryoidal knobs
richly scattered on matrix, some with a paler yellow-orange color but still
analytically confirmed as descloizite. Attractive specimens under the scope
as well, the locality is one of many old and obscure mining prospects listed
in the County Recorder's records, but not mentioned in any mineralogical or
geological reference we can find! Heyite has been reported in the area as pseudomorphs
after descloizite, but we found little or no iron in any of our analyses. Colorful
specimens, very reasonably priced and featured in Mineral News (September, 2012),
sizes from about 3cm to 7cm @ 7.50, 10.00, 20.00 and 30.00; a few larger, 10cm
to 15cm long @ 50.00, 65.00 and 80.00 each, all with a copy of an analysis!
DIAMOND- Zimi Region, Western Area, Sierra Leone
Best known for its brilliant yellow diamonds, the Zimi region was once rich
in excellent, highly productive diamond deposits, but production has largely
moved to eastern parts of the country. We recently uncovered some old (ex-David
New) crystals in the inventory, offered here as pale amber-brown, highly striated
cubic crystals without matrix. Under the scope, these show remarkably complex
morphology. Sizes include: 4x4x3mm (0.62 cts) @ 90.00; 5x4x3mm (0.80 cts) @
120.00. List alternates!
DIOPTASE on MALACHITE etc.- Tsumeb, Namibia
An old specimen comprised of a half dozen small (2mm) deep green dioptase crystals
perched on one edge of large, cauliflower-like, velverty botryoidal malachite
specimen, also with a few small greysih whilte dolomites and a partial 1.5 cm
fragment of a wulfenite crystal sitting in the middle of the specimen. Ignoring
the dioptase and wulfenite, this is an otherwise excellent Tsumeb malachite
brought out circa 1980, the associations making it especially desirable, overall
measuring a hefty 8.5cm across @ just 200.00. Nice!
FERRI-FLUORO-LEAKEITE- Flora Mt., Lovozero, Kola Peninsula, Russia
A new locality for this complex amphibole species, here as short prismatic black
crystals to a few millimeters long, lightly scattered in fenite matrix, largely
comprised of quartz and alkali feldspar, occasionally with trace beige colored
narsarsukite as well. Specimens range from about 2cm to 3.5cm across priced
according to size and richness @ 60.00, 90.00 and 125.00 each. List alternates!
FRAIPONTITE- Silver Bill Mine, Cochise Co., Arizona
This uncommon mineral occurs here as pale blue masses and streamers running
through matrix, most associated with micro hemimorphite, calcite and occasionally
altered galena as well. Moderately colorful material collected over 25 years
ago, ex-Cureton specimens from 2.5cm to nearly 9cm across @ 10.00, 20.00, 35.00
and 55.00 each.
GIBBSITE with LITHIOPHORITE- Queen City Mn Prospect, Nye Co.,
Opaque, off-white cherty masses of gibbsite are the primary matrix mineral in
these decidedly ugly specimens, with black lithiophorite appearing as spots
and small masses scattered about the gibbsite. Recently described in Mineral
News (2017, Vol. 33, #2), the material is weakly fluorescent (SW - green), perhaps
it's only redeeming characteristic other than it represents one of the few reported
occurrence of lithiophorite in the state, and the only Nye County occurrence
of gibbsite! Likely one of the ugliest (but still interesting) mineral combinations
of all time, offered here in sizes from 3cm to 7cm @ just 7.50, 15.00 and 25.00
GOSLARITE- Grube Rammelsberg, Goslar, Harz, Germany
Goslarite from this excellent old type locality occurs as nearly pure friable,
tan opaque and somewhat powdery masses comprising matrix. Offered as a generously
filled capsule @ 12.50, or as solid masses from 1cm to 3cm @ 25.00, 40.00, and
55.00 each.
GOUDEYITE- Majuba Hill, Pershing County, Nevada
Bright to pale green coatings and micro-botryoidal crusts of this rare aluminum
copper arsenate, found in the 'Copper Stope' of this prolific Nevada locality.
Collected by Forrest Cureton many years ago, most have good micro potential
and are associated with other arsenates. Priced according to size and quality,
from 2cm to 5cm @ 15.00, 25.00, 40.00, and 65.00 each.
GRAFTONITE etc.- Rice Quarry, Groton, Grafton Co., New Hampshire
Red-brown crystalline masses of graftonite are embedded and intimately associated
with altered triphylite and occasionally bluish vivianite, richly comprising
matrix in this old and rich phosphate assemblage. Collected over 40 years ago,
excellent locality specimens, sizes from about 2.5cm to 4cm @ 15.00, 20.00 and
30.00 each.
GROSSULAR variety HESSONITE- Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos, Quebec, Canada
Recently uncovered in the warehouse: an old lot of transparent, pale orange
to cinnamon colored grossular garnets (variety "hessonite")scattered
on matrix, collected in 1972 by the late Russell Buckingham! Still wrapped in
local newspapers, these are small (largest xl to 1cm), complex and generally
flattened and somewhat crude dodecahedral and trapezeohedral crystalline aggregates
on rock matrix, occasionally with minor diopside or other species. Specimens
range in size from about 3cm to 12cm across, with coverage light to fair on
larger matrix samples. While not the killers this mine once produced, they are
representative of the variety and typical of field collected specimens of the
time. Priced according to quality/size @ 10.00, 20.00, 30.00, 40.00 and 55.00
HEMIMORPHITE- Sterling Hill, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co New Jersey
An interesting miniature comprised of white, botryoidal hemimorphite completely
covering thin rock matrix, with evidence of concentric banding seen from the
side of the specimen. The underside shows many micro crystals that are considerably
more transparent than the opaque surface botryoidal mass, and the surface is
mildly fluorescent under both SW and LW. Size about 5.5x3cm @ 45.00. One only.
HYDROCERUSSITE- Mendip Hills, Somerset, England
Off-white crystalline masses of hydrocerussite are richly scattered with white
calcite (easily distinguished by FL-red SW UV) and blackish brown manganese
minerals composed primarily of crednerite in these rich specimens from the classic
Higher Pitts location. Old material, ex-Cureton, sizes from 2cm to 6cm @ 15.00,
25.00, 40.00 and 55.00 each.
JARLITE- Ivigtut, Arsuk Fjord, Greenland
Jarlite is one of several strontium bearing fluoride minerals first noted from
this unusual and prolific pegmatite. Jarlite occurs here at the type locality
as greysih crystalline to vuggy masses, associated with fluorite, and possibly
containing areas of drusy jarlite as well. Old material, sizes from 3cm to nearly
6cm @ 30.00, 45.00, and 65.00.
LAURELITE- Grand Reef Mine, Laurel Canyon, Arizona
Minute, elongated clear rod-like crystals of this rare species packaged in a
gelatin capsule with associated galena, anglesite etc. Lustrous micro crystals
and aggregates to a couple of millimeters long, and missing from many reference
collections!. Type locality material collected about 25 years ago; good micro
potential, @ only 35.00 per capsule of material.
LIMONITE pseudo @ PYRITE- Marion Co., Kentucky
From a small box of old Ward's material, these are typical limonitic pseudos
after pyrite, all matrix-free and crystal forms ranging from pyritohedrons and
cubes to weirdly elongated rectangular crystals. The locality is old and obscure,
and we offer three different cystals, averaging 1cm to 1.5cm each @ just 12.50
per lot of three.
LITHIOTANTITE w/ THOREAULITE- Ognevka Deposit, Kalba Range, Kazakhstan
A surprising find from the type locality for the species, here as unusually
large (to 1mm) colorless and highly lustrous grains intimately associated with
bright yellow, glassy thoreaulite and occasionally with dark brownish cassiterite
as well. Small samples to a several millimeters across but excellent for type
locality specimens, only a few on hand @ 125.00 each.
LIZARDITE pseudo @ ENSTATITE- Kennack, Lizard, Cornwall, England
Small platy aggregates of "bastite" to a few millimeters across, richly
scattered in dark martrix. These are lizardite pseudomorphs after enstatite,
and many older labels simply called them "bastite" or "enstatite"
or even "bronzite". From the TYPE LOCALITY for lizardite, classic
stuff obtained many years ago, only a few specimens on hand, sizes ranging from
about 2cm to 4.5cm @ 15.00, 25.00 and 40.00 each.
MAGADIITE w/ SILHYDRITE etc.- Trinite Mine, Trinity Co., California
White microcrystalline masses of altered volcanic material comprised of densely
intergrown magadiite, typically with minor kenyaite and/or silhydrite comprising
matrix, occasionally with minute rhodesite as well. This is type locality material
for silhydrite, sometimes designated as near Watson Creek, specimen sizes from
1.5cm to 5cm @ 20.00, 35.00, 50.00 and 65.00 each. A rare assemblage!
MAGNESIOHATERTITE (IMA 2016-078- Arsenatnaya Fumerole, Tolbachik,
Another NEW SPECIES from this Kamchatka volcano, here as minute, dark blue-grey
crystals intergrown into tiny aggregates and groups without matrix. Formula:
(Na,Ca)2Ca(Mg,Fe3+)2(AsO4)3 - monoclinic, IMA approved #2016-078, the Mg>Fe
analog of hatertite. A skilled photomicrographer would likely get an excellent
image of these tiny crystal groups, but barely 1mm across is beyond our limited
photo capability! Tiny samples, mounted on adhesive disks @ 175.00 each. List
NABALAMPROPHYLLITE- Kovdor Massif, Kola, Russia
Repeat of a sellout: this NEW SPECIES occurs as small, yellowish brown prismatic
aggregates scattered in matrix, typically with minor feldspar, lorenzenite and
possibly other phases. Formula: Ba(Na,Ba){Na3Ti[Ti2O2Si4O14](OH,F)2} - monoclinic.
IMA #2001-060, specimens from 8mm to nearly 5cm @ 50.00, 75.00, 100.00 and 150.00
South Dako
An uncommon mineral at the locality, phosphosiderite occurs here as minute,
pale lavender to pinkish botryoids and crystalline aggregates sparsely scattered
in rockbridgeite-rich matrix, the latter forming desnse radiaiting aggregates
of brownish-black sprays well-scattered in rock, occasionally with odd, yellowish
jahnsite microcrystals as well. Specimens from about 2cm to 4cm @ 10.00, 20.00
and 30.00 each.
PREISWERKITE- Geisspfad, Binnental, Valais, Switzerland
Type locality material! Preiswerkite, a mica group member, occurs as fine grained
pale green masses scattered through a tough, schist-like rock matrix. Good representative
material, difficult to obtain today, in sizes from 1.5cm to 3cm @ 20.00 and
35.00 each. A few larger pieces up to 6cm @ 75.00 and 100.00.
PYRITE- Grand View Mine, nr Bayard, Grant Co., New Mexico
Distinctive but crude cubic pyrite crystals to 1cm in larger samples, here frozen
in disseminated, galena-rich matrix. Good examples of isolated cubes shot through
ore-bearing rock, not especially attractive but inexpensively offered for specimens
from 5cm to 10cm across @ only 10.00, 25.00 and 40.00 each. Heavy stuff and
will likely require larger priority box postage.
QUARTZ with INCLUSIONS- Sichuan Province, PR China
A recently acquired small lot of well formed singly terminated, transparent
quartz crystals, all showing inscrutable inclusions of an unknown black, somewhat
wispy, material, some appearing rod-like when travelling along an internal fracture
plane. We have seen similar material from both Leshan and Liangshan Prefectures
in Sichuan, variously labelled as bitumen, hematite or graphite, with a hydrocarbon
being the most likely candidate for the inclusion ID. Interesting crystals,
averaging 6cm-7cm tall at just 20.00 each.
QUARTZ-AMETHYST "Grape Agate"- Mamuju, Sulawesi Barat
Province, Indonesia
We have been able to secure a few more of these fascinating specimens from last
year's discovery of these extraordinarily attractive specimens that have been
called chalcedony as well as "grape agate". These are actually tiny
radiating amethyst crystals forming wonderful balls and botryoids of pale purple
color completely scattered on and about the samples, looking much like small
bunches of miniature grapes (and hence, the name)! Quite attractive and a unique
habit from an obscure locality, specimens range from about 6cm to 9cm across
with varying heights and depths, priced very reasonably at just 35.00, 50.00,
65.00 and 85.00 each. Nice stuff!
SENEKEVICHITE- Dara-i-Pioz, Tien Shan Mtn., Tajikistan
This exceptionally rare species occurs as micro aggregates in fluorite/quartz
matrix, some with minor neptunite, leucosphenite or possibly other phases. A
relatively new cesium mineral, formula: CsKNaCa2TiO[Si7O18(OH)], IMA-approved
over 10 years ago (2004-017) but rarely available since. The cesium analog of
tinaksite, type locality material from the author, offered as small microprobed
samples in a 1.8cm mount, accompanied by an SEM image and full quantitative
chemical analysis @ 225.00. List alternates!
STRACZEKITE- Union Carbide Mine, Wilson Springs, Arkansas
Greenish-black micro crystals and platy aggregates of straczekite scattered
on cherty matrix. An unusual species from this prolific locality, some associated
with minor yellow nontronite or possibly others. Type locality material from
the North Wilson Pit, sizes from 1.5cm to 7cm @ 15.00, 25.00, 35.00, 50.00 depending
on size and coverage, a few to 12cm (!!) @ 125.00. Rarely seen on the market
TANEYAMALITE- Taneyama Mine, Toyo, Kumamoto Pref., Japan
Specimens from the type locality (!!) obtained over 30 years ago from a Japanese
scientist, offered here as dark, greenish brown to nearly black somewhat wavy
and vitreous fibrous aggregates sparsely scattered in seams in an iron-rich,
metamorphosed chert matrix. The mineral is the Mn-analog of howieite, and legitimate
specimens from the type locality are rarely available. Only a few specimens
on hand, as small 2+cm TNs @ 35.00; or as considerably larger ore chunks to
6cm @ 125.00 each.
VICANITE -(Ce)- Vico Complex, Tre Croci, Vetralla, Italy
Minute euhedral yellowish-green crystals of this rare mineral sparsely scattered
in vuggy sanidine matrix, occasionally covered by or with pale brown micaceous
blades of tadzhikite-(Y) and possibly other rare species. A rarely offered Ca-Ce-Th
arsenate, these with micro potential. Each specimen is arrowed, sizes from 2cm
to nearly 4cm @ 35.00, 45.00 and 55.00 each, depending on quality.
WILANCOOKITE (IMA 2015-034)- Larva Ponte do Piaui, Itinga, M.G.,
This NEW SPCEIES occurs as minute, transparent cubes (and occasionally modified
by dodecahedrons) sparsely scattered on matrix, often associated with bronze
mica and/or fibrous moreasite. Formula: Ba8(Ba3Li2[])Be24P24O96*32H2O, cubic,
IMA # 2015-034. Named by the senior author for the late William and Anne Cook,
avid systematic collectors and micromounters. The crystals are quite small (0.2mm)
and will require at least 20x, but they are lustrous and well-formed micros!
Small matrix samples to a few millimeters in a micro box, priced according to
the number and/or quality of crystals, @ 60.00, 90.00 and 125.00 each.
Last call! We have only a handful of copies left of this hardcover book presented
in the style of the similar "Minerals First Discovered in Canada"
and other country-specific works. In a larger format of 8.5 x 11 inches, the
239 page work provides a brief history of mineralogy in Switzerland, geology
of the major deposits etc. Each species is given a two page treatment of locality
and morphology details, images of the specimens, the people they are named for
(when appropriate), locality images etc.. followed by an additional chapter
of species named for Swiss citizens but discovered elsewhere. Because this work
was heavily sponsored, it's cost is surprisingly low at just 45.00 plus shipping.
We are the exclusive North American distributor, and all copies are new and
MYSTERY FLAT- Various Localities Worldwide
We continue to offer our popular "mystery flats" of twenty (20) different
specimens from worldwide localities, all individually labeled and ranging in
size from about 2.5cm to 6cm across for the princely sum of just $125 plus shipping.
These are from old collections, excess stock, single specimens and material
available only in small quantities too labor intensive to describe and catalog.
Some will be colorful, some will be ugly, some will have micro potential, some
from obscure localities, but the lot will be worth a minimum of $250 or more,
yours sight-unseen for our liquidation price of just $125 plus shipping! Multiple
orders up to three sets (60 specimens) received at the same time will not have
duplicates! A bargain for anyone wishing to expand their collection horizons,
these now include specimens from a recent University purchase! Try one!
SYNTHETIC "ORANGE SAPPHIRE"- Lab Grown Quartz from China
We recently acquired a fairly robust lot of wonderfully large, laser-cut faceted
ovals, purported to be synthetic sapphire. A few quick tests suggests these
are actually lab-grown quartz, admittedly of a fine, orange padparadscha color,
but closely resembling fine citrine. While the real padparadscha sells for over
$2000 a carat, we will blow these out at about 1.50 a carat, with nicely cut,
perfectly clean faceted ovals ranging in size from about 18x13mm to monster
28x22mm (about 20 carats to nearly 40 carats) at 30.00, 45.00, 50.00 and 60.00
each. Impressive, but still synthetic! Order by price, please!
CATALOG 21701 - Volume XLIV, No.1
Our first list for 2017 has the usual assortment of new species, classic specimens and odd-ball locality pieces from many old collections that stock our extensive inventory. Pay special attention to the last of our Virginia turquoise crystals, the finest U.S. occurrence of kobellite from North Carolina, and many other interesting specimens. As usual, all specimens are offered on a first-come, first-served basis, FOB our warehouse. Enjoy!
ALLANITE-(Ce)- Cranberry Lake Q, Westchester Co., New York
Collected over ten (10) years ago, these are interesting specimens from this
small abandoned quarry located in the Valhalla/North White Plains area of Westchester
County. The allanite-(Ce) occurs as tiny, elongated black grains in gneiss.
The quarry was opened in the early 1900s and produced stone for construction
of the nearby Kensico Dam. Specimens of smoky quartz and feldspar were also
recoved, and the allanites were analyzed by us in 2005 but never offered for
sale until now. Not previously reported, this is the first mineral assemblage
documented from this property. Matrix samples in granular, black and white gneiss,
sizes from about 2cm to 10 cm @ just 10.00, 20.00, 35.00 and 55.00 each, with
a copy of our analysis.
BOHMITE- Mas Rouge, Les Baux Province, France
Rather ugly stuff, here as massive tan to reddish masses completely comprising
this "bauxite" matrix. From a classic area for this major aluminum
ore mineral, old specimens ex-Cureton stock ranging in size from about 2cm to
nearly 6cm across @ 15.00, 30.00 and 45.00 each.
CALCIOJOHILLERITE (2016-068)- Tolbachik Volcano, Kamchatka, Russia
This NEW SPECIES was discovered on the second scoria cone of the Northern Breakthrough
of the Great Tolbachik Fissure Eruption of this famous volcano. It occurs as
micro crystals (about 1mm) of colorless to slightly bluish color lightly scattered
on a basaltic scoria, typically associated with splendant black hematite and
minute rods of white orthoclase. Formula: NaCaMg3(AsO4)3 - monoclinic, IMA #2016-068.
The mineral is a member of the alluadite group and an analog of johillerite
in which copper has been substituted by calcium. Modest micro potential as well,
specimens averaging about 2.5cm @ 150.00 each.
CONNELLITE etc.- Black Pine Mine, Granite Co., Montana
This prolific mine has produced over 75 different species, many n attractive
micro crystals. The connellite is no exception, here as very tiny, electric
blue micro crystals perched on quartz matrix, often with other secondary phases
as well. Neat micros and uncommon from here, specimens in TN sizes averaging
2cm @ just 25.00 each, all with pinpointing SEM copper arrows.
CORUNDUM var: SAPHHIRE- Dachsbusch, nr. Huttenberg, Eifel, Germany
Very tiny micro crystals of blue-grey elongated corundum crystals sparsely scattered
in biotite schist, some possibly associate with minute, white sillimanite/andalusite
(EDS cannot distinguish) sprays. An interesting locality and strictly for the
micromounter and sapphire collector, small specimens averaging about 1cm across
@ just 15.00 each.
CRONSTEDTITE w/ CHILDRENITE- Siglo Veinte Mine, Llallagua, Bolivia
Odd, murky greenish brown botryoids of the hexagonal (2-H) polymorphs of cronstedtite
scattered on matrix, associated with pyrite, and occasionally weird pinkish
massive sphalerite, nice childrenite micros and possibly other phases! Interesting
material from a classic locality, specimen sizes from about 2.5cm to nearly
4cm @ 25.00, 40.00 and 55.00 each, some with micro potential as well.
DIAMOND- Bou River, Seguela District, Ivory Coast
From an obscure and unusual locality, we have a small lot of diamond crystals
without matrix, all exhibiting unusually modified dodecahedral habits! Sizes
average 2mm, most are quite transparent, and we will select a PAIR OF CRYSTALS
that show different habits and/or color tints for just 15.00 per pair!
DUFTITE etc.- Black Pine Mine, Granite Co., Montana
Apple green micro balls, crystals and aggregates of duftite well scattered on
quartz matrix, typically associated with darker green malachite, and occasionally
other secondary minerals such as brochantite, adamite, etc. Attractive under
the 'scope, excellent specimens from about 2cm to 5cm across @ 10.00, 20.00
and 35.00 each. Nice!
FERGUSONITE-(Y)-Beta- Arendal, Aust-Agder, Norway
An old stock of this uncommon mineral was recently analyzed and confirmed as
fergusonite-(Y)-beta, once called beta-fergusonite when it was first described
in the early 1960s. A monoclinic dimorph of tetragonal fergusonite-(Y), this
material is filled with weird REE elements, typically with measurable Dy, Ho
etc. It occurs as resinous to somewhat vitreous black, glassy aggregates feldspar
matrix, and overall specimen sizes range from 2cm to 4cm @ 30.00, 45.00 and
65.00 each, each supplied with a copy of our EDS spectra and a standard XRD
spectra as well.
FRANKLINITE in KUTNOHORITE etc- Sterling Hill, nr. Franklin, Sussex
Co., New Jersey
This large specimen sports several black octahedral franklinite crystals to
about 6mm lightly scattered in large, pinkish-white, non-fluorescent kutnohorite
matrix, shot through in several areas with brightly fluorescent (green SW UV)
dull brownish red, "troostite" variety willemite pods (to 2cm across)
and small, crude crystals providing the only FL response in the piece! This
large specimen was collected in November, 1972, nearly 45 years ago, and it
measures about 17x11x5 cm @ just 125.00.
HAUYNE- Niedermendig, Laach Lake Volcano, Germany
Small but vibrantly colored, electric blue crystalline hauyne, crudely crystallized
and extracted from pumice matrix, typical specimen size averaging about 4mm
across of pure material and showing some faces as well. Excellent, gemmy color
@ just 12.00 each from this Eifel locality.
HUBEITE - Daye Mine, Huang Si, Hubei Province PR China
This uncommon species occurs as attractive, well formed, glassy brown, micro
prismatic crystals to 6mm richly scattered on matrix, sometimes intergrown on
and about calcite crystals etc. Formula: Ca2Mn2+Fe3+SiO4(OH)(H2O)2. Very interesting
specimens from the type locality, generous sizes averaging 9cm across @ just
150.00 each. A few with elongated pink inesite crystals @ 200.00 each, the latter
very attractive and quite superb!
JAHNSITE-(CaMnMn)- Bull Moose Mine, Custer Co., South Dakota
Excellent micro crystals of the (CaMnMn) member of the jahnsite series, here
as tiny, yellowish green glassy crystals perched in vugs in massive primary
phosphate-rich matrix. EDS work on these oddly-colored micro crystals repeatedly
showed the Mn:Fe ratio near 1:1 to 3:2, with low Mg present as well. All samples
with arrows and accompanied by a copy of our analytical work! Although small,
these are well formed and make for excellent micros with a wide variety of secondary
phosphate associations, with overall matrix sizes ranging from about 1.5cm to
4cm across @ 20.00, 30.00, and 45.00. Nice!
KOBELLITE- Nello Teer Q., Raleigh, Wake Co., North Carolina
This relatively small locality has produced about two dozen species, most from
early workings of the quarry prior to 1970 that were subsequently analyzed by
modern methods. The kobellite occurs as rich, silvery-grey metallic masses richly
scattered on matrix and potentially intergrown with other uncommon sulfosalts.
Formula: Pb22Cu4(Bi,Sb)30S69, the Bi-analog of the rare mineral tintinaite.
More commonly known from Sweden, these are, by far, the best U.S. occurrence
for the mineral we have ever seen. Specimens range in size from 3.5cm to 7cm
@ just 25.00, 40.00 and 55.00 each, and one monster sample with a saw-cut base
measuring 20x9cm @ 200.00!
LUNEBURGITE- Mejillones, Antofagasta, Chile
Nearly pure white masses of this rare phosphate comprising matrix. From one
of the few described localities for the species, we offer these as small fragments
about 1mm across @ 40.00 each, first obtained in 1992 from this locality. Only
a few on hand!
MALACHITE- Nevada Scheelite Mine, Mineral Co., Nevada
A newly reported mineral for the locality, malachite occurs here as small, radiating
felted masses and micro acicular crystals scattered on the surface of a vuggy,
limonitic quartz matrix. Other species may be present, and this material, collected
at the 200 ft. level some time ago, deserves additional study. Only a few TNs
available, all with micro potential, @ just 10.00 each.
METARAUCHITE- Eduard Mine, Jachymov, Bohemia, Czech Republic
Collected from the Schweitzer Vein at this, the type locality for the species,
metarauchite occurs as dull yellowish green crusts well-scattered over dehydrated
clay-like matrix, also filling apparent expansion cracks in the matrix as well.
A rare, hydrated nickel-uranium arsenate, nicely fluorescent, only one 2cm TN
available, ex-Vajdak, @ 395.00. List alternates.
NATROCHALCITE- Chuquicamata, Antofagasta Prov., Chile
Excellent apple-green aggregates of this uncommon mineral lightly scattered
over matrix. These are older specimens, occasionally with other minor associations,
classic material from TNs to 4cm across @ 20.00, 35.00 and 55.00 each.
PICROPHARMACOLITE, REALGAR etc- White Caps Mine, Manhattan, Nye
Co. Nevada
An exceptional lot of rich, handsome specimens from this prolific mine, the
picropharmacolite occurs as tiny, white spiny balls of acicular crystals to
severall millimeters across, well-scattered on matrix, typically over a pale
orange-red druse of realgar and occasionally with transparent gypsum, yellow
sulfur and/or white globular pharmacolite. A new mineral for the locality, SEM/EDS
verified, and with great micro potential as well. Overall sizes from 3cm to
8cm across @ just 15.00, 25.00, 40.00, 65.00 and 100.00 each. Superb!
SCAPOLITE variety WERNERITE- Newtown, Fairfield Co., Connecticut
A very old specimen, likely late 1800s, comprised of densely packed, pale purple
scapolite as thick elongated aggregates and masses completely comprising matrix.
The piece is ex-Michigan College of Mines and is accompanied by three old labels
from the school. A classic U.S. locality for this marialite-meionite mid-member,
not fluorescent, overall size about 6x5cm @ 45.00. One only.
SULFUR- Steamboat Springs, Washoe Co., Nevada
Rich, bright yellow crystals and druses of native sulfur fully covering silaceous
sinter matrix. Ols and colorful material as recently described in the January,
2017 issue of Mineral News, most with good micro potential as well, and all
quite reasonable in sizes from 3cm to nearly 8cm @ 8.50, 15.00, 25.00 and 35.00
TARBUTTITE- Skorpion Mine, Rosh Pinah, Karas, Namibia
Excellent, densely aggregated small crystalline aggregates and triclinic groups
of transparent to pale green tarbuttite forming seams and exposed fields of
this uncommon anhydrous zinc phosphate on matrix. An uncommon color, habit and
occurrence for the mineral that was discovered about 10 years ago (and offered
at outrageous prices!), we have a few representative 5cm specimens on hand @
just 55.00 each.
TORRECILLASITE (IMA 2013-112)- Torrecillas Mine, Salar Grande,
This relatively NEW SPECIES occurs here as extremely small, colorless aggregates
of high luster sparsely scattered on grayish white anhydrite/gypsum matrix,
potentially with white tamarugite and other phases present. Formula: Na(As,Sb)3+4O6Cl,
orthorhombic, IMA # 2013-112. Type locality material, but otherwise difficult
to differentiate, specimens average about 2cm across @ 55.00 each. List alternates!
TURQUOISE (Crystals!)- Bishop Mine, Lynch Station, Virginia
From the classic locality for crystallized turquoise, we have a small selection
of excellent mounted specimens, all showing fine, blue, wedge-shaped micro crystals
on quartz/schist matrix. The Bishop Mine was the first reported locality for
crystals of turquoise, and this Campbell County site remains today as one of
the finest occurrences of the mineral despite being worked out long ago. Specimens
to 1.5cm in standard micro boxes, priced according to coverage and quality @
just 25.00. 35.00 and 45.00 each. The last of our stock with limited availability!
VESUVIANITE- nr. Blue Bird Mine, Mineral Co., Nevada
From a new find at an unnamed prospect near the Blue Bird Mine, we have a good
selection of small, pistachio green vesuvianite crystals richly lining exposed
seams and cavities, most carefully etched out of calcite and therefore showing
good prism faces and terminations, most samples with full surface coverage as
well. Recently featured in a Mineral News article, these specimens range from
about 2.5cm to 8cm across, priced very reasonably at just 7.50, 15.00, 25.00
and 45.00 each, a few better to 75.00. Nice stuff!
VOLKOVSKITE- Boulby Mine, North Yorkshire, England
This rare borate mineral is a member of the veatchite group, and it is found
at only a handful of localities worldwide. These specimens are thin, transparent
crystalline platelets and cleavages up to 2x1cm in cross-section with a bare
trace of pinkish hilgardite (?) providing a hint of color. Only a few specimens
available, sizes from about 1cm to 2cm long @ 45.00, 85.00 and 125.00 each.
List alternates!
XENOTIME-(Y)- Novo Horizonte, Bahia, Brazil
Excellent elongated single crystals and groups of translucent dark brown glassy
xenotimes without matrix. Perhaps the finest find in recent years for this rare-earth
phosphate, these are singly terminated or partially double-terminated crystals
averaging about 2cm long nicely mounted in a TN box at only 55.00 each.
YEGOROVITE- Palitra Peg., Kedykverpakhk Mt., Russia
A fairly recent NEW SPECIES from Lovozero, this one approved in 2008 with only
a few samples available! The mineral occurs as tiny colorless to semi-transparent
coarse prismatic to flattened, lamellar crystals up to 1mm long, often associated
with minor revdite and megacyclite. Named for crystal chemist Yuriy Klavdievich
Yegorov-Tismeno (1938-2007), the mineral is a new structural type, the first
natural sodium silicate with single chains of Si tetrahedra. IMA #2008-033,
Formula: [Si2O4(OH)2]2*7H2O, monoclinic. Offered as tiny single crystals on
a carbon tape mount @ 95.00; small matrix samples from 0.3cm to 0.4cm @ 150.00,
or a few larger specimens to nearly 1cm @ 175.00. Author's material and the
last of the type locality find.
ZALESIITE- Gold Hill Mine, Tooele Co., Utah
Although we have offered this relatively uncommon species before, this is from
the confirmed locality find (see Mineral News, Vol 21 #8), with the mineral
occurring as pale yellowish green acicular crystals and sprays perched on a
garnet skarn matrix. Good micro material selected from a larger lot, with specimen
sizes averaging about 1.5-2cm temporarily mounted in clear topped micro boxes
at just 20.00 each, occasionally with minor conichalcite. Only a few available!
These two mineral portfolios were produced about 15 years ago by the same people
who now publish the fine, glossy Mineralogical Almanac magazine in Russia. Each
portfolio contains 12 different color mineral photographs (yes, actual glossy
photographs!) as generously sized 15x15cm (about 6 inches by 6 inches) images,
carefully mounted on heavy, slate-grey stock and contained in a matching slate-grey
folder. Each mineral is identified on the back of the mounted image in both
Russian and English. Set #1, "The Creative Earth" has a dozen different
aesthetic specimens on generally dark backgrounds, while Set #2,"On Planet
Earth" offers a dozen attractive samples superimposed on natural backgrounds
such as fields, lakes, mountains etc., certainly more nature-oriented than the
first set. We have very limited quantities of each set, with #1 (minerals only)
offered @ $35.00/portfolio, and #2 (minerals + nature) @ $25.00 per portfolio
of 12 different; order early and get both for just $55.00. Real photographs
suitable for framing!
FORSTERITE var. PERIDOT- San Carlos, Gila Co., Arizona
A small but select lot of excellent, yellow-green forsterite variety peridot
cut as faceted octagons from this well-known Arizona locality. These are eye
clean, well-cut 7x5mm octagons, competitively priced at just 10.00 per stone,
or a lot of 5 for just 40.00. If you want a large variety of shapes, we can
offer an excellent buy of 20 faceted peridots in assorted shapes for just 125.00,
with about 20 cts as the average total carat weight for each lot. A real bargain
in these large lots - don't miss them
CATALOG 21608 - Volume XLIII, No.8
Our latest list, the last for this year, has a number of new species,
as well as our usual assortment of rarities, old classics and interesting locality
pieces. Also, this list continues the unveiling of long-held petrology specimens
from E.W. Heinrich and others, and for those of you interested in such samples,
note that, like minerals, they are offered on a first-come, first-served basis,
FOB our warehouse.
ANDALUSITE var: CHIASTOLITE- Sangping Mine, Xixia, Henan, PR China
These are sliced and polished (one face) cross sections of andalusite crystals
(variety chiastolite) showing typical cross patterns due to carbon inclusions
so well known in this variety. Only a few on hand, slices from about 2.5cm to
3.5cm across at just 15.00 and 20.00 each.
ARSENATROTITANITE (2016-015)- Arsenatnaya Fumerole, Tolbachik,
Another NEW SPECIES from this famous Kmachatka volcano, these from the second
scoria cone of the northern breakthrough fissure eruption. The mineral occurs
as minute (<1mm) single red distorted crystals and clusters, each individually
mounted on an adhesive pad. Formula: NaTi(AsO4)O, monclinic, IMA #2106-015.
Type locality material, a new member of the tilasite-durangite group and isostructural
with titanite, named for its composition. Very little material available @ 125.00
each. List alternates!
AZURITE - Gold Quarry Mine, Eureka Co., Nevada
Nice micro crystals and druses of azurite, from the same material often described
as"the best known" from Nevada. These are sharp translucent deep blue
to 1-2mm crystals, usually associated with malachite and occasionally other
copper minerals, with over 110 different species recorded from this prolific
mine! Good micro material as well, matrix sizes from 2cm to 5cm @ only 7.50,
12.50, 20.00 and 30.00 each, with mid-priced TNs generally the best coverage.
BADALOVITE (2016-053)- Arsenatnaya Fumerole, Tolbachik, Russia
This NEW SPECIES occurs as tiny but rather lustrous and well-formed terminated
crystals (about 1mm) often intergrown in clusters on altered basalt scoria matrix.
Formula: Na2Mg2Fe3+(AsO4)4, monoclini, IMA #2016-053, the first of several new
members of the alluaudite group from this Kmachatka volcano. The mineral is
named for Stepan Tigranovich Badalov (1919-2014), professor at the Abdullaev
Institute of Geology & Geophysics in Tashkent at the UIzbekistan Academy
of Sciences. Nice vuggl matrix specimens averaging 2.5cm @ 175.00 each, all
with modest micro potential as well!
BARITE- Onderra Mine, Kaokoveld Plateau, Namibia
From the early find about ten years ago, these are small, transparent, yellowish,
glassy barite crystals with little or no matrix, these averaging about 1 cm
tall and supplied in clear micro boxes. Moderately attractive small TNs with
good form and color for the princely sum of 7.50 each. Limit three per order,
BETEKHTINITE- Dzhezkazgan, Karagandy Province, Kazakhstan
A superb miniature of this rare Cu-Fe-Pb-sulfide, here as grayish black, elongated
crystalline aggregates showing good separation and aesthetically presented in
a complex group with little matrix. The piece is ex-University of Arizona (#14182)
and is accompanied by their black on transparent display label. Well formed,
moderately attractive for a typically ugly mineral, a 4cm group @ 225.00. One
BURBANKITE with SODALITE etc.- Cerro Sapo, Cochabamba Dept., Bolivia
Small pinkish micro druses and crusts of burbankite lightly scattered on matrix,
typically with pale blue masses of sodalite, pale green to grey ankerite and
massive, sugary barite. From one of the very few alkaline provinces in the Andes,
burbankite is one of the unusual minerals found among the 50+ species known
from the locality. Specimens range from about 3cm to 5cm at just 20.00, 35.00
and 50.00 each.
CALAMAITE (2016-036)- Alcaparrosa Mi, Calama, Antofagasta, Chile
This NEW SPECIES occurs as tiny, colorless to white acicular crystals intergrown
into sprays and clusters to nearly 2mm on a reddish brown romerite matrix. Formula:
Na2TiO(SO4)2*2H2O, orthorhombic, IMA # 2016-036. The mineral is named for this,
the type locality, Calama commune in which the mine is situated. Only a few
specimens on hand, averaing in the 2-2.5cm size range @ 195.00 each.
COPPER (w/ Drill Hole)- Keeweenaw Peninsula, Michigan
An unusual, sculpture-like display specimen from an undocumented locality in
Michigan's Copper Country, ex-Buckingham Collection. The specimen has a dense
rock base about 13x10 cm with a large native copper-impregnated rock mass about
10x10cm protruding and extending upward from the base. The copper shows one
complete and one partial drill bit impression from a miner's 4cm diameter drill,
the impression piercing directly into the copper and leaving a stepped rotary
pattern and a small central nipple in
the copper mass! A marvelous mining artifact specimen that has not be cleaned
(which would likely improve appearance greatly!), weighing about 6 pounds and
measuring about 14x13x13cm @ 275.00. One only!
DAVIDITE-(Y) in TITANITE- Quijotoa Mts, nr, Covered Wells, Arizona
An old batch of davidite-(Y) specimens, originally from famous mineralogist
Richard Gaines (gainesite) and each sample accompanied by a copy of his label.
The mineral occurs here as dark brown to nearly black masses and pods lightly
scattered in massive titanite/rock matrix, subsequently identified in Cureton
labels as originating from the Pandora Prospect which is by the Papago Indian
Reservation in Pima County, close to the Linda Lee Claims. Only a few samples
available, sizes from 1.5cm to 4.5cm @ 15.00, 30.00 and 55.00 each, with a large
7.5cm sample @ 95.00. List alternates!
FLUORITE- Cumberland, England
An exceptionally large (and old!) specimen, comprised of several, well formed,
large cubic crystals to 8cm on edge (!!) densely intergrown over the entire
sample and perched on a thin rock matrix. The specimen shows pale purple to
clear areas under ordinary light, and extraordinary and brilliant blue-white
fluorescence under both SW and LW UV, with the latter being very striking. Unlike
many U.S. fluorites, UK specimens often show good transparency as this one does,
and the piece is ex-A.E. Seaman Museum and E.W. Heinrich, famous geologist and
one of the Museum's great benefactors. The piece shows many cleaved edges on
the cube faces and a typical assortment of dings throughout, but that all disappears
under the intended UV display specimen that it is. Overall museum-size sample
about 23x16x13 cm, weighing nearly 15 pounds (!!) of solid, cubic fluorite,
only one available @ 1500.00. Wow!
HEULANDITE-Ca with CELADONITE- Nasik, Maharashtra, India
A large specimen of GREEN heulandite, here as well formed crystals to 1.5cm
richly scattered over the entire surface of the specimen, overlaying broadlaths
of flattened stilbite sitting under a thin chalcedony layer. The murky green
color of the unusual heulandite is caused by inclusions of celadonite, and it
does not detract from the moderately vitreous luster of the heulandite. Hefty
and quite attractive with an uncommon color, overall about 12x9cm @ just 65.00.
HUREAULITE in TAVORITE- Bull Moose Mine, Custer Co., South Dakota
Small pods of micro-crystalized hureaulite entrapped in dark green masses of
tavorite matrix, occasionally with other phosphates and minor micro potential
as well. The Bull Moose is a very well-known but surprisingly small deposit,
consisting of workings about 25 x 10 feet in total. Only a few old specimens
on hand, sizes from about 2.5cm to 5cm @ just 10.00, 20.00 and 35.00 each.
KINGSMOUNTITE (TL)- Foote Mine, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
This uncommon phosphate occurs here at the type locality as tiny, white radiaiting
crystals lightly scattered on matrix, typically with nearly black birnessite
and/or mitridatite. Kingsmountite is the ferroan analog of montgomeryite and
was first foun din 1968 but not described until more than 10 years later. Modest
micro potential, specimens from about 1.5cm to nearly 3cm @ 20.00 and 40.00
KOROBITSYNITE (TL)- Umbozero Mine, Alluaiv, Lovozero, Russia
Small translucent greyish-white bladed crystals of this rare species scattered
on matrix, some with epitaxial needles of nearly transparent elpidite crystals,
aegirine and albite as well. Korobitsynite is the Ti-analog of nenadkeichite,
and these are type locality specimens as well! Sizes from about 1.5cm to nearly
4cm @ 45.00, 75.00, 100.00 and 150.00 each for the best samples.
LAVENITE- Laven Island, nr. Stokkoya, Norway
Small yellowish-brown grains of lavenite sparsely scattered in nepheline/barkevikite/aegirine
matrix from this type locality. Not attractive but classic nonetheless. Sizes
average 2cm to 5cm @ 10.00, 20.00 and 35.00 each. A few larger, ex-E.W. Heinrich,
to 9cm @ 75.00 each.
LAZULITE in QUARTZITE- Graves Mt., Lincoln Co., Georgia
Classic locality material showing crude crystals of lazulite to 1cm on the better
pieces lightly scattered in sandy, granular quartzite matrix. A fairly large
selection available from this old locality, specimens not as pretty as they
sound and priced according to size and quality from about 2cm to 7cm across
@ just 10.00, 20.00, 35.00 and 55.00 each.
MICROCLINE- Morefield Mine, Amelia Co., Virginia
Dull beige massive microcline comprising matrix, occasionally with minor quartz
or rarely with small black masses of unanalyzed columbite-tantalite phases.
Not attractive but modest reference samples from this historic locality, specimens
from about 2.5cm to 9cm across @ just 4.00, 7.50, 15.00 and 25.00 each.
MOSANDRITE- Laven Island, Langesundfjord, Norway
Several dark amber-brown, prismatic crystals of this rare-earth bearing silicate
occur in a complex, coarse-grained nepheline syenite matrix. The crystals only
occasionally show faces (prism) since they are exposed in cross section (both
longitudinally, and as sharp, diamond-shaped sections normal to the c-axis)
along the rock's fracture surfaces. Several other interesting, crystalline species
occur in this material, including zircon and others. Specimens primarily ex-E.W.
Heinrich, sizes range from about 2.5cm to 8cm across @ 20.00, 35.00, 55.00 and
70.00 each.
PARSETTENSITE- Foote Mine, Cleaveland Co., North Carolina
Old material collected many years ago and informally called "unknown #2",
consisting of richly scattered bronze-brown radiating spherules and frothy ,
platy aggregates of micro parsettensite well scattered in vugs on white albite
matrix, the smaller samples sometimes underlying pink rhodochrosite. Attractive
micro material from this prolific locality, with odd-ball associations possible
with careful study. Matrix specimens from about 1.5cm to nearly 5cm @ 15.00,
30.00 and 50.00 each.
PHILIPSBURGITE (TL)- Black Pine Mine, nr. Philipsburg, Montana
Recently uncovered in our warehouse, a flat of excellent, emerald-green micro
crystals of philipsburgite scattered over quartz matrix, typically showing finely
bladed micro crystals and rosettes! The crystals are typically overgrown with
minute quartz druses, making colorful, pale green vitreous balls, sometimes
associated with pale green duftite, malachite etc. Matrix sizes from 2cm to
6cm @ 15.00, 25.00, 45.00, 65.00 and 100.00 each for the most aesthetic. Superb
type-locality material, and all with micro potential, too.
PROBERTITE- Borax Open Pit, Boron, Kern Co., California
From the 1987 find from Extension 18, these are sharp, slender elongated probertite
CRYSTALS and radiating, divergent aggregates comprising matrix. Most specimens
show rounded, warty terminations and are from the finest US occurrence ever
reported for the species. Many show dull yellowish orange FL response under
SW UV. Specimen sizes from about 2.5cm up to 6cm specimens, priced at 10.00,
25.00, 45.00 and 60.00 each. Excellent with decent display potential as well!
QUARTZ var: POLYCHROME JASPER- Sofia Region, Mahajanga Province,
Very attractive, polished end-cuts of this excellent, banded and colorful jasper,
a cryptocrystalline variety of quartz. Predominant colors are typically gentle
shades of rusty brown and tan, with occasional splashes of greys, greens etc.
Expertly cut and polished faces average about 7x5cm on each specimen, only a
few available at just 20.00 each.
ROMANECHITE- Fourth Payday Mine, Sierra Co., New Mexico
A new locality for the species, located within the Burnt Cabin Flat area of
the Taylor Peak quadrangle in Sierra County. The original find of the specimens
was thought to be botryoidal cassiterite because of its very high density and
rich luster, but XRD and EDS confirmed romanechite as the species, here as rich,
black botryoids of nearly pure material. Moderately attractive for a black species,
we have a modest selection of solid and very heavy botryoidal samples ranging
from about 3cm to 8cm across at just 10.00, 20.00, 35.00 and 55.00 each. Neat!
SHIMAZAKIITE (IMA #2010-085a)- Fuka Mine, Bitchu-cho, Okayama
Pref, Japan
This rare mineral occurs here at this prolific locality as nearly pure, greyish
white masses comprising matrix, rarely associated with extremely small, pale
violet henmilite or possibly other species scattered in matrix. A relatively
new anhydrous calcium borate, IMA #2010-085, type locality, of course. Only
a few small specimens on hand, averaging about 1cm across at just 45.00 each.
TRIDYMITE- nr. Black Rock, Millard Co., Utah
Minute druses of vitreous tridymite lightly scattered on lithophysal rhyolite,
forming unusual concentric banded material from this obscure locality. This
is the material featured in the February, 2016 issue of Mineral News that had
been XRD confirmed some years earlier, and it is the first reported occurrence
of the mineral in Millard County. Specimens range from about 5cm to nealry 10cm
across at 25.00, 40.00, 65.00 and 90.00 each, depending on coverage.
TRIPHYLITE- Grafton, Grafton Co., New Hampshire
Very old material, collected by L.L. Hubbard (1849-1933) and ex-Michigan Mining
College, here as coarse crystalline masses admixed with typical granitic pegmatite
matrix showing greenish brown to bluish (from incipient vivianite alteration)
color richly comprising these old specimens. Sizes from about 2cm to nearly
8cm across @ 7.50, 15.00, 30.00 and 55.00 each. Old stuff!
URANINITE- Shinkolobwe, Shaba, (Zaire) Dem Rep Congo
A fairly hot, mass of black uraninite scattered in rock matrix, here with minor
secondary minerals evident, including dull greenish metatorbernite and sparse
curite. Very old material from this famous Congo locality, ex-Cleveland Museum
of Natural History, a rather flat specimen about size about 5 x 3 cm @ 185.00.
VONSENITE- Burgillos del Cerro, Extremadura, Spain
Widespread in small amounts, vonsonite occurs in this Spanish locality as rock
forming, nearly pure schist-like aggregates of indistinct prismatic crystals.
Dense, interesting ferrous ferric boron oxide material with a high luster, in
sizes ranging from 2cm to 8cm @ 10.00 and 15.00 for the smaller samples, then
45.00 and 60.00 each for the larger.
WAVELLITE etc.- Lucin, Box Elder Co., Utah
From the famous minyulite find (see Mineral News, April, 2012 issue), these
are superb, transparent and colorless glassy micro sprays of wavellite well
scattered on matrix, typically as overgrowths and associations with more silky,
needle-like sprays and balls of minyulite, occasionally with other phosphate
species as well. Selected from a large lot of material, these are quite spectacular
under the 'scope, with overall matrix sizes from about 2cm to 6cm across @ 10.00,
20.00, 35.00 and 50.00 each, depending on coverage and associations.
ZINCOBRADACZEKITE (2015-041)- Yadovitaya Fumerole, Tolbachik,
Yet another NEW SPECIES from this Kamchatka volcano, here as tiny blue to bluish
grey tabular to irregular micro grains on an altered basalt scoria, occasionally
with hematite, K-feldspar etc. Formula: NaZn2Cu2(AsO4)3, monoclinic, IMA # 2105-041.
This interesting phase is a new member of the alluaudite group Nd the Zn-Cu
ordered analogue of bradaczekite, all specimens with arrows and perched on vuggy
matrix averaging 2cm across @ 165.00 each. Only a few!
WALKS and TALKS in the GEOLOGICAL FIELD- by Alexander Winchell
One of Professor Winchell's best known works, the "Walks and Talks in the
Geological Field" was written to bring concepts and theories of geological
sciences to the casual reader, "starting with observations at their front
door" and proceeding into mines, metallic ore formation, the fossil record
etc.. Over 325 pages, first edition hardcover, moderately good condition for
its age @ just 25.00!
Ever since the first appearance of "aqua aura" many years ago, there
has been considerable interest (and several scams as well) in weirdly colored
quartz crystals often sold as completely natural. While the crystals themselves
are, indeed, natural quartz crystals, the vibrant colors available today are
the result of a molecular deposition treatment first employed years ago by vaporizing
gold (and now other substances) to impart color to otherwise colorless, transparent
crystals. We recently acquired a rather large collection of these specimens,
all as individual quartz crystals, all singly terminated, and averaging 5 cm
to 6 cm tall. Colors include blues, greens, yellows, reds etc., and it appears
these were originally intended as pendants, as they have a tiny, 1mm hole drilled
through the non-terminated end, suitable for lacing a small wire through the
crystal so that it would hang "point down" from a necklace. We offer
a lot of five (5) different colored crystals at just 45.00 per lot. Orders for
multiple lots welcomed: 2 lots (10 xls) for 85.00; 5 lots (25 xls) for 195.00!
Crazy stuff!
ZOISITE variety TANZANITE- Merelani Hills, nr. Arusha, Tanzania
Quickly becoming one of the most popular gemstones, we have a small lot of pale
purplish blue zoisite var: tanzanites in nicely cut ovals, all eye clean and
quite nice! Although you'd expect to pay up to $250 per carat in this size and
quality range, we offer a low flat price for stones in the 0.70 to 1.10 carat
range, @ just 70.00, 95.00, and 110.00 per stone. Larger, darker (and considerably
more expensive) faceted stones available, as are good single crystals without
matrix - enquire!
CROCIDOLITE - Bechuanaland, Botswana
A striking E.W. Heinrich specimen, museum-sized and quite impressive, comprised
of densely packed fibrous blue riebeckite (variety crocidolite), an asbestiform
mineral commonly referred to as blue asbestos, here as the major component of
an altered metamorphic rock. The mineral is present in thick, stacked, wavy
bands up to 2cm tall and completely running through the entire 15 pound (!!)
sample. Heinrich's label indicates the locality as "Bechuanaland, South
Africa", suggesting it was collected long before Bechuanaland became the
Republic of Botswana in 1966, when it was still a protectorate under Great Britain
administration. The specimen is a monster-sized example, about 26x15x9 cm, the
largest I have ever encountered, @ 300.00 plus shipping. Purported to be among
the nastiest asbestiform minerals. Don't eat or breathe this one!
CATALOG 21607 - Volume XLIII, No.7
As autumn arrives, our latest list has a number of new species,
as well as our usual assortment of rarities, old classics and interesting locality
pieces. Also, this list continues the unveiling of long-held petrology specimens,
and for those of you interested in such samples, note that, like minerals, they
are offered on a first-come, first-served basis, FOB our warehouse.
ANALCIME- Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada
We have a pair of excellent MSH analcimes, each showing well-formed, white trapeziohedral
crystals of good size. The first is a 2.5cm single crystal perched in the center
of an 8x6cm complex, etched greyish white crystal of microcline that shows a
small (<1cm) orange serandite fragment at one edge, priced at 175.00. The
second is a group of somewhat larger (to 3cm) analcime crystals intergrown into
a 6.5x4cm group, with a 7mm well-terminated, redish black mangan-neptunite crystal
protruding from the base, accompanied by platy polylithionite, small natrolite
crystals and other attractive micro minerals as well! This one deserves greater
study at only 250.00.
ANGLESITE- San Rafael Mine, Nye Co., Nevada
Small thumbnails from this prolific locality showing weird pods of greyish-white
banded anglesite as banded rims replacing altered galena in matrix. Best viewed
under the 'scope, these will typically show micro quartz, cerussite or possibly
other species associated with these strange-appearing specimens. Only a few
available @ 8.50 each.
ANILITE- Painesdale, Houghton Co., Michigan
From the 2009 find, the first analytically confirmed occurrence for the species
in Michigan, we have a good selection of brilliant, metallic greyish blue to
nearly black splendant aggregates and masses of anilite in seams in white quartz
matrix, many with malachite and possibly other secondary copper minerals very
richly scattered. XRD data on unground material shows trace admixed chalcocite
but otherwise nearly pure anilite at this new surface find!!! Perhaps the richest
material ever encountered for the species, the first confirmed for the state,
specimens from about 3cm to monster 15cm specimens @ 20.00, 30.00, 45.00, 60.00,
75.00, 100.00, and 150.00 each.
BARIOPHARMACOSIDERITE- Clara Mine, Oberwolfach, Germany
Fine micro cubes of honey gold to brown bariopharmacosiderite richly scattered
on matrix. Excellent micro potential specimens from this prolific Black Forest
deposit. Type locality material collected more than 20 years ago, sizes from
1.5 to 2.5cm @ 15.00 and 20.00 each, depending on quality.
BAVSIITE (IMA 2014-019)- Gun Claim, Wilson Lake, Yukon Terr.,
This NEW SPECIES occurs as minute, glassy blue crystals sparsely scattered in
white, granular witherite/celsian matrix, often associated with tiny green aggregates
of its close dimorph suzukiite. Formula: Ba2V2O2(Si4O12) - tetragonal, IMA#
2014-019. Only a few specimens available, all with arrows, sizes average 2.5cm
@ 75.00 each.
BECQUERELITE, URANINITE etc.- Shinkolobwe, Katanga (Zaire) Dem
Rep Congo
A very dense and heavy black uraninite specimen showing a number of secondary
uranium minerals scattered abouts its surface, the most interesting an excellent
patch of yellow laths and sprays of excellent becquerelite crystals, accompanied
by minor needles of uranotile, dull greenish powdery metatorbernite, curite
and possibly others. Exceptionally hot sample, ex-Al McGuinness (mcguinnessite)
specimen, size about 6x3.5cm @ 495.00.
BERYL- Helen Beryl Mine, Custer Co., South Dakota
A large but rather ugly cabinet specimen showing a 3.5cm pale greenish beryl
mass perched at the edge of a hefty pegmatite matrix, here with a larger (6cm
diameter), non-descript beryl mass embedded in obvious muscovite, quartz and
feldspar matrix, along with black dendritic oxides and apparently other admixed
phases revealed by spotty, preferential creamy-yellow fluorescent response under
LW UV. Ex-E.W. Heinrich, and his label indicates "core margin replacement
unit", likely collected by him in the 1940s. Overall size is about 12x9x9cm
@ 65.00.
CASSITERITE- Golconda Mine, Governador Valadares, Brazil
A small lot of pristine, vitreous black cassiterite crystal groups with little
or no matrix, these thumbnails showing very sharp faces and high luster! Only
a few available, old Luis Menezes material from years ago, sizes averaging about
1.5cm @ just 15.00 each. Nice!
CAVANSITE on STILBITE- Wagholi, Maharashtra State, India
A nice lot of exquisite, electric blue cavansite in radiating crystal sprays
and groups nicely isolated and perched on white stillbite crystals. Attractive
specimens at less than half of what others have charged for these excellent
specimens. All good quality, priced according to size, coverage, completeness
and asthetics, from 2.5cm to 5x3cm @ only 30.00, 45.00, 70.00, and 100.00, a
few very dense, compact balls of very deep color on 7cm matrix @ 150.00 each.
Beautiful pieces!
CHALCOCITE- Flambeau Mine, Rusk Co., Wisconsin
Interesting, dark greyish blue metallic aggregates and crude crystals of chalcocite
completely comprising matrix, these from the well known find of some years ago,
now defunct. Someday these may rival Bristol, Connecticut specimens in pricing,
but for now are still quite reasonable, with 2.5cm TN's at just 15.00 to 35.00
each, and a few larger samples to 5cm @ 50.00 to 100.00 each, depending on qulaity.
Get 'em while you can..
COLEMANITE- Boraxo Pit, Death Valley, Inyo Co., California
Attractive, short prismatic monoclinic spear-shaped crystals of colemanite full
covering matrix, all showing excellent form in radiating and up-standing groups.
These are transparent to translucent and have a subtle, pleasing greyish-white
color. Quite exceptional when compared to the more typical blocky white specimens,
these are very aesthetic and yet reasonably priced, sizes from about 2.5cm to
10cm across @ 8.00, 15.00, 25.00, 40.00 and 55.00. A few larger available -
CORDIERITE variety IOLITE- Guilford, New Haven Co., Connecticut
A small lot of very old material, ex-Wards Natural Science, recently uncovered
here, comprised of dense, greyish to slightly bluish grey massive cordierite
richly scattered in minor quartz/sillimanite schist matrix, potentially with
other rock forming minerals and minor sulfides as well. A Dana location, likely
from the long-gone "Hungry Hill" deposit. Several specimens available,
sizes from about 2cm to 4.5cm across at just 10.00, 15.00 and 25.00 each. Great
eastern U.S. locality material!
CORUNDUM variety RUBY- nr. Longido, Arusha Region, Tanzania
Pale pink, somewhat translucent single ruby crystals without matrix, these from
an old hoard assembled over forty-five years ago. All show reasonably well-formed
hexagonal plates or barrels and trigons on the pinacoid faces; these are somewhat
tabular in habit, sizes range from about 8mm to 15mm across @ 7.50, 10.00 and
15.00 each.
CORUNDUM variety RUBY- Ambodilarja, Corindon Range, Madagascar
A selection of deep purplish-red ruby crystals without matrix, all showing typical
hexagonal outlines, and varying from tabular, pinacoidal crystals to slightly
more elongated columnar crystals! Most average about 1.5cm in diameter, varying
from tabular 6mm samples to 1.5cm columns @ 8.50, 12.50 and 17.50 each.
DATOLITE- Prospect Park, Passaic Co., New Jersey
Frosty, pale green datloite crystals to 1.5cm nicely fill a large exposed vug
in matrix, the seam (about 5x5cm) sitting in the center of a large 10x7cm dark
basaltic matrix. An old specimen from this famous New Jersey locality showing
fairly nice translucent to transparent crystals, ex-Mecke Collection and likely
obtained more than 50 years ago, just one available @ 85.00. Nice!
FERRICORONADITE w/ FRANKLINITE- nr. Nezilovo, Veles, Macedonia
This NEW SPECIES occurs as brilliant, lustrous black metallic grains and crude
aggregates to 1mm scattered in matrix which is largely composed of massive,
brownish-black franklinite partially replaced by gahnite, and associated with
minor white barite. Formula: Pb(Mn4+6Fe3+2)O16, tetragonal, IMA #2015-093, the
Fe3+ analog of coronoadite. Only a few of these type locality specimens available,
author's material, sizes average 1cm @ 125.00 each. List alternates!
FLUORITE with CALCITE- Pint's Quarry, Black Hawk Co., Iowa
Fluorite from this locality is typically a pale honey-brown, here in cubic crystals
to 1cm perched among translucent to white sacalenohedral calcites on limestone.
The fluorite shows a unique, brilliant WHITE fluorescent response under SW UV,
also nicely phosphorescent, and a pale yellowish LW UV response as well. A saw
cut base from this uncommon locality near the town of Raymond enables the samples
to sit upright and display well; a fine 6x5cm sample @ 65.00.
GOLD- Serra do Caldeirao, Pontes e Lacerda Brazil
A small lot of WELL CRYSTALLIZED gold specimens, these showing excellent herringbone
patterns and elongated spinel twins, all with no matrix. These are from the
one-time find that was recently exhausted, and if you have ever lusted for a
very well crystallized gold specimen, this is your opportunity! Not cheap, but
thumbnails to 1.8cm showing excellent form, ranging from about 2.1g to 4.5g
@ 525.00, 750.00, 800.00, 875.00, 900.00 and 1125.00 each, with a few minor
size and price variations in between. Images and specific specimens per attached.
Don't miss these!
GRIPHITE- Sitting Bull Mine, Pennington Co., South Dakota
Rich, brown resinous to vitreous aggregates and masses of griphite scattered
in and comprising matrix. A complex phosphate, described in 1979 from the nearby
Everly Mine. Matrix sizes from about 2cm to 6cm across @ 10.00, 15.00, 25.00,
35.00 and 45.00 each.
HANKSITE- Searles Lake, San Bernadino Co., California
Excellent single crystals of dipyramidal hanksite without matrix, ranging from
transparent to greyish translucent specimens. Fine for the species, we have
a large lot from an old hoard that are also faintly fluorescent (LW-bluish),
crystals and groups from 1.5 to 7cm across @ 8.50, 12.50, 25.00, 40.00 and 65.00
HAWLEYITE on SPHALERITE- Alpine Mine, Pershing Co., Nevada
Dull yellowish orange filmy mases of this cadmium sulfide lightly scattered
over sphalerite/quartz ore matrix. EDS confirmed, hawleyite is more likely than
similar material erroneously reported as greenockite that requires XRD to properly
distinguish. From a a Nevada locality that produced this material as recently
as 2009, specimens from about 2cm to 7cm across @ only 12.50, 25.00 and 45.00
MAGNESIO-HORNBLENDE- Sterling Hill, Ogdensburg, Sussex Co New
Agonizing over amphibole identifications is a painful process. We uncovered
a old, small lot of nearly black, densely aggregated amphibole from Sterling,
most intergrown with small patches of fluorescent calcite, occasionally with
trace willemite. It took four analyses, literature comparisons with Palache,
Dunn and Klein et al to determine that it is closest to magnesio-hornblende
based on our analytical work. Specimens range from 2.5cm to 6cm across, priced
at 15.00, 25.00, 40.00 and 55.00, each accompanied by a copy of an X-ray spectra
and a copy of our comparative worksheet against edenite, pargasite etc...I hate
amphiboles and rapidly changing IMA nomenclature for the group!
MAGNESIOVOLTAITE (IMA#2015-095)- Alcaparrosa Mine, Calama, Chile
This NEW SPECIES occurs as minute, well-formed, transparent yellow cubo-octahedral
crystals scattered in matrix comprised largely of coquimbite and possibly other
phases. Formula: K2Mg5Fe3+3Al(SO4)12*18H2O, isometric, IMA #2015-095, the Mg-analog
of voltaite and K analog of ammoniomagnesiovoltaite as well. Type locality material
with modest micro potential, author's material, specimens from 2cm to 3cm across
@ 95.00 and 125.00 each. List alternates!
NATROJAROSITE- Kamareza Mine, Laurium, Attica, Greece
Rich, dark brown micro crystals of natrojarosite scattered in seams and vugs
in matrix. Good micro potential on most; excellent older locality material,
sizes from 1.5cm to 5cm @ 10.00, 20.00, 30.00 and 45.00 each.
OPAL pseudo @ FOSSIL WOOD- Tonopah, Nye Co., Nevada
We recently acquired an old lot of exceptional, massive grayish white opal that
had replaced fossil wood, yielding interesting, conchoidal masses that show
some fluorescence (green SW due to trace uranium salts, as well as bluish white
SW) as well as distinctly banded color variation that testifies to the former
concentric growth and replacement process. Ex-G.B. Robbe (1884-1963), a pioneer
in chemical extraction techniques for copper ore benefaction. His monster-sized
collection took two men twelve days to pack and move it to Michigan Tech upon
his death. A large range of sizes, from 2.5cm to 7cm @ just 5.00, 10.00, 20.00
and 35.00 each, a few larger @ 50.00,
PARISITE-(La) (IMA #2016-031)- Mula Mine, Tapera Village, Bahia,
This NEW SPECIES occurs in stout, pyramidal pseudohexagonal crystals to 1cm
or more, the yellowish cores being La-dominant, with most showing dark surface
alterations and often partially replaced by other REE-rich phases such as bastnaesite-(La)
and pinkish brockite. Formula: CaLa2(CO3)3F2, monoclinic, IMA # 2016-031. Excellent
for a new mineral, priced far below what was seen in Denver, specimens from
about 1cm to 1.5cm @ 95.00, 125.00 and 175.00 each, priced according to quality,
not overall size. A few larger, to 3cm @ 250.00.
SCHEELITE- Oriole Mine, Minerva, White Pine Co. Nevada
Brightly fluorescent (blue-white SW UV) scheelite richly scattered as veinlets
and pods in matrix, these somewhat richer than specimens from several other
localities recently offered. Coverage is reasonably good on the surface of each
sample, overall sizes ranging from about 4cm to 10cm @ 10.00, 20.00 35.00 and
50.00 each, depending on size and coverage.
SPODUMENE var: HIDDENITE- Salinas, Minas Gerais, Brazil
From a large lot of cutting rough, we have obtained a number of interesting,
translucent to transparent, very pale green spodumene samples without matrix,
most as pure cleavages or partial crystals of this Cr-rich spodumene. Some are
rather gemmy, and are offered as specimens from about 1cm to 2cm tall (weighing
anywhere from about 4 carats to 15 carats each), priced at 5.00, 10.00 and 15.00
each. Special: 100 carat, hand-selected transparent lots @ just 85.00 per lot!
Also on hand: one excellent 12cm nearly colorless crystal of 740 carats @ 1250.00!
STEPHANITE- Zaca Mine, Alpine Co., California
Greyish black, somewhat tabular micro crystals of stephanite scattered in exposed
quartz vugs in matrix, occasionally with minor pyrargyrite and other species.
Well crystallized although small, matrix sizes from 1.5 to 3.5cm @ 8.50, 15.00
and 25.00 each.
STILPNOMELANE etc.- Laytonville Quarry, Mendocino Co., California
Dark brownish to nearly black stilpnomelane occurs here as pods and aggregates
scattered in matrix, most associated with the classic rock forming mineral assemblages
of deerite, howieite and/or zussmanite. A wide variety of associations possible
in random samples, specimen sizes range from about 3cm to 7cm across @ 10.00,
20.00, 35.00 and 55.00 each.
TELLUROBISMUTHITE- Mangfallberg, Boliden, Sweden
This uncommon mineral (Bi2Te3) occurs here as grey metallic scales and foliated
masses richly comprising matrix, typically admixed with granular metallic tetradymite
in this gold-bearing sulfide ore. Ex-Cureton specimens, quite rich and dense,
sizes from about 2.5cm to 7cm @ 20.00, 40.00, 60.00 and 85.00 each.
THAUMASITE- Paterson, Passaic County, New Jersey
Rich white masses and crystalline aggregates largely comprising matrix, occasionally
with minor admixed pectolite. Old material from many years ago from this classic
locality, specimens from 3cm to 5.5cm @ 15.00, 25.00 and 40.00 each. One very
rich, large sample about 11x8cm @ 125.00.
VAUXITE- Siglo Veinte Mine, Llallagua, Bolivia
From material brought out in the 1970's, we have a few superb specimens of pale
blue vauxite richly scattered on matrix, mostly with wavellite and often micro
glassy crystals of paravauxite as well. Stable and quite attractive, type locality
material from 1cm to 1.5cm @ 25.00 and 35.00 each; one 6cm @ 175.00. Excellent!
VLASOVITE in EUDIALYTE- Kipawa Complex, Villedieu, Quebec, Canada
The last of this significantly fluorescent mineral, occurring as relatively
large, tan colored pods to 1.3cm across scattered in bright pink, attractive
eudialyte matrix. The vlasovite shows an excellent cream colored fluoresence
under SW UV, and these representative samples range from 2cm to 3.5cm @ 20.00,
30.00 and 40.00 each. A very few larger to 125.00; please inquire!
WAGNERITE var: KJERULFINE- Havredal, Bamle, Telemark, Norway
Buff colored masses of this variety of wagnerite richly scattered in matrix.
A widespread but otherwise unimpressive and rarely offered phosphate, these
specimens range from 1.5cm to 3.5cm @ 12.50, 20.00 and 30.00 each, a few to
6cm @ 55.00.
WILLEMITE with CALCITE (FL)- Vrancice, Bohemia, Czech Republic
Streamers and spots of brightly fluorescent (and usually phosphorescent green)
willemite scattered in fluorescent (red) calcite, associated with a variety
of manganese minerals. Looks identical to Franklin material under the UV light,
but remarkably different in daylight! From a short-lived 1950's mining venture
looking for silver minerals, this locality is quite extraordinary! Matrix specimens
from about 3cm to 6cm @ 15.00, 25.00 and 45.00 each.
WOLFEITE- Wilson's Peg. Broken Hill, NSW, Australia
Rich brown masses of this unusual Fe-Mn phosphate comprising matrix, a dimorph
of satterlyite. Uninspiring in appearance but from an unusual locality, matrix
sizes from about 1cm to 3cm @ 8.00, 15.00 and 25.00 each.
YINGJIANGITE- Kladska, nr. Marianske Lazne, Czech Republic
This exceptionally rare uranium phosphate occurs as minute golden yellow aggregates
sparsely scattered on matrix, some with minor torbernite. Weakly fluorescent
and XRD-confirmed material, this from the second world occurrence for the species.
Only a few available, small fragment in a capsule @ 40.00, matrix specimens
from 0.8cm to 2.4cm @ 75.00, 100.00 and 145.00 each for the richest. Rare stuff!
ZIPPEITE- Apex Mine, Lander Co., Nevada
Deep orange-yellow balls and somewhat tabular glassy aggregates of fluorescent
zippeite nicely scattered on matrix, occasionally with gypsum and other phases.
Rarely in such good form, these have been XRD and EDS-confirmed. Sizes from
2.5cm to nearly 6cm @ 15.00, 25.00, 45.00 and 65.00 each.
The classic work of this critically important topic, dealing with the formation
and classifcation of mineral deposits, here as a harcover second edition in
very good condition. Copiously illustrated with diagrams throughout, this 900+
page magnum opus discusses all aspects of formation, extraction, classification
etc. of ore minerals, including 14 chapters pertaining to specialized metallic
and non-metallic mineral deposits. Later editions are considerably smaller and
less detailed, and this 900+ page monster is the classic one to have for your
library! Clean, no stamps or markings, some wear on linen cover @ just 55.00.
BERYL variety EMERALD- Colombia
Recently uncovered here, faceted emerald from Colombia in classic emerald cut
style: one stone weighing 0.65 carats and showing pleasing, light green color
with good transparency and minor inclusions, size about 6x4mm @ 100.00 (less
than $150 a carat!). The other is a similarly cut, darker stone with better
color but less transparency and typical inclusions, weighing 1.65 carats and
about 8x6mm in size @ 275.00 (less than $200 a carat!). Only one of each; list
BIOTITE-HORNBLENDE SCHIST - Texas Creek, Fremont Co., Colorado
Collected by Professor Wayne Ault of the defunct King's College (Briarcliff
Manor) in 1973, this large specimen shows typical, fine-grained biotitic schist
with crude laths of a hornblende-like amphibole scattered through the specimen.
The precise locality was noted as "US 50, 5.5 miles E. of Jct w/ Rt 69".
A hefty specimen, about 15x6cm, and typical for the rock type @ 40.00. One only!
CATALOG 21606 - Volume XLIII, No.6
ALBITE- Farsky dul, Sobotin, Moravia, Czech Republic
Old stuff with excellent, white to transparent albite crystals to several millimeters
richly scattered on rock matrix, some with minor epidote, tourmaline or other
species. Good micro potential as well with small twins and numerous habits evident.
Rich samples from a fairly obscure locality for the feldspar specialists among
you, 5cm to 10cm @ just 12.50, 20.00 and 35.00 each.
ANKERITE with SODALITE- Cerro Sapo, Cochabamba Dept., Bolivia
Unusually rich masses of pale greenish white ankerite largely comprising matrix,
many associated with slashes of deep blue soldalite and occasionally greyish
to sugary barite. From one of the very few alkaline provinces in the Andes Mountains,
over fifty (50!!) species have been described from this locality! Specimen range
from about 2cm to 7cm across @ 10.00, 20.00, 35.00 and 55.00 each.
ANORTHOCLASE in PERLITE- Dugway Pass, Juab Co., Utah
Small spherules of pinkish tan anorthoclase to 1cm well scattered and frozen
in a greyish, glassy perlite matrix. XRD and EDS confirmed samples, and the
discovery of the material will be featured in the September, 2016 issue of Mineral
News. Previously unreported for the locality, this feldspar is considered somewhere
between low sanidine and high albite, and is rarely offered. A new locality,
hefty specimens from about 4cm to 12cm across @ 15.00, 25.00, 40.00 and 60.00
BERYL variety EMERALD- Panjsher Province, Afghanistan
Crude, elongated crystals of an opaque, pleasing green emerald color, here as
coarsely crystalline aggregates on matrix. These were purchased in 2013 in Afghanistan
but were likely mined about ten years ago and subsequently rejected as faceting
grade material. Few specimens reach the collector market, and these are priced
according to crystal quality, sizes from 3cm @ 35.00, one 5x2.5 more gemmy sample
@ 65.00.
BORISENKOITE (IMA #2015-113)- Yadovitaya Fumerole, Tolbachik,
This NEW SPECIES occurs as small, coarse reddish-brown to golden-brown prismatic
to tabular microscrystals to 0.1mm scattered on altered basaltic scoria, typically
associated with hematite, lammerite and potassic feldspar. Formula: Cu3[(V,As)O4]2,
monoclinic, IMA #2015-113,type locality, of course! This Kamchatka volcano 's
second scoria cone continues to yield new mineral species, this one named for
Russian geochemist and mineralogist Leonid Fedorovich Borisenko (1922-2000),
a specialist in vanadium deposits. Only a few confirmed specimens available,
matrix sizes average about 2.5cm @ 175.00 each.
BORNITE- Sweet Home Mine, nr. Alma, Park Co. Colorado
From a 2003 find, we have a handful of analyzed bornite samples from this famous
locality! These metallic specimens typically show rounded, somewhat bluish-grey
tarnished surfaces, often associated with minor quartz, impure tetrahedrite
and occasionally micro fluorite, rhodochrosite etc. Interestingly, the cores
of these analyzed samples are relatively pure bornite, the surface areas analytically
showing minor silver and zinc in substitution! Two EDS spectra accompany each
sample, sizes from about 3cm to nearly 5cm @ 25.00 and 45.00 each, depending
on quality and associations. Only a few available!
BRUSHITE- Pig Hole Cave, Giles Co., Virginia
This oddly-named locality was the the site of the first discovery of brushite
in the U.S. in 1954. The cave was named, sadly, due to a large pig who had been
inadvertantly trapped in the narrow opening to the cavern. The mineral occurs
as dull earthy tan masses of micro-crystalline, somewhat nodular to powdery
brushite supplied in a capsule, and EDS-confirmed as such. Old material from
an unusual locality for this ugly mineral @ 15.00 each, with a copy of our analysis.
CESIODYMITE (IMA 2015-002)- Arsenatnaya Fumerole, Tolbachik, Kamchatka, Russia
A NEW SPECIES from its type locality in Kamchatka, the mineral occurs as crudely
prismatic to thickly tabular light green tiny crystals to 0.1mm, or occasionally
as irregular grains, typically associated with euchlorine. Formula: CsKCu5O(SO4)5,
triclinic, IMA #2015-002. The mineral is named for its cesium content and the
Greek for "twin brother", in allusion to it being a Cs-K-ordered analog
of cryptochalcite, K2Cu5O(SO4)5. Very tiny samples mounted on adhesive stubs
@ 150.00 each. List alternates!
CHABAZITE-Ca variety PHACOLITE- Gads Hill, nr. Liena, Tasmania,
Excellent, clear to white complex rhombohedral crystal clusters of chabazite-Ca
very richly scattered and fully covering underlying matrix. These older specimens
were obtained back in the 1970s and are quite fine for this highly Ca-dominant
zeolite group mineral. A good selection on hand, specimens range from about
2+cm to 10cm across @ 7.50, 15.00, 30.00 and 55.00 each. One superb 12x8cm specimen
@ 75.00.
CHURCHITE-(Y)- nr. Sausalito, Marin Co., California
Small white balls and masses of this unusual species sparsely scattered on ugly
brownish black, manganese-rich cherty matrix. From one of the better known U.S.
localities for the species once known as "weinschenkite", specimen
sizes from 2cm to 6cm @ 15.00, 25.00, 40.00 and 65.00 each.
DADSONITE- Wolfsberg, Harz Mts., Saxony, Germany
Metallic greyish black, somewhat fibrous masses of this uncommon Pb-Sb-sulfide
sparsely sattered and embedded in quartz matrix. Old Cureton stock collected
prior to 1850, likely from the ancient Graf Jost-Christian Mine, likley admixed
with some of the other 40+ species known from here, specimens from about 2cm
to 5cm across @ 20.00, 35.00, 50.00 and 65.00 each, based on quality and coverage,
not necessarily size.
DATOLITE- Westfield, Hampden Co., Massachusetts
Clear to pale green crystals of datolite richly scattered or comprising matrix.
A classic eastern U.S. locality, these collected many years ago by G. Fred Lincks.
Overall group sizes from 3cm to 7cm @ 15.00, 25.00, 45.00 & 65.00. A few
larger to 12cm @ 125.00; inquire!
DIAMOND (2.99 cts)- Undachnaya Mine, Yakutia, Siberia, Russia
A fairly sharp octahedral diamond crystal without matrix, here measuring 9x6mm
and weighing an impressive 2.99 carats. The color is pale greyish white ansd
this fairly large crystal exhibits well-formed trigons across the octahedral
faces. An attractive and desireable crystal of good size and weight at a very
competitive price of just 500.00 for the stone!
DIOPSIDE- Dog Lake, Frontenac Co., Ontario, Canada
Stout pyramidal single crystals and groups of diopside, a high-Ca pyroxene,
most without matrix. Individual crystals average 2cm to 2.5cm long and show
good prism faces and terminations. Excellent for the species, all specimens
nicely mounted in a perky box @ only 10.00 each for a decent crystal group!
DUMORTIERITE- Dehesa, San Diego Co., California
Pinkish to magenta colored dumortierite masses are scattered in pale rock matrix
from this old, well documented locality. An interesting and colorful assemblage,
specimen sizes from about 3cm to 7cm @ 7.50, 12.50, 20.00 and 25.00 each, according
to size and coverage.
DURANGITE- Tin Prospect, nr. Winston, Sierra Co., New Mexico
Orange micro crystals of durangite are liberally scattered throughout a matrix
which also shows micro crystals of redish brown cassiterite, black hematite,
and possible other species. Good micro potential on the better pieces, matrix
sizes from 2cm to 5cm @ 20.00, 35.00 and 50.00 to 5cm or so, then 6cm - 8cm
@ 75.00, 100.00 and 125.00 for the larger, richer specimens.
ELEOMELANITE (IMA 2015-118)- Arsenatnaya Fumerole. Tolbachik,
Kamchatka, Russia
Another NEW SPECIES from this Kamchatka volcano's second scoria cone, here as
minute black crusts over green euchlorine. Formula: (K2Pb)Cu4O2(SO4)4, monoclinic,
IMA # 2015-118, type locality. Named for the greek words "oil" and
"black" in allusion to the highly unusual oily luster on the crystal
faces, very uncommon for a sulfate mineral!. Only a few 1mm specimens available
@ 125.00 each. List alternates!
GYPSUM with PARAMONTROSEITE etc- Opera Box Mine, Montrose Co.,
Minute bladed and acicular cryatls of gypsum lightly scattered on matrix, many
often tinted pale yellow by included or underlying uranophane and/or tyuyamunite,
all on a dark matrix of microscopic paramontroseite admixed with rauvite and
likely other phases. A few of the better specimens have bright orange magnesiopascoite
(see our article in the February 2015 issue of Mineral News). You'll need a
'scope to see the needles, some specimens with apparently multiple generations,
sizes from 2.5cm to 7cm @ 15.00, 30.00, and 55.00 each. Weird!
HYDROKENORALSTONITE - Ivigtut, Arsuk Fjord, Greenland
This newly defined member of the pyrochlore supergroup occurs as tiny, transparent
to translucent octahedral micro crystals sparsely scattered in massive cryolite
among excellent and prolific micro thomsenolite crystals richly spread in seams
and voids. Nearly 90 diofferent species occur here, with 17 having type locality
status, this one included! Matrix sizes range from about 3.5cm to 6cm across
@ 40.00, 60.00 and 85.00 each.
LAPHAMITE- Burnside, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania
This rare species, an arsenic selenide analogue of orpiment, occurs as brilliant,
dark red to orange lath-like crystals without matrix. Type locality author's
material, these are small but good crystal laths. Sizes from 1mm to nearly 4mm
long @ 40.00, 65.00 and 90.00 each. A few larger matrix but lean samples from
adjacent Shamokin, collected in 1987 to 2.5cm @ 150.00 each.
LOVOZERITE etc.- Mt. Rasvumchorr, Khibiny, Kola Peninsula, Russia
This uncommon mineral occurs as tan to yellowish-pink masses forming rims around
bright pinkish-red eudialyte pods in an aegirine-rich matrix. Obtained many
years ago from Russian scientists, only a few samples on hand, sizes from about
2cm to 6cm across priced according to richness @ 45.00, 85.00, 150.00 and 250.00
LUDLAMITE- Black Bird Mine, Cobalt, Lemhi Co., Idaho
Murky green, nearly transparent crystalline masses and crystals up to 0.5 cm
of ludlamite highlight these specimens obtained almost 35 years ago. The ludlamite
occurs as crystal aggregates to several cm's on larger specimens, containing
several sharp well formed crystals or crystal faces. Possible associations include
dark blue vivianite. Representative crystallized specimens, 1cm to 5cm @ 15.00,
30.00, 45.00, 55.00 and 85.00 each, priced according to quality.
MACFALLITE included QUARTZ- Jaguarassu, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Interesting quartz crystal sections and faceted gemstones with tiny spines and
radiating balls of pinkish red macfallite nicely scattered along a plane in
the sample, some also with minute black crystals of braunite. Obtained twenty
years ago from the late Carlos Barbosa, a strange and uncommon inclusion, either
as quartz crystal sections of 1.5-3.5cm @ 25.00, 35.00 and 50.00 each, or as
various faceted gem stones averaging 6mm to 8mm @ 45.00 and 65.00 each.
MAGNETITE- Tilly Foster Mi, Brewster, Putnam Co., New York
A monster specimen comprised of a single black mass of magnetite, extracted
from this famous iron mine by the late G.Fred Lincks. The piece weighs roughly
nine (9) pounds (!!) and measures about 16x9x8 cm @ 95.00. Expect extra shipping;
magnetic and ugly, but a great, historical locality piece from an inaccessible,
long-forbidden property.
MINYULITE- Lucin, Box Elder Co., Utah
This is the excellent material described in the April, 2012 Mineral News article.
The specimens show fine, needle-like white tufts and spiney crystal groups of
minyulite perched on matrix and in seams, some groups reaching 1.5cm or more
in diameter! Perhaps the finest minyulite specimens ever encountered, these
are rich and fairly attractive for a normally tiny species, mildly fluorescent,
some with ferrian variscite, wavellite, carbonate-fluorapatite, crandallite
replacing fluellite and possibly other species! Specimens range in size from
about 2cm to 8cm across, very reasonably priced at just 10.00, 20.00, 35.00,
50.00 and 85.00 each. Superb, and likely "best of species" material!
A few monster specimens available - inquire!
NABAPHITE- Kukisvumchorr Mt., Khibiny, Kola Peninsula, Russia
Dull white massive material for this extremely rare species sparsely scattered
on matrix. Only a few small samples on hand, typically averaging about 5mm across
@ 135.00 each. Only a few, so please list alternate selections!
NCHWANINGITE- N'Chwaning Mine, Kalahari Mn Field, Rep. So. Africa
This rare species, a hydrous Mn-silicate, occurs as minute, slender transparent
colorless crystals on quartz, some groups having a pale brownish cast. A few
superb micro balls of radiating crystals, overall sizes are tiny, averaging
<1mm @ 125.00 and 150.00 each. Excellent micro material!
ORPIMENT- Palomo Mine, Castrovirreyna, Peru
Excellent, deep orange to yellow-orange micro crystals and botryoids of orpiment
nicely covering matrix, many with micro red realgar crystals and/or barite.
Not your typical, flakey material, common sulfides here include potential sphalerite,
seligmanite and others, and the mine is the type locality for the orpiment dimorph
anorpiment as well, described in 2011. Colorful and attractive specimens, sizes
ranging from about 5cm to 7cm across @ just 35.00 and 55.00 each. Only a few
on hand!
RINGWOODITE- Tenham Station, S. Gregory, Queensland, Australia
This very rare mineral has been found almost exclusively in meteorites or as
minute inclusions in diamonds, and then only by careful microprobe study. We
have an elegantly documented sample consisting of a 1cm polished square containing
a minute (<1mm) thin sectioned sample from the type locality, the Tenham
Meteorite, a hypersthene-olivene chondrite (L6, S4). The meteorite fell in the
Spring of 1879, and our microprobed sample is accompanied by a color SEM image
as well as full chemical composition. Associations in the sample include plagioclase,
as well as kamacite and troilite. First come-first served @ 375.00; list alternates!
SARTORITE- Lengenbach Quarry, Binnental, Valais, Switzerland
Good quality samples of this rarely offered material, type locality of course!
Sartorite occurs as steel grey to bluish tarnished platy to foliated masses
in white, sugary dolomite matrix, some occasionally with associated red realgar.
Specimens from 1cm to 4cm @ 20.00, 35.00, 50.00 and 75.00 each.
SEARLESITE- Cave Springs Borax Deposit, Esmeralda Co., Nevada
This uncommon species occurs as minute, transparent to translucent glassy aggregates
and micro crystals sparsely scattered in seams in pale boraciferous marl matrix.
Excellent for the locality as desccribed by Foshag in American Mineralogist
in 1934 (Vol. 19, pg 268-74), specimens range from 2cm to nearly 5cm @ 20.00,
35.00, 50.00 and 75.00 each, depending on coverage and size.
SILVER- Crown Reserve Mine, Coleman Twp, Ontario, Canada
A significant example of native silver from this locality, here as numerous
streamers and dendrites richly scattered in an uncommon pink calcite matrix,
including minor nickeline and skutterudite, likely with trace acanthite as well.
This large specimen has one face cut flat to expose the dendrites, and it is
accompanied by a handwritten letter from one Arrian Parcher in Cobalt to John
Durkos, the former specimen owner, in 1970. The letter describes the beds of
slate greywacke that yielded the specimen and attests to the rarity of pink
calcite as a host for the native silver. A monsterous beast, weighing over 7
pounds (!!!) and measuring about 23x11cm on its face, offered at 425.00. The
piece would likely take a good sanding and polishing if so inclined.
TARANAKITE- Super Cave, Cervantes, W.A., Australia
Dull white, small nodular masses of this uncommon mineral scattered in loose
quano-soil matrix. Decidedly ugly stuff but from an unusual locality, available
in 2cm capsules @ 20.00 each, or in 4cm glass vials @ 45.00 each.
TENNANTITE with GALENA- Dos de Mayo Province, Huanaco, Peru
Tiny, metallic greyish black micro aggregates of tennantite intergrown with
unusual, brilliant druses of galena richly comprising matrix, most with platy
white barite and/or small beige rhombs of siderite and/or crude sphalerite.
Interesting and moderately handsome specimens, sizes average about 7cm across
at just 35.00 each. Only a few !
URANOPILITE with COFFINITE etc.- Atlas #9 Mine, Tidwell Draw,
Emery Co. Utah
Collected over 20 years ago from this obscure locality, these specimens are
comprised of bright yellow uranopilite (fluorescent green under SW UV) associated
with coffinite, slightly darker yellow tyuyamunite and disseminated uraninite,
with other phases possible. The stratified matrix is moderately radioactive,
as expected, as are much of the uranium/vanadium deposits in the area. Specimens
range from 2cm to 6cm @ 10.00, 20.00 and 35.00 each; one considerable larger
12x7cm sample @ 75.00.
VOLKOVSKITE- Boulby Mine, North Yorkshire, England
This rare borate mineral is a member of the veatchite group, and it is found
at only a handful of localities worldwide. This specimen is a very thin, transparent
crystalline platelet about 2x1cm in cross-section with a bare trace of pinkish
hilgardite (?) providing a hint of color. Only one specimen available @ 125.00.
List alternates!
WINDHOEKITE- Aris Quarry, Windhoek District, Namibia
This relatively new mineral occurs here at the type locality as excellent, micro
needles in radiating sprays perched in vugs in rock matrix, all with a golden
brown hue and very attractive under the scope. We analyzed a large number of
tuperssuatsiate samples we had in stock (all visually indistinguishable from
this species!) and found only five (5) specimens that were this new, Ca-dominant
member. Every numbered sample will have its own individual analysis included,
and the specimens average about 3cm across at 200.00 each. Limit one per customer,
please, and if you plan to get one elsewhere, be sure it is a specimen with
the actual chemical analysis, as there is no apparent difference in X-Ray pattern
or physical appearance between this species and the apparently more common tuperssuatsiatite!
Caveat emptor!
ANACONDA- by Isaac Marcosson
A "vanity publication" on behalf of Anaconda, once the most prolific
copper mining companies the world! This interesting account presents the history
of this epic industrial giant and the people that pioneered the development
of this monolithic company, recalling such huge, mineralogically famous operations
as Butte, Chuquicamata, Yerington, Grants and others. Published in 1957, this
yellowed 370 page hardcover book has about 40 pages of old black & white
photos and includes the illustrated but worn paper wrap @ 20.00. Only a few
Another warehouse discovery of some 20 copies of this publication's earlier
days as a new periodical, this one the Oct-Dec. 1988 edition that had articles
such as the description of the new mineral ulrichite, a kolbeckite occurrence
in New South Wales, plus the sampleite find in the Lake Boga granite etc. About
40 pages, some color plus excellent SEM images, all below cover price for just
5.00 each with any mineral order.
MOUNTAIN VIEW MINE- Frederick Co., Maryland
This small and obscure property was worked prior to the Civil War for lead and
zinc and was abandoned after little commercial ore was produced. We have uncovered
a flat of small TN specimens from this locality, known to have produced more
than 15 different minerals prior to 1940. The sulfides found are primarily bornite,
galena and chalcopyrite, with secondary minerals like malachite, smithsonite
etc. evident. We want to move these, so we offer lot of 10 assorted specimens
(sizes 1-2cm) that will provide some interesting locality micros, too, all offered
at just 20.00 per lot of 10! Take out your 'scope and hurry, hurry as these
will go quickly.
FOSSIL COLLECTION- Pierre Shale, Pennington Co., South Dakota
We stumbled across a flat of these interesting fossils, but confess to being
deficient in paleo knowledge beyond some very basic identifications. These are
from the Upper Cretaceous, probably ~65 million years old, and they represent
a range of ammonites, bacculites, scaphites and possibly others, all presenting
as pearly white to nearly black, lustrous and often slightly iridescent specimens
in and out of matrix. The locality is near Box Elder Creek, better known to
mineral collectors for its excellent brown barites, and we wish to move these
quickly. Hence, the following offer: four fossil specimens in generous sizes
averaging 4cm to 8cm across @ just 50.00 per lot, with precise ID work up to
you. Note: Our shipping minimum on these lots will run 14.00 due to size/weight
of the specimens!
TOPAZ - "Swiss Blue" Brazil
Excellent, faceted Brazilian topaz in an unusual 10mm heart shape, these are
heat treated to yield a superb "Swiss Blue" color that is the most
desireable of topaz hues. Well-cut, gemmy and fully transparent and eye-clean
stones average over 4 carats each @ just 30.00 per stone, or a matched pair
at 55.00. Very attractive!
CATALOG 21605 - Volume XLIII, No.5
Our latest list has a number of rare species, as well as our usual assortment of rarities, old classics and interesting locality pieces. Don't miss the crystallized howlites in this issue - certainly the world's best occurrence of the mineral! Specimens are offered on a first-come, first-served basis, all FOB our warehouse.
ALMANDINE-SPESSARTINE- Garnet Hill, nr Ely, White Pine Co. Nevada
Complex, somewhat distorted but sharp and very lustrous trapezeohedral crystals
of almandine-spessartine garnet are scattered through quartz-lined vugs in pinkish
lithiophysal rhyolite matrix. Each specimen contains one or more red-black opaque
crystals varying in size from several mm's to 1cm or more! Attractive material
from an old and well known area that first produced specimens well before the
1930's. Our analytical work confirms a roughly 65:35 compositional split between
almandine and spessartine. Overall sizes range from about 2cm to nearly 7cm
across @ 10.00, 20.00, 35.00, 45.00 and 55.00 each, depending on overall quality
and size. Excellent and attractive matrix garnet specimens, recently featured
in Rock & Gem magazine!
ARMENITE- nr. Remigny, Quebec, Canada
Masses of white crystalline to fibrous aggregates of armenite scattered in/on
albite/quartz matrix, most associated with pinkish vitreous zoisite. Older material,
sizes from 1cm to 5cm @ just 17.50, 25.00, 35.00 and 55.00 each.
BERYL (Red: variety "Bixbite")- Violet Claims, Millard
Co., Utah
A few small crystals available, sizes from about 6mm to 9mm tall @ 125.00 and
150.00 each. Excellent color!
BRUCITE- Asbest, Ural, Russia
An excellent specimen comprised of thick bands of white, chatoyant brucite about
8mm thick running through the entire length of this 5cm specimen. A classic
locality for the species, only one available, @ 75.00.
CALCITE- Logansport, Cass Co., Indiana
Pale, slightly yellowish hued calcite single crystals, most with little or no
matrix, all showing excellent trigonal terminations atop rather stout prismatic
crystal forms. The diaphaneity on these ranges from transparent to translucent,
and the color is attractively subtle. From an old lot, ex-A.E.Seaman Mineral
Museum, sizes range from about 2x2cm to 4cm across @ just 6.00, 10.00 and 15.00
CALCITE on STILBITE- Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Mexico
A handful of these from the Jean Hamill collection recently came to light in
our warehouse, and they are wonderfully hued, amber-brown translucent to transparent
rhombic crystals to 1.5cm nicely perched on druses of micro white stilbite,
the latter mineral never reported on Mindat from this location before. The locality
was originally labeled as "Ciruela", a non-existent town, but subsequent
labels indicate "Los Mochis" as the location, lying just to the NE
of Rio de Culiacan, the only reported occurrence (Salinas, 1923) of stilbite
in Sinaloa. It is likely that the original find is somewhere between these two
towns along the Sinaloan coast. Only a couple of attractive specimens on hand,
most in the 6cm size range at just 40.00 each. See Mindat images for color!
CHEGEMITE- Lakargi Mt., Upper Chegem Caldera, Russia
This relatively new mineral was described from this, the type locality, in 2008,
and occurs as abundant pink, transparent grains to several millimeters scattered
in a greenish-white matrix of calcium hydrosilicates. Found in Xenolith No.
1 in this Northern Caucasus deposit, we have only a few small TNs available
@ 95.00 each. List alternates!
CHENEVIXITE- Wheal Gorland, St. Day, Cornwall, England
Old specimens comprised of dull yellowish green crusts of chenevixite richly
scattered over most of the surface of these fairly ugly matrix specimens. Type
locality material and therefore desirable from this depleted historical location,
specimens from about 3cm to 6cm across @ 15.00, 35.00 and 60.00 each.
CHLORAPATITE- Odegardensverk, Bjordam, Telemark, Norway
Massive crystalline cleavages of chlorapatite scattered in matrix, occasionally
associated with talc, enstatite etc, although having a decidedly non-apatite
appearance. The color of the nearly pure material ranges from pale olive-green
to white to pale pink, and has a greasy to dull luster on some, almost vitreous
on others. In sizes from 2 cm to 5 cm priced at 20.00, 35.00 and 45.00 each,
depending on size.
CROCOITE- Berezovsk, Sverdlovsk, Ural Mts., Russia
From ancient stock in our warehouse, a few representative examples of type locality
crocoite, here as small, deep
orange-red crystalline masses lightly scattered in flattened sprays and aggregates
on massive quartz-rich matrix. Recently featured in Mineralogical Record, these
are not killer cabinet specimens at unreachable prices, but rather typical mine-run
examples from this classic deposit rarely available today. Specimens average
about 4cm across @ just 55.00 each. Old stuff!
CUSPIDINE- San Vito Quarry, Vesuvius, Italy
A great combination of nice micromount and fluoresecent material, cuspidine
is found as 1 mm-sized beige chisel to spear shaped distinct, beige microcrystal
clusters, scattered in a vuggy vesuvianite matrix and associated with other
fluorescent and non-fluorescent minerals such as humite, phlogopite etc. The
type locality for cuspidine is the nearby Mt. Somma section of Mt. Vesuvius.
In matrix sizes from 2.5cm to 5cm @ 20.00, 45.00, and 60.00.
DIAMOND- Paragua Region, Bolivar Province, Venezuela
Transparent, pale brownish to clear complex octahedral diamonds without matrix,
these from an older locality recently uncovered in our inventory. The single
crystals average just under a quarter-carat each and measure at least 3mm across,
very competitively priced at just 20.00 each. Limited availability!
EITELITE- Westvaco Mine, Sweetwater Co., Wyoming
This rare Na-Mg carbonate occurs here as somewhat columnar, waxy aggregates
of pale yellow-brown color largely comprising matrix, apparently from a single
seam within this prolific Green River formation locality, best known for its
loughlinte and shortite specimens (yes, we have those as well). Sizes average
about 3cm tall @ 75.00 each. Only a few available!
GADOLINITE-(Y)- Iveland, Aust-Agder, Norway
Rich, brownish black greasy to vitreous masses of this rare-earth species richly
comprising matrix, numerous pieces filling a 4.5cm stoppered glass vial. Old
material that was recently analyzed in our lab, each vial complete with a copy
of our analysis (SiO2 distorted due to lack of beryllium detection by EDS) that
shows a surprisingly high dysprosium content @ just 20.00 per vial.
GIRDITE- Grand Central Mine, Tombstone, Arizona
Dull white masses of this rare tellurate sparsely scattered on matrix, these
original obtained from the author, Dr. Sid
WIlliams, shortly after its description. Only a few small specimens on hand,
typically 1cm to 1.5cm @ 75.00 and 100.00 each, depending on coverage.
GRAESERITE- Gorb, Lercheltini, Binntal, Wallis, Switzerland
This rare arsenite mineral occurs here at the type locality as extremely small,
black rod-like needles sparsely scattered in a well-crystallized mica-rich gneiss.
In 2006, yours truly co-authored the description from the only other known locality
in the world for this mineral (see Mineral News, Vol. 22, no. 9 - 2006), at
Sterling Hill in New Jersey. Only a couple of type locality specimens available,
matrix sizes averaging about 5cm long @ 125.00 each.
HALLOYSITE- Concan Mine, Uvalde Co., Texas
Your basic non-descript but representative mineral, and one of four hydrous
aluminum silicate polymorphs, halloysite occurs here as chalky to powdery white
to tan masses richly scattered in/on matrix. Perfect for the systematic collection,
halloysite can be had in sizes from 2cm to 3.5cm @ 15.00, 20.00 and 25.00 each.
Off-beat locality!
HAUYNE- Valle Biachella, Scarofano, Roma, Italy
Greyish to pale blue crystals and aggregates of hauyne scattered in greenish
pyroxene matrix. Nicely FLUORESCENT pale orange-pink (LW best), from 2cm to
4.5cm @ 15.00, 25.00, 35.00, 45.00 each.
HENMILITE- Fuka, Okayama Prefecture, Japan
Deep blue grains of this rare copper borate to 0.2mm dispersed in white calcite
matrix with various calc-silicates, most typically with pentahydroboroite, these
from the type (and only!) locality. Specimens are small, ranging up to 0.5cm
matrix samples @ 65.00 each.
HOWLITE on ANHYDRITE- Bras D'Or Lake, Iona, Nova Scotia, Canada
From the finest (and perhaps only) occurrence of truly well crystallized howlite
in the world, these are small groups of this unique anhydrous Ca-B-silicate
found as greyish to pale brown radiating crystal groups to 2cm across perched
on massive anhydrite matrix. The individual monoclinic spears are the finest
of the species which is normally found primarily as massive or chalky botryoids.
A rare occurrence, specimens ranging from 3cm to 7cm across, typically with
one group and only rarely as multiples. priced according to quality, not size,
@ 45.00, 65.00, 95.00 and 125.00 each for the best.
LAUMONTITE variety LEONHARDITE- Pine Creek Mine, nr Bishop, Inyo
Co. Califo
Unusual and fairly delicate aggregates and radiating crystals of laumontite
to a couple of centimeters completely comprising matrix, some with a minute
drusy calcite overgrowth. Quite attractive and from a very old stock recently
uncovered, groups range from about 2cm to 5cm across @ 15.00, 30.00 and 55.00
MATTAGAMITE in ALTAITE- Mattagame Lake Mine, Matagami, Que., Canada
Rich specimens from the type locality, here as brightly metalalic inclusions
in altaite well-scattered in matrix. Likely associations include visually indistinguishable
tellurantimony and possibly other species. Old Curetom material, specimens from
3cm to 6cm across @ 60.00, 90.00 and 125.00 each.
OPAL- Mintabie, South Australia, Australia
Handsome matrix specimens consisting of dense, white Ordovician sandstone with
veins or exposed surface seams of firey, white-based opal, showing blue, orange,
yellow and green flashes. The material is also nicely fluorescent (LW:UV-blue
white) and shows an uncommon and long-lasting phosphorescence as well. Specimens
range from reference pieces to rich, gemmy exposures, overall sizes from about
7x6cm to 17x8cm, priced at 45.00, 75.00, 100.00, 150.00, 200.00 and 300.00 each,
depending on size and firey opal exposure. Free with each specimen: a copy of
the April, 2015 Mineral News article that more fully described the locality
and acquisition of these interesting specimens!
PERETAITE- Pereta Mine, Grosseto, Tuscany, Italy
Fine microcrystals of this secondary antimony mineral! Peretaite is found as
transparent to almost opaque elongated and flattened lath-like microcrystals
in altering stibnite, associated with sulfur microcrystals and dull red metastibnite,
kermesite etc. Each specimen contains as least one area of nicely formed crystals,
available as 2cm to 5cm matrix specimens @ 20.00, 35.00 and 55.00 each. Good
micro stuff!
PERITE- nr. Benson, Cochise Co., Arizona
Extemely small, bright yellow masses and filmy aggregates of this unusual mineral
sparsely scattered on the surface of copper-bearing quartz, some with minor
chrysocolla. Magnification required to see the tiny aggegates, overall matrix
sizes from 2.5cm to 7cm @ 20.00, 35.00, 50.00, 75.00 and 95.00 each, based on
size and coverage. Lean and ugly stuff!
PHOSPHOHEDYPHANE- Coeur d'Alene Dist., Shoshone Co., Idaho
These are rather stange looking hopper crystals of tan to brown phosphohedyphane,
collected in the 1960s by Ted Morley of Piedmont Minerals. At the time, these
were known as "polyspaherite", believed to be a calcian pyromorphite.
Work on similar Chilean material led to the new species description in 2005
by Kampf et al. Sadly, the mine these came from was never revealed, and whether
these are pseudos after pyromorphite or just cavernous, crystallized phosphohedyphane
is unknown. A typical specimen was pictured in the June, 2016 issue of Mineral
News, and we have a few TNs and small groups from 1.5 cm to nearly 3cm @ 15.00,
25.00, 45.00 and 55.00 each.
PREHNITE- Paterson, Passaic Co., New Jersey
A fairly large selection of older specimens, many from a small university collection
recently obtained. Colors of these prehnite specimens ranges from pale green
to murky, darker material, habits typically botryoidal but also as thickly intergrown,
small wedge-like aggregates from the 1930s nicely covering matrix. Recently
featured in Mineralogical Record, we have a good selection of these classic
samples, sizes from TNs to 10cm @ just 5.00, 10.00, 20.00, 35.00 and 55.00 each.
PUMPELLYITE-(Mg):CHLORASTROLITE- Isle Royale, Keeweenaw Co., Michigan
This uncommon pumpellyite group mineral is Mg-dominant and is often found as
rounded, amigduloidal fillings, often showing a spider web pattern in the chlorastrolite
variety that was discovered here in 1847, later described by Palache et al in
1925 and redefined by the IMA in 1973. We offer a 2cm stoppered glass vial containing
over a half dozen rounded amygdules at just 12.50 per vial. Limit 2 vials per
order, please.
QUARTZ- Aiguille D'Arves, Savoie,Rhone-Alpes France
Transparent quartz crystals to 1.5cm nicely perched on matrix of smaller quartz
crystals, all nicely terminated and occasionally with a pale yellowish iron
staining. Coolected over 20 years ago, reasonably attractive, great locality,
inexpensive price: 2.5cm to 5cm groups @ 8.50, 12.50 and 20.00 each.
RHODOCHROSITE- American Tunnel, nr. Silverton, Colorado
A recently uncovered older lot of pale pink rhodochrosite, here as rhombic crystals
nicely intergrown and occasionally perched on quartz/sulfide ore matrix. Attractive
small specimens, sizes from about 1.2cm to nearly 3cm @ 10.00, 15.00 and 20.00
SCHOEPITE ps @ RUTHERFORDINE- Musonoi Open Pit, Shaba,(Zaire)
Dem Rep Congo
Complex and colorful specimens: bright yellow,spear-shaped micro crystals and
groups of schoepite occur here largely as pseudomorphs after tan aggregates
of rutherfordine. Associations vary but often include other colorful uranium
minerals typical of the locality (uranophane, cuprosklodowsite etc.) with significant
amounts of malachite, hematite, and digenitic rock on most specimens. Attractive
specimens with terrific micro potential, these are priced according to coveage
and aesthetics more than size, with specimens from 3cm to 5cm @ 100.00, and
125.00 each. Uncommon pseudomorphs that are moderately hot as well, and easily
visible but really superb under the scope!
SEGNITITE- Gold Hill, Tooele Co., Utah
From the only confirmed occurrence of the species at this prolific mine, this
material was collected from a single pocket in the Glory Hole over 20 years
ago and has recently been XRD and EDS confirmed (see May, 2016 issue of Mineral
News). The mineral occurs as greenish yellow, somewhat earthy crusts richly
scattered in/on micro boxwork structures, typically associated with minor scorodite
and quartz. A unique find, only the second for the state of Utah, specimens
from TNs to 6cm @ 10.00, 25.00 and 45.00 each. Not pretty, but certainly interesting!
SMITHSONITE- Kelly Mine, Magdalena, Socorro Co., New Mexico
Most mineral collectors know of the superb, blue-green botryoidal smithsonites
from this famous locality that command incredibly high prices,, but these are
NOT those smithsonites! Rather, they are a delicate greyish to very pale bluish
hue, presented as thin botryoids on matrix, some with small black splotches
of manganese oxides or light overcoatings of mildly fluorescent calcite. Interesting
old material, collected circa 1958 and offered as representative specimens from
about 2cm to 5cm across @ just 7.50, 15.00 and 25.00 each.
SYNCHYSITE-(Y) (DOVERITE)- Scrub Oak Mine, nr. Dover, Morris Co
New Jersey
Dark brick red masses of synchesite-y speckle a matrix of dark greyish black
magnetite ore on these massive granular samples from the type locality. Originally
called "doverite" due to the Mine Hill Borough's proximity to the
adjacent town of Dover. Collected by your's truly over 30 years ago while residing
there! Sizes from 1cm to 5cm @ 8.50, 15.00, 25.00, and 40.00. A few larger samples
available to 8cm @ 65.00. Impossible to find this type locality material today!
TURQUOISE- Zhilandy, Maikain Deposit, Kazakhstan
From the 2006 find, these are exceptionally attractive nodules of bright blue
turquoise, some showing attractive dark brown rims and a variety of spider-webbed
color bands and circles of various shades of blue. These have been neatly sliced
and are professionally polished nodule halves with rough exteriors on one side
and beautiful blue turquoise on the other! From a fairly obscure locality, these
colorful nodules range from about 2cm to 3.5cm across, priced according to aesthetics
and size @ 40.00, 50.00 and 60.00 each.
YAROSHEVSKITE (IMA 2012-003)- Yadovitaya Fumerole, Tolbachik,
Kam. Russia
We have been able to obtain a few more of these extremely rare specimens, collected
by the authors from this type locality volcano! The mineral occurs as minute,
lustrous black prismatic crystal aggregates delicately perched on bright green
euchlorine, occasionally with altered chalcocyanite. Formula: Cu9O2(VO4)4Cl2
- triclinic. Small matrix specimens a few millimeters across @ 150.00 each.
List alternates!
LANGBAN!- Langban, Varmland, Sweden
The superb 215+page hardcover book printed on exquisite heavy stock that tells
the story of this prolific locality, including the mines, descriptive mineralogy,
history and personalities. Filled with excellent color photos as well as historic
black and white images, this book is a MUST HAVE for every library! New copies,
and we were the exclusive North American distributor for this 30x22cm masterpiece,
reduced for our mineral catalog customers to only @ 69.00 plus shipping! Price
valid until September 2, 2016.
Mineral Optics -- Principles & Techniques by W.R. Phillips
A hardcover volume of some 249 pages useful as a reference and textbook for
use of the petrographic microscope, immersion liquids and universal stage, with
full discussion and examples for determination of isotropic, uniaxial and biaxial
minerals. The book is complete with a large, fold-out, full color Carl Zeiss
chart of interference colors, as well as many color plates of flash figures,
optic signs etc. using the gypsum plate, mica plate and quartz wedge. Minor
foxing on linen covers, size about 23 x 18cm @ 35.00 plus shipping.
These are well-faceted, eye-clean gemstones of a pale yellow color, nothing
like the deep orange, heat-treated material commonly seen in the mineral trade.
We have a modest lot of a few hundred carats of these lightly hued gems, and
most stones are ovals with a few other occasional shapes, and these gems broadly
average about 10 carats each. We would like to move these quickly, so we are
offering a 50 carat lot for just 45.00 per lot, or 100 carats for just 85.00,
less than a buck a carat!! Limit of two lots per order, please.
We are the publishers of Mineral News, the monthly periodical
for mineral collectors. In the past ten years, we have made improvements in
production and imaging, added full color photographs, new mineral description
abstracts, and expanded the page count. If you'd like to read about new mineral
discoveries, exciting finds by field collectors, historic localities and personalities,
unique collecting memorabilia, schedules of coming events and other news of
interest to collectors, you should subscribe! Domestic subscriptions are just
$30 per year (12 issues), or $55 for two years. Foreign subscription rates and
advertising rates can be found at www.mineralnews.com. An annual subscription
makes a great gift, too!
CATALOG 21604 - Volume XLIII, No. 4
Our latest list has a number of new species, as well as our usual assortment of rarities, old classics and interesting locality pieces. Specimens are first-come, first-served basis, all FOB our warehouse.
ALLOPHANE- Juanita Mine, Socorro Co., New Mexico
Attractive, pale blue botryoids of allophane richly scattered on matrix, occasionally
with white, bladed calcite, barite or possibly other minerals. Old material,
collected in 1958 at this well-known Magdalena District locality, with rich
coverage and color, specimens from about 2.5cm to 5cm across @ just 7.50, 12.50
and 20.00 each.
ANAPAITE- Prats-Sampsor, Lerida, Spain
This phosphate mineral is found as drusy micro crystals lining vugs in Miocene
concretions. Each nodular matrix is internally hollow, and has been broken roughly
in half to reveal the olive-green, nearly transparent sharp microcrystals of
anapaite covering the inner surface. Excellent mounting material as well as
hand specimens, matrix halves from 3cm to 5cm @ 20.00, 35.00, and 45.00 each.
ANDERSONITE- Slick Rock, San Miguel Co., Colorado
BRILLIANTLY GREEN FLUORESCENT material, nicest we've seen in some time, these
andersonite samples were sold to us by a Colorado dealer some years ago as the
new mineral CEJKAITE. Our chemical analysis confirms a consistent and distinct
calcium peak (hence, andersonite, not cejakite), proving once again that anyone
can take a ride buying rare minerals, even yours truly! Fine fluorescent samples
with good micro potential, each including a copy of our analysis completed in
years past, sizes from 2.5cm to nearly 6cm @ 12.50, 20.00 and 35.00 each.
ANDRADITE- Stanley Butte, Graham County, Arizona
From an old find many years ago, we have a small lot of excellent, oddly colored
greenish andradite garnets to 1cm or more, most closely intergrown and showing
fine dodecahedral faces in these colorful specimens. Old material collected
many years ago. Overall sizes range from about 2.5cm to 6cm @ 7.50, 15.00, and
25.00. A few significantly larger speimens, 10cm to 20cm @ 50.00, 75.00 and
100.00 each. Big but sometimes ugly monsters!
BADDELEYITE with CORUNDUM- Bear Trap Claim, Gallatin Co., Montana
Small black masses to several millimeters of rounded and flattened baddeleyite
scattered on and alongside larger grayish blue corundum crystals to several
centimneters scattered in schist-like matrix. An interesting association from
this old locality, overall sizes from 2cm to nearly 7cm @ 7.50, 15.00, 25.00
and 50.00 each. A few very large matrix samples available up to 20cm across
@ 150.00 each with good coverage as above!
BERYL- Bedford, Westchester Co., New York
Chunks of pale greenish blue massive beryl from this old New York locality!
Collected in the late 1950's (?) by Harold Uhlin, these are strictly reference
specimens for the locality, overall sizes from about 1.5cm to 4cm across @ 4.00,
7.50 and 12.50 each.
BRUCITE- Jeffery Mine, Asbestos, Quebec, Canada
Long, pale green fibers of XRD-confirmed brucite without matrix, these extracted
from a large seam. The mattered fibers from thick rods and range from 5cm to
30 cm long, all matrix free, and are offered at just 10.00 to 65.00 depending
on overall fiber length. All sizes available!
CRONSTEDTITE- Salsigne, Aude, France
Old material obtained many years ago from Dr. Sainfeld at the BRGM, we have
a few small samples of tiny, black cronstedtite crystals lightly scattered on
matrix, typically with minor pyrite. Specimens range from 1.5cm to 3cm across
@ 45.00, 65.00 and 85.00 each. Rare!
DARGAITE (IMA #2015-068)- Nahal Darga, Judean Mts.,West Bank,
This NEW SPECIES occurs as very tiny grains sparsely scattered in larnite matrix,
typically associated the new and rare minerals nabimusaite, gazeevite etc. These
are 1cm ore samples mounted in epoxy and microprobed, accompanied by 2 SEM images,
one macro image, and complete analytical chemistry. Holotype material, with
associations identified in the SEM backscatter images, and there will be multiple
rarities in each sample! Formula: BaCa12(SiO4)4(SO4)2O3 - trigonal, IMA #2015-068.
Elegantly prepared and documented @ 395.00 each.
DATOLITE on PREHNITE- Upper New St, Paterson, Passaic Co. New
From an old hoard, we have a handful of nicely crystallized micro datolites
richly covering matrix, most overlaying pale green botryoidal prehnite and occasionally
associated with other species. Moderately attractive material with good micro
potential, sizes from about 3cm to nearly 8cm @ 12.50, 20.00 and 35.00 each.
Some with larger crystals in stock - inquire!
DZIERZANOWSKITE (IMA #2014-032)- Jabel Harmun, West Bank, Palestine
This NEW SPECIES occurs as minute, dark orange, metallic spots embedded in larnite-fluormayenite
matrix, occasionally with brownmillerite and/or other phases. This rare copper
mineral's formula is CaCu2S2, trigonal, IMA #2014-032. Co-type material, offered
as a 13x10mm polished section with two SEM images, two color section images
and EDS data as well, superbly presented, @ 395.00. List alternates!
ELEONORITE (IMA 2015-003)- Gutluick Mine, Braunfels, Wetzlar,
This NEW SPECIES occurs as deep, red-brown radiating crystalline sprays well-scattered
in hard gossan matrix. Formula: Fe3+6(PO4)4O(OH)4*6H2O - monoclinic, IMA # 2105-003,
a new member of the beraunite group. These will yield decent micromounts and
have trimming potential for multiple mounts. Specimens range from 2cm to 3cm
@ 35.00 and 55.00 each, depending on coverage.
FERBERITE- Tazna Mine, Potosi Dept., Bolivia
Solid, black platy crystals and aggregates of ferberite (wolframite) comprising
matrix, quite dense and showing modest crystal form as well. Excellent for the
species, and near end-member in composition with Fe:Mn ratio = 21:1, specimens
from about 2cm to 4cm long @ 10.00, 20.00 and 35.00 each.
GAHNITE- Davis Pyrite Mine, Rowe, Massachusetts
Several small, bluish-black tetrahedra of gahnite scattered in white matrix.
Interesting for the locality, ex-GF Lincks collection, sizes from 2.5cm to 4.5cm
@ 10.00, 15.00 and 25.00 each. Old stuff!
GALENA- Obira Mine, Oita, Kyushu Region, Japan
From an unusual and rarely offered locality, we have a few reference specimens
of cubic galena, here as small aggregates and crystals perched in sphalerite-rich
ore matrix. There are likely other phases here (over 50 are known from this
copper-zinc-tin deposit), but lack of material makes further analytical work
difficult to justify. Specimens each have a Japanese-character label and range
from 3.5cm to 4cm @ just 15.00 each. List alternates!
GEARKSUTITE in PACHNOLITE- St. Peter's Dome, El Paso Co., Colorado
This uncommon species occurs as extremely small, chalky white masses and submicroscopic
fibers sparsely filling vugs in massive pachnolite-bearing matrix. Old material
from many years ago, specimens range from about 2cm to nearly 5cm across @ 20.00,
35.00 and 55.00 each depnding on size and coverage.
GEOCRONITE- Kilbrecken Mine, County Claire, Ireland
Grey metallic masses of this sulfosalt scattered in matrix, most associated
with minor sphalerite. Named for the Greek words for antimony and lead, these
are rather ugly samples from an old Dana locality. Sizes from about 2 cm to
5 cm at 15.00, 30.00, and 50.00 each.
GMELINITE-Na- Prospect Park, Passaic Co., New Jersey
Old material, collected circa 1940, comprised of translucent pinkish crystals
nicely scattered on matrix, with some of the better specimens associated with
white datolite and possibly other phases. From the Howard Moore Collection,
samples range from about 3.5cm to 7cm across @ 20.00, 45.00 and 75.00 each.
GRANDIDIERITE- Andrahomana, Madagascar
Greyish blue aggregates of vitreous grandidierite lightly scattered through
matrix. Relatively clean material that we have seen variously labeled as "Vohibola",
"Andrahomana" or "Mobetsu" as to the precise locality, these
all fairly old specimens collected about forty years ago. Specimens range from
about 1.5cm to nearly 3.5cm @ 25.00, 40.00 and 60.00 each. Limited availability!
HECTORITE- near Hector, San Bernardino Co., California
Pure, porcelaneous-like sectile masses of off-white hectorite, without matrix.
These substantial specimens are from the namesake locality, and of course are
representative of this clay forming mineral, a Na-dominant smectite. In sizes
from 1cm to 3.5cm, nicely priced at 15.00, 30.00, and 50.00 each. Pure available
material @ $6.00 per gram.
KHESINITE (IMA 2014-033)- Gurim Anticline, nr. Arad, Israel
We have a holotype sample of this NEW SPECIES, here as a well-prepared, small
polished section showing the black mineral grains, accompanied by a pair of
SEM images, a color shot of the piece, and full microprobe data. Formula: Ca4(Mg3Fe3+9)O4(Fe3+9Si3)O36
- triclinic, IMA #2014-033. Typical associations identified in the SEM images
include gehlenie and several other speices as well. Excellent, scientifically
significant sample @ 295.00.
MALACHITE- Union Bridge, Carroll Co., Maryland
From a small find on Valentine's Day in 1992 in a marble quarry at this uncommon
locality, we have several TN-sized specimens showing interesting micros of dark
green malachite, habits ranging from small botryoids to more crystalline sprays
on matrix. Certainly an uncommon eastern U.S. locality and from an older find,
these are selected samples primarily suitable for micromounting, with matrix
sizes from about 1.5cm to 2.5cm @ just 7.50 each, or as bonus lots of four (4)
for just 20.00 per lot! Get 'em while you can!
MEIERITE (IMA 2014-039)- Gun Claim, Wilson Lake, Yukon Terr.,
This relatively NEW MINERAL occurs as tiny, pale blue-grey crystalline aggregates
well scattered in quartz/hedenbergite matrix, often with dull red gillespite
evident as well. Formula: Ba44Si66Al30O192Cl25(OH)33 - isometric, IMA #2014-039.
Type locality, of course, specimens average 2.5-3cm @ 125.00 each. Only a few
available; list alternates!
MILLERITE- Demoliaki Mine, Laurion, Attica Pen. Greece
Tiny, elongated needles of brassy millerite very sparsely scattered on minute,
rhombohedral dolomite crystals in exposed vugs in rock matrix. Some of the needles
show alteration to an unspecified green phase, perhaps honessite, or jamborite
or ????. A rare mineral for Greece, and specimens range from about 2.5cm to
5cm across, but are priced based on quality and aesthetics of the millerite
groups under the 'scope, from tiny singles to divergent crystal sprays at 25.00,
40.00 and 55.00 each.
NACRITE with CASSITERITE, QUARTZ- Huanuni Mine, Oruro Dept., Bolivia
Nacrite occurs here as very tiny, pearly white platy aggregates sparsely scattered
among excellent, brilliant black cassiterite crystals that are richly scattered
over transparent, small quartz crystals. From the same locality as my namesake
mineral, certainly more enticing for the cassiterite, these are nonetheless
quite brilliant and attractive specimens, overall sizes about 6x3.5cm @ 65.00
each. Only a few available!
PARADOCRASITE- Moctezuma, Sonora, Mexico
Minute silvery masses of this extremely rare species richly scattered in duller
grey stibarsen matrix. Confirmed by both X-Ray and microprobe, we have just
a few of these very rare specimens, sizes from 3mm to 6mm across @ 45.00, 75.00,
and 125.00 each. List alternates!
PECTOLITE variety LARIMAR- Los Checheses, Barahona Province, Dominican
From a large lot of material collected in 1976 at the locality by well-known
gem expert Joel Arem, we have reference specimens of this strange material,
here as pale blue masses and fibrous, radiaiting veinlets of copper-rich pectolite
lightly scattered in a rather ugly, greyish and punky limestone matrix. We've
analyzed the material (it is, indeed, pectolite), and even polished a few samples
for ourselves (they improve dramatically with cutting and polishing), but these
are essentially weird geological reference pieces of this unique material known
only from this locality, sizes from about 2cm to about 5cm @ just 10.00, 15.00,
25.00 and 40.00 each.
POLYLITHIONITE- Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada
A representative sample comprised of numerous tabular crystals of silvery white
polylithionite, aesthetically intergrown and comprising matrix. A good display
piece and well-crystallized specimen, overall about 3.5m @ 75.00, or a few smaller
TN/micro samples to 1.5cm on hand at 25.00 each.
PURPURITE- Usakos, Karibib, Erongo Region, Namibia
These are very colorful specimens of this Mn/Fe phosphate mineral, here as bright
magenta/purple masses covering the surface of non-descript brownish-green phosphate
matrix. Fairly rich unanalyzed material, specimens average about 3.5cm @ just
12.50 each. A bargain!
QUARTZ var: HERKIMER DIAMOND- Herkimer Co., New York
Excellent, water-clear, doubly terminated single crystals of this well-known
variety of quartz. Some samples have intriguing, tiny black inclusions, and
all show excellent form. Matrix-free crystals, sizes from about 8mm to 2.2cm
@ just 10.00, 15.00 and 25.00 each; larger ones to 6cm @ 50.00, 75.00 and 100.00
RHODIZITE- nr. Mt. Bity, Antandrokomby, Madagascar
Excellent, well-developed single crystals of pale yellow rhodizite without matrix.
These are complete, near-perfect dodecahedrons that measure from 0.4cm to 0.7cm
across, priced at only 10.00, 15.00 and 20.00 each. Larger matrix specimens
of variable quality are available, most associated with deep red tourmaline
and quartz, sizes from 2.5cm to 6cm across @ 25.00, 45.00, 70.00, 100.00 and
150.00 each.
SERPIERITE- Jackrabbit Mine, Lyon Co., Nevada
Featured in the May, 2015 issue of Mineral News, we have a small selection of
bright blue, micro laths of serpierite lightly scattered on matrix. Uncommon
at this relatively obscure locality, fewer than a dozen samples of this interesting
copper mineral were found. Colorful and with modest micro potential as well,
matrix specimens from 3cm to 6cm @ 10.00, 20.00 and 30.00 each, priced according
to quality and not necessarily size.
SWINEFORDITE- Foote Mine, Kings Mt., Cleveland Co North Carolina
Decidedly ugly stuff, swinefordite occurs here as dull, dark greenish waxy masses
scattered on the surface of rock matrix. Type locality material collected many
years ago from this prolific mine. An uncommon member of the smectite group,
specimens from 2cm to 5cm @ 15.00, 25.00, 40.00 and 60.00 each.
TINSLEYITE- Cerro Mejillones, Antofagasta Prov., Chile
This rare phosphate occurs here as pale lilac incrustations and aggregates richly
scattered over granitic matrix. From a new discovery, and the first occurrence
in Chile, we have a small number of specimens on hand, sizes ranging from about
2cm to 3cm across @ 75.00 and 100.00 each. List alternates!
TOOELEITE- U.S. Mine, Gold Hill, Tooele Co., Utah
This rare mineral occurs here at the type locality as tiny orange crusts and
radiating aggregates sparsely scattered on arsenopyrite/scorodite assemblages.
Recently uncovered in an old parcel from Dr. Sidney Williams who first described
the species with Fabien Cesbron in 1990, we have only a few samples available,
priced according to coverage, with matrix sizes ranging from about 1.5cm to
5cm across @ 75.00, 100.00, 150.00 and 200.00 each. List alternates!
USSINGITE- Mt. Karnasurt, Lovozero Massif, Russia
Good crystalline examples of this unusual mineral, here as translucent, pale
violet and relatively pure masses comprising the entire samples. Older material,
specimens from about 2cm to 5cm @ 20.00, 35.00 and 50.00 each. Limited availability!
VANOXITE with METASCHODERITE- Van Nev San Claim, Eureka Co., Nevada
A pair of rather ugly minerals, here with black, fine-grained vanoxite lightly
scattered in/on grey rock matrix, most specimens associated with minor, pale
yellow metaschoderite, this being the type locality for the latter phase. An
interesting assemblage from a well-documented locality, specmens from about
2cm to 4cm @ 20.00, 30.00 and 45.00 each.
WULFENITE- Mianning, Sichuan Province, PR China
An interesting locality for wulfenite, these occurring as rich, bright orange
micro crystals in stout, truncated pyramids and nearly equant crystals very
nicely scattered over matrix, many with micro bladed barites as well! Exceptional
micro potential from this new find, all quite colorful and attractive! Specimen
sizes range from about 3.5cm to 5.5cm @ 20.00, 30.00, 40.00 and 50.00 each.
Don't miss these, as they were some of the first wulfenites coming from China
in the late 1990s!
YUKSPORITE- Mt. Yukspor, Khibiny, Kola, Russia
Pink fibrous masses of this unusual species richly scattered in matrix, associated
with minor white pectolite, microcline and occasional aegirine, all accompanied
by copies of a Czech National Museum label. Type locality, matrix sizes from
1.5cm to 4cm @ only 10.00, 20.00 and 35.00.
MINERALOGY OF ARIZONA- by Anthony, Bideaux, Williams & Grant
- Third Edition
Over 500 pages of text fill this Third Edition of likely the best hard-copy
treatment of mineral occurrences in Arizona. Authored by the some of the best
mineralogists, the book offers detailed listings of Arizona mineral species
arranged alphabetically, with all their reported their localities, with 60 color
plates of the very finest specimens included. In addition to a brief history
of Arizona mining, the book also includes about 40 pages of geology and mineral
deposit formation details for many notable Arizona occurrences. The last of
our stock, all books are new, size is a hefty 10x7 inches perfect bound @ 40.00
each plus shipping.
LOVOZERO!- History - Pegmatites - Minerals by Igor V. Pekov
This excellent hardcover volume describes the history, development, geology
and mineralogy of this prolific area in Russia. In a format similar to the much-acclaimed
Langban book we distributed, this high quality volume contains nearly 500 pages
and is richly illustrated with many hundreds of color and black & white
photos and drawings, accompanied by a comprehensive treatment of the 340 minerals
that occur here, many with crystal drawings, chemical analyses, photographs
etc.. In Dr. Pekov's thorough style, this work is sure to become a mineralogical
library requirement! We were the exclusive North American distributor for this
fine volume, available @ just 79.00 plus shipping. Foreign clients - please
inquire for shipping cost. BONUS: Each order will include a free copy of Dr.
Pekov's Mineral News article that later updated many new finds at the locality!
MYSTERY FLAT- Various Localities Worldwide
We continue to offer our popular "mystery flats" of twenty (20) different
specimens from worldwide localities, all individually labeled and ranging in
size from about 2.5cm to 5cm across for the princely sum of just $125 plus shipping.
These are from old collections, excess stock, single specimens and material
available only in small quantities too labor intensive to describe and catalog.
Some will be colorful, some will be ugly, some will have micro potential, some
from obscure localities, but the lot will be worth a minimum of $250 or more,
yours sight-unseen for our liquidation price of just $125 plus shipping! Multiple
orders up to three sets (60 specimens) received at the same time will not have
duplicates! A bargain for anyone wishing to expand their collection horizons,
these now include specimens from a recent University purchase! Try one!
Excellent transparent to translucent moonstone cabochons, all showing sharp
and distinctive shiller effects commonly called adularescence. Mineralogically,
these are predominantly orthoclase with admixed albite, and the alternating
layers of the two feldspars are responsible for the light interference and shimmer
seen in this material. We have a variety of shapes and sizes, most either rounds
or ovals that are all well-polished, and the stones range from about 5 carats
to 12 carats in weight. We offer these only in lots of 10 stone assortments,
typically weighing about 70 carats per lot, for just 30.00 per lot, a steal
at less than 50 cents a carat!! Limit no more than three lots per order, please!
Wonderful, gemmy pale red garnets expertly faceted into trillion shapes, these
averaging about 5mm and showing fine rhodolite color. The rhodolites are typically
mid-members of the almandine-pyrope series, and they are reasonably attractive,
very clean and relatively inexpensive @ just 15.00 each, or three for only 40.00
per lot. Don't miss these little gems!
CATALOG 21603 - Volume XLIII, No. 3
Our latest list has a number of new species, as well as our usual assortment of rarities, old classics and interesting locality pieces. Specimens are first-come, first-served basis, FOB our warehouse.
ANALCIME on CALCITE- Markovice, Caslav, Bohemia, Czech Republic
A very presentable specimen, ex-Czech National Museum and accompanied by their
label, comprised of a dense, amphibolite-chloritic rock matrix with an exposed
surface comprised of oddly shaped, parallel-growth calcite balls lightly dusted
with pyrite and several overlaying, glassy analcime crystals to 9mm showing
good trapezeohedral faces. A neat zeolite locality piece with excellent, old
provenance,l size 9x6cm @ just 65.00.
BASTNAESITE-(Ce)- Zagi Mountain, Peshawar, Khyber, Pakistan
Excellent single crystals of tabular, orange-brown hexagonal bastnaesite-(Ce)
plates without matrix, all showing moderately good translucency and sharp crystal
form. Nicely mounted on transparent leucite bases, the crystals average about
6mm across @ just 45.00 each. Gemmy!
BRUCITE- Tilly Foster Mi, Brewster, Putnam Co New York
Thin, flattened and elongated masses of brucite on matrix, typically with minor
magnetite, serpentine etc. The mineral has a slightly yellowish-brown color
staining, likely due to high iron content in its environment. An old and classic
New York locality, specimens from about 2cm to 5cm across @ just 8.50, 15.00
and 25.00 each.
CHABAZITE-(Ca) etc.- East Fork, Gila River, Grant Co., New Mexico
Vitreous, transparent to translucent white crystals ofchabazite-(Ca) to 5mm
richly scattered and exposed in large seams and vugs in andesitic matrix, occasionally
with minor quartz, and potentially with heulandite, mesolite and possibly other
zeolites. Neat specimens with many micro crystals evident, sizesfrom 2cm TNs
to 7cm hand specimens @ just 5.00. 10.00 and 20.00 each.
CLINOCHLORE etc.- Bull Run Quarry, Loudoun Co., Virginia
Small green aggregates of analytically confirmed clinochlore nicely scattered
in vuggy white albite matrix, typically with several other associated minerals
in micro crystals. The locality boasts over 30 different species, and these
are quite nice under the 'scope. Rich specimens in the 2cm size range at just
7.50 each, including a copy of our analysis, and if you are an avid micromounter
who likes to hunt through rich material, we can offer a lot of twenty (20) samples
in the 1-2cm size range for just 55.00 per lot of 20 specimens! What a deal!
CONICHALCITE- nr. Imlay Canyon, Pershing Co., Nevada
Apple green dustings of this prolific copper mineral lightly scattered on massive
milky quartz from this unnamed prospect near Imlay Canyon. While not a rare
or exciting mineral, These show some decent color and modest micromo potential
and are from a reasonably obscure deposit. Specimens are 2.5cm to 3cm across
@ just 5.00 and 7.50 each, depending on coverage.
DEVILLINE in GYPSUM- Bou Bekker, Toussit, Jerada Prov., Morocco
Attractive, pale blue masses of devilline richly coated and contained within
transparent, water-clear gypsum balls, offering a vitreous luster in good contrast
to beige dolomitic matrix. Previously noted as malachite or rosasite by others,
we have sacrificed a sample and analytically confirmed these as devilline, and
a copy of our EDS spectra is included with each sample. Specimens average 5cm
across @ 55.00 each. Quite attractive!!
DIOSKOURIITE (IMA 2015-106)- Arsenatnaya fumerole, Tolbachik,
Kam Russia
This NEW SPECIES occurs as minute, single grey grains mounted on 1cm stubs.
Formula: CaCu4Cl6(OH)4*4H2O - monoclinic 0 IMA # 2015-106. The mineral has intergrowths
of its unnamed, orthorhombic polytype, and its name is cleverly derived from
Greek mythology for Dioskouri, the inseparable twin brothers. Type locality
material, of course, tiny mounted samples @ 120.00 each. Limited availability!
FILIPSTADITE- Jacobsberg, Filipstad, Varmland, Sweden
From a recent discovery, we have several cross-section slices of microporbe-verified
material in which the filipstadite occurs as black submicroscopic overgrowths
intimately associated with jacobsite, hausmannite and possibly other species.
Formerly known from only a single specimen @ Langban, slices from 1.5 to 7cm
across @ 45.00, 75.00, 100.00 and 150.00 each.
FLUORAPATITE- Imilchil, Er Rachidia Province, Morocco
Rather large, elongated hexagonal single crystals of fluorapatite without matrix,
these showing an odd, translucent slightly yellowish beige color. The crystals
have good hexagonal form and most are singly terminated, ranging in height from
2.5cm to 4cm with varying thickness, offered at just 25.00, 35.00 and 45.00
each, all rather pleasing!
We have a number of outstanding native gold specimens from three different localities
in Brazil. The explosion of recent gold mining operations there has brought
many fine specimens to market, and specimens commanding up to $500 a gram (!!)
were seen in Tucson this year. Our prices are considerably lower, still not
inexpensive, but all are quite solid, moderately crystallized and very impressive.
Pictures of a few of our available specimens are available; all are first-come,
first served, FOB our warehouse.
HEDENBERGITE- South Mountain, Oywhee Co., Idaho
Rich, dark brownish radiating aggregates and bundled masses of hedenbergite
crystals comprising matrix, occasionally with minor magnetite. Described from
this area in the late 1920's, these samples were collected circa 1960 and were
recently uncovered once again in our warehouse! Specimen sizes range from 3cm
to 8cm across @ 8.50, 15.00, 25.00 and 40.00 each. A few monster-sized museum
samples from 12cm to 20cm(!!!) or more, from 75.00 to 200.00 each!
JOAQUINITE-(Ce)- Gem Mine, San Benito Co., California
Tiny brown micro crystals of joaquinite-Ce sparsely scattered on pale blue crossite
matrix, typically with minoir white natrolite as well. All with good micro potential
and some with minor neptunite, matrix sizes from 3cm to 6cm @ 25.00, 40.00 and
55.00 each. A few larger; inquire!
KAERSUTITE- near Hoover Dam, Mojave Co., Arizona
One of the few titanium bearing amphibole minerals, kaersutite occurs as greenish
black glassy crystals frozen in camptonite rock matrix, with occasional prism
faces evident. Reasonably priced specimens with moderate coverage, 3cm to nearly
8cm @ 15.00, 20.00, 30.00 and 45.00 each.
LARNITE in SPURRITE- Camphouse, Ardnamurchan, Scotland
From across the Irish sea from the type locality, larnite occurs here as grey
intergrowths in lighter grey massive spurrite. Not much too look at, but most
specimen have at least one saw-cut face to reveal the minerals present. Representative
for the locality, sizes from 0.5cm to 4cm @ 20.00, 35.00, 50.00, and 75.00 each.
METATHENARDITE (IMA 2015-102)- Glavnaya Tenoritovaya, Tolbachik,
Km Russia
Another NEW SPECIES from this famous volcano, here as very tiny greyish grains
<1mm mounted on 1cm stubs. Formula: Na2SO4, hexagonal, IMA #2015-102. The
mineral is named for its dimorphous relationship with thenardite, and also giving
credit to Lacroix who named this then- hypothetical, presumably hexagonal mineral
in 1905. We have only a few samples of this rarity on hand @ 95.00 each. List
MOHNITE (IMA #2014-101)- Punta de Lobos, Iquiqui, Tarapaca, Chile
This NEW SPECIES was found here in 2010, prior to its eventual discovery and
description from the nearby type locality at Pabellon de Pica. These are nearly
pure, pale tan-brown monomineralic aggregates of the species, formula: (NH4)K2Na(SO4)2,
trigonal, IMA #2104-101. The mineral is the ammonium analog of aphthitalite.
A small supply available in very rich specimens, sizes from about 2cm to 4cm
across @ just 45.00 and 85.00 each, depending on size.
NATROLALUNITE- Sugarloaf Butte, La Paz Co., Arizona
From one of the only reported Arizona localities, we have a few specimens of
relatively pure, dense natroalunite comprising matrix. These are a typical dull
white color and quite solid, sizes from about 2cm up to 5cm across @ 15.00,
25.00 and 45.00 each.
PARAMONTROSEITE- Paradox Valley, Montrose Co., Colorado
A rather ugly mineral, paramontroseite occurs as dull, black coatings and masses,
typically forming the altered surfaces of montroseite-rich specimens. The type
locality is within the Paradox Valley, but we do not know if these samples came
from the precise prospect that yielded the type material in 1955. Rich specimens
recently uncovered in our warehouse, sizes from about 2.5cm to 6cm across @
just 15.00, 25.00, and 45.00 each.
QUARTZ- Flowery Lode, Constock, Storey Co., Nevada
From the famous gold-producing Constock District, we've uncovered a small lot
of transparent quartz crystal groups on matrix, with individual crystals ranging
from druses to 2cm tall richly scattered on massive quartz. Some of the larger
specimens show a second generation of tiny spine-like crystals emerging from
the bases of larger crystals, while others show small veinlets and mases of
unidentified grey metallic sulfides. Specimens from about 2.5cm to 7cm across
@ just 5.00, 10.00, 20.00 and 30.00 each.
RHODOCHROSITE- Foote Mine, Kings Mtn, Cleveland Co. North Carolina
From an old stash of material, we have a few smll samples of pale pink rhodochrosite
from this prolific locality, here as minute rhombs and slightly elongated and
rounded aggregates over quartz matrix. An interesting loclaity for the species,
all with modest micro potential as well, sizes average 1cm to perhaps 1.5cm
priced according to quality @ just 7.50 and 10.00 each.
SCHAFARZIKITE- Buce della Vena Mine, Tuscany, Italy
Another in a series of iron antimony minerals from this locality, schafarzikite
occurs as black masses scattered on and in a limestone matrix, likely associated
with and nearly indistinguishable from versiliaite and apuanite, save for the
slightly more intense black color. Available as 2cm or 6cm pieces @ 30.00 and
65.00 each.
SCHEELITE- Crater Island Dist., Box Elder Co., Utah
Last year, we offered powellite specimens from this locality, their identity
based largely on the typical yellow fluorescence observed. However, we have
recently completed analytical work on several of these samples, and the majority
are, in fact, chemically tungsten-dominant and therefore scheelite, not powellite!
Hence, change those labels! These range in size from modest 5cm specimens to
very heavy 15+cm monsters @ just 10.00, 25.00, 50.00, 75.00 and 100.00 each,
depending on size and coverage.
SERANDITE on CATAPLEITE pseudo- Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada
Delicate, salmon-pink triclinic crystals of serandite nicely scattered over
strange, dodecahedral-appearing reticulated catapleite pseudomorphs after a
eudialyte mineral. These small but attractive specimens are mounted on leucite
bases and may disclose other MSH-associated minerals as well, the underlying
euhedral crystals resembling Goldschmidt's illustrations (#s 11 and 13) for
eudialyte. Choice specimens, overal 1cm to 5cm @ 35.00, 50.00, 65.00, 75.00,
85.00 and 125.00 each, depending on quality. Attractive and curious!
THORIANITE- Balangoda, Ratnapura District, Sri Lanka
We recently uncovered a small lot of thorianite, here as small crude crystals
and rounded aggregates without matrix, ex-A.E. Foote and collected in 1905.
From the type locality for the species (!), we have a few small samples from
2mm to nearly 5mm across @ 10.00, 15.00, 25.00 and 35.00 each, depending on
overall size.
TINNUNCULITE (IMA 2015-021a)- Mt. Rasvumchorr, Khibiny, Kola,
This NEW SPECIES occurs as minute, coarsely prismatic pinkish grains, here without
matrix and carefully mounted on 1cm adhesive stubs. This organic mineral's formula
is: C5H4N4O3*2H2O - monoclinic, IMA # 2015-021a. This is the first natural occurrence
of a previously discovered, semi-anthropogenic material found in the excrement
of the kestrel bird (Falco tinnunculite) that was altered by the hot gases of
the burning coal dumps at Kopeisk in the southern Urals. Single mounted grains
@ 80.00 each. Only a few available!
TOPAZ with QUARTZ- Schneckenstein, Kielberg, Saxony, Germany
This old and well known locality is famous for its topaz specimens, perched
on a cliff in a quartz greisen, now closed to collecting. This old piece is
ex-Czech National Museum and comes with their label, showing a somewhat tabular,
small clear topaz about 7mm perched at one edge of a crystallized, quartz-filled
vug, with smaller, lesser topaz evident as well. Not an extravagent specimen,
but from a classic locality with the Museum label, size about 5x5 cm @ 85.00.
TURQUOISE- Shiyan Prefecture, Hubei Province, PR China
From a small find last year, these are bright blue, nodular masses of turquoise
comprising matrix. All show moderately good color in these cauliflower-like
masses that average just over 2cm across @ a very modest 30.00 each. Only a
few available; please list alternates!
UVITE - Brumado Mine, Bahia, Brazil
Frosted pale green to glassy, deep green single crystals of uvite tourmaline
without matrix. Most of these are somewhat flattened, hexagonal-outlined crystals
without matrix. Neat specimens, sizes from 0.8 to 1.5cm @ just 10.00 and 15.00
each, originally obtained years ago from Dick Gaines and likely the (OH) dominant
end-member of the series.
VASILSEVERGINITE (IMA 2015-083)- Arsenatnaya fumerole, Tolbachik,
Kam Russi
This NEW SPECIES occurs as aggregates of bright green, tiny crystals on a friable,
altered basaltic breccia. Formula: Cu9O4(AsO4)2(SO4)2 - monoclinic, IMA # 2105-083.
The new copper mineral is named for Vasiliy M. Severgin (1765-1826), Russian
mineralogist and chemist of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Author's type locality
material, of course, from the second scoria cone of this prolific Kamchatka
volcano, specimens about 1mm across in a protective capsule @ 125.00 each. Only
a few on hand; list alternates!
VIVIANITE pseudo var: MULLICITE- Mullica Hill, Gloucester Co.,
New Jersey
This well-known occurrence shows elongated, finger-like structures comprised
of conglomerated, brownish-red, pebble-rich masses wrapped around and covering
rod-like structuers of fossil belemnites that have been completely replaced
by dark, greenish-black radiating vivianite, appearing as cores within the finger
structures, occasionally with hollow centers. Interesting pseudomorphs from
an old locality, specimens average about 4cm tall @ just 15.00 each, a few slightly
larger @ 20.00.
WHITMOREITE etc.- Palermo Mine, North Groton, New Hampshire
Small micro crystals of golden yellow to brown, transparent radiaitng clusters
of whitmoreite sparsely scattered on matrix, typically with siderite and a variety
of phosphates, potentially including strunzite, laueite, jahnsite, messelite
etc. From a recently acquired micromount collection, all of these are suitable
for viewing under the 'scope and are already mounted in a standard micromount
box. Matrix sizes average about 1.5cm @ just 12.50 each, with a few slightly
larger specimens @ 25.00 and 40.00 each.
YODERITE in TALC- Mautia Hill, Kongwa, Dodoma Region, Tanganyika
Dark bluish black prismatic aggregates of yoderite richly scattered in a pinkish,
schistose matrix with minor admixed talc and quartz. When first described, the
locality was considered lying within the Central Province of Tanganika, now
Tanzania. A moderately rare species, with a copy of an H. Yoder-signed label,
sizes range from 1.5cm to 6cm across @ 15.00, 25.00, 45.00, 60.00 and 85.00
each. Type locality, of course!
ZARATITE- Lord Brassy Mine, Tasmania, Australia
Bright green crystalline encrustations of zaratite on serpentinite matrix. Nice
examples of this nickel carbonate from a classic locality, old Cureton material
in sizes from 2cm to 6cm at 7.50, 15.00, 25.00, and 40.00.
LOVOZERO!- History - Pegmatites - Minerals by Igor V. Pekov
This excellent hardcover volume describes the history, development, geology
and mineralogy of this prolific area in Russia. In a format similar to the much-acclaimed
Langban book we distributed, this high quality volume contains nearly 500 pages
and is richly illustrated with many hundreds of color and black & white
photos and drawings, accompanied by a comprehensive treatment of the 340 minerals
that occur here, many with crystal drawings, chemical analyses, photographs
etc.. In Dr. Pekov's thorough style, this work is sure to become a mineralogical
library requirement! We were the exclusive North American distributor for this
fine volume, available @ just 79.00 plus shipping. Foreign clients - please
inquire for shipping cost. BONUS: Each order will include a free copy of Dr.
Pekov's Mineral News article that later updated many new finds at the locality!
MYSTERY FLAT- Various Localities Worldwide
We continue to offer our popular "mystery flats" of twenty (20) different
specimens from worldwide localities, all individually labeled and ranging in
size from about 2.5cm to 5cm across for the princely sum of just $125 plus shipping.
These are from old collections, excess stock, single specimens and material
available only in small quantities too labor intensive to describe and catalog.
Some will be colorful, some will be ugly, some will have micro potential, some
from obscure localities, but the lot will be worth a minimum of $250 or more,
yours sight-unseen for our liquidation price of just $125 plus shipping! Multiple
orders up to three sets (60 specimens) received at the same time will not have
duplicates! A bargain for anyone wishing to expand their collection horizons,
these now include specimens from a recent University purchase! Try one!
GARNET var: RHODOLITE- Mozambique
Wonderful, gemmy pale red garnets expertly faceted into trillion shapes, these
averaging about 5mm and showing fine rhodolite color. The rhodolites are typically
mid-members of the almandine-pyrope series, and they are reasonably attractive,
very clean and relatively inexpensive @ just 15.00 each, or three for only 40.00
per lot. Don't miss these little gems!
CATALOG 21602 - Volume XLIII, No. 2
ALFREDOPETROVITE (IMA 2015-026)- El Dragon Mine, Potosi Dept.,
This NEW SPECIES occurs as minute, greyish white balls and aggregates lightly
scattered on matrix, typically with light blue chalcomenite and occasionally
white felsobanyaite. Underlying metallic matrix is subordinate, consisting of
massive krutaite and possibly other selenides. Formula: Al2(Se4+O3)3*6H2O -
hexagonal, IAM #2015-026. Type locality, of course, appropriately named for
our good friend and former Excalibur assistant, Alfredo Petrov. Specimens average
about 1cm across @ just 55.00 each.
ASPHALTUM with COFFINITE- Dysart #1 Mine, Ambrosia Lake, New Mexico
This McKinley Co., location (aka Rio de Oro Mine) was extensively studied by
H.C. Granger in the early 1960s, dividing the mineralogy of this deposit into
two distinct categories, these samples apparently from the prefault zones of
the deposit. The matrix is a loosely packed sandstone (Westwater Canyon Member
within the Morrison Formation) and hosts minute, black hydrocarbon chelate masses
(asphaltum) containing extremely fine grained coffinite, with many other reported
vanadates and secondary uranium minerals occurring primarily in the post-fault
zone of the deposit. These are really ugly specimens, some with minor white
kaolinite, mildly radioactive, but interesting nonetheless. Samples range from
about 5cm to 9cm across, at just 15.00, 25.00 and 45.00 each.
AZURITE with MALACHITE- Sepon Mine, Savannakhet Province, Laos
From a highly unusual locality, these are fairly attractive specimens comprised
of deep blue azurite in brilliant, tiny crystals and druses richly lining fully
exposed seams and surfaces, virtually all with deep green, somewhat fibrous
malachite as well. Colorful specimens and a classic association from a rarely-available
country, sizes range from about 4cm to 5.5cm @ just 45.00 and 55.00 each. Only
a few on hand!
BERMANITE etc.- White Elephant Mine, Custer Co., South Dakota
Dark reddish brown druses of bermanite nicely filling vugs in phosphate-rich
matrix, most associated with minor robertsite, leucophosphite and possibly other
species. From an old stash of one of Bill Roberts' former grad students, most
have modest micro potential and range from 2cm to 3+cm across @ 20.00 and 35.00
each. Nice!
CALAVERITE- Cresson Mine, Cripple Creek, Colorado
Bright, silvery white metallic aggregates of this interesting gold telluride
very sparsely scattered in rock matrix, some with micro purple fluorite, pyrite
and/or needle quartz, potentially with other tellurides. Classic locality material
but not high grade stuff, matrix sizes from 2cm to 5cm @ 15.00, 35.00 and 55.00
DACHIARDITE-Ca- nr. Zvezdel, Momchilgrad District, Bulgaria
This small locality has produced several interesting species in the past, and
these dachiardite-Ca samples occur as colorless to white radiating clusters
embedded in crude andesitic matrix, occasionally with minor agate and/or lamellar
clinoptilolite-Ca. Recent studies have found several other zeolites new for
the locality (see elsewhere in this list), and these are microprobe-confirmed
samples, only a few on hand, averaging 2.5cm across @ 60.00 each.
DACHIARDITE-Na- nr. Zvezdel, Momchilgrad District, Bulgaria
A new mineral for this off-beat locality, the first reported occurrence for
the Na-dominant diachiardite in Bulgaria, these from microprobe-confirmed material.
The mineral appears as small, colorless to slightly yellowish radiating hemispherical
sprays of flattened crystals embedded in agate, occasionally with clinoptilolite-Ca.
Specimens average a little over 2cm across @ 95.00 each. Only a few on hand!
EUXENITE-(Y)- Sahamandrevo, Antananarivo Province Madagascar
A squat, euhedral crytsal of euxenite-(Y) without matrix, showing typical, tan
surface coating over dark brown, glassy REE core. The crystal is accompanied
by an original Tuthill label, an active mineral dealer circa 1929 to perhaps
1956. The crystal is about 3.5cm wide and 2cm tall from a neat locality, offered
at just 85.00 with Tuthill's original label.
FAIRFIELDITE- Cigana Mine, Galileia, M.G., Brazil
Excellent stacked plates and rosettes of greyish, glassy micro fairfieldite
crystals and groups scattered on matrix, typically associated with white albite,
quartz and/or muscovite. Fine micro potential, overall sizes from 2cm to 3cm
across @ 20.00, 30.00, and 40.00 each.Super!
FERRIERITE-K- nr. Zvezdel, Momchilgrad District, Bulgaria
A new locality for this rare zeolite, the first find in the world outside of
either California or Japan! Microprobed samples showing tiny, slightly yellowish
rosettes comprised of radiating, flattened crystal aggregates to a few millimeters,
occasionally with somewhat flattened clinoptilolite-Ca at the boundaries of
greyish agate and andesitic tuff. Only a few specimen available from this zeolite-rich
locality, and the first reported occurrence of the species here, sizes average
about 2cm across @ 75.00 each. List alternates!
FIZELYITE- nr Velardena Shaft, Santa Eulalia, Mexico
This uncommon mineral occurs here as tiny, dull greyish black masses intergrown
with plagionite in blackish brown limonitic matrix. These were from the 1987
find in the West Camp area of Santa Eulalia, ex-Megaw and Cureton material.
Ugly stuff but from an unusual occurrence, specimens from 2cm to nearly 6cm
@ 15.00, 25.00 and 40.00.
FLUOBORITE- New Method Mine, San Bernadino Co., California
This uncommon mineral occurs here as rich, pale creamy masses largely comprising
matrix, typically as lightly fluorescent (SW UV-yellowish cream) chunks, occasionally
with minor purple fluorite seams that show a pale greenish fluorescence as well
due to minute UO2-mineral inclusions. From an old and prolific locality, specimens
from about 2.5cm to 10cm across @ 8.50, 12.50, 20.00, 35.00 and 45.00 each.
FLUORAPOPHYLLITE-(K)- Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India
Attractive, water clear fluorapophyllite-(K) crystals nicely scattered over
matrix. Handsome specimens, sizes from about 5cm up to 14cm in longest dimensions
@ just 20.00, 40.00, 60.00 and 75.00 each. Larger, decorator specimens available.
See our website photo gallery for "Zeolites" or inquire.
GAZEEVITE- Jabel Harmun, Judea Mts., Palestine
This NEW SPECIES occurs as minute, white grains in larnite/brownmillerite-rich
matrix, often with a wide range of rare associations that are all identified
in teh accompanying SEM images for each sample. Formula: BaCa6(SiO4)2(SO4)2O,
trigonal, IMA #2015-037. Two samples, about 1cm+ in epoxy mounts, elegantly
documented with two color photos, two SEM images, and microprobe data for each,
HOLOTYPE samples @ 325.00 each. See next listing!
GAZEEVITE- Negev Desert, W Slope of Har Parsa, Israel
Confirmed at this CO-TYPE locality by the same authors who described it from
Palestine, the mineral occurs here in a similar assemblage to the type locality,
and it is similarly well-documented with a pair of color images and two SEM
images as well, also with a range of specified associations. Formula: BaCa6(SiO4)2(SO4)2O
- trigonal, IMA # 2015-037. Each 1cm sample is epoxy mounted and offered at
just 295.00 each.
JAROSITE w/ SULFUR, CINNABAR- Steamboat Springs, Washoe Co., Nevada
An unusual occurrence of small, pale orange-brown micro crystals of jarosite
lightly scattered on white silaceous sinter matrix, typically with bright yellow
native sulfur, pale red druses of cinnabar and occasionally micro pyrite as
well. Interesting association specimens with modest micro potential, TNs @ 8.50
KALIOPHILITE- Pollena Q., Mt.Somma, Vesuvius, Italy
Nice looking material, kaliophilite occurs as opaque tan to white acicular to
prismatic aggregates and microcrystals scattered in vugs in rock, some associated
with glassy meionite crystals. Too large for micromounts as is but can be trimmed,
these are uncommon, type locality specimens from 3cm to nearly 8cm across @
25.00, 35.00, 50.00 and 65.00 each.
KTENASITE- 79 Mine, nr, Hayden, Gila Co., Arizona
Excellent, bluish green masses and crusts of this uncommon species richly scattered
on matrix. From the mid-1970's find on the 31 stope at this prolific locality,
we have an old lot of specimens, generous sizes from 4cm to nearly 7cm @ just
15.00, 30.00 and 45.00 each.
LEMMLINITE-K w/ VINOGRADOVITE- Koashva Open Pit, Khibiny, Kola, Russia
Little material has appeared sisnce our original offering from this rare mineral
in 1998, here from the type locality. A small but interesting new discovery
shows tiny orange to orange-yellow crystals of this typically colorless phase,
all in excellent euhedral micros, associated with natrolite and nicely fluorescent
fibrous vinogradovite and potentially other rare minerals. Colorful for the
species, fine micro potential with excellent associations, specimens average
about 2.5cm @ 125.00 each. Only a few available, all quite fine!
LEPIDOLITE- Aracuai, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Well crystallized, relatively large plates of "lepidolite" mica, all
showing pleasing lavender color typical of the mineral. Although now mineralogically
considered an undifferentiated member within the polylithionite-trilithionite
series, the lepidolite name is forever locked in the minds of collectors and
petrologists, regardless of its official status mineralogically. Typically in
small, scaly groups, we have a few very thin but otherwise solid plates of modest
size, averaging 3cm to 4cm across @ 10.00 each, with bulk lots at $0.65 per
gram (50g minimum), or as extraordinary, thick, solid plates to 9cm across and
weighing 340g to 370g each @ 200.00 each! Only a few available!
LOBANOVITE (IMA 2015-15B)- Kirovski Mine, Khibiny, Kola, Russia
This newly named and approved species is the result of a detailed study of the
formerly invalid "magnesium-astrophyllite" from this Mt. Kukisvumchorr
locality, now designated as the type locality for the species. It occurs as
excellent bronze-colored lamellae in pegmatitic matrix, typically with richly
fibrous, green aegirine, potassic feldspar and/or minor sphalerite. Rich samples
averaging about 3cm across @ just 45.00 each!
LOELLINGITE- Callington, Cornwall, England
Grey metallic crystalline masses of this iron arsenide occur in a quartz matrix.
Representative material for loellingite from a great locality, the last of the
material; we have stocked for many years, sizes from 2.5cm to nearly 6cm @ 15.00,
25.00 and 45.00 each.
LUETHEITE- Patagonia, Santa Cruz Co., Arizona
Pale green to blue-green, vitreous masses and aggregates of this unusual mineral
sparsely scattered in/on rhyolite matrix, occasionally with minor chenevixite.
Type locality material from the original find, matrix sizes from 2cm to 6cm
@ 20.00, 40.00 and 55.00 each.
MANGANONEPTUNITE on pseudomorph- Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada
Deep red, glassy micro crystals and aggregates of manganoneptunite isolated
on the faces of weird, euhedral catapleiite pseudomorphs after a eudialyte ggroup
mineral, occasionally associated with other species as well. These are excellent
for micros and small TNs, quite attractive, and most mounted on transparent
leucite bases. The underlying reticulated pseudomorphs are unique and interesting
as well, resembling Goldschmidt's illustrations #11 and 13 for eudialyte. Specimens
range from about 1cm to 1.5cm tall and are priced based on coverage and associations,
priced at 35.00, 50.00, 85.00 and 125.00 each. Very fine!
MESSELITE etc.- White Elephant Mine, Custer Co., South Dakota
Greyish white splintery aggregates of micro messelite scattered on phosphate-rich
matrix, many specimens showing such associations as jahnsite (two generations),
mitridatite, rockbridgeite etc. Interesting specimens under the 'scope, with
matrix sizes ranging from about 2cm to 4cm across @ 15.00, 20.00 and 30.00 each,
depending on size, coverage and associations.
MIXITE variety CALCIAN MIXITE- Gold Hill Mine, Tooele Co., Utah
Minute radiating balls of pale green calcian-rich mixite scattered over quartz-rich
matrix, occasionally with cornwallite, conichalcite or admixed chrysocolla in
seams in matrix. An odd variety of teh species with excellent micro potential.
Several on hand, 2.5cm to nearly 7cm across @ 17.50, 35.00 and 55.00 each.
NAMBULITE- Gozaisho Mi, Iwaki, Fukushima Pref. Japan
This unusual species occurs as dull orange-brown masses sparsely scattered in
dense, blackish brown manganese ore matrix, occasionally with other admixed
species. Excellent locality material, sizes from about 1.5cm to 3cm @ 20.00,
45.00, and 65.00 each.
PENFIELDITE with BOLEITE- Casucha Mine, Sierra Gorda, Chile
Micro elongated crystals and masses of greyish white penfieldite scattered in
vugs in matrix, most associated with dark blue boleite aggregates and possibly
other minerals, most typically on corroded cores of galena in rock. Good micro
potential on these as well, specimens from about 2.5cm to 8cm across @ 15.00,
25.00, 45.00, 75.00 and 100.00 each. Excellent!
PLUMBOGUMMITE pseudo @ PYROMORPHITE- Yangshuo Mine, Guilin Prov,
Guangxi, PR China
Very fine, pale greenish-blue plumbogummite replacing hexagonal, hoppered single
crystals of pyromorphite, these without discernable matrix and most standing
about 2.5cm tall. There has been much discussion about the locality of this
latest find, and some have been labeled as Daoping, also in Guilin Province,
but the vast majority of experts suggest the Yangshuo Mine is correct. An interesting
replacement pseudomorph retaining the pyromorphite habit, actually moderately
attractive, only a few specimens available @ 60.00 each.
QUARTZ (Faden Habit)- Tole, Wana, South Waziristan, Pakistan
Excellent, elongated tabular groups of water-clear quartz forming classic faden
crystals with multiple and complex terminations throughout, all radiating from
a central "spine". These show disjointed growth, typical of the faden
pattern. Fine specimens, very attractive, handsome samples from about 6cm to
8cm tall @ just 45.00 and 55.00 each.
RHODOCHROSITE with PYRITE- Oppu Mine, Naka-Tsuharu-gun, Aomori,
A small lot of excellent material from this classic locality was recently uncovered
here, these as pale pink botryoids of rhodochrosite comprising matrix, all nicely
sprinkled with complex and somewhat rounded, small pyritohedral crystals of
brilliant pyrite. Relatively flat specimens range in size from about 5cm to
7.5cm @ 45.00, 75.00 and 100.00 each.
SIDERITE- Allevard, Isere, Rhone-Alpes, France
An old and rather attractive specimen for the mineral, here as tan to pale brown
rhombs to 1.3cm richly scattered and intergrown, comprising a dense and heavy
matrix with small, water-clear quartz crystals sparsely scattered about. A old
A.E. Seaman Museum specimen from a great European locality, overall size about
10x6 cm @ 75.00, with their old cardboard display label.
STAROVAITE with LAMMERITE- Yadovitaya Fumerole, Tolbachik, Kam.
From a new find at the type loclaity for the species, starovaite occurs here
as extremely tiny, somewhat prismatic pale yellowish green to brownish crystals
in aggregates sparsely scattered on scoria matrix, often associated with darker
green, glassy lammerite as well. From the second scoria cone of the northern
breach of the main fracture of this well-studied Kamchatka volcano, this is
a rare K-Cu-O vanadate, from the only known locality in the world for the species.
Matrix specimens about 4cm across @ 175.00 each; only five available!
STIBNITE- Hillgrove, Sandon Co., NSW, Australia
Recently uncovered in our warehouse, a small lot of slightly twisted and bent,
elongated crystals and aggregates of silvery metallic stibnite, these primarily
without matrix and showing rich, convoluted habit typical of the area. Primarily
an old gold mining district, the region was discovered circa 1887 and was know
for antimony and minor tungsten production as well. Only a few, moderately attractive
specimens on hand, sizes from about 3cm to 5cm long at just 30.00 and 55.00
each. Nice!
STRASHIMIRITE etc.- Jackrabbit Mine, Lyon Co., Nevada
As featured in thd May, 2015 issue of Mineral News, strashimirite occurs here
as pale greenish, somewhat fuzzy aggregates scattered on matrix, occasionally
with minor brochantite, aurichalcite or other species. We have a very few specimens
from this relatively obscure locality, specimens from about 2cm to 4cm across
@ just 10.00, 15.00 and 25.00 each.
TOSUDITE in KAOLINITE- Takatama Mine, Fukushima Pref., Japan
Masses of the clay mineral tosudite are available once again! This is dusty,
ochre-colored material admixed with kaolinite from the type locality for this
species, not much to look at but from the classic location. Capsules filled
with small fragments @ 15.00 each; small matrix specimens from 1cm to 2cm @
25.00 and 40.00 each.
TRILITHIONITE- Dobra Voda Pegmatite, Moravia, Czech Republic
Rich pink platy crystalline masses of trilithionite in a pegmatite matrix. Moderately
attractive material, occasionally
associated with crude, tiny pink tourmaline in some samples. Some of the nicest
lithium-rich mica we've seen from eastern Europe. In sizes from 2.5cm to 6cm,
a bargain at just 8.00, 15.00, and 25.00 each.
URANOPYROCHLORE- MacDonald Mi, Hastings Co., Ontario, Canada
Dark brown, vitreous to greasy patches of a mildly radioactive pyrochlore group
mineral are richly scattered in feldspar, occasionally with orange-hued calcite
as well, with potential for zircon and several other radioactive phases, too.
We struggled with a proper name for this material, going back to analyses published
as early as 1961, later in 1977 and still later from similarly named minerals!
The IMA nomenclature changes of 2010 discredited "uranpyrochlore"
suggested "uranopyrochlore" as a name but not a species, and hinted
that the material might be oxycalciopyrochlore (already seen elsewhere as hydroxycalciopyrochlore
-maybe) or others. Without a detailed structural analysis, all is guesswork,
it seems. So we are listing these rich samples as "uranopyrochlore"
as the 2010 Atencio paper suggested, even though the name is not an accepted
species! Confused? In any case, we have several decent samples, sizes from about
2.5cm to 6cm across @ just 15.00, 30.00 and 45.00 each. Also a monster 17x12cm
boat anchor purchased back in 1961 @ 225.00. Take your pick!
VANADINITE- Touissit, Oujda, Morocco
Warm grey-green vanadinite crystals project from all sides of the matrix. These
are resinous, hexagonal barrels, some are zoned and display white tips. Reasonably
attractive, old material from more than 20 years ago, sizes from 3cm to 5cm
@ 15.00, 25.00, 35.00.
AUSTRALIAN THUMBNAILS - Various localities in Australia
We continue to uncrate old hoards of minerals in the warehouse, and recently
found a large lot of Australian minerals in thumbnail sizes, all individually
labelled and covering a wide range of species. We are offering lots of 15 different
at just 60.00 per lot - a steal! Limit one lot per customer, please.
AMMONITE (polished)- Desmoceras latidorsatum, Mahajanga, Madagascar
These are POLISHED MATCHED PAIRS of Cretaceous age ammonites, carefully split
and then polished to reveal the colorful and convoluted interiors of these ancient,
carnivorous marine creatures. Although not expert paleo people, we believe these
are from the family /species "Desmoceras latidorsatum". Interesting
specimens about 100 million years old, moderately attractive and relatively
inexpensive, each half measuring 2.5cm to 5cm across at just 12.50 for small
and 25.00 for large, prices are PER MATCHED PAIR.
TOURMALINE- (treated), Minas Gerais, Brazil
A small batch of faceted tourmalines, most in some shade of pink to red and
covering the entire gamut of these hues. most in pear shapes, baguettes etc.
All have likely been Azotic treated to enhance their color, and they are typical
commercial quality but at a remarkably low price of just 35.00 for a lot of
three stones, total carat weight around 3 carats per lot. Only a few lots available,
limit three lots per order, please!
MINERAL NEWS - The Mineral Collector's Newsletter
CATALOG 21601 - Volume XLIII, No. 1
ARAMAYOITE- Flathead Mine, Niarada, Flathead Co. Montana
Small, metallic black aggregates of this uncommon Ag-Sb-Bi sulfide sparsely
scattered in matrix, typically with minor pyrite, quartz and possibly other
phases. Old material collected more than 30 years ago, a few samples available
from 1.5cm to 2cm across @ 35.00 and 55.00 each, depending on coverage.
ASBOLAN- Hachberg, St. Avold, Moselle, France
This pitchy dull black cobalt manganese oxide mineral occurs as grains and coatings
on and in a sandstone rock. Positively identified from only a few localities,
this occurrence is quite rich, with matrix specimens having one side completely
covered by asbolan. Offered as a few admixed grains in a capsule @ 12.50, or
as a matrix piece in sandstone, 1cm to 2cm @ 25.00 and 45.00 each.
BERYL- South Alstead, Cheshire Co., New Hampshire
From one of the many beryl-rich areas of New Hampshire, these crude beryls were
collected by E.W. Heinrich and recently uncovered in our warehouse. Colors range
from yellowish to pale blue and all are essentially opaque, the better samples
showing some crystal faces but otherwise massive in habit. Old stuff,
good reference samples from about 2.5cm to 6cm, priced according to quality
@ 7.50, 15.00 and 30.00 ea.
This uncommon mineral was originally approved in 2010 as the mineral brearleyite.
In a long list of redefinitions and discreditations in 2013, it became the mineral
chlormayenite and was confirmed from six different countries. This occurrence
is bright yellowish white, granular aggregates richly covering the surface of
black, micro crystallized magnesioferrite matrix. An interesting association,
specimens average just over 1.5cm @ 95.00 each, well below similar material
from elsewhere!
EMMONSITE- Moctezuma Mine, Sonora, Mexico
Thin botryoidal encrustations and smears of bright green emmonsite sparsely
scattered on quartz breccia matrix of these samples. A moderately uncommon species
from a prolific locality for tellurium-rich phases. Overall sizes about from
2cm to 4.5cm @ 30.00, 45.00 and 60.00 each.
FERMIITE & OPPENHEIMERITE- Blue Lizard Mine, San Juan Co.,
From Area #6 at this prolific locality, a pair of NEW SPECIES that are intergrown
on somewhat friable matrix, with both showing good daylight greenish-yellow
fluorescence, with oppenheimite micro balls somewhat more yellow and fermiite
slightly more greenish-white and less intense, both brilliantly fluorescent
under both SW and LW UV, with LW slightly better for differentiating the two.
Oppenheimerite is Na2(UO2)(SO4)2*3H2O, triclinic, IMA #2014-073; and fermiite
shown to be Na4(UO2)(SO4)3*3H2O - orthorhombic, IMA #2014-068. A very rich thumbnail
with good coverage of both new minerals @ 275.00. Type locality, of course.
GUILLEMENITE- Musonoi Extension, Shaba Province, Zaire
Minute, deep yellow platy crystals and aggregates of rare guillemenite sparsely
scattered over matrix of selenium-rich digenite, most with green malachite,
goethite and possibly other uranium minerals. We have just a few small TN-sized
specimens @ 45.00 and 65.00 each, some with good micro potential.
GYPSUM var. Satin Spar- Prospect Park, Passaic Co., New Jersey
A thick band of mildly chatoyant satin spar runs through and is nicely sandwiched
by ledges of trap rock on top and bottom. Minor fluorescent calcite (red SW
UV) is perched among the gypsum rods and adds another appealing aspect to the
specimens. From the old H.E. Moore collection, sizes about 6-7cm long @ just
25.00 each. Just two available!
LIEBIGITE- Midnite Mine, Wellpinit, Stevens Co. Washington
This unusual uranium mineral occurs as small, bright yellowish green aggregates
and flakey crystals richly scattered over matrix, occasionally with minor underlying
pitchblende and occasionally other species. Brilliantly fluorescent (bright
green) under both LW and SW UV, these from an excellent and unusual locality,
specimens from 2.5cm to nearly 5cm @ just 10.00, 20.00 and 35.00 each.
LITHIOPHORITE- Mt. Hamilton, Santa Clara Co., California
Brownish black masses of lithiophorite richly scattered and comprising matrix.
Older material collected many years ago, this unusual but otherwise ugly mineral
is available in specimens from 2cm to 6cm across @ 15.00, 25.00 and 40.00 each.
LUDDENITE- Rawhide Mine, Mohave Co., Arizona
From one of the few known localities for this mineral, luddenite occurs as pale
lime green masses in alamosite/quartz matrix, with possible cerusiite and other
minerals occasionally present. Fairly light and disseminated coverage from the
Artillery Mountains, sizes from 1.5cm to 3cm across @ only 20.00, 30.00 and
45.00 each.
MCBIRNEYITE- Yadovitaya Fumerole, Tolbachik, Kamchatka Russia
Minute, lamellar crystals to 0.5mm of black mcbirneyite epitaxially overgrown
over the surface of micro green lammerite on dark scoria matrix. In this section,
the mcbirneyite is actually deep red. From the Second Scoria Cone at this famous
volcano, this is only the second world occurrence of this rare copper vanadate
species! Specimens from about 2cm to 3.5cm @ 150.00, 200.00 and 250.00 each.
Rare, and excellent for the mineral!
MONAZITE - Brindletown District, Burke Co., North Carolina
From an old university stock, these are heavy concentrates of monazite-rich
sands that show pale brownish yellow granular aggregates of monazite admixed
with other minor phases, all mildly "hot" and potentially containing
a number of REE minerals known from the area. Our Placer concentrates from this
area are packaged in 7x1 cm borosilicate tubes and contain about 15 g of rich
concentrates at just 15.00 per vial. Limited availability!
NIVEOLANITE- Poudrette Quarry, Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada
This relatively new and rare species is the first naturally occurring beryllium
carbonate, and it is also a new structural type! The mineral is typically in
small, fluffy to fibrous aggregates, similar to flocks of wool (hence the Latin-derived
name of "snow-white wool"), with individual fibers up to 3mm but exceptionally
thin, a few with larger aggregates, in cavities or as partial pseudomorphs after
lamellar eudidymite. Formula: NaBe(CO3)(OH)*2H2O, tetragonal, IMA #2007-032.
We have a small selection of choice specimens, matrix sizes from about 1.2cm
to 3cm @ 150.00 and 175.00 each.
OPHIRITE (IMA #2013-017)- Ophir Hill Consol. Mine, Tooele Co.,
This NEW SPECIES was declared the IMA's "Mineral of the Year" in 2014,
occurring here as extremely small, elongated orange-brown microscopic crystals
perched on creamy dolomite with black scheelite and other phases. Named for
the type locality, this newly described triclinic mineral's complex formula
is :
Ca2Mg4[Zn2Mn3+2(H2O)2(Fe3+W9O34)2[*46H2O, IMA #2013-017. Thumbnail specimen,
author's material, will need 40x, @ 225.00.
PANASQUEIRAITE- Panasqueira, Covilha, Castelo Branco Portugal
From the type locality for this rare phosphate, we have a small selection of
specimens collected years ago and just recently uncovered here in our warehouse.
The mineral occurs as somewhat flesh-colored to slightly orange-hued masses
richly scattered in massive quartz matrix. Common associations include ferberite,
chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite and possibly other phases. Surprisingly rich material,
specimens from about 3.5cm to 4cm @ 75.00 each.
PYRARGYRITE in LEPIDOCHROSITE- Bulldog Mt. Mine, Creede, Mineral
Co Colorad
Small metallic masses of dark greyish-red pyrargyrite are lightly scattered
in densely compacted lepidochrosite-rich matrix, some with minor quartz and
possibly other species. Better known for its remarkable silver samples, these
are more representative of the ore assemblages at the locality, and the specimens
range from 3cm to 6cm @ just 15.00, 30.00 and one at 50.00 each. Only a few
SARCOPSIDE- Bull Moose Mine, Custer Co., South Dakota
A handful of sarcopside specimens from this classic phosphate pegmatite, here
as rich, rather iridescent, golden brown cleavage masses well scattered in matrix,
typically with other massive phosphates. Old material provided many years ago
by Bill Roberts, these are good representative specimens from 2.5cm to 6cm @
10.00, 20.00 and 35.00 each.
SHUMWAYITE (IMA #2015-058)- Giveaway-Simplot Mine, San Juan Co.,
This NEW SPECIES occurs as minute white to yellowish coatings and fracture-fillings,
brilliantly fluorescent (green SW) and lightly scattered on matrix. Formula:
(UO2)2(SO4)2*5H2O - monoclinic, IMA #2015-058. Author's material and a rare
uranium mineral from the co-type locality. Specimens range from about 3mm to
1cm @ 75.00 and 125.00 each. List alternates!
STIBNITE- Hycroft Mine, Sulfur, Humboldt Co., Nevada
This epithermal gold-silver mine is known among geologists for its steam-heated
secondary precious metals enrichment, and excellent micro stibnite sprays occur
here in vugs within a highly silicified and brecciated matrix. Tiny but readily
apparent crystal groups, many with opal and potentially other minerals, are
exposed in these specimens. Matrix sizes from about 2.5cm to 5cm @ just 8.50,
15.00 and 25.00 each.
STRENGITE- Indian Mountain, Alabama
Well crystallized medium violet micro strengite crystals highlight these specimens,
old material collected in the 1960's! Strengite occurs as sharp 0.2 cm crystals,
in clusters, typically scattered across one face of the specimen or in small
seams and vugs, occasionally associated with cacoxenite or other secondary minerals,
most with good micro potential. Overall sizes from about 2cm to 5cm across @
8.50, 12.50, 20.00 and 30.00 each depending on quality and coverage. A few larger
specimens to 13cm (!!) across @ 85.00.
STRONTIANITE- Fraser Duntile Q., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Rich, white to pale yellowish green radiating aggregates and splintery masses
nicely scattered in and comprising matrix. Impress your friends with a flame
test on this essentially massive stuff from the 1960's, sizes from 2.5cm to
6cm @ only 7.50, 12.50, 20.00 and 35.00 each, depending on size.
TREVORITE- Kamariza, Lavrion, Attica Peninsula, Greece
An uncommon occurrence of iron-black crystal crusts comprised of minute, distorted
octahedra to 0.5mm of never-before-seen trevorite crystals, the first reported
find of well-crystallized samples, some with minor, pale green, granular Ni-rich
forsterite. Only a few specimens on hand, sizes from about 1.5cm to 2.5cm @
85.00 and 125.00 each.
URICITE- Baturinskya Mine, Emanzhelinsk, Ural Russia
One of the rare occurrences of organic uric acid (hence the mineral name uricite)
usually associated with guano deposits, these are small friable masses in a
capsule from a new locality for the species. Rarely offered, only a few confirmed
samples available @ 45.00 each. List alternates!
VANTASSELITE- Bihain, Luxemboug Provice, Belgium
Thin, pearly white radiating spherules lying flat on matrix. A moderately unusual
species, some with micro potential as well, matrix sizes from about 2cm to 6cm
@ 25.00, 35.00, 50.00 and 65.00; one superb ex-University de Liege museum piece
with label measuring about 21x8cm with great coverage @ 300.00!
VAYRYNENITE- Viitaniemi Quarry, Erajarvi, Finland
Pinkish crystalline masses of this manganese beryllium phosphate contrast nicely
with the complex pegmatite matrix. Vayrynenite, type locality material, may
be associated with brown hurlbutite, white cleavages of montebrasite, quartz,
beryllonite. etc. Quite nice and typical for the occurrence, available as tiny
fragments in a capsule @ 20.00, or as matrix specimens from 1cm to 3cm @ 35.00,
55.00, and 85.00.
VERPLANCKITE- Esquire #7, Big Creek, Fresno Co., California
Pale yellowish to brown subhedral aggregates of verplanckite richly scattered
in sanbornite matrix, occasionally with pyrrhotite and other species. Type locality
material, sizes from 2cm to 8cm @ 8.50, 15.00, 25.00, 40.00 and 55.00 each.
WADEITE- nr. Noonkanbah, Walgidee Hills, WA, Australia
Colorless, translucent finely granulated masses of wadeite in a small plastic
vial. This is pure, unassociated wadeite from a research project at the type
locality, offered as 0.5grams of pure material @ just 35.00 per vial. Impossible
to get in this refined quality before!
San Rafael Mine, Nye Co., Nevada
We have many specimens on hand from our research work on this locality that
resulted in the publication of the Rocks and Minerals article in 2010 that we
happily co-authored. While the stock lasts, we offer a lot of ten (10) specimens
from the locality, with sizes ranging from 2.5cm to 4cm across, most with good
micro crystals from a wide range of species. The locality has produced nearly
70 different minerals, and we are certain you will find some interesting species
such as wulfenite, mimetite, segnitite, adamite and others. You can expect some
duplication in each lot of ten (10) specimens, but you can't beat our price
of just 75.00 per lot, and we'll even throw in a signed color copy of our article
at no extra charge!
10x Magnification Loupe with 21 mm field of view, polished metal housing with double lens, screw assembly and hanging loop, with see-through plastic box case @ just 10.00 each. Great for the price!
20x Magnification Loupe with 18 mm with built in high intensity LED light (battery included!). The strong light source (with on/off switch) solves the lighting issues present with most higher magnification loupes, and these also have a full metal housing, screw assembly, hanging loop plus battery removal tool and see-through plastic box case @ just $20.00 each. A super deal, and a very useful field and laboratory tool that makes a great gift, too!
This variety of chalcedony is gem-quality, emerald-green in color and superbly
eye-clean, the color due to minute amounts of nickel silicate inclusions. Uncommonly
clean stones, offered here as 6x4mm calibrated cabochons at just 7.50 for a
matched pair, or 15.00 per lot of 5 stones. Don't miss these!
FACET ROUGH ASSORTMENT- Various Localities Worldwide
Among the gem and mineral mining areas of the world, it is not uncommon that
glassy, clean material is isolated for its potential as faceting rough rather
than as specimens, since a cut stone always brings substantially more that the
mere mineral itself. We have a number of mixed lots of facet rough on hand,
most of it typically amethyst, citrine, topaz, garnet etc. in mixed varieties
and assorted sizes from about 1 to 40 carats. We've lumped these into 500 carat
lots, offering them at just 49.00 a lot, less than ten cents a carat!
CATALOG 21408 - Vol. XLI,
No. 8
All specimens offered on a first-come first-served basis, FOB our warehouse.
ANORTHOCLASE- Mt. Erebus, Ross Island, Antarctica
Strange, elongated crystals of anorthoclase without matrix, some showing modest
twinning, here from a well-documented and sought-after locality for this feldspar-group
mineral. These are from an old stash collected circa 1960, and only a few are
available, sizes from about 2.5cm to 4cm tall @ 20.00, 30.00 and 40.00 each.
depending on quality and size.
APJOHNITE- Brunita, La Union, Murcia, Spain
This uncommon member of the halotrichite group occurs here as minutely fibrous,
tiny needle like crystals lightly scattered over buff to white colored clay-like
matrix. Modest micro potential on these interesting specimens, average size
about 3cm across at just 20.00 each.
AUGITE in SHONKINITE- Shonkin Sag, Chouteau Co., Montana
Perhaps the ugliest specimens one could own, augite occurs here as small black
aggregates scattered in dark greyish shonkinite matrix, the locality being the
petrologists' type locality for the rock type shonkinite. Material originally
acquired circa 1974 and likely collected decades before. A few specimens on
hand, sizes from about 3cm to 8cm across @ just 10.00, 20.00 and 35.00 each.
BARYTOCALCITE- Blagill Mine, Alston Moor, Cumbria, England
An uncommon mineral from the type locality for the species, barytocalcite occurs
here as small bladed aggregates and masses scattered in matrix, potentiallyy
with other species such as witherite, galena etc. The mineral fluoresces a please
red color under both SW and (lesser) LW UV. Specmens from about 2cm to 6cm across
@ 15.00, 25.00 and 45.00 each. Old material!
BRACCOITE (IMA 2013-093)- Valletta Mine, Cuneo, Piemonte, Italy
This relatively NEW SPECIES occurs as dark orange, microcrystallien aggregates
well scattered on one surface of
Mn-rich ore matrix. Formula: NaMn2+5[Si5As5+O17(OH)](OH) - triclinic, IMA #2013-093,
the As-analog of saneroite. Type locality material, analyses confirmed by EDS,
PXRD, RAMAN and WDS methods, only a few thumbnail specmens on hand @ 85.00 each.
List alternates!
CHALCOPYRITE, SPHALERITE etc.- Zenith Mine, nr. Schreiber, Ontario,
Large masses of brassy, metallic chalcopyrite shot through dark, sphalerite
matrix, some specimens with apparent pyrrhotite and likely other sulfides as
well, all without discernable rock matrix. This Pays Plat Lake area locality
was active from the late 1800s, with the original ore body exhausted in 1970.
Rarely offered ore samples, sizes from about 5cm to10cm @ 15.00, 30.00 and 55.00
each. Heavy!!
CLAY CONCRETIONS- Fox Creek, Schoharie Co., New York
Weird, carbonate-rich clay concretions with a wide array of shapes, ranging
from buttons to flying saucers, with other strange forms as well. Recently featured
in Mineral News (Vol. 30, No. 9), we have a diverse selection of these oddities
and can offer a collection of 7 specimens for the small lot price of just 25.00
per collection, specimens from 2cm to 5cm across in each lot, plus shipping.
CURETONITE- nr. Golconda, Humboldt Co., Nevada
Minute, pale green masses and aggregates of this rare, one-locality species
very sparsely scattered on matrix, some intergrown with white barite. From the
original find by Forrest Cureton, matrix sizes from 1.5cm to 6cm @ 25.00, 40.00,
65.00 and 85.00 each. The last of the stock!
DACHIARDITE-Ca with MORDENITE- nr. Cape Lookout, Tillamook Co., Oregon
Clear to white micro crystals of dachiardite-Ca scattered in vuggy basalt matrix,
most associated with white, somewhat porcelanous mordenite balls, potentially
with clinoptilolite-(Ca) as well. Good micro material from a well-documented
find of more than 35 years ago, matrix sizes from 2cm to 6cm @ 10.00, 15.00,
25.00 and 40.00 each.
DEVILLINE- near Arivaca, Pima County, Arizona
Rather non-descript, pale blue masses of devilline scattered over a heavy rock
matrix, most with pods of altered galena and possibly other minerals. Locality
reference material, potentially worth breaking down to find other weird species.
Old Cureton specimens from 2.5cm to 8cm @ 8.00, 15.00, 30.00 and 55.00 each.
DONPEACORITE- ZCA #4 Mine, Balmat, New York
This Mn member of the pyroxene group, one of the more uncommon orthopyroxenes,
occurs as orange-red crystalline nearly pure aggregates, associated with dark
brown braunite and possibly spots of fluorescent turneaurite. This St. Lawrence
Co. locality is the first for donpeacorite, in sizes from 2cm to 7cm @ 15.00,
25.00, 40.00, 60.00, and 75.00 each. Reasonably colorful material!
FAHLEITE- Tsumeb, Namibia
Tiny masses of pale green fahleite without matrix. This extremely rare species
is missing from most reference collections and has been chemically analyzed
and XRD-confirmed. Only a few 1mm fragments are available @ 75.00 each; one
2.5mm sample @ 125.00, and one larger 4mm specimen is 275.00. Please list alternates!
FLUORITE on QUARTZ etc.- Sweet Home Mine, nr. Alma, Colorado
During the initial Sweet Home rhodochrosite rage, we purchased a great deal
of material from the mine, much of it sulfides and other under-appreciated specimens.
We recently uncovered a few small fluorite specimens, each showing a small cube
(to 5mm) of pale blue to purple color, invariably perched on elongated quartz
needles overlaying sulfides. While not spectacular as far as fluorites go, these
are moderately attractive association pieces from a famous locality. Overall
sizes are in the 3cm to 4cm range at just 20.00 each. Nice!
HEMIMORPHITE- Downeyville Lead Mine, Nye Co., Nevada
Excellent, water-clear micro sprays and sheaves of radiating hemimorphite on
limonitic matrix. Attractive material with good coverage and fine micro potential,
these show excellent terminations, with matrix sizes ranging from about 2cm
to nearly 4cm @ 7.50, 10.00 and 15.00, depending on quality and size.
MAGNETITE- Lyon Mountain, Clinton Co., New York
An old specimen comprised of crudely aggregated magnetite richly scattered in
a pale pinkish carbonate matrix. The specimen is ex-Edwin J. Collins, (1875-1956),
a Vice President of the famous Calument and Arizona Mining Company that was
organized in 1901 and later merged with Phelps Dodge in 1931. From a relatively
uncommon locality, the piece measures about 7x5cm is just 40.00 with prior label.
ORPIMENT in KURNAKOVITE- U.S. Borax Mine, Boron, Kern Co., California
Tiny, pale yellow micro aggregates of orpiment very sparsely scattered and frozen
in transparent cleavages of kurnakovite. Some magnification will be needed on
this very uncommon assemblage, and all specimens have arrows to help pinpoint
this very strange association. Only a few specimens found in a large lot of
material, overall sizes range from about 3cm to 6cm across @ 20.00, 35.00 and
50.00 for the largest.
ORTHOCLASE- Rostrenen, Brittany, France
Elongated and somewhat flattened twinned crystals of tan orthoclase without
matrix. Quite large for this interesting and old locality, specimen sizes from
3cm to 5.5cm long and about half as wide @ 25.00, 35.00 and 45.00 each. Excellent
and quite sharp, old BRGM material from Dr.Paul Sainfeld!
PABSTITE- Kal-Kar Quarry, Santa Cruz Co., California
Greyish white, sparsely disseminated pabstite occurring as either poorly crystalline
contact material or as isolated grains scattered in rock. A rare but lean fluorescent
(blue-white, SW) mineral from the classic locality, sizes from 1.5cm to 5cm
@ 10.00, 15.00, 25.00 and 40.00 each.
PUSHCHAROVSKITE- Salsigne Gold Mine, Aude, France
This uncommon copper arsenate, formula: Cu(AsO3OH)-H2O, triclinic, occurs as
richly distributed, pale bluish-green masses and coatings on an altering bismuth
matrix, most associated with other copper arsenates. Moderately attractive for
an uncommon species, sizes from 1cm to 2.8cm @ 35.00, 60.00, and 75.00.
PYRARGYRITE w/ GALENA etc.- Highland Bell Mine, B.C., Canada
From an old stock, we have several relatively large chunks of silver-lead ore,
consisting primarily of massive galena in rock, typically with minor pyrite
and a host of unattractive, massive silver minerals. Probe work shows pyrargyrite
to be quite prolific but largely unimpressive in small scattered and disseminated
masses, and the locality has produced much acanthite, sternbergite, freibergite
and other silver-rich species as well. Only a few ore specimens on hand, sizes
from 5cm @ 35.00, 10cm @ 75.00. Heavy!
PYROMORPHITE- Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria, England
A small lot from old stock, these consist of very small, bright green drusy
pyromorphite needles nicely scattered over matrix and in seams from this prolific
area. Matrix sizes from 2.5 to 8cm @ just 15.00, 25.00, and 45.00 each, most
with micro potential as well.
QUARTZ over CHRYSOCOLLA- Ray Mine, Pinal Co., Arizona
While it is impossible to guess how and why this material has been priced up
to $1000 a specimen by some, it is, indeed, attractive old material! These are
transparent, drusy quartz crystals lining seams and cavities of massive, charming
blue chrysocolla matrix, resulting in much sought-after specimen and lapidary
material. We uncovered a small flat here in the warehouse, likely 1970s vintage,
with pretty specimens ranging from about 2.5cm to nearly 5cm across @ 10.00,
20.00 and 35.00 each.
RHODONITE- Gambatesa Mine, Genova, Liguria, Italy
Pink, wedge-shaped micro crystals and druses of pleasing rhodonite are well
scattered on these matrix specimens, obtained some 25 years ago and just recently
uncovered. A few may show tiny, very pale pinkish balls of rhodochrosite. The
locality has produced over 130 different species, and trimming these may disclose
other species as well. Only a few on hand, sizes average about 5cm @ just 25.00
SARKINITE on WILLEMITE- Sterling Mine, Ogdensburg, New Jersey
Micro drusy brown sarkinite crystals very sparsely scattered on rich, brilliantly
fluorescent red willemite ore matrix, some associated with minor green cuprian
adamite and possibly other species. From the 1400' level find some years ago,
some with good micro potential, matrix sizes from 3cm to 6cm @ 15.00, 25.00,
40.00 and 55.00 each
SHILOVITE (IMA 2014-016)- Pabellon de Pica, Iquique, Tarapaca,
This NEW COPPER SPECIES occurs as pale blue masses lightly scattered in glassy,
transparent halite, occasionally with other copper-rich phases. Formula: Cu(NH3)4(NO3)2
- orthorhombic, IMA #2014-016. This unique bat-guano locality has produced a
number of new species because of its unusual environment! Fairly colorful and
attractive stuff, author's material, only a few TNs available @ 195.00 each.
SILICOCARNOTITE (IMA 2013-139)- Hatrurim Basin, Negev Desert,
This NEW SILICO-PHOSPHATE SPECIES occurs as minute inclusions within a complex
gehlenite-wollastonite matrix, occasionally with other accessory minerals. The
precise locality is at Har-Parsa Mountain between Arad and the Dead Sea in the
Negev Desert. Formula: Ca5[(PO4)(SiO40](PO4) - orthorhombic, IMA #2013-139.
Related structurally to the carnotite group, but it lacks UO2 and VO4 found
in other members of the group. Each 1+cm sample is provided in as a polished
section and is accompanied by one color image plus two b/w SEM images pinpointing
the species, along with full anlaytical microprobe data. Author's material,
only a few available @ 225.00.
WERNERKRAUSEITE (IMA 2014-008)- Casper Quarry,Ettringen, Mayen,Eifel
This NEW SPECIES occurs as microscopic inclusions in a etttringite-taumasite
matrix, typically with other minor constituents, in a complex intergrown assemblage.
The locality is at the Bellerberg Volcano and lies within the prolific Eifel
complex in the Rheinland-Palatinate. Formula: Ca(Fe3+, Mn3+)Mn4+O6 - orthorhombic,
IMA #2014-008. Each 5mm sample is in a 1.5cm probe mount and is accompanied
by its analytical probe data and at least one pinpointing SEM image. Author's
material, elegantly documented, only a couple available @ 295.00 each.
WHELANITE- Old Hickory Mine, Beaver Co., Utah
From the type locality for this approved and now (finally) officially published
species, we have a small selection of specimens from the original find, here
occurring as pale blue powdery druses and sprays scattered on matrix. Sizes
range from 1.5cm to nearly 5cm @ 15.00, 25.00 and 45.00 each.
WOLLASTONITE- Gold Hill, Tooele Co., Utah
Everyone has wollastonite; few have it from Gold Hill! Largely ignored by collectors
and dealers because of the many colorful secondary minerals found at this prolific
locality, the wollastonite specimens from here are surprisingly rich, displaying
nearly pure, white divergent crystalline aggregates throughout! Sizes are generous
at 4cm to 10cm across at just 7.50, 15.00, 25.00 and 40.00 each. Be the first
on your block to own one of the few rock-forming minerals from this 100+species
XENOTIME-(Y)- Beryl Hill, nr. Yinnietharra Sta., Australia
A departure from the usual for this mineral, we have a single specimen of blocky
rusty brown, crude xenotime crystals without matrix. Not attractive, but the
individual crystals are from 1.2cm up to 1.8 cm in length. Old stuff, only a
few on hand @ 30.00 and 45.00 each.
by Petr Paulis et al
This is a two-volume softcover set written in Czech by Petr Paulis, Stanislav
Kopecky and Pavel Cerny that describes the uranium minerals of the Czech Republic
as well as the localities in which they are found. There is extensive detail
with individual mine diagrams of underground workings and ore body maps, as
well as and black/white images of mining buildings, headframes, mill sites and
specimens. The two volumes total just over 250 pages and are fully indexed with
an extensive bibliography. Color softcover wraps, 21x14cm format, only a few
sets avialble @ 59.00 per set, FOB our warehouse. Note: Czech language only!